• Published 29th Oct 2022
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Mirror Mirror - LittleFaerieFire

Hidden under the shadow that is cast by Equestria's shining beacon, plans and pacts have been made a thousand years in the making. Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's student. Cadance, Princess of Love. Both are caught in the deluge of darkness.

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29. The First Kiss

The First Kiss


Alright, Cadance time for you to step up before some pony gets murdered. After all, it's your fault. Hindsight being what it was, provided me with a bevy of reasons one would not want to make Sunset Shimmer jealous. On one hoof yes, she was jealous over the fact that Cipher and I had apparently gone on a date. I will celebrate that fact later. On the other hoof, it seemed like she was a half-step away from having a meltdown.

Thankfully Celestia was here to help, as she had already taken point on ensuring that Sunset didn’t burn down the house. From ensuring that Sunset was constantly talking to her, to very liberally changing topics that seemed to be a hair too close to the trigger. I swear in the short walk down to the dining room Celestia had questioned Sunset on half a dozen schools of magic. Sunset was aware something was up as she answered the questions, her gaze was alternating between staring at me from the corner of her eye and just barely not glaring at Celestia.

It was strange, if a bit disconcerting how confused she seemed about the entire thing. How she realized that she was angry, but she didn't know the cause behind this anger. If I didn’t know any better, I would have assumed she was a foal a fourth her age, but no Sunset was around my age even if I did not know the exact difference between our years. Still, the way that she is acting is startling, reminiscent of the way a still-growing foal realizes the differing ways that they can express themselves. Especially the way that she used the ponies that she trusted as a measuring stick, always glancing toward both Celestia and me to ensure that she had not once more slipped.

How she was rationalizing it was a mystery, but the outward actualization was clear. The temperature would skyrocket around her at random intervals that she seemed almost incapable of noticing. When she was alerted to such an event she would profusely apologize before proceeding to douse herself in a bone-chilling cold that would smother the heat, she had inadvertently summoned. I did notice even if Sunset did not, that Celestia would wince every single time that Sunset used her cooling charm. Yet she did nothing other than watch as the pony that she had cared for suffocated herself in the cold.

I was unfortunately no better. While I wished for Sunset to not use her charm, even going so far as to make that deal with her back in the library, I was not the only pony at risk of getting burned. I bit my tongue as well, watching silently as she continued to use that charm that no doubt terrified her. Hopefully, she will find a better solution in the future, perhaps I could ask Umbrum for some help on these matters.

Even worse at times a heated haze would form around her horn and her sides. A fiery set of wings blooming into existence. The lengthening and sharpening of her horn. Neither of which implied anything good, especially considering what she usually did when she somehow had those attached to her. I had no desire to once more throw myself in between Celestia and Sunset again. Even if my actions were the only reason that the two had not continued their fight.

It was a terrifying sight, that I had interceded upon. A near-endless field of snow that was buffeted by the ice and cold. However, that was not what caught my attention nor was the fact that Sunset was flying on those flaming wings of hers. My attention instead caught on to the fact that Sunset was blasting Celestia with flames blacker than the night sky. Forcing the Princess of the Sun on the defensive as she continued her assault. Thankfully it seemed that Celestia was not attacking my partner but instead attempting to let her tire herself out.

Her statement as well about how Celestia was hers and that Sunset was Celestia’s was concerning. Their relationship was at best messy but that was a step beyond. That statement sounded far less than the shrill cries of a daughter. Instead, it sounded far more possessive, almost obsessive. Especially with some of her previous statements regarding the Princess that had raised her. This led me to make assumptions that I would shelve for the moment. Hopefully not ever return to considering. Hopefully, my sense of what sort of Love I was feeling was wrong. That when I had gotten caught up in all the chaos of the fighting I had been mistaken. Not all Love was gentle nor was it kind.

Which was something that when I got some time once more in private with my partner we would have to discuss. We actually had a few things to discuss, her nightmare earlier being a key one of them. Why was she being tortured in her dreams on Celestia’s behalf? That had been something I had initially planned on bringing up with the Princess of the Sun herself but Sunset… Well, Sunset happened, and that discussion had to be pushed back.

