• Published 29th Oct 2022
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Mirror Mirror - LittleFaerieFire

Hidden under the shadow that is cast by Equestria's shining beacon, plans and pacts have been made a thousand years in the making. Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's student. Cadance, Princess of Love. Both are caught in the deluge of darkness.

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7. Back Library Dealings

Back Library Dealings


After properly introducing my two not-so-gallant guards to Shining we made our way to his first-class 'Introduction to Advanced Spellcraft’ which was held in one of the outer buildings of Canterlot High. We went about halfway into the building before coming across a silvered door with a sun and a moon chasing after each other etched into it.

“Introduction to Advanced Spellcraft taught by Professor Obtuse Parallel,” Shining said as we stood in front of the door. My two guards followed us a few hoof steps behind.

“Gentle, Rebound, why don't the two of you stay out here while I watch the class?” I questioned only half turning my head to glance at my two golden-covered guards. They shot each other a glance as Rebound stepped up.

“I am sorry Princess but we are tasked with keeping you in eyesight the entire time you were outside of the castle’s walls.” He stated ignoring the sigh that came from the now-slumping Pegasus beside him. Oh? That is an interesting task. I wonder why it was that they were only now planning to follow it. “Princess-”

“I do believe that I should be perfectly safe within a classroom of all places, my fearless guards.” I calmly spoke, cutting off Rebound. Imagining instead of myself speaking, Celestia addressing her ponies. Stepping into her hooves I continued “After all, I have already braved far more dangerous tidings.” Rebound attempted to keep his facade up but I could see his wings twitch. Gentle just shrugged and pulled her partner back next to her.

“Why don't we wait outside the door and allow the Princess to spread her wings,” Gentle said with a smirk. Rebound didn't even attempt to cover the snickers that fell from his mouth. Even Shining looked amused at the byplay that was happening before him.

“After you, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza” Shining said with a shallow bow to his head as he pushed the door open to the classroom. I smiled at him. He would regret that. I had told him multiple times on the trot over to call me Cadance. Thanks to his declaration the ponies that were within the classroom were immediately alerted to the presence of royalty in their midst. Only the professor, a sluggish brown Unicorn, didn't seem to care, as every pony else's eyes quickly glued themselves to my form.

A smile appeared as I waved my wing in a short greeting to every pony. I received a few smiles in return but their eyes stayed glued to me until the teacher broke the still silence that had permeated the room since I had stepped in.

“Ah yes class, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza will be joining us today to observe how our school instructs and teaches you.” Professor Parallel’s horn glowed gray as the only empty seat quickly split into two. “Please take a seat Princess and if you have any questions feel free to raise a hoof.” He said with a nod before he returned to his lecture. I glanced towards Shining before I made my way to one of the seats slipping into it while he took the other. That was when I felt the gazes slip from me as the whispers seeped into the air.

“And Shining Armor strikes again. I didn't realize he was going after royalty.” A Unicorn from the back of the room whispered.

“First the top student of Princess Celestia’s academy, now the new princess.”

“Truly no pony is safe from his hooves.”

Quickly glancing around I now found that while the class was paying attention to the teacher's lecture a few of them were shooting looks toward Shining. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be relieved that all the attention was no longer on me or… I'm not even sure what else I am supposed to be feeling. Especially considering what I had just overheard. Thank you ascension and the improved senses. Taking a moment to close my eyes and breathe in and recenter myself. I pictured myself in the throne room of the crystal castle.

It wouldn't do me any good to freak out, especially in the middle of a classroom. I was glad that I was no longer being gawked at by the masses. The things I overheard were rather interesting. According to his classmates, Shining was a play pony. Glancing back toward the subject of my current thoughts. Shining was intently staring at the board and the professor as he was explaining the proper way to set up a ritual.

Seeing his quill flying over the parchment in front of him taking notes, if not transcribing what the professor was saying, word for word. I couldn't see it. That however didn't mean that it wasn't true.

