• Published 29th Oct 2022
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Mirror Mirror - LittleFaerieFire

Hidden under the shadow that is cast by Equestria's shining beacon, plans and pacts have been made a thousand years in the making. Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's student. Cadance, Princess of Love. Both are caught in the deluge of darkness.

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6. Web of Knowledge

Web of Knowledge


Once more I was exploring the crystal castle. Tonight I was heading toward the depths of it again. Every section of it glimmered in the light as the crystals refracted light. I could only describe it as beautiful. The light combines to become a myriad rainbow of shimmering colors. It was something that I had yet to experience outside of this place. Even the splendors of the Castle that I lay asleep in could not match.

I had long since spent my nights exploring this realm of crystal. Searching for its many secrets that had laid undisturbed. Of course, even having spent years exploring its depths it still held unknown treasures that I had yet to find. I knew in my heart that I had yet to uncover them all. Each time I visited this realm of crystal I spent my time searching for what I knew was still missing.

I had yet to encounter any ponies that resided within this castle's walls. That did not mean I was alone, however, as I had noticed that I was not the only one within this castle of crystals. There would be times when things would be changed from where I had last put them. A door left open, a pile of dust left disturbed. There was some pony else here. Yet for all my searching I had no idea who.

I could only guess that they traversed this castle while I was away from the waking world. Hopefully, if they were the rightful owner of the castle they wouldn't mind me searching through it. They hadn't exactly asked me to stop or even responded to any of the notes that I had left behind. Seeing that the crystal's light was growing in strength I halted my search and took one last moment to absorb the beauty of this place.

Waking up was a pleasant experience as always with the pillows almost as fluffy as clouds, the difference was almost unnoticeable. Golden rays pierced through the cracks in the curtain lighting my room once more as I pulled my head from its resting place. Glancing at the clock I groaned. It was time to get up. Time to start the day. Yay.

Melodramatics aside, I did have plans for today. So I only lounged in my bed for another half an hour, before attempting to escape its comforting hold. In my attempt at escape, I was nearly strangled by the bundle of blankets that had cocooned around me during the night. Falling out of my bed face-first into the ground with a shriek.

“Tirek damn it” I couldn't help but mutter out in pain as I rubbed at my face. Hopefully, that wouldn't bruise. That would be an excellent way to greet Principal Cinch. Escaping the silken prison that had brought me low. I began to make my way toward the kitchens so that I would at least be able to drown the morning's sorrows in something tasty. Thank Celestia that Ramse was such a miracle worker.

Greeting every pony as I went, I completed the trek and reached the last divide before my prize. Pushing open the doors, ensuring that I was keeping my strength in control this time, I was greeted by a wondrous sight. Stacks of freshly prepared foods, sandwiches, salads, soups, and so much more. I could see Ramse hard at work, his knife flying through a stack of bread. Not even glancing over to see which pony had entered his domain.

“Ah Cadance, what would you like me to prepare for you today? Perhaps a quiche? I just this morning received an excellent shipment of broccoli." Came from the master of this kitchen himself. I couldn't help but smile at the pony in front of me, no matter who you were, any pony that stepped within the kitchen walls while Ramse was working would be fed. I had tried to refuse the first time and had since learned my lesson.

“If you prepared it I would happily eat anything. Unfortunately I won't be able to dine in the castle today. I have to head out to Canterlot High.” I regretfully responded. Over my stay at the castle, I had taken to eating out in the gardens. It was a nice calm place that allowed me to relax under a new tree each day. I had heard from a few of the gardeners that they had to import a large number of trees and shrubbery some time ago a fire had broken out. Causing all manner of rare species to be both lost and damaged.

“A shame, but not unexpected, the life of a future princess-to-be is one of great activity.” He finishes with a nod to the bread in front of him. Before he whirls around stashing his blade in its sheath. Trotting over to one of the many freezers and fridges that litter the walls of the castle's kitchen. He quickly pulls out the required ingredients for his next masterpiece. His knife flashes out from its sheath as it begins to fly across the cutting board.

