• Published 29th Oct 2022
  • 1,499 Views, 112 Comments

Mirror Mirror - LittleFaerieFire

Hidden under the shadow that is cast by Equestria's shining beacon, plans and pacts have been made a thousand years in the making. Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's student. Cadance, Princess of Love. Both are caught in the deluge of darkness.

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24. A Tale Retold at the Tolling of a Bell

A Tale Retold at the Tolling of a Bell


This was a bad idea. This was going to end with gouts of flame and magma erupting from the ground. I knew that Umbrum was watching from behind my eyes and was cursing his bloodline. I knew that if Celestia had been here she would have teleported me to her dungeons. Sunset, however, would just laugh as she incinerated my still-beating heart after plucking it from my chest.

That said it was a good plan. One that I was happy to have helped create. Future Princess of Love or not, matchmaking was a form of art that took experience to master. Careful consideration must be taken to ensure that neither of those that were being matched would be harmed. Even if things were to end in heartbreak it was a learning experience that they would carry with them into their future relationships. It was those words that I whispered as comfort to myself.

The plan, however, had one potential fault that could cause the entire thing to come undone. That was my inability to have Sunset come to dinner tonight. I had no idea where she was or even if she was still within Wingston. So, I bid farewell to Mistletoe and began my search for my missing partner.

Looking through the town achieved nothing but offers of assistance in finding where I was going and after a half hour of that I decided that it would be far easier to have Sunset come to me instead of searching for her myself. Turning my attention towards the outskirts of town where few ponies were, most choosing to stay near the rest of the herd. While I was making my way to said outskirts, my attention turned inwards.

Envisioning myself upon my throne as my breathing slowed. Focusing on the foreign magics that surrounded me. I would often blot them out to not be overwhelmed but now I needed to find a singular spell. I knew that Sunset wouldn’t leave me without any form of assurance, and I was right. I found a piece of magic that was almost volatile to my ‘sight’, it wasn't hidden at all, but I could tell just by looking at it that if anything were to touch it, it would collapse more than likely alerting its caster. Which suited my purpose exactly.

Forming a mental hoof, I struck against the green flame that had attached itself to me on the metaphysical level. The flame let out a whimper as it was smothered. I could faintly feel the pulse of magic that it had let out. There Sunset should be making her way -.

“Is everything alright?” Sunset asked, breaking my train of reasoning as she stepped forwards from the air before. Her emerald eyes filled with unobstructed hostility searching for any pony that would do me harm. It was an oddly comforting sight to see such unrestrained malice as my first sight. “Cadance?” she questioned as I felt reality contorting to her will once again. Taking a breath to center myself before I began to speak.

“Everything is alright Sunset.” I started with a smile that felt far less forced than I thought it would. “I just wanted to talk with you.” My smile faltered as I felt the air around us begin to heat, yet before I could continue with my apologies the heat was replaced by a piercing chill.

“Before you begin I…” She trailed off almost lost, taking a moment to find herself she began in earnest once more. “Even if you were not an Alicorn you are still one of the strangest ponies I have ever met. You are no normal pony. I doubt even when you were a Pegasus you were a normal pony.” Her words were accented by the present cold as she rushed them out. Her eyes which had been piercing the surrounding area searching for any potential threats were now hidden from my gaze.

“Did you just apologize to me?” The bewilderment I felt was evident in my words. I was expecting plenty of outcomes for this encounter. Sunset taking the initiative to apologize was not even on the list. “Are you ok?” Sunset just sighed as she ignored my questions continuing with her apologies.

“My earlier words caused you pain. They were not intended to do so.” She at this point took a deep breath as the chill began to be burned away by a heat that began to coil around her. “You are not special because you managed to ascend. Your ascension proves that you are far beyond the average pony.” She struggled out the oddly heartfelt statement.

There we stood in silence for a moment. My eyes sought out her emerald orbs which were once more filled with emotions beyond hatred. Our gazes caught the others and both of us refused to break the connection. Both of us sought something from the other. Yet neither of us was willing to break the uneasy declaration of peace that had been formed. I smiled as I took a singular hoof step forward towards my partner.

“Can I hug you? As I would like to hug you.” Upon receiving the stiff nodding of her head, I went forwards and embraced my partner. She was as warm as ever. It was a pleasant feeling, especially in consideration of the chill that she had previously summoned. “You are all too precious.” I all but cooed into her ear. She thankfully didn't buck me off for my words even if she stiffened slightly.

Removing myself from my partner with a megawatt smile on my face. Catching her gaze once more, I knew that she had enjoyed the hug even despite the frown on her face. Her eyes were filled with the same adoration that could be found whenever she was gazing upon Celestia herself.

“Alright, I also must apologize. I shouldn't have kicked you out. While I may not have appreciated your words, that was still foolish of me. You have my word that I will not do so again.” Sunset nodded at my apology and declaration of intent. Taking a breath, I continued “Is there anything I should do in preparation for our departure?” I questioned my partner who was standing still before me. Her gaze, having once more found mine, never left.

“I have already acquired enough rations to last a month. Even when taking into account your Alicorn-enhanced appetite.” She looked oddly proud of herself with that statement. “Otherwise, unless there is anything specific you would wish for me to acquire for you all you need to do is inform me of it and I shall acquire it.” I rolled my eyes at her declaration.

