• Published 29th Oct 2022
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Mirror Mirror - LittleFaerieFire

Hidden under the shadow that is cast by Equestria's shining beacon, plans and pacts have been made a thousand years in the making. Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's student. Cadance, Princess of Love. Both are caught in the deluge of darkness.

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15. History preserved in Crystal

History preserved in Crystal


Quickly taking a moment to blink out the glare of refracted light that had assaulted my vision. Gaining sight that was not only the cascading of colors. I was back in the library. Where I had found ‘Phantom Dream, Legacies of those Lost in Sleep’ in fact I could still see where it had been plucked from the shelves. The hole in the shelf held a far deeper weight than the space that it had held.

I had been exploring this Crystal Palace ever since I could remember. It was only once I had become a princess that I had nearly caught the pony that had long since evaded me. I had managed to bring a piece of this realm into reality. Even with my limited knowledge of arcane laws and limitations, I realized that It should not have been that easy to rip a book from my dreams into reality.

Those concerns could however wait as I had a pony to hunt down. Making my way through my castle. My hooves follow the path that I have followed all too often. Not a single detour or dalliance as I made my way toward the throne room. Where I knew that pony was waiting. I knew that the pony was there. Why I knew that mattered little for I knew that they were awaiting me.

Pausing before the crystalline doors that separated me from the throne room where I had spent my childhood nights in. Taking a deep breath I pushed forwards. Opening the doors revealed the grandiose room centered by my Crystal Throne that stood in the center of the room.

“My descendant, I do hope you realize that horn is far more useful than acting as an ornament adorning your skull.” A cool voice whispered out from the room. Even with my ascension-gifted senses, I could not pinpoint where it had originated from. Frowning, I responded to the voice that didn't seem to have an origin.

“If we were to converse I would ask that you show yourself. After all, it is only polite to see who one is speaking with.” I offered my words to the empty room as I began my journey to the throne. If the Pony wished me to jump at the shadows waiting for them to reveal themselves. They would be disappointed. I only made it halfway to the Crystal Throne before the voice once more spoke.

“That is true for equals to converse they must be able to see eye to eye is it not my descendant?” There it was again. That word ‘descendant’ the still unnamed Pony kept using it. It had said the same when I had brought ‘Phantom Dream, Legacies of those Lost in Sleep’ into reality. On its advice even. Narrowing my eyes I decided to go on the offensive.

“You speak as if we are equal, however, you skulk hidden from view refusing to show yourself much less even declare your name. I am an Alicorn, the Princess of Love. I have but one true equal in all of Equestria.” I intoned keeping my voice level as I proclaimed my challenge to the still yet unseen Pony. Even if I was their ‘descendant’ or not they could have introduced themselves ages ago when I had first stumbled into this Crystal Palace.

They could have long since explained where I had come from. What had happened to my birth parents? Why did I have an entire palace made of sparkling gems contained in my dreams? Yet they didn’t. Only now once I was a Princess did they announce themselves. Even if it were an ancestor of mine that did not grant them a reprieve from their past inactions. Even a few whispered words would have meant the world to me.

The obscured Ponies' laughter permeated the throne room as the ever-present light that filtered with the crystals faltered. For but a singular moment the gleaming splendor was replaced with malignant shadows. However, the now blackened room did little to hide the two blazing scarlet eyes that appeared.

“My most amusing of descendants you shall indeed escape the bindings that have long since held you.” The voice continued in an almost amused tone. Before I could respond in any manner of ways the darkness receded allowing for the Crystal Palace to once more be enshrined in the incandescence of the fragmented light. Revealing a black Unicorn kneeling halfway between me and the throne behind him. The only thing that stood out more than the twin orbs of scarlet was the sharpened end of his horn. This time I caught myself before I could panic.