It only takes five minutes for the chef in front of me to transform the various bits and pieces into a beautiful creation. Delicately placing it into an oven before convincing me to snack on a platter of carrots that he just happened to have had around. It only took another seven minutes before he opened the oven taking out the now golden brown pie. He then quickly wraps it up with a piece of cloth. “Do be sure that you wake up earlier the next time you have an early morning escapade.” He softly chides as he hands it to me.

“Thank you Ramse. You are a lifesaver.” I said before dashing towards the carriages myself, the bundle swinging from my mouth. While I charged forward, I made a mental note to see if I could fly without crashing into everything. It would be far faster than simply relying on my hooves and it wasn't as if I could teleport around. Yet. I was planning to master that particular skill after witnessing how annoying a pony with it can be.

Making it to the royal carriages, not winded at all, thank you ascension, I quickly greeted the two guards' ponies that were assigned to me. “Morning Rebound, Morning Gentle Breeze.” I greeted the two Pegasus, as I deposited my breakfast into the carriage with a toss and a generous helping of telekinesis.

“Morning Princess.” Came from Gentle as she shot a glance at me with amusement clear in her silver eyes. “Running a little behind are we?” I ignored the question as I stepped onto the carriage. I knew from watching Rebound try and fail to win an argument with her, how pointless an attempt at it would be.

“Hey Gentle, ease off our newest member of royalty. You know if she so wanted she could have us tarred and feathered.” Rebound started with a tremble in his voice as he lowered his head refusing to meet my eyes. “You know how royalty gets when the peasantry starts to speak out against them.” He said with obvious amusement in his voice, trying to get a rise out of his partner. He hitched himself to the carriage and began to stretch his wings. Not at all looking at Gentle or myself who share a look of confusion.

“We already have feathers, you dunce.” She then proceeded to illustrate this fact by hitting him with her feathered wing before she too hitched herself to the carriage. I smothered an amused smile as I watched their antics. Celestia had assigned these two to escort me whenever I was to leave the castle.

“Can't go wrong with getting some more feathers. Who knows they may even allow you to finally beat me at the track.” While my two gilded guards began their usual fight. I learned from my previous mistakes and ignored them. Instead, I stepped into the royal carriage and began to eat my breakfast while they bickered. Biting into the prepared meal, I could taste the melted cheese covering all of the minced vegetables. The fine spices evenly spread throughout the dish, which prevented any singular bite from being too overpowered. I am unsure how much Celestia pays that pony but whatever it was it surely wasn't enough.

“Ready for take-off?” Gentle asked as she turned back to check if I had gotten situated. I nodded after I took one more bite from the gooey deliciousness that had been prepared for me. “Alrighty, then princess buckle up, and let's fly.” Gentle spoke in a manner that did not befit her name as the carriage quickly began to lift off into the sky. Rebound letting out a startled cry as he was pulled off of his hooves and pulled into the sky.

“Dammit Gentle, my joke was not that bad” Rebound shouted over the wind as he reoriented himself. His partner who he was now flying parallel to, was chuckling into the wind at his plight. I couldn't help but feel a smile creep onto my face as I once more watched the antics of the two ponies before me. They were an amusing pair and I am glad that they were assigned to me. I could have easily been assigned one of the guards who did their best to show no emotion while they were working.

Embracing the cool breeze rushing of the wind running through my mane. Closing my eyes and lifting my wings as I felt the wind rush through my feathers. It truly had been too long since I had last flown under my own power. As soon as I returned to the castle I would spread my wings once more. It wouldn't be an enjoyable experience to re-learning how to fly, but it would be a necessary one. I would soar through the skies under my wings and have that freedom returned to me once more.

Opening my eyes and turning my attention back toward the remains of my breakfast. Quickly finishing the remaining portion of the quiche I turned my gaze toward the city below. Observing how the sun reflected off the various spires and buildings. Causing the city to be wrapped in a warm glow. I could almost perfectly envision the sun's rays wrapping around every pony and providing them warmth. Princess Celestia was stated to have had a hoof in the design of Canterlot so it wouldn't surprise me if she hadn't had it constructed to achieve the effect.