We continued our trek towards the aforementioned breakfast, with Sunset and Celestia walking side by side before me. It took a few attempts with Sunset attempting to walk behind both Celestia and me before I told Sunset that it was fine. It took Celestia reinforcing that it was alright for her to walk beside her.

Thankfully we made it to the dining room without too many incidents, there had been a few close calls, but they were contained. Sunset had offered to reimburse the cauldron she had turned to slag when she brushed up against it. When I finally stepped into the room my gaze found two ponies I hadn’t seen in some time. “Rebound? Gentle Breeze? What are you both doing… Oh, sweet Celestia please don’t tell me you two are our foal sitters?” The joy I felt at seeing the two guards I was closest to was quickly curdled. The feeling only grew worse as I saw Rebound sigh as he fished out a few bits before offering them to Gentle Breeze.

“See what I get when I bet against you figuring it out.” Rebound whines as he waves a quick greeting at me. “I knew you were smart but didn’t think you were that quick on the uptake.” He exclaimed with a nod. “I should take you to the Three Cats they have a-.” That was all he got out before he was thankfully silenced by Gentle Breeze who proceeded to throw one of his own bits at him.

“Please do not talk about bringing the Princess to a casino, for one she is our charge, second she is not of age, third Princess Celestia is right there.” Gentle Breeze bluntly stated as she gestured to the Princess who was still standing next to Sunset before me. Judging from the way that Rebound proceeded to blanch he quickly realized the folly of his actions.

“My apologies Princess…es. It shall not happen again.” He dutifully chimed out. “That aside it’s good to see the two of you doing good. You gave us guards a bit of a scare when we couldn’t find you.” Perhaps I should have informed some pony that I was actually going somewhere with Sunset. I mean I did write the letter, which Celestia had received if the current station was any indication. Gentle Breeze nodded solemnly beside her partner.

“Sorry for troubling you both.” I apologized to the two as I slipped past Celestia and Sunset to properly greet my two personal guards. “If it makes you feel any better Sunset has taken to guarding me on your behalf.” A white lie never hurts any pony. It was even somewhat true. She was defending me, just not on their behalf.

“Well, I am glad that you haven't been forced to fend for yourself. I have seen what Sunset Shimmer can do with her spells and if she is defending you, I doubt not much could get close to you.” Rebound whistles out in appreciation. He would be surprised at how close a few had gotten close to me. Discord and that pony that I could barely remember certainly got close. They had bested Sunset, they had then all but ignored attempting me harm, for one reason or another.

“Indeed.” I lied with a brilliant smile. Thankfully it seemed my agreement convinced Gentle Breeze and Rebound both.

“We should get going then we wouldn't want to intrude any further upon Mistletoe’s and Starfish’s hospitality. We will be standing guard outside.” Gentle Breeze informed me. Perhaps she was actually informing Celestia as I saw her nod out of the corner of my eye. Gentle began to trot forward but Rebound lagged behind.

“Glad to see that our Princess of Love has found some pony for herself.” He whispered before he quickly retreated from my glare. “Some pony will have to break the news to the good Sir Shining Armor, however. Hopefully, his heart will not shatter for the love that never was.” Rebound foolishly declared. Unknowing what he had just done. “I shall stay-.” Was all he got before an inferno of flames appeared, bathing the room in horrendous heat. The flames were in the next moments smothered by Celestia all but caging Sunset in a shimmering field so that she didn’t burn down the house or harm any pony.

It took a few moments for Sunset to quench the inferno she had beckoned, a tense few seconds before the flames around her died. Sunset, as soon as she was once more released from Celestia’s spell, apologized.

“I would once more like to apologize for having a limited amount of success when it comes to currently corralling my magic.” I am certain that even if you were not blessed with an Alicorn's enhanced senses you could hear the way her teeth ground together during her apology. Turning from my partner to the foolish guard that was now almost snow-white in complexion. Good he at least realized how much he had messed up with that joke of his.

His eyes flickered from me to Sunset a few times before finding Celestia. He somehow managed to pale even further before he all but ran out of the house, past his stunned partner who trailed after him… “Are you entrusting our ‘safety’ to those two?” Sunset questioned Celestia with the confusion in her tone as evident as her previous rage. Perhaps I would have spoken up on my guards’ worth but thankfully Celestia beat me to it.