“While I appreciate the effort you are willing to put forth, this is a partnership where we each help each other. I can acquire a few things of my own… Well, if you wouldn't mind giving me a few bits as I didn't bring any of my own.”

Sunset shrugs and instantly her saddlebag opens as a small bag packed full of bits floats over to me. It took me a moment of just staring at the somehow not overflowing bag of bits before my brain rebooted. “Wait, is this all the bits that you have on you?” I received a nod in response. “What if you need to purchase anything else that we will need?” I all but stuttered out.

“I already purchased everything that we should need.” Sunset states with a frown. “If you wish to purchase supplies on your end, just take them.” I… Fine. This was not worth the argument that would happen.

“Thank you, Sunset,” I said as my magic enveloped the bag and floated it over to my side. “One final thing, would you mind having dinner with myself, Mistletoe, and Starfish tonight?” Her face immediately freezes. Her eyes begin to bear down upon me. Backpedaling immediately “It's fine if you don't want to. I just figured that it would be something that would allow us to relax before we get back on track.” That does bring up a good point. Wouldn't it be easier to travel via the rails?

I watched as Sunset's face broke its impassiveness as she quickly nodded once more. However, her eyes still held that gleam within them, that promised that some pony would end up burned.

“If you want me at this dinner I will be there.” She states in a monotone voice. It was an easy decision to just take the minor victory where I could instead of letting this devolve into another argument.

“Thank you, Sunset.” I punctuated my words with a smile. I would bring up riding the trains later. She nodded in return, and I felt the privacy spell fall as she teleported away. “You even stayed until the conversation was over.” I smiled out at no pony as I shook my head in amusement. It seems that she can indeed learn. Perhaps tonight I would be able to confirm my hopeful suspicions in the positive.

Pulling out five bits from the bag before stashing it under my cloak. It would be a poor idea to draw more attention to myself by having the bulging bag of bits hanging by my side. Making my way quickly back to the local postmaster. Paisley accepted the five bits and made mentioned that the letter would likely reach Canterlot within the next week. That should give Sunset and me enough time to get on the road once more. Thanking Paisley, I began the short trek back to Starfish’s house.

I could see that it truly was a business in the daylight. The door was open with an older Pegasus carefully balancing half a dozen pink potions in her wings. I gave her a quick smile as I carefully sidestepped her. Giving her free reign to exit the store unobstructed. I watched as she returned the smile before making her way out of the door. She was halfway through when things went horribly wrong.

I could hear a dreadfully loud snap as I watched her front right leg collapse. I could see the bone tearing through the flesh. What was far worse than the sight was the sound of bone tearing through her flesh. It sounded all too familiar to the sound of a pony being eaten. The crunching of bones, the ripping of flesh, and the scent of paralyzing fear. Instinctively I reached out with my magic supporting the pony that would have certainly hurt herself further.

I had in the past been unable to help. I was able to help now. I would no longer lose any pony that was under my aegis. While I may not know this pony. I was able to help her. That was more than enough for me to act.

She screamed out in pain as her wings reflexively flapped in an attempt to catch herself. However, all that did was send the potions that she had been carrying careening into the sky. I didn't take my gaze off the pony before me, even as the potions rained down around me with cacophonous shattering as they impacted the ground.

“Are you alright?” I slowly and calmly asked the pony that was still in my grasp. It took her a few moments to stop her thrashing after realizing that she was suspended in the air. During those few moments, a crowd had begun to gather around the two of us. “Is anyone a healer?” I calmly called out to the crowd, still refusing to remove my eyes from the Pegasus who was beginning to calm down.

“You're in his store.” A voice called out from the crowd. I was unsure if I was supposed to take that as a point of ridicule or if some pony was simply trying to help. Before I could decide one way, or another pair of hooves joined me as Starfish began to pull out a potion.

“Open your mouth please.” He calmly ordered the Pegasus who I still held aloft. She after a moment's hesitation followed Starfish’s instruction. The moment the potion that was in his hooves was uncorked a sickly-sweet smell permeated the air. He immediately then moved the now-opened potion to the pony’s mouth and allowed her to imbibe it.

It was only after the still-unnamed Pegasus finished the potion did, she relax. Her eyes began to droop as she quickly lost consciousness. “Umbra, if I could trouble you further, please bring my patient inside.” Upon receiving my nod of acceptance, he turned back into his shop.

I followed after taking great care to ensure that the injured pony within my grasp was not injured further. She had already suffered enough, if I could prevent any further harm I would. Following in Starfish's hoof steps as he led me to the room beyond the one, I had rested in last night. Opening the door and following Starfish’s instructions to rest her upon the empty bed that lay within the center of the room.

“What happened?” I asked as Starfish continued to check over the poor pony that lay unconscious on the bed before me. Spells stopped flashing from his horn as he turned to meet my gaze.

“Ms. Herring has been afflicted by a degenerative bone condition that has only grown worse with her age.” He softly intones as he informs me of the grave news. That… Was unfortunate. Turning from the Unicorn and once more focused my attention on the Pegasus who thankfully was no longer in pain. Instead, was caught within the dreaming realms of her design. “You have my thanks for your quick actions had she impacted the ground or worse, actually used her wings, she would likely have not gotten away with relatively benign injuries.”

“There is nothing to do to help with her condition?” I asked even as I allowed myself to claim my crystalline throne once more. Allowing my gaze to view the ever-widening horizons of reality that were now available to me. I could see the magic that clung to the now-identified Ms. Herring. I however could not see any mystical cause for this incident.

