• Published 8th Jan 2021
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Ark: Friendship is Survival - Pomp-Neigh

Equus, a world of magic and many strange yet wonderous forms of life. However, is this world truly natural? Or could it possibly be... artificial?

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Chapter 1 - The Visitor


Princess Twilight Sparkle, two of her fellow Princesses, and the rest of the Element Bearers, in addition to Spike and Starlight Glimmer, stare in shock at the object that now lies destroyed in front of them.

Derpy Hooves rubs her head with her left forehoof. "Ok, I know I can be pretty clumsy... but putting an invisible thingy in my way doesn't count." The pegasus mare then shakes her head to recover their composure and flies off, leaving behind a startled group of ponies who all continue to stare in shock and awe towards the now shattered remains of an unknown object. At least, unbeknownst to them.

Twilight recovers from her shocked state and slowly starts to walk toward the object. However, two separate wings intercept her path. Raising her head, she comes to realize that these appendages belong to both Princesses Luna and Celestia. The lavender alicorn became so enthralled by this alien-like object that she momentarily failed to recognize these familiar equines.

"Stay back, Twilight. My sister and I shall approach. Element bearers, be at the ready," Celestia orders as she turns her head to Luna and nods, to which the dark alicorn returns the gesture.

As the alicorn sisters draw near the object, Twilight's friends and loved ones walk up to her and state:

"What in da' world is that, Twi?" Applejack questions.

"It looks so... Technical. This kind of stuff should be right up your alley, egghead," Rainbow Dash comments.

"Ooh, it looks like a party prop! Oh! Maybe-it's-aliens-from-another-world-who-used-it-to-spy-on-us-until-Derpy-flew-into-it-and-destroyed-it," Pinkie Pie said with fantastic speed.

"Oh, um, maybe that's not it. B-but, then again, maybe you're right, Pinkie," Fluttershy says.

"My word, darlings. I must say that this thing looks so beautiful," Rarity compliments.

Twilight continued to stare on with her mouth now hung agape, and her eyes widened. Both Starlight and Spike also matched the alicorn's expression.

A golden aura surrounds the object upon which it starts to float towards the source of the aura's owner.

"This object is most peculiar," Celestia assesses. "I've never seen something like this in all my years. Have you, Luna?"

"Nay, dear sister. We hath never impeded upon such an object of unknown origins. Perhaps Dr. Whooves could enlighten us further?"

"Indeed, Luna," Celestia replies as she then turns towards everyone else present, "My dear friends and loved ones, it would seem that fate has not given up on throwing the unknown at us even during these times. Princess Twilight Sparkle, what are your orders?"

Twilight stares on, specifically towards the object being held within Celestia's aura, as she fails to comprehend her former teacher's words.

"Hello? Equestria to Twilight, are you ok?" Spike questions.

"I've got this, everypony," Starlight Glimmer comments as she starts to walk up towards her teacher and lights up her horn before exclaiming:

"Twilight! Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek are free!"

"What?! Who?! Where- oh, that's not true, and I fazed out again, didn't I?" Twilight questions sheepishly, to which everyone nods in response. "I'm sorry, everypony. It's just, look at that thing! It's a technology that's years, if not DECADES, ahead of us. Most of all is the fact that it was invisible and was watching us this whole time, that is until Derpy crashed into it."

"So like Princess Celestia asked, Twi, what shall we do with that strange thing?" Applejack questions.

Twilight ponders on their inquiry for a moment before she walks up to Celestia and takes the object into her lavender aura.

"I agree with Prince- er, I mean, Luna's suggestion. Let's ask Dr. Whooves to look at this thing seeing as he's Equestria's mechanical expert. I do not doubt that he knows what this thing is!" Twilight exclaims proudly with her left forehoof held high in the air.

"I have no earthly idea what this thing is! Great whickering stallions, I'm at a loss!" Dr. Whooves exclaims as he has just finished examining the unknown object within his laboratory. "I'm sorry, everypony, but I truly have no idea. It's technological in both design and form, but this technology absolutely couldn't have been made here. It's practically eons ahead of our time! Where in the world did you all procure this device?"

"Well, Derpy kind of rammed into it while she was delivering some letters to Canterlot. So you mean to tell us that this thing is alien?" Twilight questions.

"This thing is so much more than being just alien. It's so advanced that it practically has no right to exist in the first place. I realize how cruel that might sound, given my pride and love for the unknown, but this mysterious object is that unique."

"Woah, that's crazy… and awesome!" Rainbow Dash exclaims.

"We know absolutely nothing about this strange device. Impressive it may very well be; let us not forget the fact that this object was spying on us!" Luna exclaims with a raised forehoof. "We simply do not trust this object and recommend that we eradicate it; reduce it to ashes for the good of us all."

