• Published 29th Oct 2022
  • 1,506 Views, 112 Comments

Mirror Mirror - LittleFaerieFire

Hidden under the shadow that is cast by Equestria's shining beacon, plans and pacts have been made a thousand years in the making. Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's student. Cadance, Princess of Love. Both are caught in the deluge of darkness.

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25. Received Respondence

Received Respondence


I found myself once more staring, enraptured by the Sun as if I had never beheld its majesty. No, it was a sight that I had memorized long ago and yet I continued to trace its climb through the high heavens. Forever illuminating the path for the ponies that trailed after it. Forever chasing the Sun, yet no matter how far they went they could never grasp its warmth within their hooves. Much like me and the Princess of the Sun herself. No matter how far I trailed in her hoofprints, how long I was hidden within her shadow. I could never grasp her warmth for myself.

I was unable to claim what I had sought after for so long. Forever forced to remain as but simply her ward. The one that she had saved. The one that she allowed to remain, even after I had long since fallen from her good graces. That was all I was. All I ever would be to her. While she was everything to me.

I could only hope to find a way that set me apart from all those that chased after the Sun. A way to achieve the impossible, to grasp the Sun’s warmth within my hooves. I had become well-versed in numerous arcane fields searching for a way to have her love me. Yet with each spell I performed nothing changed. I was left forgotten, only when I stepped out of line would I be remembered. Even then it was admonishment and expressed disappointment from the one who was everything. It was better than being completely forgotten.

How I was wasn’t being the best pony I could be. How if I attempted once more, I would make friends. How if I had better kept my temper in check, I would be happier. If I were a better pony perhaps, she would love me! That if I wasn't a mistake, she couldn't bother to get rid of me, I would be worth her claiming me as her own! Yet no matter what I did nothing was ever enough.

Then we began to fight. It started small like my flames yet given the proper fuel it turned into an inferno that could not be quenched. Only given time to burn itself out, so that it could be safely smothered. She realized how much of a failure I was. I realized that unless I did something beyond even the greatest of ponies, she would finally care for me.

So, I once more turned to the fields of the arcane that I had long since claimed as my dominion. I mastered spells long since disregarded as impossible, I performed feats of mysticism that would shake the castle. Yet nothing! She only made note that I was continuing my tutelage without her. Not that she had bothered to teach me ever since it became clear that I would never pass her friendship test.

I had to delve deeper into the long-forbidden arts. The ones that she had banned long ago. Perhaps with these under my control, she would realize that I was worth something. That I could be her daughter. That I would be worth her attention and time. Yet it was worse than before. I had crossed a line that I had never known existed. She never found out but she surely suspected and she hated me for it.

She never needed proof of my actions. After all, she was Princess Celestia, and she could do no wrong. It was only I who would do wrong. Only I could fail her tests. I was the one that had decided to study dark magic so that I would inevitably conquer the world.

I never cared for the world. She was my world. She was my everything. She was the only pony that ever mattered to me. Yet I never mattered to her. At best I was a passing amusement. I could only watch as the shadows surged forth and swallowed the Sun. Once more stealing the vain scrap of imagined warmth from me.

I once more found myself in the frozen wastelands of my dreams. The snow blanketed everything that I could once have seen, yet even without my sight, I knew what lay beyond these accursed snowfields. A burned cottage that within its ruined exterior held promises beyond ordinary pain. The wind began to howl as the flurries of snow and ice began to notice that I had returned to their embrace.

Peppered with the blades of frost and ice as my hooves moved without thought. Struggling against the elements, as I made my way back to where I had long ago been found. Where I had been saved. Where I had been tortured. Where my tormentors performed their greatest acts. I had yet to be pulled within its now smoldering walls in some time. Perhaps this nightmare would be the one to change that. However, that would be something to deal with at a later time, for now, I must deal with the faceless hordes of shades that had been hunting me through the snowstorm. With my mind set on the current challenge, all I had to do was wait for my tormentors to answer it.

I could hear the howls of the shadows as I trudged my way through the flurries of ice. Ignoring the daggers of frost that slammed into me I kept my gaze honed for the first of my tormentors to step through their shield of snow. Taking a moment to gather my will as a still shadowed formless shade stepped through the flurries. I greeted it with a gout of molten fury, but unfortunately, as I have long since learned it simply reformed. Greeting me with a leering smile of sharpened teeth, colored by shadow in the white realm.