“Not at the moment. That has not prevented me from moving forwards with a few of my hypotheses. All with the thanks of Ms. Herring before you. My work may not save her, but I hope that one day it will save those like her.” His voice doesn't swell with pride nor is tinted with defeat. All the same, I can feel the determination and effort he has put behind that declaration of his.

Turning my gaze to Starfish I couldn't help the small gasp of terror that slipped from my muzzle. Starfish was no longer there, instead a pitch-black chitinous body that seemed to be far closer to an insect than any pony. Its horn was sharpened yet at the same time almost blunt. I could only compare it to my grandfathers and Sunsets. It was somehow much less in a way that I couldn't describe. Yet intrinsically knew. I could feel a chill take hold of me as I spotted the translucent blue wings that adorned its back.

Was I in the presence of another Alicorn? One that was able to disguise itself as a mortal pony. No. No Alicorn would allow themselves to look like this. Whatever this creature was with both wings and horn, was no Alicorn. I was not even sure if it was a pony. Its legs were damaged with holes that I could see through. Perhaps if I was more mentally aware at the moment, I would have been able to wonder how it had acquired those wounds, but at the moment I was concerned with the voice that beckoned me.

“Umbra are you alright? You look as if you have seen a ghost.” Starfish’s voice spoke at the same time the bug-like creature that was hiding beneath his very skin moved its mouth. Its eyes layered under his, a piercing pale blue much like the creature's wings, were attempting to dig into my own. “Do you need to sit down?”

“I am fine, just give me a moment please,” I said with forced cheer. Praying to Celestia that the creature that had hidden within Starfish wouldn't be able to tell. Praying that Sunset was close by. That she would be able to whisk me away before whatever creature had burrowed itself deep inside of Starfish could do the same to me. The bug-esque creature nodded as it turned its gaze upon the defenseless Pegasus that was laying on the bed.

Could I truly abandon this pony to the creature's clutches? Even if it had saved her, there was little chance that she would be able to fend it off even if she were to wake. Instead, I once more grasped the flame that Sunset had tagged to me, and once again smothered it with extreme prejudice. Sunset appeared before me in a pillar of billowing flames. Her eyes narrowed as she scanned the room. The mounting horror once more swelled as her eyes passed straight over the insectile pretender.

“Umbra?” She questioned. I could see from the confusion that was swimming within her emerald orbs that she was unsure of my reasons. I could see that she was about to continue to speak but caught the terror that had filled my very being. Her eyes Burned. The room was filled with sweltering heat that would not have been misplaced within the deepest recesses of an active volcano.

The insectile creature that was in the process of turning towards me fell to the ground twitching as Sunset blasted it with a sickly pale blue orb. “Can I teleport you?” Sunset asked after she confirmed there were no more potential threats. I nodded and immediately she embraced me as we were both swallowed by her flames.

Reappearing near the outskirts of Wingston, where I had initially summoned her. “What happened? How injured are you?” she demanded as she began to run through the list of medical spells that she knew.

“I am fine Sunset you got to me before anything could happen.” My words had an instantaneous effect on the Unicorn before me. The manic rage, while still there, had abated with my confirmation of the information she had likely already received from her spells. Taking a breath, I continued with what had happened. “Starfish was replaced by some bug-like monster… We left Ms. Herring with it! Sunset, we need to go back to the Pegasus, Ms. Herring is unconscious and injured. Please-.” I stopped my plea upon the tilting of Sunset's head in clear confusion.

“I… Wow. Sweet Celestia, Cadance.” Sunset muttered as she continued to stare at me. Her cyan eyes filled for some forsaken reason with mirth.

“What?” I all but snarled at my partner who for some reason wasn't taking this nearly as seriously as I was.

“He is a changeling.” Sunset offered if that made any difference to know what the monster was officially called.

“And? It still has access to a defenseless pony. Oh, sweet Celestia, how are we supposed to tell Mistletoe? That her brother has been replaced by an evil insect.” That was the final straw for Sunset as she all but buckled with laughter. “Sunset? Sunset Shimmer! Why are you laughing?” I exclaimed at her strange response. Shaking her from her amusement at a horrible situation.

“Cadance, I tell you this fully understanding that you will not believe me but you just reacted the same way I did all those years ago.” She said with a chuckle after she caught her breath from the raucous laughter. I wasn't even bothering to pretend I wasn't glaring at the pony that was my partner at this point. “Ok. Jeez Cadance. He is a changeling. Who cares? I didn't realize that you would have any issues with that. Especially considering how well you got along with Mistletoe.” She then pauses a frown forming on her face as her eyes sharpen. “Did one of them do something to you?” The amusement was now gone from her voice replaced by a coiling hatred that threatened to burn any that heard it.

“No… Is there a reason you find this entire scenario so amusing?” I asked my partner who thankfully was no longer looking like she was about to murder some pony. She instead just sighed.

“Cadance… What do you even know about changelings? I mean Princess Celestia would have had to tell you about them. You know, considering that they feed on love.” With those final words, I felt my heart drop further than before into a new darkness that was all-enveloping.

“THEY EAT LOVE?” I all but deafened the pony before me, who backed away as she held her two front hooves up in surrender. Why was she not teleporting me away from a creature that feasted on my very essence? A better question: why had she allowed me to get anywhere near such a creature? Another even better question: why had Celestia not told me of a monster that ate what I was the very embodiment of?

