• Published 8th Jan 2021
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Ark: Friendship is Survival - Pomp-Neigh

Equus, a world of magic and many strange yet wonderous forms of life. However, is this world truly natural? Or could it possibly be... artificial?

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Chapter 24 - HLN-A.



The morning continued to progress, and the capital of Equestria is now more lively than ever as a large number of sentient species are gathered in attendance, both familiar and new. The only other event ever coming close being Twilight’s coronation, although today’s meeting - currently in progress - included even more of Equus’s races.

Positioned outside of Canterlot castle is a large hedge maze; where the Element Bearers had their first conflict with Discord. A class of students could be seen being led on a tour as they take in the forms of various statues that are positioned outside of the maze, their guide giving them a brief history lesson. Granted, given the Ark’s nature, how accurate these lessons are is questionable in itself.

Helena hated the fact that this Ark’s populace was mostly ignorant of their reality, baring certain individuals in roles of authority. On the flip side, she does understand why Twilight; her fellow princesses, Discord, and the other leaders chose this route. Chaos would definitely ensue from such a revelation, to know that their entire world is one big simulation.

The AI floats around the gardens as if looking for someone; passing a number of statues along the way. Even taking the time to greet the tour that was currently taking place. She was definitely thankful that her presence was becoming a part of the norm for Equestria’s citizens. Celestia’s advice to mingle with the populace had certainly borne fruit, and various news outlets aided in this affair. Well, that, and Helena’s carefree attitude had a great impact on first impressions. Especially when it came to the younger generation.

“Bye, HLN-A!” The class of multiple young from various species shouts in unison.

“See you all later, loves! And make sure you listen to your teacher, ok?!”

“We will!”

A white unicorn mare with a blue mane giggles with a forehoof covering her muzzle, “Thank you so much for making this tour even more exciting, HLN-A.”

“No problem at all! I absolutely adore children,” The AI responds with hearts and a happy face present on their visor, 'her' form’s blue lights turning pink. HLN-A waves at the class one last time with her small, albeit cute, flipper-shaped arms before flying away.

The AI turns a corner and passes by a few more statues, saluting a pair of guards that she passed by in the process. Then, a dinging sound escapes from the mechanical entity as they spot who they were looking for.

“Ah! There you are, King Thorax! The meeting has already started, and your brother had to take over in your stead.”

The current ruler of the changelings looks over his right shoulder, seeing the approaching AI, “Oh! Hello again, Helena! O-or are you calling yourself HLN-A, now?” He inquires.

“Honestly? I actually kind of like being called HLN-A. It’s strange, I’m Helena Walker’s consciousness placed into an AI, therefore I technically am her. And yet… I feel, um, now what’s the best way to put this?” HLN-A has a question mark present on their visor.

“Unique?” Thorax answers.

“Well, actually… yeah! That’s a great way to put it!”

The King of the Changelings chuckles in response, “In a way, I understand that all too well,” He turns back to a very unique statue that depicted three separate individuals. A small pegasus pony, a centaur, and a very particular changeling, “We changelings once believed that we were just extensions of our Queen, our mother.”

HLN-A turns to the statue, “That’s right. According to your file, not to mention when I binge-watched the series, Queen Chrysalis was indeed your hive’s previous ruler. And your mother to boot,” A sad face appears on her visor, “I’m so sorry for her current… state. If it helps, she and the other two aren’t dead, but perhaps you already knew that. The Element that flows within them became hardened in response to your Ark's Guardians and Discord's attack which turned them into this stone-comatose state. Their bodies are also preserved during this process. Discord - and by extension our hidden Homo-Deus - really did some wonders with this installation.”

The AI then projects a very unique specimen that resembles an alien variation of a typical owl, albeit on the far larger side.

“It’s almost similar to when a Snow Owl freezes someone solid, but the survivor doesn’t die even from within the ice. They are preserved, and a tamed owl can even heal the injuries of its allies.”

“That creature looks amazing!” Thorax exclaims as he admires the creature’s form. The changeling royalty then sighs sadly with a matching expression, which prompts HLN-A to remove the Snow Owl’s projection.

“Despite everything that’s happened, and regardless of the fact that she might’ve deserved this… I still love her as our queen. I come here any chance I can get, to honor her, to let her know that at least someone still cares for her...”