“Why is your horn just like Sunset's?” I wasn’t sure what had caused me to speak, but whatever it was I willed it to bury itself alive. Realizing I had already dug myself into a hole that I would at least make the most of it. “When she layered an illusion over herself.” The black Unicorn before me raised an eyebrow.

“That is the first thing you ask my descendant? Truly I have long since known the boundless failures of Ponies but I had hoped that those of my lineage would have been spared its ravages.” The Unicorn said as it shook its head slightly. “Do you not have anything you would desire to know more of, my dearest of descendants?” The still unnamed Unicorn’s tone had adopted a mocking manner. He was testing me, wasn't he?

“It is something that I have enquired about towards you,” I answered as I met his gaze refusing to back down. “I am unsure what you know about Royalty but most Ponies would endeavor to answer whatever is asked of them.” Pausing to allow my words to sink in before I went for the proverbial kill. “Unless you can’t answer this question of mine.” I finished with a dazzling smile daring the Unicorn before me to refuse my request.

He instead merely chuckled. Breaking our gaze as he turned slightly towards the throne that was constructed out of a priceless gem. He did not immediately answer, instead choosing to look upon it for a moment before returning his gaze to me. Not once more meeting my gaze again.

“If a member of royalty, an Alicorn Princess nonetheless demands an answer, who would I be to refute her? My horn is something that is no illusion my royal descendant but something that I was born with.” He paused at this declaration, meeting my eyes once more before continuing. “Or was what you were asking, why did she sharpen her horn when your alliance mate spelled her appearance to take upon a demonic visage? Or perhaps why when you gazed upon it you felt fear strike your heart.”

I didn't respond to the obvious taunting from the Unicorn before me. If we were related I did not see any resemblance between the two of us. One more point against the entity that had long since hidden itself within my dreams. Upon seeing that I wouldn't take the proffered bait it had oh so obviously poisoned the Unicorn flashed a broken smile.

“I can answer you that question my descendant in any number of ways and yet I know none will satisfy you. So this is the answer to your I shall speak. A sharpened Unicorn horn represents an understanding of magic that most would consider impossible. Why your current ally chose to use it as a part of her illusion I can only speculate.” It was only at the end of the little pause the Unicorn added at the end did it conclude “Does this answer satisfy her royal majesty?”

That doesn't exactly explain what I felt at that moment. That however means that the pony in front of me had mastered magic in a way. If he was telling the truth that was.

“It will do for now.” I neutrally answered as I began to trot towards the Unicorn who once more raised an eyebrow in confusion as I approached him. That confusion turned to surprise as I trotted past him and continued onto my Crystal Throne. Taking a moment to seat myself properly before I continued “You can however continue to answer more of my questions.” I declared to the Unicorn who had risen from his kneeling position to track my ascent upon the throne.

I considered his smile broken. It was the smile of some pony that had once been able to smile and yet could no longer. So they moved the correct muscles. Contorted their faces in the correct ways. Yet it was still lacking in the elements that made a smile. Yet the laughter that bellowed from his mouth was saturated with love.

“My most audacious descendant I am glad to see that my blood does indeed still run thick in your veins. Why if I didn't know any better I would swear that I was looking into a mirror.” Cocking his head before he continued “Well one in which I was bleached pink.” He concluded with an amused shrug. Waiting for a pause to see if the still-yet unnamed Pony would continue, I started with a question that I should have started with.

“You can introduce yourself and what your relation is to me. After all, I, a member of royalty, have already given you my name and you have referred to me as your descendant more than once.” I demanded from the Unicorn, which would hopefully shortly name itself. The Unicorn in question smiled once more yet this one was not broken. Instead, it was a wretched failure of what most ponies would consider a smile. Yet all the same I could feel the Love that emanated from it.

“My most lovely lady of a descendant you may call me Umbrum. My exact relation to you would be that you were my granddaughter.” The now-named Umbrum explained this revelation of my past with joy-tainted love dripping from his form. My grandfather has been here this entire time. Yet he now only revealed himself to me.