I spotted numerous ponies who were out and going through the day's tasks. From the peddlers selling their wares to the conductors wearing their uniforms. Every pony had a bright smile on their face. Greeting the warmth provided by the sun with their own. Adding their sunny disposition to every pony they met. Each pony's warmth ensured another in a chain of ever-growing greetings.

Glancing through the shining city, spotting numerous couples hoof in hoof, frolicking through the new day. It was truly something special to see so much love in the air on a normal day such as this. Focusing in on a particular two colts who had just been seated at a table. One a grayish blue and the other a bright electric green both peering at the other each with a blush lighting their face. Cooing at the sight of young love I would have missed our destination coming into view were it not for Rebound.

“Ladies most royal and not as royal, we can now see Canterlot High, the realm of the dreaded Abacus Cinch. May she never set her sights on all of Equestria for not even Princess Celestia could stop her.” He stated in a monotone voice as if he were speaking over a documentary. I waited for Gentle to disagree, but instead to my shock, the silver Pegasus nodded along with her partner's foolishness.

That didn’t make me feel any better. Considering that I was going to meet her myself. While I highly doubted she could go hoof to hoof against Celestia. After all, Celestia was a fully ascended Alicorn. No matter how small all rumors had a sliver of the truth within them. Entering into the realm of royalty had done more than deposit me into a castle after all. Shaking my head and hopefully chasing away those soured thoughts I focused on the school before me.

The main building was built of silver marble standing three stories tall and was topped with a golden spiral. There were a few smaller buildings each of similar design, just on a smaller scale, surrounding the main building. The main school building dwarfed the surrounding buildings; it in turn received the majority of the ponies that were entering the school's doors. We had been spotted as I could see a white unicorn pointing towards us with her hoof.

“Setting us down Princess, I do hope the ride wasn't too bumpy,” Gentle said as she began the descent toward the ground. Unlike when a Pegasus descends, we took a rather gradual decline. The added weight of the carriage prevented the usual sharp declines. The gradual declines also served well at preventing the occupants from being thrown from the carriage. Both Gentle and Rebound fell silent allowing me to hear the excitement of the crowd. Thankfully the students began to part and made way for the royal carriage. I would die from embarrassment if the carriage squashed some pony.

The students herded themselves into groups as they waited for the carriage to touch down. Each pony attempts to guess the reason that royalty would be visiting their school. Hopefully, they would be fine with the future Princess of Love. I took a steadying breath as I schooled my expression. Focusing on the questions of ponies before me. I would after all have to address my future subjects myself. No more relying on Celestia.

“Is that Princess Celestia?” An orange Earth Pony shouted in excitement.

“Why would Princess Celestia come here? She has her school.” The white Unicorn that had initially spotted me asked.

“Did the Princess finally decide to look into the rumors herself?” A black Pegasus shouted.

“Wait what was the newest Princess's name again? Isn't she, our age?” This time it was a purple and green Earth Pony that shouted out.

Upon hearing that final pony exclamation the murmurs grew even louder as the new theories began to be shouted. The wildest that I could pick up was that the school was being given to the newest member of royalty as a present. What would I even do with a school? I mean I had considered becoming a teacher before everything happened but that felt as if it was a lifetime ago.

We finally touched down in front of the herd of ponies. Every pony fell silent as they began staring at me. I smiled and gave a short wave with one of my wings. The chatter was silent for but a single second more before the herd before me had regained their enthusiasm.

“I knew it was the new Princess!” The purple and green Earth Pony once more shouted. A manic grin was etched on her face.

“When is your coronation going to be?” A voice that I couldn't place to a pony due to the crowding asked.

“Is it true that Princess Celestia has adopted you?” The Black Pegasus asked.

“What are you the Princess of?” A purple Earth Pony asked. Her voice was nearly drowned out by the fervent fever of the surrounding ponies.

