• Published 29th Oct 2022
  • 1,499 Views, 112 Comments

Mirror Mirror - LittleFaerieFire

Hidden under the shadow that is cast by Equestria's shining beacon, plans and pacts have been made a thousand years in the making. Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's student. Cadance, Princess of Love. Both are caught in the deluge of darkness.

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19. Discordant Delights

Discordant Delights


Princess Celestia had always said that taking care of Equestria and all of the ponies within was a delicate balancing act. One that the immortal ruler had long since perfected. Where every pony was in harmony with one another. Where only one pony was above them. However, as I gazed upon the second pony that would soon reside above us all. I couldn't help but hear whispers claiming that she was the only true equal to Princess Celestia.

Would I ever be able to bridge that gap myself? To claw myself up from mortality to the realm of immortals. Where even if I did ascend I would have to content myself with another being equal to Princess Celestia. No. Preferred over me. For the pony that still slumbered before I was named “Niece” of the celestial goddess herself.

Such a thing infuriated me. Here was this no-pony that crawled out of the boonies with both horn and wing. Was given the crown and royal title. Most importantly she was acknowledged as Princess Celestia’s family. Something that I had longed for since I had learned the truth. She is the Princess of Love herself. She was everything that Princess Celestia’s family should be.

Kind. Caring. Thoughtful. Loving. None of those things I am. She even when wounded still thought of the potential ponies that could be suffering. Seeking to help them in any way that she could. Refusing to only concern herself with matters that only impact her. Instead she, like Princess Celestia, gave herself to whichever pony needed her. Perhaps a farmer being assaulted and shaken down for his bits? Perhaps an orphan that had burned down its world. Leaving it to the ice and cold.

She was a better pony by most standards that Princess Celestia would count by. No doubt that she would have succeeded in the accursed friendship test on the first try. Having the so-called ponies that were her friends eating out of her hooves and contorting to her every whim. After all, that was what I was doing. Even after swearing that I would not fall prey to her designs. Here I was watching her rest.

Instead of searing her wings from her sides and stitching them to my own. Here I was doing naught but watching the way she slept. What was worse I had saved her from the assailant that attempted to take her life. I could have watched from the shadows allowing her light to be snuffed with none of the fallout associated with me. I could have been alone with Princess Celestia for eternity.

Even if I had stepped into the assault upon the newest member of Equestrian royalty it could have been as a further assailant. I would have easily dispatched the infantile goddess. From there I would have reduced its assailant to ash. Then I would have been alone with an Alicorn corpse. Without Princess Celestia’s oh-so-watchful gaze, I would have quickly ascended.

Then she would have accepted me as an Alicorn and named me her rightful daughter. It could have been perfect. Instead, I once more had to ruin everything that I desired. I had saved the damnable parasite. Why? I wish I knew. If I could figure out why I would gladly burn that portion of myself away.

Instead, however, here I watched the parasite continue to dream. A dream that left her defenseless against the might and magic that I could bring against her. That I should bring against her. Yet here I was hesitating. Unable to seize the destiny that I had long since desired.

I could only sigh once more as the Alicorn before I began to once more wake. She regained consciousness as I once more let the opportunity slip through my hooves. Giving her a moment to properly regain her bearings. Her yawn turned to a yelp of pain as she attempted to stretch both of her wings. How she had managed to get tangled within the one sheet that had adorned the bed was beyond me.

“Morning Princess” I greeted the Alicorn who was struggling with her silken confines. She gave me a quick glare before returning to her escape attempt. Narrowing my eyes at her lack of progress I once more spoke. “Would you prefer some assistance before you agitate your wing any further?”

“If you wouldn't mind Sunset.” She said after a moment's consideration. Did she think that I would have not done anything while she slept only to assault her when she awoke? I was far smarter than that and she knew it. Allowing my magic to untangle the blanket from around her, taking special care not to pull against her wounded wing.

While she once more adjusted to life outside of her confines I turned my attention towards the meager rations that I had managed to scrounge together. Throwing a glance over my shoulder to the pony who was quietly using her magic to fold the blanket atop the bed. Once more checking everything for poisons and anything else unpleasant. Finding nothing had changed since the last time that I had checked the various plants.