“Why did you not show yourself to me after I spent so long searching for you.” I hissed out my regality shattered with the anger that sept throughout my words. “Yet now that I am royalty. You show yourself to me!“ The words ripped out from my mouth tearing through the dream towards Umbrum who didn't even have the grace to be incinerated by my gaze.

“If I could have revealed myself to you, my dear descendant I would have long since done so,” Umbrum says in a placating tone that I can recognize as I have used it myself on numerous occasions. It was the tone that a pony uses when they are talking to a rowdy colt or filly that refuses to calm down. It stung but provided me the clarity to reign in my anger.

“If the next words out of your mouth do not contain an adequate reason I promise that you will regret it,” I informed my supposed grandfather. Who nodded while still holding my gaze.

“My dear other than your crown you gained something much more recently.” He says while he slowly moves a hoof to his horn. I nearly froze on the throne. Bringing the tip of my shaking wing to touch my own horn. A singular feather from my wing brushed against my horn as Umbrum continued. “My descendant, it was not a conscious choice of mine to allow you to go through your life without my assistance.”

I… He… How? My thoughts scrambled together as I tried to absorb the information I had been given. It wasn't on purpose then. He hadn't been avoiding me on purpose. I needed- No how does that even make sense?

“How would that even work? I need a horn to meet you. If I had never ascended I would have gone through life constantly only knowing that there was a pony in my dreams and yet never knowing that you were my grandfather?” Umbrum for all of his grace and regal demeanor shrugged before responding to my outburst.

“Unfortunately my dear descendant I can only work with magics that I can use. Had you not acquired a horn you and I would be fated to never meet.” His tone had taken on a somber tone as he answered my questions. We both fell into silence. That was only broken by Umbrum “My descendant I can understand your confusion, but reality will not allow for you to wallow in self-misery. You have questions that I can answer. All you need is to ask.” He concluded with a shallow bow before my throne.

“You speak as if you-. It's been your voice that I have been hearing.” In the library with Gentle, when I was talking with Celestia when Sunset had awoken. “That's how you knew what Sunset had done. Even without me explaining it.” Pieces continued to fall into place as I continued. “You can see through my eyes, can't you.” It made sense I had only begun to hear that voice after I had ascended. Why no pony else could hear it?

“An excellent hypothesis my descendant. With only a few of my mutterings, you have been able to piece together such a well-thought-out explanation.” Umbrum says with a nod. “Ever since you gained your horn I have been trying to contact you with less than stellar results. In the end, however, destiny could not separate our family any longer.” He declared once more with that broken smile that held but a false warmth.

“Why have you been trapped in my dreams? In this Crystal Palace?” I asked Umbrum as I slumped back into the Crystalline Throne. This conversation took a physical and mental toll on me. Umbrum either didn't care about the poor show of decorum or didn't notice it as he continued to answer my questions as he said he would.

“My descendant I am not alive anymore at best I would call myself a shadow of my former self. I imposed this exile on myself so that I could one day in the future assist those that would come after me.” Umbrum spoke in a soft-spoken tone, his scarlet eyes never leaving my own.

The Crystal Kingdom had disappeared nearly a thousand years ago. If he had been in this Crystal Palace since the end of the empire… No, that still didn't make sense. I wasn't nearly that old. If I was his granddaughter there couldn't be more than a hundred years between us. Well, that was considering if he could still age while in my dreams.

“You say that I am your granddaughter, how would that work with you being trapped inside my dreams?” I asked Umbrum if he would be able to explain the inconsistency.

“My dear descendant, you are finally asking the questions that you have long since wondered about.” He said once more with a smile that was no longer broken. “I was not always entrapped in your dreams. I once traversed the lands with flesh and blood.” Umbrum then pauses giving me a look over before continuing. “To ensure that some part of me would survive I would do what I had done every time. For my blood fills your veins, and look at you not even two decades old and you have already ascended. You alone have proved that you are far beyond your species.”

