• Published 29th Oct 2022
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Mirror Mirror - LittleFaerieFire

Hidden under the shadow that is cast by Equestria's shining beacon, plans and pacts have been made a thousand years in the making. Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's student. Cadance, Princess of Love. Both are caught in the deluge of darkness.

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30. Beginning of a New Tale

Beginning of a New Tale


My partner's lips tasted like ash, yet I found that I didn’t hate the taste. I rather enjoyed the almost bitter, yet smoky flavor that my partner's lips tasted of. I pulled away just as quickly as I had claimed her lips. Sunset stared at me in shock, her cyan eyes widened with surprise.

“Nothing has to change with our partnership,” I said smiling as I pulled away slightly from my awestruck partner. She slowly lifted a trembling hoof and brought it against her muzzle. Where but mere moments I had been. “However, if you would like, everything can change with our relationship... I wanted to let you know where I stood on that matter.” I clearly announced my intentions to my partner who had yet to respond in one way or another.

“You kissed me?” Sunset questioned as if she didn’t understand what had just happened. I just nodded at my partner’s observation.

“I did indeed kiss you, would you like me to kiss you again?” I couldn't help but add that question to the end of my agreement. I could see the exact moment when Sunset registered my words as the once amber unicorn was now beet red. Her mouth opened and slowly moved but no noise could be described as words being formed. Only a low-pitched whine, spoke of my partner's hesitancy to answer one way or another.

I would not begrudge her choice were she to reject my advances. While I would certainly prefer the reciprocation of my feelings I knew that I could not, would not, coerce the pony before me that was my partner into returning what I felt. That would indeed be a form of Love but one that was a twisted mockery of what Love could truly blossom into. Sunset and I were partners, even if we did not always get along, we treated each other as equals.

“Why did you kiss me?” Sunset seemed to be getting out of the stupor that my actions had left her in. Perhaps I could have made our first kiss a tad more romantic but considering the circumstances the two of us alone, bathed in the Sun’s rays was a beautiful start to our potential relationship. I would endeavor for improvements to our next event in our relationship. Well if we had one that involved romantic inclinations, that was still up to Sunset. I still had to explain my reasoning to my partner who managed to miss my intention.

“I would like to enter into a romantic relationship with you. I believed that kissing you would be the best way to illustrate my feelings towards you.” My partner fell silent once more, her hoof falling from her muzzle back to the ground. The Sun high above continued to shower us with its light as Sunset continued to work through her thoughts on the matter. I continued to watch as my partner was deathly still, perhaps she thought as long as she did not move I would not be able to see her.

Taking a breath and allowing the churning emotions that the confession had brought forth within me. “Sunset, I will respect your wishes on this matter. The choice is in your hoofs.” Even if this spark of love would fail to turn into a proper blaze, I was glad that I had taken the chance on it. It would not be fair to myself or Sunset. I smiled at my partner even as the silence dragged on, awaiting what would most likely be her condemnation or her preferably her blessing.

“I-” Was all Sunset managed to get a small squeak out before I felt a flash of cold emanates from my partner. Frowning, I hesitantly stepped forwards waiting for the approval from my partner to embrace her so that she wouldn’t have to deal with the cold alone. Her cyan eyes met mine as she nodded, I once more embraced my partner allowing her to escape from the chill that she summoned upon herself. “What would entering into a relationship with you entail?” As Sunset spoke those few words threw her now chattering teeth, the spark that had been held deep within my heart grew into a mighty conflagration.

“What would you like from a relationship Sunset? It could be with me or any pony.” I calmly asked not letting my feelings on the latter part of my words show to my partner who was in a vulnerable state. She needed to make what her desires were from me clear so that there would be no room for any misunderstanding. I would not allow such a thing to happen to mar our potential relationship or our partnership.

“I have no idea… I have never thought about this. I have read about it but that was always about other ponies. Never…” Myself. I mentally supplied as my partner fell to silence within my embrace. I smiled at her hesitant words. That was alright. Not every pony was as invested in this form of Love as I was. “I had only focussed on…” Sunset trailed off but we both knew the pony’s name that she was about to speak. We both knew the weight of her name. Especially within this context.

Taking a breath and allowing my partner to do the same. “What do you want from a relationship?” Sunset finally asked. That meant she was at least considering my proposal. I couldn’t help but allow hope to flourish within my being.