Summoning a small rock I quickly transformed it into an appropriate-sized plate before adding the entirety of the rations to it. It wouldn't do well for my so-called “partner” to be felled by her hunger. The more she consumed hopefully the faster she would be able to naturally heal. The plate made its way over to her. “Thank you Sunset!” She exclaimed as she shot me a brilliant smile as she began to use hoof, horn, and her good wing to eat as quickly as she could.

Perhaps I should have skipped the plate. I couldn't help but wonder in the dark of the cave. It wasn't as if she was using it. Shaking my head to rid myself of the pointless thought. Turning my attention from the ravenous creature that would certainly make getting proper rations for it difficult. I would have to re-prioritize plans to ensure that there was enough food for her.

“When you are done eating I should show you how to properly defend yourself.” From what I had seen before I intervened it was mostly her just waiting for her assailant to attack her. “You kept your eyes on your attacker which is something that could be claimed to be good, but otherwise you let them orchestrate the flow of the fight.” Hearing some coughing coming from the Alicorn behind me I saw her spitting out a chunk of wild garlic. “Those are all I have for you. So unless you want to assist me in gathering more food I would rather you eat it than spit it out.” I spoke, not bothering to hide my annoyance.

“I was running away, it wasn't like I was expecting to be attacked.” She said after gathering what little dignity she could salvage. I simply stared at her. Not expecting to be attacked? Was she not an Alicorn Princess? Did she not realize that while she was still mortal numerous foes would attempt to prevent her from ascending to true immortality? That I was still one of those foes.

“Then take this as a lesson that you should always be prepared for some pony to attempt to remove your head from your neck.” I punctuated the lesson by summoning a blade of flames that flickered before her. At her nod I allowed the blade to once more dissipate back into the heat I had called it from. She would either learn or she would perish. “While we are waiting for your wing to heal I will spend time showing you how to properly protect yourself with your magic. You will have to learn how to use the rest of your new gifts yourself.”

She nodded and turned back to finish the rest of the food that I had gathered. This would be a long while, wouldn't it? When she finished she turned back towards me with a spark in her purple eyes.

“Well, then what's first on the docket?” She asked as if she was a dutiful student hoping to gain an understanding of the wider world around her. Removing that thought from my head as I summoned a small ball of flames.

“Shield yourself.” I gave her a warning before I attacked. She of course instead of forming a shield around herself instead decided to yelp and lunge to the side. “Stay still and form a shield. Especially with your wing being torn you are going to have to protect yourself in other ways than evading.” I growled out as I summoned forth torrents of flame. She seemed to finally get the memo when I allowed my flames to begin to singe her. A flickering shield of cyan burst into existence protecting its summoner against the one who would do her harm. A frail thing, so easily broken, yet with proper tempering, it could be grand much like its conjurer.

There we continued for a time until she could no longer bring her shield into existence and was near death on her hooves. I could see the mental exhaustion clear in her eyes. She still couldn't bring her magic to shield her in an instant and any attack that she couldn't see would often go unblocked. The newest member of Equestrian Royalty was peppered with burns and she thanked me for the training with a small tired smile.

After healing the various burns and promising that I would be back within the hour. I left her to recover and lick her wounds. While she once more rested I went back out into the forest. Searching for new avenues of food. Unfortunately, the pickings were rather slim. Only a few of the grasses were edible. Other various herbs and flowers were far and few between.

Comparing the lunch I had seen her eat to the amount that she had eaten earlier and because I knew she didn't eat last night, she was likely starving. Yet for some reason, this was the weakness that she decided to attempt to conceal. This was something that she thought she could hide from me. Every pony knows that Alicorns eat more than every other type of pony. It was common knowledge.

Glaring at the Sun that continued unabated far above. I began to teleport around searching for anything potentially edible. Yet I found little more. Here I was the greatest Unicorn in all of Equestria. Bested by my inability to feed another pony. Princess Celestia would keel over laughing if she ever found out.

“Another test that I have failed.” Another mark against me. Another stain amongst the countless others that bloated my past. Far more black than white. Turning towards the cave and reappearing at the mouth of it within a burst of flames. “Before you say anything I have been gone for exactly 59 minutes and 30 seconds.” Thank you Chronomancy. I was far more amused than my fellow pony.