I would have continued my internal rant but Sunset teleported away in a flash of flames and reappeared right before me. Placing her hoof on my good wing, I could feel her warmth even through the enchanted cloak.

“Take a deep breath.” She intoned in an oddly calming voice. Following her command for the moment I did as she ordered. Eventually, after I was no longer caught in that internal spiral she continued. “Changelings eat love, yes but only in the most rare cases do they harm any pony. They mostly feed on the ambient love given off by ponies and other creatures.” Upon seeing that I was still waiting for the part of her words that would convince me to not once more freak out, she continued with haste. “Celestia and their king made a deal a little over two decades ago for peace between the two species. They can live within pony society and feed as long as they do not harm any pony.”

Was I supposed to take that since Celestia had allowed it that everything was sunshine and rainbows? If that was her argument she had misjudged how much I was continuing to believe that Celestia was incapable of making any mistakes. Her greatest was after all before me. All but rebelling against the crown and her mother. Not that those two were different.

“They feed on Love Sunset! How am I supposed to trust them? It must look like I was a full seven-course meal to them.” I shuddered at the thought. I could feel her grow warmer from the hoof that was still on my side. Her ever-present heat grows from a comforting blaze to a snarling inferno.

“You don't need to trust any pony. All you need to do is trust that I will keep my side of our bargain.” She growled out as her emerald eyes flashed with barely contained malice. “I would kill any being that dares to attempt to harm you. That I promise.” She declared with a finality that offered no room for misunderstandings or complaints. Her words promising bloodshed and untold pain were oddly comforting.

A warmth permeates throughout my form as her promise spreads through my physical form. She had promised. You could say a lot about the pony named Sunset Shimmer, but she did her best to keep her word after she had made a promise. The declaration that she made stoked a familiar flame that I had been carrying for her. Allowing it to grow even grander, crystalizing into something far more than just an ember of affection. Taking a moment to relish in that feeling. Even if it was not yet a reciprocated love, even if it was never reciprocated. I could embrace this feeling of my first Love. Etching the warmth into my very being, I nodded.

“Thank you,” I whispered out to the pony that still refused to break the connection between us. “Why did you not tell me that we were staying with a changeling?” I asked, my voice still wet.

“I didn't think that you were bothered by it. After all, we had been traveling with Mistletoe for a little while. While I didn't know what exactly was with her, I knew something was off. So after you demanded that I leave, I went and interrogated the two. Who quickly revealed that they were changelings.” She explained. “You were never in any danger. Between my beacon and being within teleportation distance, nothing would have harmed you.” She concluded.

“So to confirm Mistletoe is a…” I trailed off as Sunset swiftly nodded. Was the only reason she cared about mine and Sunset's relationship, was to snack off of it? I thought we were friends. How dare she! Taking a deep breath as I turned and embraced Sunset. Submerging myself in her warmth as I allowed the anger to bleed from me.

“Anything else I should be aware of before I go save Starfish before my curse eats away all of his flesh?” She asks into my ear. Immediately I pushed myself off her. What? Please be joking. Why would she have used such a spell even against a monster? Was that a spell she used so commonly that it was not even a concern to her about using it? Did she use it because of me?

“Sunset! Please tell me you are joking.” I demanded my gaze, piercing the emerald eyes that refused to meet my own. “You better save him.” I snarled at my partner. I was scared, yes but there was no need to kill the creature.

“Before this gets any worse, I will be right back.” She retorts with a dismissive tone as flames swallow her whole. Leaving me alone on the outskirts of Wingston. I swore to Celestia herself that the next time Sunset attempted to teleport away from me I would tag along. Glaring into the town I began my trek back to Starfishes house.

“Ah, Umbra!” an excitable voice chirped. Mistletoe of course. She waved a hoof at me before rushing over to join my stride. “I heard about what you did, Ms. Herring sure was lucky to have you there to save her.” She continued taking my silence as assent to continue to speak. That I still didn't know what was beneath her coat and flesh. Laid the chitinous carapace of a-. No. I was better than that. I would not be afraid.

“I'm just glad she wasn't any more hurt,” I responded after taking a deep breath and allowing my emotions to balance. The entire time Mistletoe was eyeing me with concern. How much of it was real was up to any pony’s guess… Wow. I was beginning to think like Sunset, wasn't I? Always thinking that every pony was out to get me.

“Did you and Dawn get into another fight? You seem off.” She queried as we got closer to the house which in my absence had lost the crowd of ponies watching the accident.

“No. Not this time.” I responded as I stopped in my tracks. I could hear a pained gasping and muffled whimpering. Damnit Sunset, weren't you the one trying to convince me that he wasn't a monster? Immediately I launched myself forward leaving Mistletoe standing in shock behind me. Throwing the door open and bounding inside towards the room where I had last seen Starfish convulsing.

The door had been left open and froze. There was a green liquid pooling on the floor, coagulating along the edges of the room. What caught my attention afterward was a jarring sight. I could see what could generously be described as the remains of what was once Starfish. The chitin that had once kept his vital organs inside his monstrous form was half dissolved. Allowing various internal organs to leak out upon the floor.

I could only stand in horror as I watched Starfish continue to twitch, his remaining wing attempting to bring him airborne but only proceeded to rotate his corpse more. The movement provided momentum for even more of the green liquid which I quickly realized was the Starfish's equivalent of blood and what appeared to be a slightly misshapen lung to fall out of his still-eroding corpse.

