• Published 8th Jan 2021
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Ark: Friendship is Survival - Pomp-Neigh

Equus, a world of magic and many strange yet wonderous forms of life. However, is this world truly natural? Or could it possibly be... artificial?

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Chapter 21 - Unease In The Everfree.


Two days have passed ever since the Element Bearers, and Spike, ascended off of the Ark. During this time, all living beings on Equus tried their best to accept the existence of the three Obelisks, albeit with varying outcomes. Some had indeed managed to integrate them into their new norm, a commendable feat seeing as it’s only been two days since their revelation. But others had mixed reactions and feelings towards the floating wonders. Incidentally, this would become the subject of today’s gathering.


Luna’s night is about to meet its end as Celestia walks out to her bed chamber’s balcony, parting a pair of double doors with her golden magical grasp. Her hooves clop against the marbled floor as the sun alicorn reaches the golden railings that served as the balcony’s barrier; resting her right forehoof on the structure.

Celestia takes a deep breath and sighs, “Today will undoubtedly be the most historical gathering in Equestria’s history. Possibly even all of Equus’s.”

A series of wing flaps could be heard nearby, followed by the clopping of hooves that seemingly lands behind the white alicorn, of which her ears perked towards in response. Celestia looks over her right shoulder and beams a loving smile.

“Last night was absolutely beautiful, Luna. Thank you for your wonders, my dear sister.”

“We appreciate thy words, Celly,” Luna responds, approaching her sibling, “Alas, our night hath come to an end. Tis time for thy warm morning star to shine upon our dear subjects.”

With Luna now standing by Celestia’s side, the two siblings share an embrace before the sun alicorn fires up her horn in a golden aura. In tandem, Luna’s horn was also covered in a dark-blue cloud of energy. Their respective celestial bodies began to move in opposite directions, and as the moon lowered itself behind the distant mountains to the frozen north, the sun began to rise as its silhouette crept over Ponyville; due west of Canterlot. Rising further upward with every passing moment as morning finally arrives, marking the third day since the Ascension Protocol was activated.

Celestia nods in content before turning to the lunar princess, “Rest well, my sister. I will-”

“Nay, Celly,” Luna interjects, adjusting her folded wings, “Today’s affairs will be far grander than anything we hath ever partaken in,” She sets her right wing onto Celestia’s back, “Thou shall not face it alone for we will be by thy side.”

Celestia chuckles, “Thank you, Luna,” A smirk forms onto her muzzle, “Just don’t be ashamed to fall asleep on my shoulder during the processions.”

Luna scoffs, “Fear not for we hath the perfect remedy!” She declares with a raised forehoof.

The lunar princess fires up her horn, and after just a brief moment, a batpony mare rises from below Celestia’s balcony; wearing a maid outfit as she flaps her bat-like wings to stay aloft. A stern expression was present on her features. The maid holds a platter with her right forehoof, a mug sitting onto it. But the words that were present on this mug causes Celestia to giggle in response:


“I answer your call, sweet Night Mother,” The maid comments with a bowing pose.

The mug is taken within Luna’s magical grasp as she alights her horn, “Behold, sister! The magical concoction known as coffee!” The dark alicorn emphasizes as if she were giving out an award, “Yes, thy warm liquid hath provided us with unparalleled energy!”

Celestia tries to fight against the urge to burst out into laughter.

Luna takes a gleeful sip from her mug and releases a content sigh before turning towards the batpony, “Thou makes it just as we like it. Tis satisfactory as always, Galoona Moola.”

“Your words honor me, Night Mother,” Galoona responds, but then scratches the marbled floor with a forehoof as her stoic expression loosened, “If I may be so bold… c-could I, um, request something of you?”

Luna raises an eyebrow, “If it is within reason then we shall acquiesce to thy request.”

“Innumerable gratitudes, Night Mother,” The batpony responds with a nod, although her cheeks become reddened as her ears fold against her head. “My foal has just turned one year of age, and he is a big fan of yours. Could I trouble the Night Mother for an autograph?”

The lunar princess blinks twice in response, all while Celestia looks on with a proud expression. A smile forms onto Luna’s muzzle as she fires up her horn and conjures forth a rather attractive piece of parchment, along with an accompanying quill pen. She scrabbles down a congratulatory series of words before signing her name on the bottom. However, she goes even further as a closed envelope is brought forth via her magic.

“What’s that, Night Mother?” Galoona inquires, tilting her head.

“This envelope has 100 bits placed within,” Luna responds as she’s in the process of rolling up the parchment, sealing it with a blue bow made of soft silk. “We can do better than just an autograph.”