“Despite Rebound’s rather poor showing” Ouch from Celestia of all ponies. “- he is normally a highly adept pony at ensuring his charges' safety. It is why I have charged him and Gentle Breeze with being Cadance’s personal guards.” Celestia answered Sunset’s question. “I had asked the two of them to be your guards while you are both traversing Equestria and beyond. In addition to already being familiar with Cadance together, they should have any skills or knowledge that the two of you may need.” It was a well-thought-out argument that would have no doubt answered the worries of any pony that heard it. Yet somehow Celestia impossibly missed the way that Sunset glared at her, no doubt feeling slighted.

No on closer inspection it seemed as if Celestia was all but ignoring the glare that Sunset was shooting at her. Was she noticing and simply choosing to turn the other cheek? Was this in an attempt at keeping the fragile peace? I didn’t know. I wasn't sure which was better. Which of these outcomes was worse?

For better or for worse I did not have much time to contemplate such a fact as I heard a familiar duo of voices enter the house. A set of siblings complaining about each other. My eyes met Celestia’s which were hardened pink pearls of determination. We shared a nod as we both understood the grand undertaking that we would be going through. I would have to apologize to Celestia, to Cipher, to Stinger, and even to Sunset when this was over.

“Sunset, would you mind joining me at the table?” Celestia asked with an almost practiced ease that had Sunset following her words with no hesitation. “Thank you, Sunset. Cadance, if you are feeling up to the task, would you mind greeting our gracious hosts?” Celestia slowly asked me, yet her gaze remained on Sunset. Who stiffened in her seat. Before my partner could once more contest the words of the pony that had raised her, I nodded.

“Of course, Auntie.” Sunset now twisted her head towards me with a sickening crack. Her emerald eyes were wide and unblinking. Concern was evident in her eyes as was the desire to leap from her seat and join me on the short journey. Yet I could see the conviction to follow Celestia’s request, holding firm. Suspending Sunset between the two desires. Which would she follow? I knew not as I made the decision for her. “It’s alright Sunset I’ll be right back.”

I could see the disbelief in her eyes that intermixed with the concern, creating a blend that all but proved she cared for me beyond my race. I gave her a smile which finally allowed her to stop fidgeting in her seat. Well even if I was reading far too into this it was quite obvious that Sunset cared about me. She was willing to go against the most important pony in her life to ensure that I was safe. In comparison to that I would be fine with the memories of her blood on my coat.

I could not rely on her for everything. I was an Alicorn. I was a Princess of Equestria. I was Love itself. I was no longer a pony that would allow others to fall before her. I would save those ponies myself. Steeling myself and taking a deep breath I turned from Sunset.

A clotting warmth quickly embraced me. Unlike the normal warmth of my partner, this was a scalding heat that covered me from horn to hoof. The phantom traces of her blood clung to me as I further took steps away from my partner. Making my way with forced composure. Not allowing myself to falter.

One hoof after another. In an effort to escape from the quickly enveloping phantom flames, I kept my attention instead on my partner. Even as I moved away from her, I kept my ears honed for her movements, her words. Paying special attention to a throbbing noise that I somehow knew was her heart.

“Cadance?” I heard the familiar voice of Cipher call out as she stepped into my vision. Instantly she dropped the bag that she had been holding in her mouth before she quickly made her way over to me. “Are you feeling any better? If you are still feeling out of it like you were yesterday, we can call off this-.”

I stretched out my wing, flicking the blazing blood off of it, and in the same motion silenced her.

“I am happy to report that she is jealous, hopefully, that means she feels the same way as I do.” Instantly Cipher squeals as her eyes light up. “While that isn’t the problem, she is jealous. If she was to get any more jealous, well, she already turned one of your brother's cauldrons into slag. Sunset has offered to pay for it.” I turned to Stinger who had levitated the bag his sister had dropped off the floor.

The changeling in his Unicorn guise just shrugged.