“I would like it to mean that we grow closer to one another. That we would be each other's closest confidant. That even when we disagree we are willing to work towards a solution that makes both of us happy.” I softly whispered out my answers, intently observing my partner's reaction to what I was asking of her. I could see confusion but I could also see that her cyan eyes sparkled with interest in what I was proposing. “Above all, we would freely give our Love and receive in turn.”

Sunset began to burn at my final words. The previous chill that clung to her was incinerated. Her coat quickly grew hot to the touch, for a moment I thought she was going to combust. However, I didn’t let go of my partner. I had already given her my word that it was alright if I got burnt. I was not going to allow her to freeze herself once again.

Thankfully after a few moments, the heat that was being given off by my partner stopped increasing. Instead, it plateaued, and then even slowly started to drop. “Would you like that as well Sunset?” I gingerly asked my partner even as her emerald eyes pierced into mine. Gulping down the fear of rejection.

Sunset just stared at me. Still, as a statue, no statues were often created with the depiction of emotion. Sunset was blank. I could not see any of her normally ever-present rage. I could no longer see the confusion that had entrapped her. I couldn't even see the Love that I had hoped to see mirrored in her eyes.

The freshly born hope began to wither deep within my heart. Fragments fell and shattered from the once grand display of a possible new beginning. I forced myself to continue to smile. A non-answer was an answer all of its own. I began to brace myself for the imminent rejection. I knew I should have waited. I knew that I should have-.

“I think, I would like that as well.” My mental tirade shattered as I faintly heard Sunset whisper those words. I took a deep breath before I allowed her words to run on a loop through my mind a few times trying to understand what she meant. I think? What sort of answer was that?

“Sunset, would you like to date me, yes or no?” I let my temper get the better of me at my partner's weak answer as I growled out my question. She could reject me. That was not the preferred outcome but fine. She, however, was not allowed to play with my heart. Sunset of course took my words as a challenge.

“Yes! I am sorry but unlike you, I have no experience in this matter. Infitesmely less in comparison to the Alicorn of Love herself.” She growled back in response, her cyan eyes flashing with an almost emerald haze. Our muzzles once more were almost touching as our eyes battled for dominance. I would-. WAIT! Pulling back from my partner’s face I could see the small victory light up my partner’s eyes with glee at having once more won against me.

“You said yes?” I questioned my hopefully more than partner who proceeded to once more light up as if she was a tomato, as she looked away. I could see her muddled eyes glancing at me before she swiftly nodded, still refusing to meet my gaze. The once fracturing hope was quickly reformed by my partner’s words.

“Yes, I would like to enter into a romantic relationship with you.” Sunset clarified embarrassed indignation clung to her words, even as she was still refusing to once more meet my gaze. I felt something slot into my very being as she spoke those words. The world slowed as I reappeared at my partners, in more ways than one, side. Sunset had a look of sheer bewilderment on her face as I loomed before her. “How in Celestia’s name did you tele- mmph!” Before I once more claimed her lips for my own. Savoring her smoky ash taste.

“Sorry,” I said as I pulled myself back from my partner’s lips. Once more she was colored crimson from horn to hoof by my actions. This time instead of averting her cyan eyes from my vision she met my gaze, and a small smile flitted onto her face.

“You realize you just teleported yes?” My partner asked after she took a few deep breaths to calm herself. The smile that proved what she had given me faded as she once more focused on the magic I had somehow performed.

“You realize that you are ruining the moment of the beginning of our relationship?” I teased back to my partner who once more blushed. Sunset of course being her lovable self instead of backing down pushed forwards through her embarrassment.

“You teleported using an equation that should have shredded you into ribbons Cadance.” She grimly stated… Yeah, I couldn’t recover the moment from that. Especially when Sunset began to cast her usual bevy of spells to ensure that I was unharmed. She frowned but otherwise did not report that I was injured in any way that I couldn’t feel.

“I feel, fine Sunset,” I informed my partner. Even as I wiggled my entire body I felt nothing wrong. I mean I had teleported under my own power which was awesome and I had just once more kissed my mare friend which was even better. That brought up a good point. I should inform Sunset that this makes me her mare friend and her mine. I was going to bring it up immediately but I saw Sunset’s eyes tighten in concentration, I would inform her after she finished whatever it was that she was doing.