“You understand everything Princess Cadance?” Shining asked after catching my gaze lingering on him. Professor Parallel was doing an adequate job of explaining the ways to ensure that a ritual isn't contaminated by outside sources. I nodded and saw him flash me a bright smile before turning his head back to the front of the classroom.

I spent the next two hours watching the lesson and learning the various ways that ponies could fail to make a ritual. The majority of them were having to do with inscribing something wrong or as Professor Parallel had kept repeating.

“If a pony has any doubt in their heart the ritual will pick up on this, so before any of you all go and start to make your own. Ensure that you can believe in your skill and effort otherwise, you may be spending an extended stay within the hospital.” I mimed out as everyone but Shining and myself left the classroom. Turning to the white Unicorn next to me with an exaggerated sigh “Does he always sound like Sunset when she has gotten no sleep for the last two weeks? They both keep repeating portions of their lessons as if they had forgotten they had already spoken it.”

Shining paused putting the rolled-up scroll he had been furiously writing upon the entire class into his saddlebag. Turning to me with his mouth open but with no noise coming out of it. Frowning, I waited for whatever he was going to say.

“You live in the Canterlot Castle with Princess Celestia right?” He asked after a pause. His gaze not completely meeting mine. I couldn't help but tilt my head in confusion. He knew I was a Princess so where else would I live?

“Yes?” I couldn't help the confusion in my voice. “Is there something wrong with that?”

“There is nothing wrong with that, I just put something together, don't mind it,” Shining spoke as he plastered a smile onto his face. He was not a good liar.

“If you don't want to tell me you don't have to, but I am going to be with you the rest of the day and it may be a little awkward,” I said stretching my wings as I made to leave the room. Pausing at the door and glancing back. Upon seeing the plastered smile still upon Shining's lips I exited the classroom leaving him alone.

“See Gentle, I told you our dearest Princess hadn't been captured.” Rebound said with a wicked grin as he quickly gathered the playing cards that were between the two of them. On a table. Pausing, I once more took a look over Gentle and Rebound. Nope wasn't going crazy. Some pony had brought out a small table and two chairs for my guards.

“I am not even going to ask.” I started moving forwards to stand against the opposite wall while I waited for Shining to exit the classroom. After all, I was the one shadowing him.

“Learn anything interesting?” Gentle asked as she finished folding the chairs and tables.

“Learned about how to properly prepare a ritual and about the many, many ways it could fail,” I responded with a shrug. “While it was certainly informative I wouldn't classify it as interesting.” She nodded as she pushed the table at Rebound while she grabbed the two now folded chairs.

“And where is the illustrious protector, Shining Armor after all we entrusted your safety into his capable hooves.” Rebound said while swooning against the table. It was actions like this that made me question how he and Gentle were together. I then glanced over to Gentle and saw the hidden amusement gleaming in her eyes and remembered.

“He should be along in just a moment,” I responded by taking a glance towards the doorway and seeing the subject of our discussion stepping through. Shining no longer had the false smile upon his face instead adopting a bemused grin as he spotted Rebound.

“Should I report to any pony in particular that a royal guard is taking a break instead of looking after his charge?” Shining says as Rebound sputters something about being betrayed by his brother. Shaking my head I turned towards Shining.

“So what is next on your agenda for today?”

“Well, I have a break in classes for the next two hours. Usually, I would spend this time going to the library to study. However, if there is any place, in particular, you would like to visit I would happily guide you.” The smile that forms on his lips is not as large as some that I have seen, but it is a far cry better than the brittleness of the fake smile he had previously on his face.

“I would be happy to visit the library with you.” Rebound proceeded to mutter something to Gentle in such a low voice that I could not pick up what was said. However, whatever was whispered caused Gentle to slap her wing aside his head. Both Shining and I spared glances to the two guards who now with both of our gazes upon them proceeded to act as if nothing had just happened.

