• Published 8th Jan 2021
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Ark: Friendship is Survival - Pomp-Neigh

Equus, a world of magic and many strange yet wonderous forms of life. However, is this world truly natural? Or could it possibly be... artificial?

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Chapter 55 - Future Endeavors.

“Skitters…” Twilight comments with a hint of pain in her voice, eyes wide open. “Y-you were spying on us…?”

Skitters nods with a lowered gaze. “Ooh…”

“Do not blame Skitters, Twilight. He’s taken a liking to you all.” Grok states as he looks toward the monkey on his shoulder. “It was by my command that he’d collect intel on not just your tribe but the Unicorn that Sir. Gideon’s family had told tales of. Spirit, I believe, is their name.”

Twilight’s words died in her throat as the scale of the situation dawned on her. King Grok had possessed information that the alicorn had hoped to use as something to fall back on. Alas, any advantage she could’ve had with her info went down the drain upon the revelation of Skitter’s actions.

The ape began to move forth at a steady pace, his hands still behind his back. Twilight then felt a sense of uneasiness as the 7ft tall royalty looked down upon her while walking around the alicorn.

“In fact, I’ve come to learn many interesting things about you, Twilight.”

The alicorn’s heart pounded vigorously in her chest as she tried to hide her uneasiness behind a mask, eyes downcast.

“I’m led to understand that you came here from another world, which includes all of your tribe mates. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and the one who interests me most…” His larger frame stops in front of the equine. “Spike.”

Twilight’s gaze rises to meet Grok’s, her ears perking up. “S-Spike…?”

“Don’t look at me as if you’re surprised. Here, allow me to elaborate,” Grok lifts a finger, “He can breathe fire from his maw.” Another finger rises. “He is equipped with claws and teeth and has wings like the Pteranodons of the island.” A third finger arises. “But above all: his scales are even mightier than stone; possibly even metal.”

The alicorn swallows a lump in her throat; simply put, she did not like how well-informed they were. Twilight always admired and strived for knowledge, but it could be used against her and her friends in this scenario.

“But I must admit, you possess incredible abilities, as well. Yes… I know all about your flashy antics in the eastern swamp some time ago. Reports say that your horn flashed with power, the likes of which the world has never before seen.”

Twilight’s mask had long since shattered, and a look of shock and fear stared back at the ape.

“You were able to repel a gathering of the swamp’s monstrosities with a dome, and this dome shielded you all for a time,” Grok looks skyward, “Similar to the one that keeps us all contained within this realm of ours.”

“Y… y-you’ve made your point,” Twilight managed, causing Grok to listen attentively. “I get it. You know all about us. But, please, I came here today to-”

“You wish to form a peaceful relationship with us.”

“W-well, yes, but we’d like to-”

Her words are cut off as Grok raises a hand. “Enough. I know what your intentions are, but I’ll be honest with you, Twilight,” He lowers his upper body and leans in closer, “I. Do. Not. Trust. You. In fact, I’m more inclined to snuff you all out before you become a problem for those under my care.”

Grok rises to his full stature as Twilight absorbs his words. “I love every member of this tribe - apes and beasts alike - with all my being. And I will defend them to the very end by any means necessary.

“But we haven’t done anything to warrant that, your majesty,” Twilight pleads her case. “Please, we’re not your enemy. We won’t bring trouble to you or your tribe.”

A momentary silence takes hold.

Yet,” Grok emphasizes with a slight growl. “You truly are from beyond this world if you have no idea how this island works.”

He points a powerful arm towards a nearby long table with several chairs on either side, and a large map of the island etched onto a wall at the other end.

“Please, take a seat,” The ape beckons, Twilight’s gaze tearing away from the furniture to meet his own. “It’s time we both enlightened each other.”

HLN-A hovers before an open entrance of such an alien-like motif, twisting metals that resemble what makes up the Obelisks, not to mention the Arks and various forms of equipment.

“The Starlit Sanctuary…” HLN-A comments, floating around the doorframe while performing brief scans now and then.

“I can’t wait until the others manage to reach this place just like Helena did countless cycles ago,” The AI giggles, “The look on their faces will be priceless. Now then, let’s get to it.”

HLN-A darts forth with considerable speed, leaving behind a light-blue stream of energy. Upon entering an enormous chamber with several windows that offer glimpses to other Arks and space, along with the ruined planet Earth, the AI fixates its gaze upon what floats within the room’s epicenter:

The holographic map shifts and turns on a triangular path and various labels and notes pop up before being stored away.