Watching as a rock levitated before the two of us it flashed green before it disappeared. Reappearing a scant few hoof steps away, shredded. There was no rock chunk larger than half of one of my feathers. I couldn’t help the involuntary gulp. “That was supposed to happen to me?” I questioned my partner who was now manipulating the diced rock pieces.

“Yes. Running through the formula you used to teleport yourself you should be nothing more than minced meat right now, Alicorn or not.” Sunset frowned as she continued with whatever tests she was performing. Not noticing the impact that her words had had on me.

I couldn’t help but stare at the minced rock before me. I was supposed to be that. I was supposed to be little more than as Sunset so eloquently put it ‘minced meat’. I could faintly hear Sunset’s voice, as she was likely explaining the gruesome end that I somehow avoided. The world started to and I felt a warmth encase me.

Blinking my eyes slowly as I once more found myself in my Crystal Castle. Did I just faint? Sweet Celestia, that's embarrassing. I could hear a deep laughter emanate from my grandfather who was rolling across the floor of my throne room. I felt my cheeks burst into flames as I stood atop my throne.

“WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING I NEARLY DIED!” I demanded from my grandfather who was still rolling around like a common loon. Eventually, he got himself under his control, with some help from my telekinesis, standing before my throne still damnably chuckling.

“My descendant in the short amount of time that you have been in the waking world you have managed so much. You have permitted the Demon to court you, and then you have proceeded to scare yourself unconscious by teleporting using your newfound higher magics.” Umbrum said, his amusement evident in the shining of his crimson eyes even if his chuckling was halted.

“Couldn't you go back to calling Sunset my partner? Also, I am unsure how much you saw but I was the one to begin courting her since you missed that.” I huffed out at my grandfather who didn't even bother with pretending to call her anything else. “Wait, are you not referring to Unicorn magic but Alicorn magic?” My grandfather nodded at my words.

“You are a member of royalty my descendant you do not court any. They shall strive to match up to your unparalleled majesty.” He started completely missing the point that it was no longer the same age that he had once lived in. The rules of pony society had long since changed. “I indeed am referring to your first proper use of Alicorn-based arcane manipulations beyond the realms of your dreams. It was an acceptable start for your first time properly casting a spell in Equus.”

I didn’t know how to teleport, I didn’t even cast any form of spell. I had simply desired to be before Sunset again and I was there.

“I don’t know how to teleport, why are you saying that I cast a spell? I know Sunset has promised to teach me how to teleport but that is some ways off.” Considering the first time that I had asked her to teach me how to teleport she went on an hour-long rant about the many dangers of teleportation.

“My descendant much like the time you layered your spells over one another your will and power acted as a substitute for any sort of lacking foundation of a formula. You and the Demon keep forgetting that you are no mere Unicorn but an Alicorn.” Umbrum says, shaking his head slightly. I don’t bother to correct my grandfather on the point that Sunset has forgotten that I was an Alicorn. I didn’t think that was possible.

“You were the one that taught me how to layer my spells over one another?” I questioned my grandfather who continued to speak in riddles and half-truths and unlike when he was intending it I doubt he even realized that he was currently doing so.

“I did but unlike the Demon I can see you from your spellwork as you form it, you did not retain my lessons in their entirety. Only your innate connection to Magic itself allowed your spell to succeed. A simple spell like that of which you had previously cast had many different ways to perform. Teleportation on the other hoof is a far more complex theorem. It can be dissected to get a definite answer each time, and to one that is experienced in rending through the very space of Equus itself, those holes in your spellwork would be a glaring sign.” Umbrum concluded his impromptu lesson.

“How exactly am I supposed to tell Sunset any of this? She will no doubt ask how I learned any of this! Especially since she is likely panicking over my unconscious body now!” I glared at Umbrum who simply shrugged at my plight. “You aren't exactly being helpful. What do you suggest, I tell her about you?” Actually, that was an idea. How had I not thought of that before?

“It is your decision on who you share my existence with. All I would ask is that you use caution. I will not even bother attempting to argue that you do not share my existence with the Demon as you seem keen on ignoring my advice regarding it.” Umbrum flatly retorted as he matched my glare with one of his own. Perhaps I would have once more defended Sunset to my grandfather but as a familiar light began to filter through the crystal walls of my castle I knew that I would be returning to her side soon enough.