“N-Night Mother...!” The batpony shouts in shock, her wings spread out to their full lengths. “I couldn’t possibly trouble you with such generosity!”

“Nay, Galoona,” Luna responds, turning her head side to side, “Tis no trouble at all.” She floats the sealed parchment and envelope towards the maid, “Please, take this; along with our sincere congratulations to thy foal. We shall see to it that their dreams are pleasant come night once more.”

The batpony’s eyes widened in a sense of shock as she stared at the items floating in a dark-blue aura before her. Many emotions began to fester into the batpony’s form, but she seemingly hides it behind a stern expression as she clears her throat and says:

“T-thank you, Night Mother.”

“Thou art most welcome, dearest subject. The night is over so please feel free to retire to thy home, and join thy foal,” She finishes with a wink.

Galoona nods and takes the items before her, and after a respectful bow to both princesses, she takes to the skies. Although an excited ‘squee’ escaped her muzzle along with matching features as she flew further away.

As Luna watches the batpony’s form disappear into the distance, Celestia’s hooves could be heard approaching via the sounds of clopping, accompanied by a chuckle.

“It makes me happy to see you like this, Luna,” The sun alicorn comments, followed by a smirk that forms onto her muzzle, “Or shall I call you ‘Sweet Night Mother?’”

Luna’s eyes shoot wide open as a vibrant red coloration overtakes her cheeks, “B-be silent! Only our subjects may call us that! Thou shall only call us, Lulu. Sister.”

Celestia laughs with a forehoof covering her muzzle, “Alright then, Lulu.”

Awwww! That was so sweet!” A familiar, feminine, and autotuned voice exclaims.

The two alicorns flicker their ears in response as they turn towards Celestia’s inner portion of her bed-chamber, where the form of a floating mechanical entity is now present.

“Good morning, loves! HLN-A here to report that the others are waiting for you in the dining room! All that’s left is to wait for the leaders of your neighboring nations.”

The AI rapidly floats forward, leaving a trail of blue light as she circles around the alicorn princesses, “There’s so much that needs to be done! Oh, I also took the liberty of uncovering the connection between your Ark and the one Sunset Shimmer comes from. But I’ll save that for today’s event.”

The royal sisters nod in response as Luna alights her horn and states:

“We shall see you all there momentarily,” She glances towards her mug that floats within her aura, “We must ensure that our favorite mug is stowed away within our own chambers.”

The lunar princess flaps her wings and goes aloft, flying upward and onward towards the adjacent tower to Celestia’s own. The Western wing of Canterlot castle.

“Psst,” HLN-A whispers as she floats before Celestia’s right ear. “I actually recorded that entire scenario.”




“I don’t suppose you can make copies, Helena? Oh, and something to watch it on,” She sits on her flank and rubs her forehooves together, “With this in my possession, all your cakes will be mine, sister.”

“Huh?” The AI inquires, a question mark present on its visor.

Celestia’s eyes look side to side before she smiles sheepishly, “Er, I mean, sisterly vengeance shall be mine!” She emphasizes with a raised forehoof.

An awkward silence ensues.

-The Everfree Forest-

A pathway made entirely of dirt with green grass forming its borders cuts through the wild forest, its dense treeline hiding many secrets within. Not to mention creatures of absolute legend and horror. Despite this, one very unique individual often braves this unknown as their hooves dug into the dirt trail with every step, a satchel wrapped around their chest region.

“My trip to Ponyville was fruitful indeed, now I have what I need for remedies.”

The individual spoke rhythmically as the forest’s resident is in the form of a zebra. One who called this mysterious realm home, and despite the denizens of the nearby town often offering her residence, she always turned them down. Always returning to her hut which sat further into the Everfree Forest. The one and only, Zecora.

Suddenly, a chill goes down the zebra’s spine as her fur seems to shift in response. This causes her to stop on the trail, looking around as if she were in a horror film.

“I feel completely uneasy… something is stirring and sees me…”

Zecora’s eyes scan all around her, searching up and around every tree from where she stood. She couldn’t quite put a hoof on it, but she could feel like she was being watched.

“I have lived in these woods for many days, but this is the first time I’ve truly felt so… afraid,” She looks back over her right shoulder, “Maybe it’ll be wise to go back to Ponyville. Being among friends could help alleviate these chills,” She turns her head forward once more but is absolutely shocked by the being that now stood in the middle of the dirt road. Staring at her with its black orbs and sitting down with an arm placed under its ‘chin’ as if it were taking in her form with interest.

Author's Note:

I know that this creature (Noglin) being here will raise many questions, I simply ask you to trust me. Everything will be revealed. :raritywink:

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