“If that was your attempt at a joke you have given me a newfound appreciation for Rebound.” She snarked back at me. I simply gave her a heatless glare in response as I summoned the plate from earlier and plated it with the foraged rations. Wait. With my will changed, the food flew off the plate once more hovering in the air. Immediately she was on guard “Don't tell me I am going to have to shield the food to eat it?” Her voice was tinted with exasperation and a trace amount of despair.

“No, I want you to load the plate with the food that you will eat.” Seeing her confusion I explained further. “Whatever is on the plate after you grab it with your magic you can eat. Otherwise, the rest will be saved for later.” Once more she glared at me. She however instead pushed herself off the bed defiantly and immediately I felt her magic attempting to subsume my own.

It was small and weak. Each time our magic pushed against the others I could feel just how weak the Alicorn before me truly was. Bruised and battered. Yet as I looked at her smiling face even as she failed to claim a single morsel from me. She still smiled at me. She had been smiling at me for some time…

I let her win about half the food that I had gathered. Setting aside the rest and placing a quick stasis spell that should keep them fresh for a few hours. The Alicorn before me once more mentally taxed ate with her good wing and her hooves.

“Thanks, Sunset,” She said as she chowed down on the food she had won. She paused with a bit of grass falling from her mouth back onto the plate “Are you not going to eat with me?”

“I already ate.” I hadn't but I wasn't the one who needed to heal a wound. I had also gone far longer without any food. I would be fine. She however didn't look away from me. Instead, she kept her gaze connected to mine. Her purple eyes met my emerald ones. Whatever it was she was looking for she found.

“Liar.” She succinctly announced as she looked at the pile I had set aside for her to consume later. “I know that you don't usually eat consistently but if you end up dropping dead from hunger. I don't think I would be able to bring you back.” Her eyes once more found my own. Crystals of hardened purple caught my gaze as she continued “Is there a reason you're not eating?” Her voice softened with that question as the crystals in her eyes shattered.

“I am not hungry -” Upon seeing that she was going to interrupt me I quickly continued “- it's true. I am not. I am used to going without eating.” I usually had better things to do with my time than to stuff my face. “Look before you get on your little pedestal and try to convince me that I should eat, I am not the one who is injured. You are also an Alicorn and I know that-” Gesturing at the food she has stopped eating for the moment “- is not nearly enough for you.”

She frowned but didn't say anything for a moment. I motioned for her to continue to eat and thank Princess Celestia she did. It would have been annoying to force-feed her… What is my life like now? Seeing how I had gotten lost in the pitfalls of my life once more I stopped staring at her and attempted to provide some levity to the situation. “Had I known you were going along with me I wouldn't have incinerated the Griffon.” Once more the Alicorn before me stopped eating. Fear and disgust were written across the face of the fledgling immortal.

Perhaps that was a tad too soon to joke about her mortality. She had been fine with talking to me and even inviting me to Princess Celestia’s tea party a week after I had nearly killed her. I should have waited another few days. Cadance still paralyzed from my previous statement did not react at all when I apologized for the attempt at a joke. Instead, she only snapped out of it when I made to leave.

“Sunset I am willing to put up with a lot of what you have done, but never joke about that in my presence ever again.” She demanded. Once more I was reminded of why so many ponies bowed down before her. My mouth clenched shut and I nodded immediately. Apparently, I was also going to put a hoof in my mouth around her. Things were so much easier when I just blindly hated her.

Blatantly refusing to allow myself to think of that subject I once more went out foraging. Refusing her offers of assistance. It was unlike she would be able to keep up with me as I teleported around. Especially with her wing still wounded.

The hours blended into days with the two of us co-existing in peace for the moment. She would spend her days resting and practicing magic, while I would scour for food and teach the fledgling immortal of magic that would allow her to keep her life. For the first few days, she would continuously offer to help me scavenge for food. However, she stopped offering and instead spent more time resting. Until a truth that neither one of us wished to admit was clear as the dawn. Her wing was still yet to heal.