Seeing the shade of a pony reform I could only frown. Why was this shade not taking the form of Cadance? I had been greeted by her shade in every dream for some time, why not in this one? What has changed? The still formless shadow froze, and I heard the still hidden shades howl in a cacophony of spiteful anger. What in Celestia’s name was happening? I could only watch as the flurries of snow quickened, entrapping me and the still formless shade within a field of somehow gentle snow.

Instead of piercing frost and cold, there was but an underlying chill that permeated the air. It was far less immediately dangerous, yet I could only prepare for the worst as I felt my hooves no longer move. This, in all my years of this ritualistic torment, was new. I had never stopped in the snowfields; I had never been in this almost gentle realm. All I could do was prepare for the inevitable return to the nightmare. I began to breathe heat into the area, all the while keeping my gaze centered on the still formless shade of a pony before me.

It stood there still for a few moments longer before it began to morph. Its change was far unlike the usual transformations of the shades, instead of clawing and tearing. This one's change was an almost beautiful metamorphosis. It formed an almost cocoon of crystalline shadows around itself. Leaving me alone in the somehow calm realm. I reached out with my magic and audibly gasped as my magic connected with the cocoon. Instead of doing nothing but failing, my spell went through. This was a spell based within the field of crystallokinesis. How was I now able to touch upon the magic that the shades had used? Did this mean I could now fight back against the hordes of shadows that clung to my mind? I savored that thought as I imagined a sea of shadowed corpses being burned by will. I prepared my warmth, my magic, and my will to flash-fry the coffin of the shade.

It began to crumble, not dissimilar to how a gem disintegrates. I would have forced the shade into the very depths of oblivion, but I faltered once more. For the shade had found a pony to imitate. One that I struggled to harm. How I wished it was Celestia, even the shade of her would have been a blessing to see, even as a pale imitation of the real thing. Yet the shade before me now resembles the pony I had burned my time for.

Cadance stood in the still disintegrating shell of her cocoon. Shadows covered her very being as they ever shifted in the still winds of this new realm. Her shade watched me, as its normally void-filled eyes were filled with a perceivable interest. I felt my inner flame flicker and falter even further as my blood began to cool at her very sight. I was pathetic. All I could do was watch the shade before me, begin to make its way towards me, as I offered no resistance.

It made its way right before me until our muzzles were but centimeters apart. I could feel a weight formed in anticipation and fear for what would happen next. All I could do was await my fate in her hooves. I couldn't even defend myself from her. I was all but lost.

“Cadance?” I questioned; my voice weak with the sparks of hope that had refused to be killed. She had made mention of saving me from my nightmares. Had she saved me just as I had saved her earlier? I slowly reached for her with my hoof only to freeze as her eyes shifted from the black of the void to a piercing emerald.

Is that truly all you have left? Is this the might that you are so proud of? I expected more from the student of the Sun. I never would have thought you were so weak!” The shade that took the form of Cadance screeched as the world shattered. I was banished back to the snowfields. Smashing my muzzle into the mounds of ice was a painful occurrence thanks to losing my balance. Incinerating the frozen liquids around me as I brought my flames forth once more. This brief moment allowed me to see the shade without it being covered in the shaded snow.

“What are you?” I growled out as I saw its red irises that floated within the eyes of a normally completely shadowed pony that I knew was not my partner. How dare another witness my failings. How dare this creature see me at my worst. I would show it what I had learned through my blood and tears. I had spent my life preparing to be the best. Second to only Celestia herself. I let my magic burn. Enjoying the searing pain that ran through me. I felt my blood boil within my veins as I fueled my flame.

Fear was replaced with heat and hate. My body burned as the shade of the parasitic entity smiled on my partner’s face once more. I felt an indescribable bubble of rage at the sight. I returned the smile and watched with an almost immeasurable pleasure at the face that the shade made before it was swallowed by the emerald flames that had barreled into it without any warning. “Who is weak now?” I cackled as I brought myself upwards ignoring the screaming from across my body. I forced myself forward toward where the strange shade once was. “I was expecting more from a shade of a pony, but it looks like both of us were disappointed.” I snarled out as I made it to ground zero of my attack.