“Princess Celestia has in her own words reimbursed us for any potential difficulties that we may have had… I think she gave us a lump sum of bits to not spread your identities.” Stinger says with a nod before realizing how that last sentence sounded. ”Not that we would. I would like to think that even with how terrifying your partner is we have gotten on well enough.” He quickly continued.

A pleasant warmth formed within my chest. Even against the cloying flames that continued to spread just above my coat, this one instead of a broiling heat was a pleasant one that suffused through me.

“I know I offered this yesterday but if you two need anything just feel free to ask. I may not be a crowned Princess at the moment but that will change sooner or later.” I once more reminded the two changelings. I owed them both a great deal, even if the clock had been rewound, I was still the cause for Stinger’s painful demise and Cipher's subsequent death.

“Yes, we have an Alicorn Princess in our debt, onto the more important bits have you confessed?” Cipher says with a squeal of delight. “Has she confessed?” I knew at this moment that it was not the phantom flames of the boiling blood that was burning across my cheeks but instead, the embarrassment that I felt from my fellow conspirators’ enthusiasm. Stinger just sighed and brushed past me making mention of continuing with the breakfast preparations.

“Nothing of that sort has happened and she is struggling with keeping herself together at the moment. I know we had made a plan but considering Celestia is here I don’t think that it is a good idea to continue to provoke her… Especially after yesterday.” My words dampened Cipher’s mood considerably especially when I reminded her of yesterday's incident.

We had seen how the space that had been sectioned off from the rest of Equus had been transformed into what initially appeared to be Canterlot Castle. With Celestia and a younger Sunset fighting. Before it had been replaced by an encroaching field of snow. I had thrown myself into it after warning Cipher and Stinger both to stay back. The burning blood on my hooves provides a bevy of reasons to find my partner. The look of utter loathing and barely contained rage that was focused on Celestia was another reason I had not hesitated to end the conversation I had been having with the siblings and throw myself into that ever-growing realm of darkness and snow.

Shaking those thoughts from my head I refocused on them now. “I am sorry to have your effort go to waste but…” I trailed off considering how to best word such a thing. Thankfully it seemed that Cipher understood my intent.

“It’s fine, Cadance. Just don’t force me to call you Princess when you officially get the title.” She said with a mocking bow. Her wings even folded to accompany the bow. I smile at the amusing changeling before me. “Alright I’m going to go help Stinger, he is almost useless in the kitchen. Why don’t you head on back to your partner.” She stressed out that final word with a laugh as she left me alone.

Without any pony to focus on. Without anything preventing me from feeling the blood that still coats my mane, feathers, hooves, and coat. That began to once more boil as it was forcibly brought to the front of my mind.

Wincing at the phantom pain I retreated back to where I had left Sunset. The moment my vision crested her amber figure the sensation of invisible burning blood abated.

“See Cadance has returned safe and sound,” Celestia announced as I stepped into the room. Her words were certainly unnecessary but that did not stop Sunset from beginning to check me over with her usual spells. I was unsure if I was supposed to be flattered or insulted by the act. On one hoof I was an Alicorn, the peak of pony kind, and on the other Sunset showed that she indeed cared for me in her own way.

“Sunset, I am fine.” She thankfully stopped her cycle of spells and once more met my eyes. Her cyan met my purple as we shared a smile. “It sounds like breakfast is going to be finished soon. So, what have you been discussing while I have been gone?” I asked my partner and felt a gentle warmth ripple through me as her smile somehow grew larger.

“Princess Celestia was simply enquiring about where we would be traversing next.” That was a good question. Not one that I even had an answer to. Upon seeing my desire to know the answer to that particular question as well Sunset continued with the answer to that question.
“Hollow Shades is the next location I was planning to head towards.” My partner answered without even glancing at Celestia. I wasn’t sure there was a castle in that neck of the woods but considering the fact that Celestia was right there I wasn’t about to bring it up.

I coughed lightly when it was clear that my partner wasn’t going to change her words. “-that we were planning to go towards.” Sunset said as her amber cheeks reddened as she turned away from me. She was adorable. It was almost impressive how she could change from a raging demon to this easily embarrassed Unicorn.