"Sister, we can't take such a drastic course of action-"

"Nay, Celly. We art sorry, dear sister, but we must insist on this course of action," Luna then turns her gaze towards the current ruler of Equestria, "Princess Twilight Sparkle, thou art the current ruler of Equestria, so we beseech thee. Destroy this object before something foul shall befall us all. We hath a bad feeling about this machination," Luna practically pleads with the alicorn Princess as her eyes reflect her proposal. "Please, dear Twilight, we shalt not ever request anything else in a hundred lifetimes. Heed our warning and destroy this thing. We knoweth of thy curiosity, and we'd be lying if we didn't feel the same deep inside. But, we will happily remain ignorant of this object's origins if it means the safety of not only Equestria but possibly the entire world."

Twilight was honestly at war with herself. On one hoof, Luna was indeed right about the lavender mare's curiosity. In fact, they practically begged her to research this unknown anomaly to its core. On the other hoof, Luna was also correct about the potential dangers this object could wreak upon them all, and as the old saying goes: Some things are better left unknown.

A few more moments passed by, all while everyone else present awaits patiently for Twilight's final decision. Luna, in particular, is still holding a pleading expression. Finally, the lavender alicorn sighs sadly and says:

"As much as I would love to tear this thing apart and learn all about it, trust me when I say that I really want to, I agree with Princes- I mean, Luna. Let's destroy it."

"What?!" Everyone aside from Celestia and Luna exclaims in unison.

"Huzzah! Twilight, thou shalt not regret this course of action," Luna replies happily.

"I would never question your judgment, dear Twilight. I, too, am content with this decision despite my want to explore this object further," Celestia says before smiling brightly.

The rest of Twilight's friends and loved ones, in addition to Dr. Whooves, recover from their shocked states as Starlight questions:

"Are you sure you want to do this, Twilight? I know how you can be when it comes to exploring the unknown."

"Yeah, egghead. I mean, sure, if it's to defend Equestria, then, by all means, send it to the sun for all I care. But, you sure you don't want to-"

Rainbow Dash's words are cut off as Twilight raises her right forehoof hoof and interjects:

"I appreciate what you're doing, but my mind is made up. Luna's advice is sound, and in addition to Dr. Whooves's earlier assessments, it's within our best interests to destroy this thing," The ruler of Equestria sighs sadly, "Even though I can't deny my curiosity."


"Hello, everypony! Discord is here and-" The draconequus's eyes suddenly widened in shock, "Wait… why do I sense- Twilight! You didn't!"

"What's wrong?! What did I do?!"

"Why do I sense a Spectator Unit around here-" Discord tries to cover his mouth to silence himself, but unfortunately, his words have already made their effect. Everyone present is now staring suspiciously towards the draconequus as they shout in unison:

"What did you just say?!"

"Oh, uh, little old me?" Discord asks sheepishly as he starts to sweat up a storm, literally, "I didn't say anything."

"Yes ya' did! Ya' dang trickster!" Applejack exclaims.

"Yeah, Dizzy! I heard you say: 'Spectator Unit!'" Pinkie Pie shouts matter-of-factly. The draconequus snaps his lion's paw as a closed zipper replaces the party pony's muzzle.

"Aha! So you are hiding something!" Rarity accuses with a raised forehoof, "Why else would you try to silence Pinkie Pie? And you seem to forget that the rest of us heard you, very clearly."

"The Bearer of Generosity is right, Lord of Chaos," Luna barks as the dark alicorn starts to draw near with her horn alighted, "Thou just spoketh the name of that object to which thou hath no way of knowing would have existed unless we told thee. Thou hath possessed knowledge of the strange device in the lab even before any of us hath shown it to thee. Speak, now!"

"Please, Discord, if you know what that thing is, then you have to tell us. Um, that is, if you don't mind," Fluttershy said.

"Aside from Fluttershy, I'm one of your best buds, Discord. The least you could do is tell us," Spike pleads.

Discord was growing ever more nervously as they continued to demand his knowledge of the alien-like object.

"Discord, you must tell us what that thing is. If this were just one of your pranks, then you would've revealed it to us after having your laugh, but the way you're acting now… you're afraid of it," Celestia assesses as her eyes widen with a pinch of horror. If something was potentially dangerous enough to cause him fear, she was right to be just as fearful. Suddenly, any curiosity the Sun Princess did possess for the object faded away.

"Then that is all the more reason for us to destroy that object!" Luna exclaims.

"Yeah... now I'm really going to give the order for that machine's destruction," Twilight comments. "If this thing is scaring you, Discord, then that means-"

"Maybe I should do the talking for him, huh Discord? Or shall I call you… this Ark's Overseer? Ooooh boy, do I have some words for you," A new voice interjects, which causes everyone present to turn their attention towards yet another unknown mechanical wonder. However, unlike the one that lies destroyed in the lab, this one is quite lively.

"Greetings everyo- uh, every... pony? I'm Helena Walker! Well, not exactly... kind of? Ok, look, I'm not going to lie to any of you. I'm essentially an alien from Earth, which is kind of your original homeworld, and I've come to seek your aid. Survivors of Installation: Equus."

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