I wish I could say that he was dead, but I knew from the pain in his eyes that was a falsehood. I could see that even with everything that was happening to him, the agony that he must be in. His face was half gone and I could see an off-green organ that resembled a brain. I felt my legs begin to buckle but I somehow prevented myself from collapsing. He was still somehow alive. I believed it had something to do with the Unicorn who was barely colored red. She was far too drenched with the green blood, she smiled as she turned to me.

“Ah Umbra, sorry for not getting you but I was having a bit of trouble putting him back together. My spell unfortunately was far more effective on a changeling than it was on a pony.” I could see the perverse glee of the pain her actions had caused flashing in her emerald eyes. “I wonder if it has to do with their innate ability to shapeshift? Perhaps it has to do with their base makeup? No matter, it is something that I can test at a later date.” She finished with a small smile pausing before she cocked her head in a questioning look.

All the while she was not even looking at Starfish, her magic kept collecting the coagulating blood and organs. Stuffing them back inside the creature that could not yet die. I could hear the final traces of air coming from the hole that was once Starfish’s mouth, in pained half-whimpers.

“Sunset what did you do?” I all but whimpered out. Looking at what could only be described as a torture scene before me. Praying to Celestia that I was hallucinating or that I had been caught in an illusion. Sunset frowned but answered all the same.

“Like I said earlier, the flesh-eating curse.” She said with a half-hearted shrug as I watched as her blood-red magic once more encased Starfish and proceeded to imbue him with something. She frowns as she glances over to the desecrated creature that she had tortured. “Is there something you wanted from me as I am trying to save him?” She asked, ignoring the way that she went against everything that was good and harmonious.

I could hear another set of hooves approaching yet I couldn't bring myself to look away from the macabre act before me. Sunset took my silence as consent to turn back and focus on her ‘patient’ as she continued, slotting in organs that had escaped from his chitin. Then whenever it seemed like he was finally going to escape the pain he was in. She would bring him back. Not allowing Starfish the sweet release of death. He was stuck somewhere far worse, and it was all my fault.

“STINGER!” Mistletoe exclaimed with unregulated terror in her voice as she finally caught up with me, viewing the scene of utter torment I had accidentally caused. “What have you done?” This wasn't going to end well. She growls out as she molts. The green pony before me has her skin slough off of her as she steps out of her old skin like she was taking off a coat. Her now blue eyes glared at Sunset as she stomped her hoof a blue light formed at the tip of her horn.

I saw the glint of malice in Sunset’s eyes as she twisted her head towards Mistletoe.

“Sunset don’t!” I all but shouted as I threw myself in front of the soon-to-be charbroiled changeling. Sunset’s eyes met mine and I could see them soften. That was until Mistletoe's spell was cast. The room was filled with a blistering tempest of heat. Sunset twisted through the flames reappearing behind me as I twisted my head to watch her shield the spell that Mistletoe had cast.

“Sunset?” Mistletoe questions her eyes flicking over to my form. I would have rathered her to keep her gaze on the Unicorn that was about to butcher her. Especially since I could feel the oppressive heat grow in strength as she looked at me. Sunset most definitely noticed where her attention was focused. “Wouldn't that make you the new Princess?” Mistletoe may not have known it at that moment but I knew that she had just signed her death certificate with those words.

“Sunset please don't kill her! Please. There is no need for any more violence. We can just leave. We will be long gone before Celestia or her guards arrive.” I attempted to beg for Mistletoe's life. Perhaps I was even making progress as Sunset’s gaze was no longer focused on the remaining changeling that was still standing. That was until Mistletoe continued to speak.

“What did my brother do to you? He cared for everything and every pony that he met.” She growled as her gaze thankfully found Sunset’s form again. “Was that enough for you? No. I heard the rumors, you know. The idea even went across my mind, but I thought it was foolish. I doubted that I would have run into the devil herself.” She spat at Sunset.

She closed her eyes before continuing. “There was no way that the two of you would be the stolen princess and the demon. That the two of you were simply a minor noble’s daughter that had decided to run away with her tutor. A love story that I would help you both form. Yet this is how you repaid me.” Her eyes opened and within the furious blue orbs that were filled to the brim with loathing, were cracks. Physical tears began to form on her face, spreading down her body.

“Please don't Mistletoe we can still save your brother then we can all move on with our lives,” I begged the changeling before me. I wanted to get closer to her and Sunset but a cage of flames formed from the heat. “Damn it Sunset. She’s grieving. She isn't a threat, Not to you. Please don’t harm her anymore.” Switching my efforts to the other end of the equation, but I knew how unlikely it was for Sunset to listen to me. At my words, her broken eyes met my own, through the flaming bars of my prison.

“You know what's funny Princess, I really did think we were friends.” She snarled out shaking her head in clear disgust. “You don't have to worry however I doubt I could do anything to you, after all even being near you was enough for me to feast upon even without you noticing.” She then smiles, it was a broken and pathetic smile that was filled with loss. “That doesn't mean I can’t hurt you. You took away the one I loved above all others. I shall return the favor.” The cracks that were running across her body began to fill with an almost blue incandescent light that seeped from her self-inflicted wounds.

She twisted her cracking body towards Sunset who had been silently observing this entire ordeal. Strangely not even she was not even attacking Mistletoe while she was talking. Celestia damn it. She was actually listening to me, Mistletoe.