Umbrum nodded as I left the realm that was his home and prison. “I shall prepare a lesson to explain the differences and similarities between Alicorn and Unicorn mage craft.” He announced even as my form began to disintegrate before him. The last thing I could see of my Castle was an almost red wave of cascading cracks.

“Sunset?” I groaned out as I rubbed my face with my wing.

“Are you feeling alright Cadance?” I heard my partner hesitantly ask. Pulling my wing from my eyes to see my partner’s piercing emerald eyes watching me. They were keenly focused on my form, unflinchingly refusing to allow there to be a moment where she was not observing me.

At my nod, Sunset relaxed. “Good. My spells reported nothing wrong with you so I held off getting Princess Celestia. I can go grab her however if you would like a second opinion on the matter.” Sunset concluded her offer, her muzzle tucked into a firm frown. Perhaps she didn’t realize how much she was projecting her current feelings toward the pony that had raised her.

“I think I will be fine with you nursing me back to health.” Shooting Sunset a smile that she quickly reciprocated. “Sorry about my little fainting spell of mine.” I apologized to my partner as I pushed myself up to stand equal with her, even if I was taller than my counterpart. She frowned and stepped closer to me.

“You shouldn’t apologize. I should have realized how poorly you could have taken my description of such events.” I waited to see if she realized how condescending her words sounded…

“Thank you Sunset,” I said as I decided against that particular argument. “Would you mind forming up your privacy ward so we can continue-? Sunset?” I cut myself off at the sight of my partner's content face filling with horror.

“I didn’t have the spell up earlier Celestia knows!” Sunset ground out as her magic surged with her emotions encasing us within it. The ward that once gently severed us both from the rest of Equus now cleaved our connection from Equus. A screaming tear echoed as the ward settled into place. “I would like to see her easily get through this.” Sunset spat those words as she looked to where the Sun once was, as we now resided within an empty void of nothingness.

“Sunset…” I trailed off as my partner's eyes looked at me expectantly. “Is it that bad that Celestia knows we are together?” I carefully selected my words and watched as Sunset immediately nodded. There was no time for her to consider any possibilities. She seemed certain that if Celestia knew that we were together it would be a major travesty.

Why? Why was my partner so certain of this? Sunset had admitted that this was her first relationship, the first time she had ever thought about such matters of the heart. How did she know? “Why?” I voiced my confusion to my partner.

“Celestia would dig into it. She always knows whenever I do anything at all. If she knew about our relationship she would find out about our alliance. Our partnership.” I wasn't sure how to take that. On one hoof I was almost positive Celestia knew about our little alliance already, on the other why did it matter? I couldn’t see the connection but if it was a concern for Sunset I would hide it on my end. Taking a moment to gather my thoughts into a response before I spoke.

“Wouldn't it be the perfect guise for our alliance? After all, ponies that are together spend time together, it would also provide us both with excuses to escape Celestia.” I mentally apologized to the pony that had taken me in but I was having my partner’s back. “We could use the excuse of each other to get around her… That doesn’t mean that we won’t be going on dates or other romantic events.” I clarified at the end to make sure Sunset realized that I was not willing to let our relationship become a sham. Just the thought of it churned my stomach. I was the Princess of Love after all. I had some standards for what was considered acceptable in a relationship.

“That could work. It wouldn’t be the first time I have tricked her into missing something larger that I had done. It’s just like when you bury a body you bury an animal atop it so even if some pony checks they find the animal corpse and are satisfied that they caught you. While in reality they only found what you wanted them to find.” Sunset broke off on a disturbing tangent but it seemed that she got the idea. Even if she applied a horrifying twist to it.

“Sunset if we ever have foals you are going to have to watch what you say around them.” She would end up scaring the poor things… Looking at my partner who was quickly paling, I realized that my words perhaps had been horrifying to her. “Sorry Sunset, that’s a conversation that we can put off until later.” I quickly apologized to my partner who had seemingly short-circuited at my words. It was an important conversation to have between any two ponies in a relationship, but one that did not need to be had between the two of us right now. Especially since our relationship was still in its infancy, there were far more important things to focus upon.