Umbrum then fell to silence which I allowed, for I had to think through the words that he had just spoken. I have indeed noticed that he has always referred to Pony kind as if he was not a part of it. That was however not the most pressing issue. He once was outside my dreams as a creature of flesh and blood. Before he did something to ensure that his lineage would survive. In me. His granddaughter, or as he continues to say, descendant.

“You have said that I am your granddaughter yet you continue to refer to me as your descendant. Why?” I asked the gray and black creature before me that called itself Umbrum. Umbrum for his response simply shook his head slightly in what I can only assume to be amusement before he responded.

“The steps between us may only be a generation my descendant but from the time that I still tread upon the same land as you nearly a millennium.” He spoke, his voice stilling almost as if he was talking about a particularly interesting piece of shrubbery. Not the grand revelation that I was staring at a creature that was there for the start of Celestia’s reign. One that has been trapped in my dreams for nearly a-.

“Wait, I am not nearly old enough for that to be true. You said it yourself that I am less than two decades old. How could you have been trapped in my dreams since then?” I hurriedly asked Umbrum. My words slipped together as I forced my question out. It didn't make any sense. Umbrum the annoying Pony-esque creature simply nodded his head.

“You would be right my descendant, however, you have forgotten to take into account the greatest gift that many Equus denizens can tap into.” His horn then formed a crystal above its tip. There was no comparing the crystals that the Crystal Palace was made from and the one that formed from Umbrum’s will. The crystals of the palace were at times transparent and always allowed light to slip through them, transforming that light into an array of beautiful angles and rainbows. While Umbrum’s Crystal was a putrid black and green razored shard that swallowed any light that attempted to touch it.

A maligned grin flickered over his muzzle as he then proceeded to shatter the crystal into even smaller fragments that continued to float. Still caught in his magic which was a horrid black that oozed around the shards of blasted crystal. They flew once more together, manipulated by their conjurer's will, reforming into a blackened crown. Which flew through the air hovering before me.

There it waited, hovering in the air. The obsidian crown coated with black magic paused its journey before me. “A crown for the royal Princess, my descendant?” His point was made, and I shook my head in the negative. The blackened magic suffused into the crown which quickly crumbled away to naught even ash.

“You didn't answer my question.” I pointed out. Refusing the idea that he was presenting. It was impossible. No pony could do such a thing, not even Celestia herself. What the creature before me was proposing was far beyond the veils of what magic could accomplish.

“With the use of magic far grander than what most beings believe possible I saved you. Protected you from the destruction that sought to sever your life.” Once more a black crystal formed yet this time it was in the form of a sphere. The sphere turned translucent and I could not prevent the breath that left me, as I saw a pink Pegasus swaddled within.

Ignoring the desert that had formed in my mouth I swallowed my initial words. That was me. I left the throne made of crystals as I trotted toward the form of my younger self. Ignoring the current that was striking through my body. Ignoring the twitching of my wings, the knots in my hooves, and the emptiness in my horn. I made it to the side of my younger self. Swaddled in black crystals.

Reaching out hesitantly with my wing seeking to touch my younger form. The image tore. The last thing I saw before it was reduced back to the ball of black crystal was my filly self opening her eyes. Eyes that I saw every time I looked into my reflection. Turning my attention fully to Umbrum I blinked the tears away from my eyes. Looking towards my g-. Gran-. Grandfather.

“What happened to my birth parents?” I asked Umbrum. Hating how all it took to reduce me to near tears was a single illusion. I was an Alicorn for Celestia’s sake. We were the best of Pony-kind.

“I know, not what happened to them. I had to save you and there was not enough of myself left to search for them. I am sorry my dearest descendant, but they were likely lost to the ravages of time.” Umbrum stated as he stamped his hoof down on hope that I still didn't know that I was kindling.