There was nothing underneath the snow, only a black void that was quickly being covered by freshly flurried snowfall. The only remains of the strange shade were a singular mote of black smoke that buried itself into the darkness of the void. Dissipating as the snow fell over its escape. Only when the smoke was gone did I allow myself to collapse in pain. The smile that had been splayed across my lips turned into a grimace as the interloper was removed from my torment.

Regarding my torment, I could hear the howling return in full force from the other shades who had been silent. The no longer silent cries tore out, and the ferocity of it quickly increased in strength and volume. I couldn't help but call out to my tormentors “What annoyed that some pony else dared touch your prisoner?” I smiled as the howling turned feral as the shades that had for some reason held back surged forth with rapturous glee. They were barely pretending to be ponies anymore as they swarmed forth covering the white fields with shadow. The last thing I could see of color was a cottage door that had begun to crack open.

When the first shades reached me, I did not attempt to fight the losing battle. I simply slumped forth into their loving embrace. They started with my hooves as usual. I could only scream in pain as I felt their claws digging into my flesh and tearing. I could feel the chill upon my bones as they peeled back my flesh with fervent glee. I felt a pair of sharpened hooves grasp my eyelids, ripping them open to reveal four all too familiar hooves that were dangling from a set of shades.

My head was forced downwards to the mangled remains of my legs as they continued to carve portions from me. Dragging their sharpened instruments of suffering. with horrific ease through me. I could only scream and even when my voice let out and I could no longer scream they continued their task. I once more fell into the pain of their touch. I fell ever deeper into oblivion with them as my ever-faithful guides.

I awoke to an unfamiliar ceiling. A silent scream upon my lips as I gasped for air. Taking a long moment to adjust to the freedom I had acquired. Before burning away the agony that still clung to me, I forced myself to search my surroundings for any sign of trouble. Finding little else other than what appeared to be a resting room, I was almost tempted to retreat away from reality and allow the pangs of pain that still echoed to clear. I, however, could not afford to do so. I had to find my partner. Ensure that she is still safe. It was with that thought in mind that I attempted to extricate myself from the bed that I had awoken in only to feel something clinging to my side, preventing me from leaving.

I looked and froze at the sight, Cadance completely uncloaked, wrapped around me. Her two front hooves entrapped me within her embrace as she held onto me. Even her wings had wrapped themselves around me. I could only describe it as how I used to hold onto Celestia in fear that if I let go, I would be left behind. Pains were forgotten; I could only watch her cling to me. I could almost let myself go. Return the embrace that she had given me and embrace her in turn. That, however, was an impossibility. Some pony had removed her cloak, and I needed to know who I needed to silence.

I found an empty vial and transmogrified it into a lifeless version of myself. I then carefully altered my warping spell to replace me with where my lifeless duplicate lay on the floor. I allowed myself another minute of indulgent weakness as I embraced the warmth that she was giving me, even if unintentionally and unknowingly. Before I spun my spell, I was quickly replaced.

I gazed upon my partner who was now embracing a copy of myself and I for some reason that I doubt even Princess Celestia knew, felt a sparking rage at the sight. Running the cooling charm to displace the rage, I spun together every single protection I could to ensure that my partner would not be molested by any intending her harm. I did not fall back into weakness as I cloaked myself in my magic and left without looking back at my slumbering partner.

Instead, I pushed open the door and found myself back in the abode of Stinger and Cipher, or as they had introduced themselves, Starfish and Mistletoe. I had thought I had made myself clear that they were to leave my partner alone and never remove her cloak. It seemed however that they believed my words were not enough. I would have to show them the folly of their ways.

I made my way through the house hearing the sounds of ponies in the kitchen area. I skulked through the house until I could find my prey. Finding the two changelings in their pony guises I faltered in my steps as a mounting terror grasped me. They were not alone; there was a third pony that was with them. A pony that I knew far too well for her designs. After all, she had been the one who had raised me. The one that had saved me. The one that had all but abandoned me.