Hearing the sounds of moving hooves, I hoped that she would stay the easily embarrassed unicorn for the next little while. At least until she could completely keep her magic under control. Wow, I should never let Sunset know that particular train of thought or she would claim that I was exactly like Celestia. Silencing those rampaging thoughts for the moment as I guided my partner into a seat before taking the one directly to her right.

Grabbing her hoof with my own in an attempt to keep her from diving into a spiral of her mind's thoughts if she could have something physical to focus on. Sunset just looked confused as she glanced at the connection that I had forged between the two of us. Before she met my gaze the previous confusion was still evident in her eyes.

“Do you want me to let go of you?” I asked my partner who immediately shook her head in the negative. The small smile that flickered to existence on my muzzle was quickly replicated by my partner. However, hers faltered as Celestia took the seat next to hers. I could see the exact moment when indignation and rage colored my partner’s mind. I attempted to reassure my partner the best I could, giving her hoof a light squeeze to remind her that I was still there for her.

Perhaps it may have worked given enough time. However, it was at this moment that both Cipher and Stinger entered, with the prepared feast. I could feel the way that she warmed as her gaze broke from mine and found the two changelings that entered. I could feel through our connection the way that her entire body shuddered and quickly rose in temperature. Before, however, she could do anything to herself or any other pony I whispered into her ear. “Please Sunset.”

At my words, she froze. The skyrocketing temperatures fell back to normal, her body stopped trembling. She took a large breath of air as she squeezed my hoof in turn, but otherwise, she was still in control. Seeing that Sunset wasn't about to turn the room into a desolate hellscape, the two changelings shot me a thankful smile before they placed the plates of food on the table.

“Thank you Cipher, Stinger. Now that we are all seated, why don’t we begin?” Celestia offered her thanks to the two that prepared the breakfast, before inviting every pony at the table to begin to eat. Upon finishing her question Celestia immediately partook of the miniature feast that had been prepared. She sliced a piece of cake for herself and immediately put it on her plate.

It seems that her eating habits haven’t changed since she removed her sister from the realm of royalty. Taking a deep breath, I gave Sunset’s hoof a squeeze as I forced my mind from that rabbit hole of thinking and turned my attention back to the table before me.

There was plenty of food prepared by the two siblings, ranging from the cake that Celestia was serving herself another piece to various pancakes and waffles. Deciding to grab a small amount of everything to start off with I hummed to myself as my magic encapsulated a knife and fork and began to serve myself.

Wait. I glanced at Sunset who was silently eating from a stack of syrup-less waffles and not even throwing a fuss that I was serving myself. Wouldn’t this be one of the things that were below my position as both an Alicorn and Princess? Why had she not brought it up? I could understand her not bringing it up when it was just the two of us, but we were technically in a much more formal dining situation.

Could it be that she was basing how I should be treated on how Celestia has been treated? Since Celestia often served herself, this was not something that Sunset cared about. What were the limitations? If I served food to someone else, would she see that as normal? I couldn’t help but contemplate the intricacies of my partner's mental process.

“Do I have something on my face?” Sunset asked as she shattered my current thought process. Her gaze pierced mine as she half frowned.

“No sorry was lost in thought.” I quickly mumbled out a quick apology to my partner who nodded and turned back to her syrup-less waffles. I worried for a moment that I had once more messed up, but those thoughts relaxed as I felt her once more squeeze my hoof. Smiling, I glanced over the other ponies at the table.

Celestia was content observing every pony as she placed another piece of cake on her plate. Stinger was absentmindedly eating while at the same time scratching down notes on a scroll that was floating in the air beside him. Cipher, however, was grinning like a loon as she smiled at me and Sunset.

I didn't need her to vocalize the thoughts that were no doubt running rampant within her mind. That she was the better matchmaker, that she was the one that had set this entire thing up. That she was the one who the Princess of Love had turned to in an effort to get a special pony of her own. She however didn’t realize that the Princess of Love had performed equal feats in the past after all she had… I should stop thinking of myself in the third person. It wasn't a good sign of mental stability.

The breakfast which I had been worried would turn into a battlefield continued on for another half an hour. Mostly in a peaceful silence that was only broken to exchange minor pleasantries and questions. The closest that the peace came to shattering was when Cipher had asked me to pass the syrup.