“What were their names?” Even if I would never meet them. I would remember their names for eternity. Along with the two who had raised me as was I, their born foal. Of course, nothing would ever come that easily. Umbrum looked away from my gaze.

“I am sorry my descendant but I lost much of myself. So much that I did not know who I was for years after you had been brought back to Equus. Even now I am but a shadow of my former self.” He answered his tone, having taken a somber tone. “It will be a hollow comfort but they did love you. That much I can clearly remember. Even if I can not see their faces.” He was right it was hollow words that were spoken.

Taking a deep breath and allowing the shudder that ran throughout my body to cease. I refocused on the current conversation. I would mourn the loss of another set of parents later. My birth parents' names, I however never knew. Biting back the hate-filled words that I wished to drive into Umbrum. Taking a breath as I made my way back to my throne.

“Thank you for telling me as much as you have,” I said to Umbrum with steel in my voice. He nodded in turn. “Is there anything else you are planning to tell me that will shatter the foundation of my being?” Ah, that was a tad much. Perhaps this was what Sunset constantly felt like.

“My descendant I can remember little else other than my magic. However, in regards to what I have seen from your eyes, I am beyond what most Unicorns that you are surrounded by. I would be happy to teach you.” Umbrum offered one of his hoofs brought forwards toward me. Holding nothing within its grasp but the promise of power and arcane knowledge.

“You won't be trying to teach me any more dark magic will you?” I tensed as I asked Umbrum, preparing to react if he responded poorly. I was not however prepared for him to look confused. “The book of dream magic that you helped me find was filled with it.” I offered the visibly confused Umbrum.

“My apologies, my descendant but I will admit to not understanding fully what this dark magic you refer to encompasses in its entirety.” He started awkwardly withdrawing the extended hoof back to his side. “If you do not wish to learn dream magic that is fine but I would insist that even if you were to refuse my tutelage continue to take books from the library to study on your own.” He concluded as he once more rested on all four of his hooves.

That was fair. Even if he was looking through my eyes there was plenty I didn't know about dark magic. Let alone the standards were nearly a thousand years ago. It was unlikely that the same standards had been kept throughout the entirety of that time.

“I didn't say that I wouldn't learn from you. I just… Well, with the first book you helped me bring out of my-. Wait, how come I was able to do that?” I asked Umbrum as the thought occurred to me. If I could bring pieces of my dream into reality could I bring him?

“I am sorry my descendant but I do not know how you were able to perform such an act. All I know is that you can do so.” He offered his limited understanding to me. Of course, that was something that he had forgotten.

“Is there a limit to what I can bring out into the real world?”

“I know you can take out most things from this palace but otherwise I do believe that until you get stronger the majority of the larger items would be beyond your ability.” Umbrum smiled once more, his false smile pausing before he continued. “Perhaps if you are willing to learn the foundations of dream magics, you would be able to manipulate this realm to suit your needs.”

Frowning at the creature that referred to itself as my grandfather. That was obvious. Umbrum took the frown for what it meant and shook his head lightly as he once more spoke. “My descendant for being of my blood the very fates have set their gaze upon you. If you do not take advantage of every possibility you may be lost to the realm of dreams just like I have been.” He warned but otherwise said nothing more.

We waited in silence, the two of us gazing upon each other. One is an Alicorn resting upon a throne made of crystal. The other was a non-Pony with a black sharpened horn before her. I felt something almost tickling the base of my horn but before I could make any comment on this feeling I could see the lights becoming stronger.

I was once more beginning to wake. Celestia damn it. Had I truly spent so long just conversing with Umbrum? There was so much more to ask. I still had too many questions. Umbrum I assume upon noticing the panic that had overtaken me simply dropped to a bow once more.

“This conversation isn't over. When I get back we will continue.” He simply nodded an amused chuckle slipping from his muzzle. I could feel less as the lights continued to grow. Enveloping me in their splendorous warmth.