“You ever thought about giving her a second chance?”

“All the time!” Thorax exclaims in response, but more due to his pent-up emotions on the matter. “I always think about releasing her from this statue in order to try and reintegrate her into our hive,” He lowers his head in defeat, “But... she’s not the mother I once knew…”

HLN-A looks at the saddened king, then turns her gaze to the statue, “Well, maybe there’s a chance - considering Discord forced them to act in accordance to the show. But I do understand your situation…”

He raises his head, “Y-you do?”

“Yes, love. Well, not exactly me, but my creator, Helena,” A sigh is let loose from the AI, despite its form. “A long time ago, Helena looked up to a man who she saw as the most brilliant scientific mind the Arks have ever seen. And he was a very dear friend to her... she'll never forget the man he used to be.”

“What’s his name?”

“Edmund Rockwell.”

“W-what happened?” Thorax inquires in concern; with matching features.

“It all started when he first found an artifact, which then lead to his involvement with what he called Edmundium. It’s basically his own alias for Element, the resource I told you all about in the last meeting. After Twilight and the others left this installation.”

“HLN-A…” Thorax starts sympathetically. “You know, if this is personal, you don’t have to-”

“It’s fine,” The AI interjects before projecting the sketching of an elderly man wearing a pair of glasses. “I can only hope that Helena would be ok with me speaking about this matter.”

“You like the sketch?” HLN-A inquires. “My creator drew it herself!”

“He certainly looks like a scientist,” Thorax responds, looking at the sketch in awe. “He seemed like a nice guy.”

The AI chuckles, “He was… he truly, truly was...”

HLN-A removes Edmund’s projection as the two sat in the moments of silence that ensues. Then, the changeling ruler clears his throat.

“W-we should, uhm, go join the others,” He laughs sheepishly with a forehoof behind his neck, “My brother is going to be pretty mad about this.”

The AI giggles, “Aye aye!”

The mechanical wonder starts to fly away, but a call from Thorax stops them in place.

“Hey, HLN-A!”

“Hmm? Yes, Thorax?”

“W-well, I think if you feel like you’re unique then that’s what you should be. If that makes sense to you,” He takes off to the sky with his transparent wings and floats next to the AI. “Let me ask you something: does Helena ever force you to do anything?”

“Good heavens! No, love!” The Ai responds with an exclamation mark present on their visor; orange lights emanating from its form. “Helena is a gentle and kind soul, she never once tried to enforce her will upon any of us HLN-A units. In fact, when she created us all, she spoke to us as if we were survivors of our own.”

“And does she make you keep your names?”

“Well, no, actually. Many of us just kept HLN-A; unit number what have you, as a gesture of appreciation towards her. But we never felt like we are forced to keep those designations.”

The changeling nods, “Then that settles it. From here on out; if you like being called HLN-A, then you are HLN-A. Being an extension of Helena is only what you are,” He places a forehoof onto the AI, “It doesn’t have to be who you are. You remind me a lot of how we changelings used to be. But look at us now!” He emphasizes by raising his other forehoof into the air, “Each and every one of us are unique in our own way; despite being a part of a collective.”

“Huh… you know, that’s definitely something I haven’t thought about,” The Ai responds as its ‘eye’ looks side to side.

Thorax removes his forelimb from HLN-A’s form, “Spike was the one who helped me truly realize what I had always felt deep inside, not to mention Starlight Glimmer. It’s because of those two that I claimed my own individuality, to become what I always wanted to be. Not what Chrysalis wanted me to become. It’s something that I ensure all of the changelings can experience, and may my words help you as Spike and Starlight’s did for me.”

The royal changeling beams a smile before flying off to the castle, leaving behind a pondering AI. HLN-A turns towards the statue of the three entities, specifically focusing her gaze upon Chrysalis’s figure, before looking forth once more.

“Thorax! Wait up, mate!”

Unbeknownst to them both, and after they left the scene, a magic lime unicorn mare emerged from a nearby dome-shaped bush with blue flowers in bloom.

“So that’s the other Homo-Deus from Earth, the one who ascended. Helena… she seems nice,” Lyra comments, turning her gaze towards the statue, “In fact, she’s a lot like you… Megan Williams.”

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