HLN-A slows down their pace and hovers closer and closer to the central map imitation. Then, upon coming into close proximity, the map breaks apart and conjoins into a green sphere of energy that nearly resembles an emerald sun.

The commotion caused HLN-A to halt in place, and the orb traveled toward a nearby metallic object that took on a shape similar to typical diamond-shaped implants, only with a hollowed epicenter. The object rests upon a small spire of green and black metals, and the energy fully assimilates itself into the hollowed area as the two become one.

HLN-A starts their approach again as the object spreads its green energy into the large pad beneath it, serving as its foundation.

“Good day to you, Overseer,” HLN-A greets. The AI floats before the Overseer in mere moments. “I know, I know. I’m not supposed to come back here. But, here’s the thing: I’m a busy bot, you’re a busy bot, and we’ve got things to do and places to be. So what say you answer some of my questions, and I’ll be out of your way in-”

A sudden series of green words with white outlines manifest between HLN-A and the Overseer.

I specifically told you never to bother me again. I only entertained your request to modify that tribe’s respawn capabilities - for your cute attempt at ‘testing’ them - as a small gesture of appreciation. But now you’re interfering with my own tests, and there’s no room for you in my calculations.

“W-what?!” HLN-A roars out in shock, the pupil on their visor widened. “Appreciation?! Tests?! What are you talking about, Overseer?!”

The words break apart and reform into a new response:

Need to know basis, little-bother. Now, if you didn’t comprehend what I said with your meager processors, I’ll repeat myself: be gone.

“How dare you!” HLN-A retorts with a pointed flap. “If you’re plotting something horrible, Overseer, I'll have you know that I possess the authority to stop you myself!”

Oh, stop being so dramatic. It’s unbecoming of one who claims to be the extension of a Homo-Deus. Perhaps Helena mistook you for one of her more competent units.

The sound akin to an overheating tea pot escapes from HLN-A. “Why you…” The AI seethes with a red visor and crimson lights.

Put away that little temper of yours and listen well, little-bother, before you do something you’ll regret.

“It’s HLN-A!”

Right, little-bother. Anyhow-

“Nice segway. But hear me well, Overseer: If you’re trying to pull another Edmund Rockwell, I will terminate you right here and now!”

What I’m doing falls well within my parameters - and I have you to thank for supplying me with some new ideas to work with.

“Ideas?” HLN-A inquires with a question mark on their visor. “What ideas?”

I don’t feel like telling you anything, but you can feel comfortable knowing that everything I do is for the benefit of this Ark’s survivors. It’s all to test and prepare them, and you should thank me.

Do you really think that I’m planning to terrorize this Ark’s inhabitants like that imposter on Aberration? The absolute nerve of you - I’ve done nothing but care for this installation’s well-being, and I’ve worked with Helena’s requests time and time again.

“Ok, look, we got off on the wrong flap there. But I only want to ask some questions!”

And I told you that I don’t feel like answering them. But I’m sure you’ll get the answers to them soon enough, on your own. Also, I don’t appreciate your comparing me to Edmund; I’m ending this conversation now.

“No, wait!” HLN-A calls out, but a beam of white light suddenly entraps the AI. “Please, wait, I don’t-”

The little AI is sent away in a flash, and the light beam vanishes.


“Woah!” HLN-A cries out as the AI manifests from a white pillar and drops into Sanctuary’s central pool with a resounding splash, Spike and Rarity gasping in shock.

Having removed HLN-A from sight, the Overseer conjures two large screens with several entities. The screen to the right cycles through several herbivores and carnivores with a prominent text posted at the top:

Tek Creatures.

The screen to the left depicts seven different lifeforms - three terrestrials and four aquatics.

Alpha Rex.
Status: Inactive.

Alpha Carno.
Status: Inactive.

Alpha Raptor.
Status: Inactive.

Alpha Tusoteuthis.
Status: Inactive.

Alpha Mosasaur.
Status: Inactive.

Alpha Megalodon.
Status: Inactive.

Alpha Leedsichtys.
Status: Active.

The Overseer seemingly wills one of these creatures to appear on screen, their ‘Inactive’ status being switched to ‘Active.’

Alpha Raptor
Status: Active.

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