I was in the process of opening my mouth to answer the few questions that I could pick up from the torrent of them. However, a single voice broke through the animated ponies. Causing them to quiet down and in a few ponies, cases fall completely still as were they turned to stone.

“Students, I do believe that you have class.” Silence reigned once more as the ponies were silenced by the calm voice. A singular pony slowly trotted through the parting sea of ponies that had formed the crowd. I recognized the gray Earth Pony immediately as Principal Abacus Cinch. The students similarly recognized their principal and quickly dispersed back into the school. “My apologies, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza for my students.”

“Ah, it's fine. I mean it's not every day you meet royalty right.” I hastily replied as I met the stalwart principal's eyes. Unflinching pearls of fuchsia stared back meeting my gaze. Many ponies who I had met since my ascension had often refused to meet my gaze. Most preferred to bend their heads to the newest Princess. This pony, a principal, however, met my eyes. It was a comforting sight to realize that not every pony was willing to throw themselves at the mercy of my hooves.

“Be that as it may, they comported themselves abysmally which will have in turn reflected poorly upon this institution.” She paused looking over me and my guards once more before continuing. “The failings of my students aside, I would ask that you follow me to my office.” Upon receiving my nod she turned on her frog and made her way into the school. I quickly followed after the principal. I had no interest in learning how true those rumors were.

“Jeesh, Breeze looks like Cinch still rules with an iron hoof. Glad to see that nothing has changed since when we managed to escape.” I overheard Rebound whisper to Gentle who proceeded to shove her wing over his mouth. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that she shot a fearful glance at the Principal, but Principal Cinch was preoccupied with me.

They were too cute together. Even though they were hiding their relationship for some reason. They had initially tried to hide it from me. That didn't last too long however as the future Princess of Love I could easily tell when some pony was caught in the heat of it. It didn't help that I had nearly walked in on the two of them. Thank you for the improved senses ascension.

The four of us walked in silence through the halls of the school passing by all manner of ponies. Every pony fell silent as soon as Principal Cinch entered the students' vision and while they still stared at me, they all parted and allowed easy passage. It was a rather disconcerting effect. It did, however, allow us to make our way to Principal Cinch’s office in what felt like less than a minute after stepping through the school's doors.

“Princess Mi Amore if you wouldn't mind having your guards waiting outside while we discuss your future within these walls.” Principal Cinch stated as she swung open the door to her office and stalked inside. I looked back toward my two guards. Hopefully one of them would know what to do in this situation. Instead, they both had a look of relief on their faces. Gentle Breeze had at least enough courtesy to wipe the look off her mouth when I shot them a glare. Rebound instead made a noiseless laugh.

“Aren't the two of you supposed to be among the finest ponies of all of Equestria?” I couldn't help but ask. Perhaps I had been assigned two pretenders? Hopefully, my actual guards would be along in just a moment. So that I wouldn't have to enter the principal's lair alone.

“Better you than us Princess. I went in there once.” Rebound shivered from the very tips of his wings to his hooves. “Barely made it out. You really should have accepted Princess Celestia’s offer to go to her school.” Gentle put a wing around her partner's shivering form. Sighing lightly I squared my wings and entered the domain that lay beyond the opened door.

It was a medium-sized room that was mostly taken up by a singular table with two chairs. One of the chairs was already claimed by the master of the school and I had no intention of fighting hoof and wing for it. Seeing that the principal was riffling through a pile of papers I let my eyes wander to the rest of the room. There were various awards and accolades embedded into the walls. A large bookshelf that had various scrolls and books placed upon it. It was only when I had looked to the only form of light provided by the small window behind the principal herself did she speak once more.

“Please close the door behind you.” Principal Cinch commanded once more and once more I complied without a second thought. She really may be able to take Celestia. While that thought was shattering what little confidence I had left she once more broke the oppressive silence. “Thank you. Feel free to take a seat or if you prefer to stay standing you may.” She asked as the papers she was arranging were straightened with a ruler. Looking once more at the chair I sat upon it.