Sunset had no doubt attempted to incinerate the poor changeling with her gaze. Thankfully, however, that was all she did. Before I could even admonish my partner, Sunset levitated the syrup over to Cipher herself. All the while glaring at her. She thankfully let up when I squeezed her hoof.

Cipher, when she finally looked like she wasn’t about to die, shot me a victorious smile that I could only lightly glare at her in turn. I had plenty of proof that Sunset was jealous at this point. There was no need under Celestia’s Sun for her to do something that stupid. Did she somehow not realize that there was a real possibility of Sunset getting around both Celestia and myself to burn her to ashes?

Thankfully the presence of myself and Celestia was enough to stay Sunset's flames. The breakfast concluded shortly after that nearly disastrous affair. The changeling siblings had thankfully offered to take care of the cleanup. That prevented an argument that I knew would have likely struck a flame that lit the rest of the fuel that lay buried under the calm facade Sunset was projecting. Celestia made mention about getting the cake recipe from the siblings which left only the two of us alone.

“Do you want to get some fresh air?” I asked my partner who had been alternating staring at where Celestia had gone and myself. At her nod, I pulled her from her chair and led the way out of the house. Making sure to give any cauldron that littered the floor plenty of space. Thankfully the two of us managed to escape the house without any more metallic casualties. We exited into a realm of fresh light.

The Sun hung high above, bathing us in its splendorous rays. I could see my partner all but sprout as if she was a plant the moment the rays of light impacted her. Her gaze immediately focused on the celestial body that Celestia had long since controlled.

Once more I was enraptured by the Unicorn before me. For one that had found her calling in the darkness, she was blessed by the Sun. She shone beautifully in the light that clung to her. If you did not know of her past deeds and had only spotted Sunset as she was right now it would have been impossible for you to see the ever-present cloying shadow that clung to her. The very light of the Sun seemed to highlight her already pristine features.

Her mane sparkling in the morning Sun was as natural as the gentle warmth that wafted from her form. She was a beautiful contradiction. One that had ensnared me entirely. Initially, I wanted nothing to do with the pony that had tried to kill me. Back then I had no idea how important she would become to me in such a short amount of time.

She wasn't perfect. No pony was. She, however, was trying. Each and every day she strove to do better than the previous day. She didn't always succeed but she was trying to do better not only for herself but for my sake as well.

We had created a fragile bond of our partnership and even now it was being tested. Yet instead of growing brittle and shattering it grew stronger. The bond between the two of us partners grew in strength as we grew closer to one another.

It wasn't a perfect foundation for a potential Love to blossom between two ponies, yet it held that tender possibility all the same. With proper nurturing, it could bloom into something greater than the sum of its parts. Two ponies intertwined with one another. Two fates merging into one. Two hearts find solace in the other.

Gathering my courage, I spoke up. “Sunset Shimmer, what is it you want most out of our partnership?” I gingerly asked my partner who turned her gaze from the Sun itself to meet my eyes. Eyes composed of muddled cyan, and emerald met my own. They, much like their owner, sparkled in the light of the Sun.

“I don’t even know anymore." She softly intoned. "I still plan to ascend but... but as long as you want me by your side, I will stand by you. I promised as much Cadance.” Sunset whispered as she reminded me of the promise she had made. This promise was far better than the one the Sunset that had perished in my defense had given me. One was a promise of eternal companionship, one was of eternal protection. Both were proclaimed by the same pony.

There was only one choice I had at this point. I could feel my very existence being pulled forth to act in the nature of Love. I moved my hoof forwards ever further into my partner’s space as my wings embraced her. “Cadance?” My partner questioned as she tilted her head in confusion at my actions. I smiled as our lips met.

Author's Note:

Will freely admit that in my initial plans, this kiss wasn't going to happen for a little while longer. However, it fit so well in my opinion that I moved it to this chapter. That aside we are seeing just how vividly different Cadance's and Sunset's perceptions differ. Both can be observant yet in entirely differing ways. This leads the two of them to alternate outcomes that are not mutually exclusive with the other's interpretations. Next chapter going to be focusing on the birth of the relationship and going a bit further into Cadance's past.

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