Shining then shrugged before leading the way toward the Canterlot High library. All the while reading off a speech that expounded upon the history of the school. Rude or not I had little interest in the history of the school so I spent most of the walk to the library pony-watching the other students. Seeing how they reacted to a member of pony royalty within their midst. I still had ponies staring at me until I left their vision and ponies refusing to impede my path.

In comparison to how I had been swarmed this morning, it was a vastly improved response. Hopefully, by the time I was able to come to this school regularly, I would be able to walk without causing the other students so much stress. At least as Principal Cinch had stated that the teachers were going to treat me as any other pony that was going to this school. Based on the performance of Professor Parallel that seemed to indeed be true. I would have said before the end of the class that I would at least have one pony that didn't either cower or bow down before me.

Tuning my attention to the silver and blue Unicorn that was still dutifully leading the way to the library. I couldn't help but wonder what was so wrong about living in Canterlot Castle. The grounds were beautiful, the library had all manner of books and scrolls, and there of course was the Princess herself. Err. Princesses at this point I guess. Yeah, that was still a tad strange.

Shaking my head to clear the tangent of thoughts that could lead me astray. Just put it in as simple terms as you can Cadance. If there was something wrong either Shining would bring it up or he wouldn't. Either way, he seems willing to be cordial and even friendly. You can at least return the favor.

“Ladies and gentle ponies, I welcome you to the library.” Shining proceeded to stage whisper as he gestured towards the ornate wooden doors that stood ajar before us. Several ponies already were inside checking out books or even reading at one of the many tables that were positioned around the bookshelves. “If it is alright with the Princess shall we enter the abode of books and precious knowledge?” He said, turning his gaze to mine a smile once more cresting upon his face.

“The Princess deigns to allow such a…” I started all haughtily but quickly trailed off. Luckily Gentle came to my rescue.


“Yes, proposition,” I said with as much regality as I could muster. I was shameless in taking Gentle's idea for my own. The royal guard existed to protect the Princesses and in this situation she allowed me to continue on this verbal match with Shining. Shining just chuckled at being bested before in his normal voice.

“Fair enough, I submit to the might of Equestrian royalty. In all seriousness is there anything, in particular, you would want to look for in the library?”

“Well, you wouldn't happen to have anything on hidden kingdoms? Or anything to do with crystal castles?” I asked after a moment of consideration. I had been meaning to look into both since I had been brought to Canterlot by Celestia. Unfortunately, my days were quite filled with other events. Even when I managed to get some time to myself there were more pressing difficulties to deal with. Especially in the first week when I had a bit more free time I was busy making sure that I didn't bump into Sunset accidentally.

Shining just shot me a look that didn't exactly bring me joy. Did I ask another stupid question? Great first whatever Shining won't tell me about with the castle and now this. I was on a roll. Turning towards my two guards to see if they had anything to add, as the silence of Shining just staring at me was getting to me. Gentle was standing at attention trying her best to look threatening, of course, the effect was severely diminished by the folding chairs that she had leaning against her. Rebound I could tell was off mind wandering in the clouds.

“I don't suppose you mean the Crystal Empire?” Shining asked slowly as if he was talking to a foal. My cheeks warmed as I turned away from him.

“Potentially,” I muttered. Taking a breath and pushing a smile to my face as I turned back to Shining. “So is this ‘Crystal Empire’ both a hidden kingdom, while also having something to do with… Never mind. What do you know about it?”

Shining let out an amused chuckle but motioned for me to follow him. He led me into the library past where every pony was. It was only when we came across a locked door did he stop and turned back towards me. His horn lit up pink as we were both encased in a semi-transparent silver sphere of incandescent light. I could feel a slight shift in the air around me as it felt as if a thin layer of fog was now blanketing me.

“I know you're new to everything relating to royalty but I do have a deal if you're interested. Knowledge of the Crystal Empire has been purposely spread thin. It is one of the worst stains on Equestrias's record. So most ponies, even if they know something about it, won't speak of it. I however can get you information on it in exchange for some other information.”