We both knew of the wound that she had suffered and yet neither one of us dared broach the subject. Well until now that is. I couldn't help but think as I returned to the cave with another collection of meager gains that I all but refused to look at. She was waiting for me, her eyes hardened and face set in stone. I seem to have this effect on Alicorns.

“I know you said that you couldn't heal my wing when you first offered to bring me with you but are you certain of that?” She finally asked. Did the pain finally get too much? Was it no longer worth her pride to ask? Unfortunately for her, I was truthful. Seeing that I wasn't immediately responding “You have been getting into fights and duels surely you have had to heal yourself.” She continued. Her train of logic was flawed, however.

“That field of magic and myself have never meshed. I have never needed it beyond shallow cuts and burns. Even then eventually I became good enough that no pony other than Princess Celestia can get to me with hoof or spell.”

“What about the pony that nearly killed you?” She exclaimed in exasperation. She would have continued but I silenced her with a low growl.

“That was far from the average pony.” I would not falter to that creature again. I could only fall to Princess Celestia. I refused to fail that creature. I would perforate its still living form with my flames before cooking it from the inside. It would fall before me the next time I met it. “Is it getting worse?” I asked after giving myself a moment to cool down. “Your wing that is. I know you have been sleeping well enough but…” I trailed off, unsure of where I was even attempting to ask.

Perhaps we would have continued this inevitable discussion however we both froze as the world irrevocably shifted. I could feel the world being contorted as if some pony sliced at the fabric of reality itself. The Alicorn before me could also sense what was happening if the look of horror was any indicator.

“Sunset I thought that only Alicorns could become immortal?” She asked, her voice oddly distant for a pony right before me. Perhaps I would have responded but I was far too concerned with ensuring that I didn't incinerate myself and Cadance as I watched as the Sun was plucked out of the heavens. Who would dare do such a thing while Celestia reigned? Who would I have to incinerate? Who would be foolish enough to steal the Sun from Celestia herself? I would find them and I would prove every single rumor about me true in a bloody fashion.

Ice formed around me as I forced myself to think rationally. Ok, whatever was powerful enough to wrench the Sun from Princess Celestia’s grasp was far more likely to be attempting to deal with the Princess of the Sun herself. She would certainly deal with whatever miscreant dared impugn upon her domain. Turning my attention back towards the Alicorn by my side I could only once more shift my attention as she had her good wing extended towards the sky. Following it I could see the sky was pink filled with globules of cotton candy. Discord. This was bad.

“Get into the cave!” I all but shouted as I attempted to move one of my hoofs forward only to feel as if I was stepping through jello. Perhaps I could hide Cadance from him. However, a raucous voice echoed out from the cave damning that plan to the depths of Tartarus.

“Hmm, how odd?” The words rippled through the air. “Ah, I know.” A snap was heard and then before the both of us, stood the Draconequus. The spirit of disharmony and Chaos looked just as his depiction of his statue in Celestia’s garden did. A mismatched collection of body parts made him look more like a macabre work of a flesh sculptor that desired to wound those that gazed upon their creation. However, Discord was no mere sculpture. He was Chaos incarnate.

He was however wearing an oversized trench coat, a frayed top hat that looked like some pony had taken a bite out of it, a monocle dangling from his left eye, and was for some reason that escaped the definitions of sanity a large magnifying glass. “Aha, I have indeed found the two missing pieces that will crack this cold case wide open.” He said as he twisted into the air allowing the trenchcoat to billow.

Retreat. Finding myself once more I tore through reality, reappearing at Cadance’s side, tackling her, and then teleporting the two of us away from the Draconequus. I would apologize later. This was not a creature I could deal with at the moment. Not while ensuring that the newest Princess survived with her sanity intact.

We reappeared deeper into the forest. Immediately glancing around for any sign that we were being followed, thankfully it didn't seem that Discord was following us. I would have relaxed if not for a loud screeching in the distance. Not taking the chance I once more latched onto Cadance and brought us ever farther away from the mad Draconequus. Reappearing only to once more dissipate as my spells rearranged our positions on Equus. Until finally I had to stop. Teleporting wasn't exactly a foal's trick, much less doing so with another pony tagging along. I wasn't an Alicorn just yet. I still had mortal limits.