“You are going to throw your life away. For what? Revenge? Would your brother have really wanted you to do that? Sunset is standing down. Please don't do whatever you are planning.” I cried out hoping that I could stop the actions that would soon take place. She glared at me and took a half-hoof step towards me only for Sunset to impede her path.

“I was the one that killed your brother.” She accented her words with a blade of sweltering flames that severed Starfish's head from the remains of his body. “I am the one you want.” I threw myself at the cage of flames that Sunset dared entrap me in. A false sense of responsibility in a stupid attempt to make me safer. The flames burned but I barely noticed. Enraptured by the altercation before me.

Sunset, having removed her disguise, stood drenched in green blood. Beyond her an all but fractured Mistletoe now in her true form. No more lies, or pretenses. One attempts to find salvation through retribution, the other a protector of the one who caused all of this in the first place.

Sunset pulled forth the heat and flames so that they encircled her, all the while her horn lengthened to a wicked point and blood-red tattered wings began to sprout from her sides. Mistletoe not waiting any longer to sate her vengeance forced the growing light into her cracked horn as the energy coalesced. I could feel a void of emotions, a begging desire for love.

I watched as Mistletoe gave one final look at the burning remains of her brother before she put what remained into her attack. Even as she began to break down, her limbs dissolving into that light that was sucked upwards towards her horn, she spoke what were her final words.

“Let us see how long you can last without Love.” She gleefully intoned as instead of a beam of energy that attacked Sunset in an attempt to obliterate her, I felt that void that she formed pull. Sunset didn't even move from within her cyclone of flames. All I could do was watch from behind the bars of flames as her tears too began to fade as she fully withered away.

Only when Mistletoe fully withers away did Sunset allow her flames to extinguish. Both the ones that had coiled around her protectively and the ones that had caged me. I couldn't move my gaze from where Mistletoe once was even as Sunset began to make her way over to me.

“Are you alright?” She questioned as if my being burned was the problem here. That she didn't just murder two innocents on my behalf. That this wasn't all my fault. If I hadn’t been a bit calmer, Mistletoe and Starfish would still be alive. If I was a better Princess, no a better pony, none of this would have ever happened. “Cadance we should get going before any pony comes to investigate.” She calmly explains as she lifts a hoof to touch me.

I couldn't help my response but flinch back from her touch. She had just murdered two po- changelings. She had snuffed out their lives like they were candles. Now she was acting as if there was nothing wrong with the actions, she had just partaken in. The way that she had enjoyed the pain and suffering that she had conducted.

“Sunset, why did you do… this?” I stuttered out, my voice anything but consistent as I looked upon the still green-covered Unicorn. Who tilted her head in confusion.

“Didn't I already explain? Any being that dares threaten you I will end.” She reminded me. That just because she had-. That was as far as my thoughts went before, they were shattered by a beacon of arcane energies that erupted from outside Starfish’s shop. Sunset immediately threw herself at me and summoned a wall of flames between the two of us and whatever being was outside. “Do I have your permission to teleport you?” She questioned as she pushed herself against my side, the coiling flames around us growing ever hotter.

I nodded, and I waited to be torn through the aether. Only for Sunset to grip her horn in pain. “I can’t teleport.” She snarled out as if she were a wounded boar enraged by such actions against her. “Stay right next to me please Cadance I need time to break through the ward that has been set up. When I break through it we need to leave immediately.”

“Can’t you perform the same trick that you used to get out of Discord’s bubble?” A voice questioned through the wall before a singular chiming of a bell echoed. With it the wall of flames was quenched, the walls of Starfish’s house crumbled, and before us stood a pony. Yet beyond knowing that there was a pony before me I could tell little else about them. Their voice is effeminate and masculine, old yet young.

Sunset stiffened against me even as she pushed me behind her as I felt the air begin to incinerate at her command. “Oh or is it that you don’t remember how you were able to perform such a feat? Good that makes this easier.” The pony intoned with a nod of its head before a brilliant spear of kaleidoscopic colors erupted through Sunset’s head.

“SUNSET!” I cried out as I caught my partner's headless corpse which had collapsed before she could impact the ground. Blood erupted from her wounded neck in great erupting swaths of almost boiling red lifeforce. I barely noticed the scalding heat as I began to pour everything into the meager healing spells that I knew. It was a vain effort but I had to try. I was an Alicorn Princess. I was beyond the mortal restrictions.

“It won't work my dear Princess. There is no escaping her fate.” The pony that had done this to my partner chided. It began to step forwards closing the difference between where it had stood and where I was still cradling my partner who was still warm. “We all must bow down before our fates in the end, those that refuse to follow their decreed plan must be severed from the rest.” The pony continued, uncaring what he had just done.

“Monster! She didn't deserve this. What had she done?” I hissed at the pony before me who seemed to pause at my words. Shaking its head slightly before it answered.

“It is she that is the monster. She deserves in truth so much worse than what I have just done to her, however ensuring that reality is righted is far more important than performing vindictive justice.” It turned its head to the sky and I leaped at it, my magic screaming with my will. Sharpened shards of crystals permeated the air as they launched themselves at the pony before me. Who only sighed and then not a moment later once more that accursed bell tolled. Sending me plummeting to the ground, my crystals and magic all but shattered. “I hope the next time we meet it is under far more pleasant circumstances.” The pony commented idly as I glared at its form.