I frowned glancing back toward where I saw both Rebound and Gentle calmly talking without a care in the world. “Illusion spell. I'm not the best at it so if you wouldn't mind answering quickly.” Shining quickly said as my eyes turned back to him.

“What sort of information do you want in return?” I said my voice holding as much steel as I could gather. Shining gulped and took a half step back.

“Nothing bad, just some healing magic.” He quickly stated. Catching my incredulous look he continued. “I have a friend and she has been hurt for a long time. I know that there is something that can be done to fix her condition.” He pauses then continues “Thanks to Sunset Shimmer I know that the answer is somewhere inside the Canterlot Castle.”

This was an awful lot of trouble to go through just to heal a friend. Threatening some pony an Alicorn Princess nonetheless. I sighed, shaking my head. I could at least hear him out.

“Drop the spell, I'll have my guards give us some space to make a deal.” Shining’s face lit up like a Hearth's Warming tree. He wasn't the type to do this. He dropped the spell a second later. “Rebound, Gentle wait here for a moment.” They both nodded and immediately set up the table and chairs. I couldn't stifle the sigh that slipped from my muzzle. I was still mortal for the moment and I got assigned these two?

Looking away from my two protectors who immediately set up their poker game towards Shining. “Lead on Shining.” Shining nodded and a small crystal green key encased in a feint pink glow. It slid into the keyhole and with a click the door groaned open revealing a room with a single table and half a dozen more bookshelves.

“Keep the door open I don't want to be the one to explain to the Princess wh-” Rebound was thankfully quieted by Gentle as she once more proved her namesake wrong. Ignoring the blush I stepped into the room followed by a red-tinged Shining. He refused to meet my eyes which I was thankful for as he closed the door leaving about four inches open.

“Alright, give me a moment to remember the equations for the silencing spell,” Shining said as he closed his eyes.

“So you are planning to do something that will make a lot of noise? I wonder whatever may that might be?” Shining at this point has his mouth open, his eyes wide as saucers as he is staring at me. I went for the kill “Does it involve me somehow?” I say with my voice taking a sultry tone. My eyes never left him as I stepped forwards closing the distance between the two of us.

That was what broke the Unicorn before me. Red as a tomato his horn flashed pink and a shield bubbled into existence around the now beet-red Unicorn. I burst out laughing at the expression of terror that is splayed across his face. “So I will take this as confirmation that you aren't a play pony trying his luck with the newest Princess then.” The terror on Shining’s face is replaced with annoyance.

“Just because your best friend is the mare at the top of Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns doesn't mean that you're a play pony. How did you even hear about that? I have been with you all day.” Shining sputtered out as his shield fell. I simply shrugged my wings and sat in one of the chairs. It wasn't made with Pegasus in mind as the carvings kept poking into my wings.

“Should I take this ‘mare-friend’ of yours as the same one that you are trying to heal?” I asked, stressing the mare-friend portion. My matchmaker instincts were blazing as I sought to uncover the truth of the matter.

“We are just friends and yes,” Shining said his cheeks still holding their warmth.

“You want to be more?”

“Of course, I want to be” Shining cut himself off looking adorably embarrassed. I couldn't hold back the squee that erupted from my throat. This was the perfect love story. The setup was perfect all Shining needed to do was present his soon-to-be mare-friend with the spell. After she is healed he will reveal how he feels and of course, the feelings would be reciprocated.

“Why didn't you start with that? Future Princess of Love here.” I gushed as I leaped from my chair and pushed Shining into one. “If you had told me you were going this far for your sweetheart I couldn't have said no. I have read stories just like this, your quest to cure your lover's ailment. I still want the information on the Crystal Kingdom, however.”

Shining just dazedly nodded as I triumphantly grinned as I moved back towards my chair. “So how did you meet? Please tell me you were defending her from some schoolyard fillies?”

“It was more of her defending me from them.” Shining states before meeting my gaze. “Wait, you're the Princess of Love, how does that work? Do you control love like Princess Celestia controls the sun?” That question gives me pause for a moment as it was something that I was unclear about.