I could see her. She was just as close to perfection as she was the last time I laid eyes on her divine form. Even when just sitting at a table, she was far above her ponies, directing and commanding them to create her vision upon Equus. Forever observing from far above, waiting to save any that would harm themselves.

Watching for any that would dare contest her rule. For in the divine light of her Sun, she knew best and illuminated the ponies that she had long since cared for. Guiding them down the paths that would be best for them and the greater Equestrian whole. I could feel the heat wafting from the room.

I wonder who is now going to be tossed away. Stripped of the warmth and care that she gave all of her ponies for daring to go against her plan. Or would she allow whichever pathetic excuse for a pony that had gone against her plan to continue with their life? Protected by the ever-warm Sun that followed the Princess's commands oh so perfectly. Would it just be me who was left abandoned by the only pony that had ever cared for me? The one that had saved me. The one that had given me everything but what I wanted most.

Then I watched with mounting rage as a pony broke from the script that they should have followed. Cipher, who had grasped a teacup in one of her hooves, had dropped it, leaving it to fall to the floor if not for divine intervention. Princess Celestia caught the teacup and the tea that had escaped its vessel.

“Thank you for the tea.” Princess Celestia thanked the changeling that glanced over to where I was hidden with horror written upon her face. Her brother grabbed her and without any further statement fled his house. Leaving the Princess that ruled over Equestria alone without her hosts that were supposed to obey her every command. Instead, she was left alone, with only me silently hidden and fuming behind her back. She finished the sip of tea that she had taken before her magic enveloped the chair opposite her, pulling it out. It was only then that I realized my mistake. However, she spoke before I could flee. “Sunset, why don’t you join me for some tea? Starfish has a wonderful blend of cactus-based tea.” She invited me without even looking.

Gulping down the torrent of emotions that threatened to break me, as I allowed my cloaking spell to fade. I forced one hoof in front of the other, as I made my way to the chair that she had ordered me to sit in. I refused to meet her gaze before I sat, and once I did, I was thankful. For the moment that I met her usually calm and caring eyes, I was instead trapped in the full gravity of her Sun that poured through her gaze.

Her eyes were portals for the Sun that blazed in a kaleidoscopic brilliant corona of light. Her coat was a peerless white that stood before all elements of the world. Her mane, an ever-shifting flow of the rainbow.

“Sunset.” She beckoned with the statement of my name as she towered before me. Showing once more the divide between the two of us. The ever-present gulch that separated the mortals from the divine. That showed the futility of ever trying to cross that gap. That while the mortals faltered and fell the divine continued on undaunted by their loss.

“Princess Celestia.” I slowly answered in turn with a slight bow of my head. My blood began to burn as I pushed my magic into the air. Preparing the battlefield to as much of my advantage as I could. For I stood against Princess Celestia the Alicorn of the Sun. The one who had once taught me everything.

I, however, had learned far more than just what she had deigned to teach me. Finding fragments of forgotten lore. Searching for ancient spells to fuel my ever-growing desires and plans.

Staining myself with the darkest magics as I delved ever deeper into the darkest pits I could find. All in an effort so that one day in the far future she and I would be together. Forever. For eternity.

We would be the only constants in the ever-changing and shifting world. However much the wrathful tides of history struck, we would be together. Even if she didn't call me her daughter in the beginning, I would have an endless eternity before me to have her change her mind. Then we would be eternally bound together.

“I am glad that you seem well.” She starts her voice once more pulling me back into the realm of Equus itself. Forcing me from my delusions that would never come true. That would taunt me with such thoughts of perfection only to cut them away. I just glared at her. My skin began to bulge underneath my coat as my blood boiled evermore in anticipation.

“Perfectly fine Princess. May I ask what task you have of me?” She wanted to pretend that we were still in her pristine castle. Fine. I would play that game and use the time that she provided to plot my escape. I would not falter. I was not an Alicorn yet. All I had to do was ascend and everything would fall into place.

“I have no task for you but a few questions if you wouldn't mind answering them my student?” she calmly asked. Hah. She still spoke as if I was still her pupil. That I hadn't been discarded by her at the first opportunity. That she still cared about me even when she repeatedly proved that she didn't. Forcefully ripping my jaw open before I lost a tooth, I spoke to the goddess that desired something from me.