The bell began to ring once more, however, in comparison to how it had been rung before this time it was a chaotic mess of harsh clashes and clangs that rent reality with it. All I could do was grasp at the dregs of my magic, of my Love and fashion it into some form of shield that would save me. I had to move. I had to escape. I had to live. Yet for all my supposed grandeur as an Alicorn, all I could do was drag myself over to the corpse that had been my partner.

I could barely extend my wing to touch her still-warm corpse but even that was enough to give me hope. She had done the impossible before. All she needed was some help. I would protect her even now at the end. I dug deep into my very essence finding the crystallized love I had for her and burned it to fuel the pyre that was my heart. Feeding the raw Love I had for her into her corpse all the while praying to Celestia to allow for a miracle. The last thing I saw before existence itself was lost before me was the movement of Sunset’s blood that had yet to cool. The last trace of reality was her warm blood that coated me.

Before the bell tolled for one final time.

Before I could turn my gaze to Starfish I could faintly hear a bell ring. A singular cacophonous ringing spread out through the aether. It was far too loud. It sounded wrong. My very existence was filled with pain at the sound. It was just like when Sunset reforged her connection to the magic of Equus. It was far beyond wrong.

The very reality before me began to falter. I could see fragments beginning to erode. The vibrant colors faded to nothing but drab grays that soon began to fade from existence themselves. Leaving me in a quickly eroding reality. Starfish began to fall to dust before my very eyes. Starting from his hooves before this accursed gray began to eat away at the rest of his form. It was horrifying to watch as he was unable to even experience the disintegration of himself.

I had to move. I had to escape. I had to live. I would be turned into nothing just like Starfish if I didn't move. Yet for all my strength gifted by my ascension, I could not move. I would be lost. Turned into something less than nothing. I would be forgotten. Left behind. My very existence was snuffed, my life nothing, my effort meaningless.

In a fit of defiance against my would-be fate I turned inwards. I could see the very fragments of magic that clung to me faltering. The flame that Sunset had once more tagged me with beginning to be snuffed out. I hastened its death. Hopefully, she would get here before I much like the surroundings returned to the nothingness of the void.

I felt a heat begin to form around me and as it grew I felt my heart begin to beat faster in anticipation. Once more it seemed that Sunset would defy the chains of reality. I couldn't see her appear as I could not even move my head, but I could feel the waves of heat that were pulsating from her. She had once more arrived to save me. I felt a familiar hoof upon my side and then once more we were torn through the collapsing space.

Reappearing I couldn't help the gasp of air that I inhaled. Letting out a fit of coughs that had my partner who had just saved me offer a comforting hoof.

“My apologies for once more not asking to teleport you.” She couldn't be serious, could she? Oh, who was I kidding of course she was serious. Forcing my still-shaking body to grasp Sunset as I whispered my thanks once more.

“Thank you, Sunset. Thank you so much.” Even as I thanked her, I twisted my head to see where Starfish’s house had been now, only a void that stood against the reality surrounding it. “First what in the ever-loving Tartarus is that? Second, what in Celestia’s sweet name happened? Third, you have blanket permission to teleport me in the future.” I spoke out thankfully without much of a stutter. Sunset didn't notice or seem to care, more than likely the latter, she did however answer my questions.

“In order, I believe is an unrestrained tear in reality that is in the process of being stabilized. The temporal magics in the air promote the idea that some pony either was in the process of rewinding time or did rewind time causing said tear. You shouldn't give any pony you don't trust permission to teleport you.” It was that last sentence of hers that had me look from the shrinking void that had nearly swallowed me to my partner.

“Sunset, you just saved me from obliteration if that doesn't give you some trust nothing will… Don't you dare take that the wrong way.” I hastily corrected my partner before she could misinterpret my words.

“You wouldn't have been obliterated.” She paused, tilting her head which nearly had her horn hit my head as it got buried in my shortened mane. “Well technically you would have but you would have immediately been recreated in the same instance.” That wasn't comforting Sunset! Thankfully she had prevented any form of obliteration from happening to me thanks to her teleporting in. Allowing myself a moment to embrace the sanctity and safety of her warmth before my brain caught something from her explanation.

“Wait some pony is manipulating time? I thought only Celestia could do that?” I tilted my head in confusion which did have our horns tink together. Sunset began to squirm underneath my hooves with that action. I cursed myself as I let her escape my embrace, taking her warmth with her as she left.

“Technically I can rewind time as well” Ah I had wounded her pride. “- but that claim is nominally correct. After all, only the greatest Unicorns have a chance of meddling with the forces of time.” She answered as she turned her gaze that had been focusing on me the entire time, which wasn't important, but she did focus on saving me rather than studying a powerful and rare spell, to turn to the void that was shrinking at a minute rate.

“So, Starfish and Herring will be alright?” I asked as they had been caught in the epicenter such as I, but they didn't have a partner like Sunset to save them.

“Like I said, in effect nothing will happen with them. One second will have passed and it is unlikely that they will notice anything different.” That didn't make any sense. We had just been talking for a little over a minute. Seeing the confusion that was evident on my face she continued. “Look around Cadance, we are no longer moving forwards in time. How do you think I saved you?”

At her words, I glanced around and saw ponies not running away from the sphere of obliteration but were instead frozen in various poses and acts. It looked as if every pony was posing for a hyper realistic photo. From the pony’s hooves caught in the air to the apple that was caught at the height of its descent from a throw.