“Not sure yet really. Celestia said that as I grew older I would come into my power more.” I said with a shrug. “Wait, no talking about me. We are here to discuss your mare-friend.” Once more I stressed mare-friend and once more Shining blushed. However, unlike previously he stood his ground.

“Does it matter how we met? I thought we were here to discuss our deal regarding an exchange of information.” He rushed out.

“Fine I don't need to know that, but I do want to know if you plan on confessing your feelings after you give her the cure?” Shining me down and I easily met his gaze. I had faced down far scarier Unicorns and survived.

“I was more concerned with getting her the spell and making sure she was alright,” Shining spoke with a bland tone. “You know something, I think I will take this as confirmation that every pony in that castle is touched in the head.” Well, that was rude.

“Including Princess Celestia?” I couldn't help but snidely ask.

“There isn't much but according to some old texts she murdered her sister to claim the throne,” Shining spoke as if he didn't casually talk about regicide by the ruler of Equestria. “Plus she has to deal with the nobles and as the scion, to a low-tiered house I can tell you that they all suck.”

“How about we move onto the deal itself and maybe forget about this last portion of the conversation?” I didn't plead with Shining but he understood that this turn in the conversation was an unwanted one. “To get the basics out of the way you want the spell that can help heal your friend and in return, I will get the information you have on the Crystal Kingdom.”

“Crystal Empire.” Shining proved once more how helpful he was going to be as he corrected me. “But yes all I want is that spell and in turn, I will happily help you research it and give you the information my family has on the matter,” Shining concluded with his mouth set into a thin line. Did he truly think I would turn this down?

“Deal,” I said shrugging. “A quick warning however the Castle library is enormous so it may take me some time to find the spell even with the help of the librarians.” I then considered my two guards outside “Well and the help of Gentle and Rebound. Oh, what is the spell I am even looking for?” That could have been annoying if I had forgotten to figure out what spell he was looking for.

“I don't know its name but it can heal a broken Unicorn's horn,” Shining spoke in a soft tone but I couldn't help the wince. That was one of the worst injuries any Unicorn could receive and I even knew that there was no cure. From what the medic-ponies Celestia had examined me had said that the pony would consume itself as it couldn't properly regulate its magic. Often only being able to make explosions of concentrated magic.

“Wait. You said that your mare-friend is at the top of Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. With a broken horn?” I asked incredulously. Shining just grinned and nodded. “How much control does she have over her magic to not explode every time she casts a spell? Wait, don't answer that's rude. Sorry I am still learning the does and don'ts of Unicorns.”

“It's all good just don't ask her about it she gets enough of it as is. But that aside, couldn't you just ask Sunset Shimmer to point you toward the book?” Shining asked and upon seeing my reaction which I apparently didn't cover as well as I had hoped backtracked “Great she’s a demon to you as well.” He just fell silent, shaking his head in disgust.

“She is tutoring me” I offered as an offering of hope. “Even without her, I am sure that I can find the book after all. The book should be in the medical section of the library and that alone reduced the amount I have to search.” I say forcing a smile on my face.

“If you're being taught by Sunset Shimmer, why are you here?” Shining asked with an odd tilt to his voice. “You are being taught by the strongest Unicorn in what is thought to be ever and you are coming to Canterlot High? I mean I can understand why you didn't want to go to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. That place has numerous problems. But most Unicorns would fight horn and hoof to be taught by her.”

I couldn't help but shrug, my wings strutting outwards a little as I let the excitement get to me for a moment. Taking a deep breath and folded them back to my side. I answered Shinings questions.

“To make friends, and in case you haven't noticed she may be strong but she is also dangerous. I can tell you firsthand how hot she can make her flames. And as you said she is a little demon at times. I swear I wanted to apologize to her for a mistake and what did she do? She teleported away from me.” I said, attempting to keep my voice level. I was not successful.