“Ask your questions, Princess Celestia.” I snarled out at the Celestial Deity that only came to me when she needed me for one of her uses. How it was only when I could provide her with something that she could not get elsewhere. Otherwise, I was kept forgotten. Forsaken by the one who had once brought me up by her hoof. Now was looking at me as if I was a stranger wearing the flesh of a pony she once knew.

“Sunset…” She started with my name, as she placed the teacup on the table that separated us. Once more a hesitant raising of her wing to cross the small divide between us. I didn't hesitate to teleport away from the appendage that would seek to sever my mortal coil. I watched with glee as she faltered before me. I once more had surpassed the great Alicorn that had commanded the entirety of Equestria from high above, atop her gleaming throne. “Sunset what did you do?” She finally questioned.

Hmm, what could she be referring to this time that I have managed to disappoint her so? Perhaps it was the fact that I abducted her newest fascination that she had replaced me with? Could it be the fact that I had taken the liberty to leave her grasp before she could have properly thrown me away herself?

“My apologies Princess Celestia but you have to be a bit more specific. After all, have I not done numerous things that have disappointed you lately?” I taunted the Princess that still was seated before me. I had somehow forgotten where I stood regarding the two Alicorns. I should have never forgotten such a fact. That I was only worthwhile to them when they needed something from me and as soon as I stepped out of line or did something that they didn't want, I was thrown back into the cold.

“Sunset, you butchered nearly a hundred misguided souls.” Ah, the assault on the castle. I wonder if she enjoyed the altar that I made in her image. “You have forever stained your hooves with their blood.” She solemnly declared. That was it? I could kill on her orders, but when I did it on her behalf to protect her ponies that was the step too far? “I never wanted such a thing to happen to you.” What was she even going on about? I had apparently sullied my hooves long ago. Under her supervision or was it that it came down once more to her controlling me. Anything that she did not permit me to do was an act of sullying her world.

“Does it matter? It wasn't the first time, and it won't be the last.” I said with a shrug as I dropped any remains of formality from my tone. This conversation would end in fire and brimstone. We both knew that it would, why bother to pretend otherwise? “I am rather good at it.” I continued as my mind flashed back to the assault upon the castle and the blood that had freely flowed. The life force that had been lost to the world at my command. The cacophonous screams coalesced into a haunting symphony that followed my every move.

Celestia, however, didn't seem to take my words kindly as she dropped any pretense of the false smile upon her face. Oh, was I supposed to continue to contort myself to your will even now? Was I to burn away leaving nothing of myself in the endless embrace of eternity? I would not be forgotten by you. I will etch my name into your very soul. You will never forget me. Not again. Never again.

“Sunset I am sorry.” She says as she bows her head to me. WHY? Why would she do such a thing? What is going through her brain? What trap is she spinning in with her actions and her words? I won't fall for it. “I am thankful that you have kept Cadance safe -” Of course she is. I am protecting the damnable parasite and that is all that matters to her. “- and that you two even seem to be on friendlier terms.” Her smile isn't fully back and yet the embers of her power are still alight in her eyes, pulsating with her divine power.

“Ah yes, Celestia, you would be pleased to note that I have finally passed your test.” I hissed out at the Alicorn before me. Who proceeded to smile at the venomous words I had spouted. It wasn't one of the fake ones that she wore when she was dealing with me. No, it was a true smile that I hadn't seen in years. She finally smiled at me. Celestia smiled at me. A warmth embraced me entirely within its grasp. I… She… Why? Why did she now only smile at me?

“Oh? Did you take my suggestion to heart and open up to Cadance?” she asked with a brilliant smile written across her face. It was beautiful, and yet I couldn't help the ever-growing desire to rend it from her face. It felt far too wrong. Celestia does not smile at me. She has not smiled at me in years. Not a real smile that is. I…

“ENOUGH!” I yelled thankfully removing the smile from the Alicorn's face. “Just ask your questions and then get on with it.” I would not be used for her amusement any longer. I would not be played with by her of all ponies ever again. I would not allow her to further tarnish my memories of her. Celestia now had her lips pursed as she stared at me before she thankfully continued.