Taking a breath of air praying to Celestia herself that we had escaped. Unfortunately, she once again refused to hear my plea as the damn creature reappeared from behind a tree. Before he could even open his mouth I once more tore the two of us across Equus.

I could feel something rip. Ignore it for now. Check over Cadance. Dazed but fine. Glancing over our new surroundings I felt a spear of fear and ice pierce me. We were back at the cave. HOW? I had been teleporting away from here. Was he readjusting my calculations after I had spun the spell into existence? Spitting out a mouthful of blood I readied myself for when he reappeared.

“Ah, I see the culprits have returned to the scene of the crime.” He chortled out as he puffed on a pipe. Once more walking out of the cave. Positioning myself between him and Cadance I threw most of what magic I had left into the air. Preparing to charbroil the Draconequus before us. I doubted it would work but I needed time to come up with a way to escape and when everything else failed my flames had always come through to me.

Discord however frowned at the two of us. Twisting his head off as it rolled from shoulder to shoulder before re-settling upon his elongated neck. “Odd. I will admit that thanks to my little stone nap I am out of the loop -” As he spoke a hula hoop appeared around his waist and began to spin “- but I do believe that something here is wrong.” The hula hoop popped away as he pulled that magnifying glass out of his ear and held it to his eye which grew to fill the glass. I pushed Cadance behind me as much as I could. I liked my odds better if that decided to transmogrify me into an ant

Cadance the foolish pony that didn't understand what was happening for some reason under Celestia’s Sun spoke up.

“How did you get out of your prison?” She questioned the mad god before us. Instantly he disappeared. Reappearing behind Cadance and was now aiming the magnifying glass at Cadance’s head. Instinctively I threw myself at him, getting between him and the pony that didn't realize he shouldn't be taunted. Unfortunately, he snapped his fingers and I was immediately trapped in a bubble no matter what I spell I shot at it, but it refused to pop. Leaving the Princess of Love and Chaos Incarnate to face one another down.

“I got released on early parole for good behavior.” He sniffled out, wiping a tear from the magnifying glass. “But what is this, do I spy with my oversized eye?” He says with almost cruel delight. “Aha, would you look at that my good ponies, detective Discord has indeed solved the case!” He says with a grin as removes the magnifying glass and proceeds to cough out a black shard. Cadance instantly goes still and her pink coat pales to an almost egg white.

He then pauses, frowns, and begins to pace back and forth in front of Cadance. All the while muttering to himself. “No no it almost fits but it's not a complete match.” His mismatched eyes flick to my prison. This time his left eye simply enlarges and he pulls out a cup of steaming tea that he loudly sips as he stares at me. I simply glare back at him until he finally responds. “Aha, perhaps that could be the twist that I had initially missed. Do give an old Draconequus a moment to check on something he had overlooked.” With that stated his beard immediately grows as long as he is tall before wrapping around him and flying off to only Celestia knows where.

Immediately I began to yell at the Alicorn that still hadn't taken advantage of the situation and retreated from the mad god.

“Run Celestia damn it Cadance.” She of course either didn't hear me or instead decided to ignore me as she continued to stare at the black shard that Discord had earlier coughed up. It was just a crystal. Once again sending a cascading force of spells against my prison in an attempt to breach it. They all faltered against the near-transparent force. Escape.

Fine, I couldn't pop the bubble. I couldn't teleport around it. I would simply have to improvise. Spinning together a bastardized amalgamation of my teleportation and warping spells, I fueled it with my inner flame. I felt warmth for a moment before I heard a peal of cruel laughter. Before I could do anything else I found myself looking up at Cadance. Who was looking at me in amazement? Why was she wasting her time? She should have already left me behind. “Let's get moving before he comes back.” I could feel the ever-boiling current inside me gradually cool. Ignore.

“How in Celestia’s name did you get out of that?” She asked, astounded by my escape. I ignored the question, forcing myself to my hooves. “U-.” She was cut off by booming laughter emanating from the cave. Flee. Once more I launched myself at Cadance however when I reached her instead of us both being ripped through space, I instead slammed into her side. We fell into a mess of limbs as we both tried to extricate ourselves from each other.