“Thank you” I replied as I slipped onto the seat. It was rather comfortable. In comparison to how rigid it appeared to be before I sat upon it was initially a little confusing, but softening charms did exist. Well according to Sunset they did. There was a singular moment where Principal Cinch just stared at me. Her eyes wide and unblinking we sat in silence for a short moment. I took that time to clear my head and focus on the pony before me. Before I could ask what was wrong she once more spoke.

“As the premier preparatory school in Canterlot, we have a reputation to uphold. Ever since I stepped back from personally teaching and took over as principal 53 years ago I have made it my mission to ensure every pony that enters my school will leave a better pony than they entered.” She pauses as her eyes once more run over my form. However this time I can tell she is searching for something. “Every single pony that wants to enter into this institution must meet with me and be asked a singular question. So let me ask you this future Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Why is it that you wish to enter my school?”

“I want to make friends.” I meekly responded under the unblinking fuchsia gaze from the other side of the table. Perhaps I could still enter Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. After all Celestia did offer to let me into her school.

“A common answer from a not-so-common pony. Acceptable nonetheless, however.” For the first time since I met her, Principal Cinch had her lips quirked up for a short moment. She more than anything at this moment looked like the cat that had caught the canary in its trap. It didn't last long as she continued. “At Canterlot High it matters not the circumstances of your birth for within these walls every pony has a chance to change their future. We will be willing to make accommodations for your royal duties. However, you will still be expected to not only complete your required schoolwork but to excel at it.”

“I completely understand.” I managed to keep my voice even this time. I was a future princess. I had to keep my eye on the prize. The prize at this moment was escaping this office with all my limbs intact. Only Celestia knows if I had once more set the bar too high. Principal Cinch nodded.

A knock at the door broke causing both of our eyes to flick over to it before returning to the others. Principal Cinch simply nodded and then proceeded to continue speaking. “I am glad that you understand the situation that you are in. I have taken the initiative to have a student show you around and allow you to sit in on his classes.” Huh. If she had indeed prepared this all in advance even before speaking to me. Perhaps she was nicer than every pony thought. “You may enter.” She once more states as her eyes finally break from mine. My gaze moves towards the opening door as well. Rebound pushed the door open with the tip of his wing and I could see his eyes frantically darting about as if he was about to be attacked.

“There is a Shining Armor here. He says that he was requested.” It took me a moment to spread out what he had said. He had spoken so quickly that it had nearly sounded like it was a singular long word. However Principal Cinch was able to decipher what my panicking guard had relayed.

“Send him in.” Rebound nodded and fell backward as he broke the line of sight with the principal. In his place was a white Unicorn with a blue mane who looked as nervous as Rebound did. I was unsure he saw me as he shuffled into the room and spoke. His eyes had immediately found the principal and had kept focused on her the entire time.

“Principal Cinch I am ready to show the prospective student around.” He managed to keep his voice even and as I have recently figured out that was something that took no short amount of willpower. He however wilted almost immediately as out of the corner of my vision I could see Principal Cinch frowning at the blue-highlighted unicorn.

“Mister Armor, I would ask you to look around my office once more.” She once more asked a question without it being a question. It was more of a command. Shining Armor’s eyes scoured the room for what he had managed to miss. I simply waved one of my wings at him. He in turn froze his face bright red as he immediately knelt.

“M-my apologies Princess” Shining Armor stuttered out. His horn almost scraped the floor.

“It's all right.” I waved off his concern. Were I in his hooves, I would most definitely focus on the Earth Pony instead of the Alicorn as well. It was clear which of the two were the most dangerous at this moment.

“If that is all Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, I would ask that you query any concerns to Mister Armor. Otherwise, I would ask that you begin your shadowing for the day I have another meeting in the next twenty minutes.” Principal Cinch concluded as her gaze went back once more to the various papers on her desk. Getting off the chair, I made my way quickly toward the door. Opening it and quickly stepping through. “That includes you, Mister Armor.” I heard from behind me as I was nearly clipped by the frantic charging of the white Unicorn.