“Of course, Sunset.” She said with a nod as she took the teacup, she had sat down earlier and took another sip from it. I could hear my bones cracking as I violently shuddered under the weight of my anger at her actions. “What is your plan that you have managed to rope Cadance into?” She questioned as she put down her now empty cup.

“Ascendence.” I spat at the pony that I had long wished to be my mother. She didn't even have the grace to pretend to be shocked. She instead just nodded her head as if it was expected. Then why would she have asked the question? Was this merely another test of hers that I am in the process of failing? That this will be another mark against me that will forever tar my history?

“I see. Is there a reason you are attempting to ascend with Cadance’s help?” She continued as if we were talking about something as inconsequential as the weather. Instead of the birth of a new Alicorn. That I was going against her wishes and decree to wait until Cadance had fully ascended before I tried my own ascension. That I had once more bucked her guiding hoof.

“I didn't ask for her help. If anything, I have done everything short of forcing her back to your side where she belongs.” I seethed out at Celestia. She flinched at my words as if I had struck her. What had I done? I replayed my words over and over in my mind and yet I could find nothing. Then why did Celestia react like that?

“I see.” She flatly stated. Once more, proving that no matter how close I got to understanding the most important pony in my life, I would never be able to comprehend her. “You saved her.” She didn’t ask. She didn’t even speculate. She knew that I had saved the pony that she had replaced me with.

“Yes, I did, and I did it again when Discord sought to harm her,” I informed the one who had raised me, my words colored with heat. I could see the way that her lips began to curl, and how her eyes widened almost imperceptibly. So, I continued, “After all that is what you would have wanted me to do.” The final portion of my words struck the forming smile with enough force to wipe them from her mouth. Point to me.

Perhaps we would have continued to exchange verbal jousts but with the scream of terror that tore through the tense air, my priorities had shifted. Immediately I disregarded Celestia and tore through Equus. Sending myself hurtling through a tear, in reality, to find myself at Cadance’s side. Who was holding my duplicate and was for some reason embracing it? What? Closing and opening my eyes to see if I was somehow seeing things. No, I was indeed somehow seeing reality correctly. I confirmed as much when I ran through a spell to detect illusions. What?

Celestia teleported in a moment later to the same sight that had dumbfounded me.

“Cadance?” Celestia questioned as the smaller Alicorn turned her gaze to the elder one. That one word she spoke, Cadence’s name, held all the confusion that I held myself. I could only continue to watch the impossible sight before me.

“Celestia, I killed her, she saved me and now she’s dead.” Cadance wailed as she removed herself from my duplicate’s form. Her eyes were overflowing with tears as she gestured at the duplicate I had made. “I’m sorry. I’m a failure of a pony, of an Alicorn. I can’t do anything. Every pony around me keeps dying.” Was all she managed to get out before her words became indecipherable. Seeing that Celestia wasn’t taking the initiative I took a step forward and placed a hoof on her side. She froze, her eyes opened, and her purple eyes filled with insurmountable loss met my gaze. “Sunset?” She questioned hesitatingly as if I was but an illusion.

“Are you alright?” I questioned her before she finally let go of my duplicate and threw herself onto me. All the while blubbering inconsolably. “Cadance?” I questioned the pony that had latched onto me. Except she gave me no response other than her attempt to further embrace me.

Through her embrace, I looked toward Celestia to see if she had any idea what to do in this scenario. She was Celestia and she had a plan for every situation, I knew that to be a fact as no matter what I had attempted she would be able to beat me at the game we had long since played. Celestia, however, just sighed as she put her head into the crook of her wing. Celestia damn it Cadance. I could only think as the Alicorn of Love held onto me and refused to let go, that this was new.

Author's Note:

Back to Sunset's POV in this chapter as she is forced to greet two rather unwelcomed ponies. One within her dreams and one within reality. Only one however she immediately greeted with flames. Otherwise, that interloper within Sunset's dreams implies some interesting things. However no more interesting than the fact that Celestia herself is back in the flesh for the first time in about 10 chapters. Bringing with her a steady decline in Sunset's stability. Wonder how long the two will last this time before one of them(Sunset more than likely) goes too far.

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