I could see Discord walking out of the cave holding onto an all too familiar cabinet that the pony who just hoofed me in the face had hidden. Not that I looked for it, as mistaking any pony for Princess Celestia once was mortifying. Discord however peered over the tangle that the two of us had formed together. He opened one of the bottles with a snap of his fingers as he spoke.

“Now then miss Shimmer, how did you get out of my little bubble?” He asked as he sniffed the now-opened cider. Not even extricated from Cadance I began to flood my magic into the air. The spirit before me simply frowned slightly as he snapped his fingers once more and instantly I could no longer touch the strands of reality that I had been so accustomed to feeling. Hovering over his shoulder was a horn that I was intimately familiar with. “Naughty naughty Miss Shimmer. Here I was thinking that I was the only one causing such chaos. Now if you wouldn't mind allowing an old Draconequus to ask some questions?” He asks as he summons a cane to rest upon.

He, of course, ignored the way he would have been lit ablaze had he not stolen away my horn. It was only the other pony that was holding me back that prevented me from charging him. That however did not stop me from spitting my blood at him. It didn't hit him but all the same, he tracked it through the air with a frown that had replaced the ever-present cruel smile that had adorned his lips. “Odd.” He commented as he bent down and traced a talon from his eagle appendage through my spat blood. Before I could speak my opinion of his proposal Cadance got to her hooves and once more gave the mad god what he wished.

“What do you wish to know, Discord?” She asked in an almost formal tone. However, her eyes never left the spirit that was still playing with my blood. My blood! That was it! Even if I was cut away from external sources I was still filled with magic. After all, it wouldn't be the first time that I had used my blood to jumpstart my magic. Thank you Standard for your thoroughness in your work. Discord looked up from his paw and looked at Cadance with a frown. Once more I moved between the two of them. Only for Cadance to push me back with her wing. She had no idea who she was dealing with but I allowed it all the same for the moment. Giving me more time for my blood to boil.

“That. That is my first question.” He says while pointing his claw that was covered in my blood at us. He then with his other paw pulls a book out of the aether and flips it open. I could feel the weight that it held from here even without my horn. It must have been far worse for the Alicorn and her improved senses as I could feel her shudder. His eyes somehow gained a pair of glasses as he scanned the oddly heavy book “Shouldn't the two of you hate each other?” He pauses looking from his book to finally meet my eyes. “Or at least one of you hates the other.” Did he want to see hate? I would gladly show him. I glared back as I continued to force the blood that pumped through my veins to boil ever hotter. I would have answered but once more Cadance took the lead.

“And why would a spirit of Disharmony wish to know why two ponies are getting along?” She asked after a pause. That answer was obvious, to cause more strife for his amusement. Discord however just glared at her.

“Well, then I see that old acquaintance doesn't know when they should keep their traps shut. Perhaps I should shut it for you.” He dared to threaten her. I pushed past Cadance’s wing, tearing at my tongue with my teeth. He found my blood odd. Well, I would happily give him enough to choke on.

Pain. Iron flooded my mouth as the spirit watched on with thinly veiled amusement. “Really Sunset? I know you're hard-headed but you can't touch me. Especially without your horn.” He said as the heavy book faded away, replaced with a target that he held in front of his midsection “Give it your best shot.”

I smiled. Letting the blood pour from my mouth. Coating me and the surrounding ground. I could hear Cadance behind me yell. Hopefully, she would use this time to get back to Celestia where she belonged. Heat surged from my blood as it burned away the physical world. Laughing as I spat more blood watching as it further brought further flames into the world. Allowing the bloodied flames to coat me as I once more felt reality right as I tugged on the magic that the spirit before me sought to steal.

He frowned. I attacked. A blast of molten blood erupted at him. Searing through the center of his target. Smashing him back into the cave. I didn't even spare Cadance another glance as I spoke.

“Leave!” I demanded before I brought my burning blood forth to cover the cave. Filling it with the enmity I had towards that spirit. It would choke upon my blood. Become burned by the fascination that it had held.

Eventually, I could no longer force myself to stay on my hooves. Feeling my legs buckle before me I didn't stop commanding my flames to assault the bringer of chaos. Cold. It was so strange how even in flames I once more was cold. Once more opening my mouth I allowed what little blood I had left to spill out. Turning to flaming spears that shot towards the target that was half submerged in bloodied lava.