Taking a breath as I waited for Sunset to fully recover from whatever mental prison she had formed around herself. Upon having her muddled eyes once more find my own I continued. “Sunset…” I couldn't help but trail off after I whispered my partner's name. I had no idea what the best way to go about this was. “I propose another bargain. A question for a question. A truth for a truth.” I offered my partner who frowned at my proposition.

“If you want to ask me something you can Cadance.” Sunset softly offered, not realizing the sort of questions I would ask her. “I may not give the answer that you want but I won’t lie to you. You are my partner in two ways now.” She said, giving a small smile as her horn lit with a faint green glow that quickly encased her. It felt different than her usual arsenal of spells. Far more restrained and sterile than the usual corralled rampaging of her magic.

“Sunset what spell did you just cast on yourself?” I asked as I couldn't recall this spell being in her normal repertoire of spells. I couldn't recall her ever casting this spell before me.

“A spell to force me to tell the truth.” Sunset somehow carelessly admitted as she shrugged. I could feel the utter revulsion begin to pool in my stomach at my partner’s actions. “You seem angry, did I do something wrong again?” She questioned in an almost serene monotone.

“Sunset please cancel that spell of yours. I want to have a conversation with the pony that is my partner, my mare friend, not a pony that has to dope herself up with magic!” I managed to keep my tone calm until the last portion of my words which came out far more forcefully than was needed. Sunset at times was entirely something else. Watching as my partner once more shrugged as she ran another spell. Before she could attempt to apologize I continued. “You don’t need to apologize, this is a new experience for both of us. We both are going to make mistakes.”

“...Then how are you going to know if I am telling the truth? I could be lying to you. I have been able to lie to Princess Celestia for years at this point.” Sunset asks, her voice thankfully no longer monotone. Now there was an almost helpless edge to her words. That no matter what she said, I would believe that she was lying.

“Sunset, would you lie to me?” I questioned my partner who immediately stiffened but shook her head in the negative. “Then I have nothing to fear.” I offered with a smile. “Alright, then Sunset if you don’t want to answer a question of mine you don’t have to. However, that goes the same for me.” My partner nodded as she registered my words. “Feel free to ask me a question about anything.”

“How did you Ascend?” My partner immediately asked. While I wish she would have asked anything else. I knew the pony before me better than that. Taking a deep breath to calm myself and gather my thoughts. I had never enjoyed thinking about that entire incident. I however was expecting Sunset to open up to me about her past. I should be willing to do the same.

“I defeated an evil enchantress, one who had stained her hooves in the darkest of magics that she could find. She was some pony who was all alone and she wished to spread her misery. Turning the love other ponies had for one another into hatred.” I quickly spoke without a singular breath. I faintly see the cruel rainbow-filled eyes of Prismia that leered at me appear upon my partner's eyes. Closing my eyes I continued. “The enchantress Prismia was using their suffering to perform a ritual, using the same amulet that allowed her to corrupt our love, however, she did not manage to succeed in the end.” I paused to take a shaky breath.

Opening my eyes once more, I no longer could I see the rainbow-filled coronas that had replaced my partner's eyes, instead I only saw a naked concern filling my partner's cyan eyes. “I couldn't let her succeed. She was harming every pony in Blissville with her magic. I stood against her. I thought I had managed to get her to understand what she was doing was wrong, but then she changed. The amulet or perhaps her ritual transformed her into a misshapen monster that was no closer to a pony than Discord was.” I could feel a familiar pain in my heart. One that would never fade.

A feeling that I would never allow to fade. Otherwise, I would be besmirching their sacrifice. “The newly transformed Prismia sought to consume more than a ponies’ love. It sought to consume them whole. It struck me down, breaking one of my wings, yet before it could feast upon me Rocky Road and Ruby Love once more saved me… At the cost of their own lives.” I couldn’t see my partner through the onset of tears, but I could feel the way that she attempted to make me feel better by embracing me with her hoofs.

I had long ago realized the similarity between the two ponies. Sunset Shimmer and Prismia were both ponies that had found their callings in the darkness. They were both capable of cruelties that were far beyond the average pony. They both used magic to do their horrid acts, Prismia from her amulet, and Sunset her inborn Unicorn magic. Yet there were the key differences between the two ponies. Sunset had accepted my offered hoof of help while Prismia had only pretended to do so. I wrapped my partner in my wings and returned the embrace that she had wrapped me within.