“My descendant, I will await your return. What will another day be in comparison to the eternity that I have waited for?” I would have responded but my mouth had already faded away. Was some pony waking me up? The last thing I could see was Umbrum lifting his head to meet my eyes.

“Ah Princess you're finally awake,” Rebound said with a smile splayed across his muzzle. “I noticed that you were awfully entrapped in your dreams almost as if you didn't wish to leave.” The smile on his face grew larger as I felt a pit begin to form in my stomach. “Perhaps you were thinking of a particular Unicorn who has caught your attention?” He teased out as the pit quickly stopped forming.

He didn't know what I was dreaming about. No pony else knew about Umbrum. My secret was safe. I then paused the rapid assurances that I was going through. What Unicron would I be dreaming about? Sunset? Why would I be dreaming about her? It wasn't as if I knew that she was no longer resting in the infirmary and instead skulking through the castle plotting something.

“Why would I be dreaming about Sunset?” I asked in a not at all panicked tone, however as soon as I asked my question the mirth that bled from Rebound was cut off. The smile was replaced by a tight frown. I just stared at the Pony beside my bed in confusion until he finally responded.

“Not exactly the Unicorn that I was referring to. However, I am sure that the splendid Sir Shining Armor would be glad to know that there is less competition on that field.” I could feel the tension slip from my hooves as Rebound clarified what he meant. The grin that had faltered quickly re-adorned his muzzle. This one was forced but I would take the false cheer for the moment.

He was just poking fun at me once more. Then why would he have woken me to talk about my love life? Not that I had one at the moment. That was somewhat sad. Princess of Love and yet was too preoccupied with other matters than the force that fueled me. Life was far too chaotic with everything that was going on at the moment. Perhaps when I fully ascended I could partake in my namesake.

“Perhaps the most beautiful and generous of Princesses would deign to inform this pathetic peon of the reason that the first Unicorn upon her mind was Sunset Shimmer?” Rebound asked with a false cheer that would have easily been missed by most ponies. Raising an eyebrow towards my guard who was acting far stranger than usual. Perhaps he lost a bet to Gentle?

“She was just nearly killed.” I offered to my guardian as I finally slipped from my bed. “That matter aside as I doubt you awakened me to discuss the Princess of Love not having a special Pony by her side.” I failed to keep the annoyance from my tone and Rebound certainly caught it if the wince was any indication.

“Ah yes-” Rebound then adopts an almost official tone before continuing “- her most royal majesty is requesting your appearance in the throne room.” He concludes with his wing saluting me. Gentle must have patience beyond even a Princess as he was too much at times for even me. Yawning I beckoned the Pegasus to follow with a wave of my wing as I made for my door.

Opening it I could see Gentle snoring against the wall. Turning back to Rebound with a hushed tone.

“Late night?” I questioned and upon receiving a nod I instinctively summoned a pillow from my bed. Freezing at the sight of the treasure that was no longer hidden. Pushing the pillow towards the sleeping guard as Rebound whispered his thanks. I grabbed the book and shoved it under another pillow that adorned my bed. When I found Sunset again I would have her help me hide the damned book. Until I could get back to where it belonged in my dreams.

Turning back to Rebound who had just finished manipulating his sleeping partner’s head onto the pillow, we continued towards the waiting call of Celestia.

Author's Note:

Amazing turn around time as I managed to complete this chapter and 16(which slight spoiler is my favorite one so far) over the last fourish days. That aside we finally have a name for the pony inside Cadance's head. Livng in a Crystal Palace. Yeah the foreshadowing was there but Umbrum is here to stay. Hope you guys enjoy him as much as I have been. Then we have Rebound ending this chapter out in the only way he can. Awkwardly. That aside im hoping to get chap 17 done sooner than later so I can actually post 16. Oh yeah also changed the story rating to T may change it back but I was rereading the site rules and I think it fits. If any Mods have a problem I will be happy to change it back.

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