Even as I heard another snap I smiled at the spirit that frowned before me. He burned. They all burned all the same. Look at that mother I burned Discord himself. Are you proud of me? I did it to save the one you love. To save your family.

“Well, then I can see why she was soo infuriated with me when I took her Sun from her.” He sighed as he pulled from behind his back a familiar sack. Sticking his paw in it he pulled out my saddlebag before throwing it before me. Then pulling out a small orb of light that he threw into the sky. I got back your Sun. “I finally figured it out. And I must say Sunset Shimmer you would be glad to know that it is all your FAULT.” As he spoke that word my head rang, wrought with cold and pain. Tossing the sack next to my saddlebag he turned his head slightly. Almost looking behind me. “It's not my style to allow ponies to die before me… Well, sane that is. But I would happily make an exception for you.” He spoke to the air no longer even looking at me.

He paused as he continued to look behind me. Even what continued to trickle from my mouth was cold. I could only watch as he smiled. Touched with his ever-present cruelty and insanity. “However, that isn't my choice to make. I give you that to you as the gift of choice my dear Princess. I can let her expire. Preventing her from continuing to perform her cruel actions. Cutting down the rabid beast that has long bitten the hoof that fed it.” He once more paused as his smile grew ever wider. “Or I can save her. Heal her. Return the tongue that she bit off. But in doing so you would damn the world and beyond to her actions. Tell me Princess of Love, Mi Amore Cadenza, what would you take as your gift?”

After all of that, she still did not flee? If I had the strength I would have laughed. Celestia was right to worry about her. She refused to save herself. The chaos-causer before me continued unabated with his words as he began to float. A cascading tear formed behind him as beckoned for an answer.

“What will your choice be? Both forms of love. One the love of protecting your future citizens from the monster before you.” He pauses, chuckling softly before amending his words “Well not me of course I think I am going to take a little vacation before it is my time to take center stage once more. The other is protecting a single pony that will cause so much chaos that I won't even be needed.” With his words, a flowered dress appears on him as he begins to sway before a door of pure chaos. I will admit this was the strangest sight I had ever seen. Sadly it was going to be one of my last. “This is my gift to you, Cadance the gift of loving the many or the few!” He declared with unrestrained fervor.

I couldn't see her. I couldn't hear her. I could barely see the spirit before me fading with my vision. But all the same, I spoke with what would be my last breath. Yet I couldn't even hear the words myself.

Even Discord himself decried me as such a threat. A force of unequivocal chaos that has torn apart the fabric of reality in the past thought me somehow worse. She had to eventually stop making the wrong decisions and begin to make the correct ones. At least I finally figured out what I had done to deserve such torments from Celestia. It was the same reason that she had saved me. Pulled me from the ice and snow so long ago. Saving me from a fate that I had long since expected I had deserved.

It was not what I had done. It was what I had yet to do. What I would do in the future that set the only pony to ever give me her love against me. It would have been interesting to see how far I would have gotten. How deep I would have dived into depravities to become equal to the Sun herself.

Discord nodded his head to words I couldn't hear. Yet as I felt my flesh begin to knit and my tongue begins to reform, I even felt a familiar weight being returned to my head. I knew that once more Cadance had chosen the wrong choice. She had once more saved me.

Discord turned on his heel about to enter the portal before he paused looking towards the Sun he had restored to its proper place. “Since I am in such a giving mood I do believe that I will give my dearest friend Celestia a gift as well. Now tell me who has ever given her the present?” He says with a smirk as he lifts his lion claw as a large ever changing light shoots into the sky. Where it begins to pulse. No doubt attracting every set of eyes in the entirety of Equestria. “Ta-ta”

Author's Note:

Sunset continues Cadance's training arc as they both continue to adjust to living with the other's constant presence. Then an unfamiliar face strangely graces this story. Ironically I am posting this on April 1st as it does fit with the arrival of Discord. Who proceeds to play detective. Making some interesting accusations and being an absolute delight to write. Can't wait for him to pop back up in the story. Looks like I have also passed 100k words with this chapter which is an awesome accomplishment in my own opinion.

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