Taking a choked breath I concluded my story. “I failed to prevent it from consuming two ponies that had raised me as if I were their foal. I watched the monster that once was Prismia gorge itself on my parents. I managed to perform the impossible and steal away its amulet, somehow shattering it along with the monster. From there I found myself in a realm with Celestia herself, who protected me from another monster that sought to harm me. She protected me, offered me a way forward under her protective wing, and explained the change that I had undergone.” I smiled into my partner's side as I finished my tale.

I would move forwards, never forgetting the past and what had happened, but forging a better future for every pony. “I'm sorry Sunset but there is little chance you can replicate what I had done to ascend.” I offered my words to my partner who had silently listened to my personal story.

“I am sorry that I asked. I didn't realize that every time I spoke of Ascendendance… ” She trailed off as she apologized in turn.

“I know what ascendance means to you Sunset. What it represents. I hope that when you inevitably ascend you don’t lose as much as I did.” I offered my words as a way of moving forwards, she wouldn't apologize for her desires, I didn't expect her to. “Just let me stay in my mare friend's hoofs for a little bit,” I whispered into my partner’s embrace, I felt her nod against my side. We stayed there for a few minutes basking in each other’s warmth and embrace. Such things could not last forever no matter how enjoyable they were. Eventually, I pulled myself away from Sunset’s hooves.

“I believe it is your turn to ask me a question.” Sunset offered her voice far gentler than normal, her cyan eyes however were filled with an unbending resolution.

“Why are you being tortured in your dreams, Sunset?” I hesitantly asked my partner who thankfully neither froze herself nor set herself ablaze. Instead, she kept her eyes on mine defeat flitted through them yet that resolve was not impacted.

“They are punishment from Celestia herself.” That much I had already known “I assumed initially for daring to attack her, but now I know they are some form of twisted reformation.” Her eyes began to bleed tears as emerald replaced cyan. “So that in the future I will not perform whatever act she has foreseen, the only reason why she even saved me in the first place.” Once more hate held dominion over my partner.

Her eyes were blazing infernos of wrath. Her very form shuddered in the thralls of her anger. Yet she didn't move. I couldn't even feel the temperature rise around my partner. “If you would require more information then I would recommend asking the Celestial Monarch herself.” She spat out at me, before recoiling. Instantly I could see her normal motions, she was about to freeze herself once more. My wings snaked out as they caught my partner before she could once more douse herself in the cold.

Her emerald eyes found my gaze once more even as she frowned but she did not cast her magic. She instead took a breath, before nodding at me. She was about to once more apologize but instead continued with this little game I had proposed. Her eyes began to be muddled with cyan as she asked her question. “Why is it that you… like me?” her last two words were near silent whispers. Her eyes still were meeting my own but her cheeks warmed with an emotion that I knew was not anger.

“You have saved me from an assassin, a spirit of chaos, and even obliteration. I know in the stories of old that the heroes must rescue the princess from the danger that they have been in. Even those tales hold a candle of truth when it comes to the feelings that can be forged from those events. Sunset even when you hated me, you were still willing to become my partner. You may not be a good pony but I know you are not a bad pony.” My declaration rang through the void that we were in. I knew Sunset heard every single word that I had spoken as now she was blushing like a pony her age should be. “Plus you are rather hot.” I couldn't help but add on at the end. Laughing at the glare that was shot my way.

“CADANCE!” Sunset's almost pained exasperation was an amusing sight. Fully compounded by the embarrassment that filled my partner. I allowed her incensed ranting to begin in earnest as I allowed the conversation to shift in a much more pleasant direction. One that I would shatter if I was to ask, if she thought of Celestia as something more than a mother.

Author's Note:

This is going up on Friday as I doubt I will have time to post this chapter tomorrow. Cadance fully reveals her backstory to Sunset. She teleports, nearly kills herself, and faints(Not in that order). This chapter is the culmination of the two leads' thoughts and actions culminating in the birth of this new relationship. Otherwise, Sunset continues to act on her own perceptions of the world, especially when it comes to Celestia. Which Cadance does catch.

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