“You really aren't from around here, are you? Don't bother answering that, it's obvious. Well if you can't ask Sunset to give you the information couldn't you trick her into helping you? Or you're a princess couldn't you technically order her to tell you where the spell is?”

“Going by that reasoning couldn't I order you to tell me all you know about the Crystal Empire without getting you your spell?” Seeing Shining blanch I could only sigh. “I'll start by looking for your spell but if I can't find it I'll ask for Sunset’s help.” Shining nodded in agreement.

“I'll start by gathering what my family has on the Crystal Empire and King Sombra. You know the post-pony system?” Shining asked as were I truly a foal and not simply raised in a small village. I ignored the slight and nodded my head. Rearranging my mane as sometime during this conversation it got slightly frazzled. “Good, we can communicate through that.”

“If that was all, would you mind if we exited this room? I can only imagine how my guards are going to attempt to embarrass me.” I said while gesturing with one of my wings toward the door. Upon receiving Shining's nod I exited it leaving him alone. Hopefully, I could spend the rest of this break within Shining's schedule to get some research of my own done.

Upon seeing my form Gentle simply waved with her wing and proceeded to, if I remember the rules correctly, get a flush. Causing Rebound to begin to complain that she is cheating.

“I see that the two of you are putting Equestrian taxes to good use,” I commented.

“You know it, Princess. Not a single bit is wasted. After all, both Gentle and I are among the royal guards who are entrusted with defending the Princesses.” Rebound shot back with a grin. “And where is the oh-so-dashing Shining Armor?” He says, throwing a look over my form towards the room I had just exited from.

“If you must know he is busy cleaning up,” I respond with a droll tone. It takes a few seconds for Rebound to put what I said together. I can see the moment when he finally does as his eyes light up and he bursts out laughing.

“I know I have said it before but I will say it again you are my favorite Princess, Princess.” He says with a smile that stretches across his entire face. Gentle at this point shakes her head and begins to once more pack up the deck of cards that they had been using. “What's next on the agenda? Are we off to some other classroom or are you and Shining Armor going to find a room that is clean to dirty?” I am both shocked and horrified by how much innuendo he can put into a single sentence.

“Unfortunately I am actually planning to use the library for its intended purpose.” Taking a second to look Rebound up and down before adopting as much regality as I could into my voice “Not that you would know what that is?”

Rebound opened his mouth to object but it was at this point Shining exited the backroom and joined us. Rebound seeing a fresh target turned his attention towards the Unicorn. Sensing the opportunity to make my escape I grabbed Gentle's attention with my wing and began to trot away from the two stallions. “Just to be clear he does know how to use the library right?” I asked Gentle once we were at the next row of books.

“We didn't spend too much time at the library, but he does know how to use the library. While he may not look like it he is rather intelligent. Rebound has always been the pony who checked over my schoolwork and even now checks over my paperwork.” Gentle admitted. Well, that means I would at least have some competent hooves assisting me while I looked for that spell.

Once I found it Shining would give me everything he has on the Crystal Empire and this King Sombra pony. I swear I had heard that name before but I couldn't place it.

Crystals” A voice groaned into my ear. I jumped back instantly, a faint pink shield flickering into existence around me.

“Princess, what's wrong?” Gentle asked her spear at the ready and her wings unfolded. Taking a moment to look around my surroundings I saw no other pony around. Taking a deep breath I imagined myself once more on the crystal throne.

“Nothing, I thought some pony just whispered into my ear,” I remarked as I opened my eyes once more.

Author's Note:

Ah, world-building how I love you. So much to include but the struggle to not just info-dump. Hopefully, I struck a good balance. But otherwise, even if Shining has his eyes on another mare he still gets along with Cadance no matter the world. Hopefully, everything will go all right with the young love. After all, it is not as if there are plenty of examples of tragedy that accompany it. Otherwise I am excited to post the next few chapters as stuff is really starting to pick up but that will be in a few weeks for you guys.

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