The door swung shut behind us and I could see Rebound and Gentle looking over me with concern.

“She didn't plant a flower in your head did she?” Rebound stage whispered with a look of concern plastered onto his face. “This would be a perfect chance to begin the corruption of the newest member of the royal family. Oh, I can see it all happening. First Suns-.” It was at this point that Gentle gave up any pretense of trying to hold back as her wings clamped his mouth with an audible click.

“She can probably hear you.” Gentle hissed out as she began to lead us from the den of the Principal. It was only after we made it out of eyesight of the Principal's domicile did Shining Armor stop looking like he was going to pass out from lack of oxygen. As he regained his breath I turned to my two “Faithful” guards.

“Really would have loved a heads up that the two of you were going to abandon me to Principal Cinch’s mercy.” I couldn't help but complain. Yes, I had to meet with the pony, but that did not entail being thrown out of the window. I was supposed to be meeting a principal, not what felt like a pony that could go hoof to hoof with Celestia. Like with Sunset something about Principal Abacus Cinch just felt wrong.

I mentally sighed. At least I wasn't nearly killed this time. You would think that after becoming an Alicorn I would be put in less life-threatening situations. Unfortanetly since my ascension I had been nearly killed once. Then forced to learn from my would be assassin. Upon hearing a small cough I stopped that train of thought before it soured the rest of my day. Turning towards the noise I could see that it was Shining Armor trying to get my attention.

“Would you like to see any part of the school at the moment or would you prefer to follow me to my classes?” He asked with a small smile.

“I am fine with going to your classes after all I did request to see what an average day at this school would be like.” I returned a smile of my own as I answered him. Turning to my two guards who had essentially flown away while they had left me to fend for myself. Hmm, that would be an adequate punishment. “Since the two of you were content to throw me to the Timber Wolves I would say that for the next week you two will have the privilege of assisting me re-learn to fly.”

Seeing the two guards' ponies blanch brought a smile to my lips.

“Fair enough I guess. Could always be worse than helping the baby Alicorn learn how to use your wings.” Rebound chuckled. When I fell to the ground I would be sure to use him as a cushion.

“Oh, so you were originally a Unicorn? Or I guess an Earth Pony?” Shining Armor asked with a thoughtful expression on his face. That did nothing to cease the heat that rushed to my cheeks. I had completely forgotten he was here. “Yeah, I have heard from a few of my friends that learning to fly is difficult at first, but with enough practice, it becomes second nature. Something that they would never be able to forget.” This was mortifying. It may have been more kind if Principal Cinch had killed me.

“Nope Princess over there was born and raised a Pegasus but has forgotten how to fly. So my dearest partner and I have just been conscripted to help her relearn flying 101.” Rebound spoke what he didn't know were potentially going to be his last words. Gentle figured out that the longer her partner continued to speak would be detrimental to him once more shut his mouth. I shot her a thankful look and pointedly ignored the look of indignation that came from Rebound.

“So I keep putting my hooves in my mouth around you huh.” Shining Armor started with a small chuckle. A far cry from the terrified colt that was with me in the principal's office. “If you wouldn't mind me apologizing in advance for any other slights that I may perform in your presence.” He concluded with a shallow bow.

“A princess has the prerogative to change her mind. But for now, I shall forgive you for previous indiscretions.” I returned, lifting my chin slightly so I could look down at him even more than usual. We each held our position for a moment before we both chuckled. “Shining Armor I do believe that this will be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.”

“Call me Shining every pony does.” He says with a shrug.

“Shining then” I responded with a soft smile upon my lips.

Author's Note:

Shining armor makes his appearance to the surprise of even the author. Will admit that on the first draft/outline/spit-balled ideas thing that he was nowhere to be found. Yet here he is being cowed by a rather inconspicuous principal. How things change for the better. He has definitely been a fun character to write even if he has come off a little OOC(There are reasons that should hopefully justify that.) That aside the world has continued to open up as we are no longer only looking into the Canterlot Castle.

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