“Wait, you can pause time!” I all but screamed at the pony who didn't realize how awesome that was. “And you never told me? Why didn't you tell me?” A weight settled in my gut, after all, I had kept referring to how much I had trusted her. Did she not trust me? I couldn't help the raw anger that formed at that thought.

“Yes, I can pause time. I have never told you because not even Celestia knows.” Wait so I knew about this before Celestia? Her words filled the pit that had initially formed with a pleasant warmth. Wait… Wouldn't she have shown this to her adoptive mother at the first opportunity to gain approval from her?

“Sunset, is there a reason you don't stop time?” My tone sharpened much like my eyes as my partner turned away from my gaze. “Sunset if you didn't show this to Celestia that means… Oh sweet Celestia, what have you done to yourself? What did you sacrifice?” This was a piece of dark magic. That's why she didn't show it off to Celestia. Perhaps I wouldn't have heard her had I not ascended, however, thanks to my vastly improved senses I heard the words she spoke that nearly froze my heart whole.

“In exchange for stopping time, I sacrifice my own.” She mumbled.

“How much,” I spoke before realizing that no matter the answer was far too much. She turned around her cyan eyes finally finding mine.

“A year of my life burns away for each minute I pause time.” she said with a shrug as if she hadn't just confessed to limiting her lifespan. I was suddenly very aware of the seconds continuing to pass by. Sapping my partner of her very lifeforce. With each one that passed I swore I could see the specter of death getting closer to the pony that was my partner.

“Why would you do such a thing? Didn't you say that even if I had been obliterated, I would have been fine? That I would have returned to normal? With no memory of what had happened.” I hastily spoke, not willing to waste any time. “Sunset, Celestia damn it, end the spell already I am safe. Please end it.” She however did not end the spell that was killing her. She for some reason didn't end the spell that was sapping her life away. “Sunset, end your spell!” I all but growled out as I pushed myself into her face. My eyes locked with her emerald orbs that held for some reason unknown to me, anger.

“I had to save you. I am burning away my life for you. Yes, you would have been fine, but that didn't stop me from spinning the spell together the very instant that I felt chronomatic energies beginning to form around you.” She spat in anger that felt far too hollow for her normal rage. It was strange but I couldn't even feel any heat coming from her at that very moment. Instead, all I could feel was a chill of cold wafting off her.

“Sunset how long?” I once more asked, this time however softly asking as I raised a singular hoof towards her. I tried not to take it to heart when she jerked away from my hoof, but it still stung.

“I estimated that at the very worst it would take me five minutes to get you to safety.” Her somberly spoken words acted as a spear that pushed through my flesh and bone. Piercing into my heart with unrelenting force. Winding me with the weight of its force. “I would end it if I could but that's not how the spell works.” She ended off growling, yet I realized that it was not true anger that was behind them, but masked fear. She had… oh sweet Celestia, Sunset.

I slowly made my way over to her and embraced the pony that was utterly terrified of what she had just done. She didn't even bother pretending to resist as I held her, instead all but collapsing into my hooves. “I don't even know why I did it. One second everything was fine and the next you were in danger, and I severed five years of my life.” I could feel her muzzle wet as she pushed herself into my side.

There we were embracing one another in a world frozen in time, embracing each other. Sunset in a rare show of weakness held onto me as if I was the only lifeline she had. Considering what she had just done I feared that my thoughts were true. I would ensure that she ascended long before those five years would impact her. She would ascend with me, and we would be timeless together.

A warmth embraces the both of us as my thoughts become more than something ethereal. A familiar flame was stoked, igniting embers into a blazing fire that grew ever grander, eventually crystallizing into something far more than the fragments of affection that I had held for her. Taking a moment to relish in that feeling even as Sunset embraced me to stave off the fear that her actions had wrought. Even if it was not yet a reciprocated love, even if it was never reciprocated. I could embrace this feeling of my first Love.

Yet as the tear finally receded, I couldn't help but note how familiar a feeling of what had been crystallized deep inside my soul. I could hear screams of utter agony and pain coming from all around. Until I noticed that I too had joined the cacophony of suffering. The last thing I could see was a singular cyan thread that connected me to Sunset. Then the sweet embrace of nothingness held dominion.

Author's Note:

What a way to end a chapter. I will admit that this chapter got away from me but I couldn't find a good place to end it so it is rather large. Sorry to those of you who were hoping to see a jealous Sunset that is coming, just later. Trust me when I say it will be worth the wait.

Otherwise, in this chapter we saw a great deal further into Cadance's mind and how she thinks along with some of her backstory. How she is willing to protect any pony that she can. Also that she somehow knows how something sounds, while most ponies would not.

Perhaps if Celestia had more time to teach her about the realm and its denizens Cadance wouldn't have freaked out, but unfortunately, that didn't happen. Celestia had to leave and then the castle was attacked.

Sunset proves that she is better than almost every pony and then immediately gets one shot by the strange pony that had a bell (Brownie points to anyone that figures out who they are). She even pulls out some time magic of her own even if hers comes with quite a hefty cost.

Then the tale is retold at the tolling of a bell just like the title of the chapter states. This a clear example of time travel, which I hopefully wrote well. Finally, we have the ending of this chapter which ends with comfort turned suffering.

I am very happy with this chapter, I feel as if I had accomplished everything I set out to do + I added foreshadowing and background knowledge for the future.


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