• Published 8th Jan 2021
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Ark: Friendship is Survival - Pomp-Neigh

Equus, a world of magic and many strange yet wonderous forms of life. However, is this world truly natural? Or could it possibly be... artificial?

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Chapter 88 - The Finding of Rarity and Rudey

“Good luck with ‘em youngsters, Mejo!” Granny Pithecus shouts as she waves farewell to Twilight, who walks away with Equulla, or Jo-Jo, in the lead. “Supper ‘ill be ready ‘fore sundown!”

Twilight waves back while looking over her shoulder. “Thank you! Be back soon!”

The alicorn set her eyes forward again as she and Equula began to cross a wooden bridge stretching over the waters surrounding Granny’s farm. The sound of the bridge creaking as their hooves clopped against it actually added some pleasantry to the ambiance of nature that cried out all around them.

However, as she and Equulla stepped off the bridge and dove into the vibrant community, apes and allied creatures going about their daily lives amongst the platforms above and structures below, she realized that she never took some time to explore the village. Luckily, she could now correct that error as her eyes guided her head in multiple directions.

Many were drawn to Twilight’s appearance, but those who’d seen her on the farm or had spoken to Granny filled them in about her current arrangement. Even so, she waved back in courtesy. Given time, she’s sure that the tribe will get used to her, especially since Grok intends to introduce her to everyone at the next tribe meeting in Maimuta.

Or, as they call it, the Redheart Summit.

Amazing,” she compliments while following her stoic escort. She had to admit that being escorted by an armored equine almost made it feel like home—as if visiting a newly discovered foreign nation to establish relations.

Thanks to Twilight’s talks with Granny, she knew that this and three other outposts were strategically placed at every ‘corner’ of the Redwood Biome, with Maimuta resting in the biome’s heart.

Several smaller communities filled in the gaps, most of which are a series of tree platforms with bridges and ziplines connecting them, along with some vines for swinging and climbing and other such natural aid.

The more she thought about it, the more apparent it became that this established network, which also includes the transferring of resources and information, made the Tribe of Maimuta a force to be reckoned with. They could respond to almost any incident with timed efficiency, and given Granny’s frequent mentions of wars having been fought against the yetis and other tribes, this was most advantageous.

With all that in mind, she concluded that any force seeking to invade the Redwood Biome was asking for a swift end. If the creatures that lurk in these woods didn’t get them, the dominant tribe would.

Equulla soon leads Twilight around the corner of warehouse Four-B, indicated by a giant billboard on its roof. As they began to walk toward the building’s rear, the lavender mare’s eyes shot wide open upon seeing a brown brontosaurus with a platform saddle. The sauropod stretches its neck and strips entire branches clean of greenery when it pulls away as members of Maimuta transfer items and resources from the structure built on the platform saddle to the warehouse by utilizing a primitive elevator.

“We’re almost there,” Equulla began, tearing Twilight’s sights away from the scene as they continued onward. “Just a couple more blocks ahead until we reach the schoolhouse.”

“Thank you very much,” Twilight responds as she observes her surroundings again. “This is incredible. Do you, by chance, know how long it must’ve taken to build all of this, Jo-Jo? I’d imagine it was built and expanded upon over many generations.”

Jo-Jo hummed in thought as the two mares turned at another bend. “That’s a question you should save for Sir. Gideon Apesworth,” the armored equus answered. “I’m not saying that I don’t know anything on the matter—my mother pushed me out of the womb in this tribe, after all—It’s just that Gideon is the source of knowledge here.”

The armored mare slowed her pace as they approached another elevator similar to the one back at the warehouse, its platform having been set on ground level. A glance upward showed the lavender mare the unmistakable sight of a schoolhouse held up on a tree platform. All while a familiar diplodocus

“Speaking of knowledge,” Equulla comments as she positions herself on the elevator platform and turns to face Twilight. “We’re here.” She looks up to an armored yellow ape, who looks down at them from atop the tree platform as Twilight steps onto the elevator.

“Bring us up, Chaka.”

“Yes, Decanus Equulla!” Chaka responds with a salute. He then leans over and pulls on a wooden lever, metallic gears turning as the elevator platform ascends at a steady pace.

Ok,” Twilight murmured, taking a sharp breath to steel her nerves. “Here we go.

Meanwhile, Equulla sideglances at her fellow equine. And a subtle smirk formed after a moment’s pause.

‘Up close like this… Yeah, she’s definitely a cutie.’ She said internally, half-lidding her eyes. ‘I wonder…did she ever stare at my flanks during our walk? I hope so. I’ve always been more of a mares mare.’

“So, explain to me why you dragged me out here again?” Rudey asked as he and Rarity walked along the coast just outside of Sanctuary, grains of sand kicked up and old shells trampled upon. “And why you’ve been moping ever since we left?”

Rarity’s ears flattened against her head at that as she walked in silence, eyes downcasted. She abruptly stops in place and lets out a long sigh before turning to Rudey.

“I’d…like to apologize, Rudey.” She chuckled bitterly. “Although that’s not exactly your name now, is it? I’ve…been terrible to you, darling.”

The dilophosaur tilts his head inquisitively—but annoyed. “The fuck is this coming from?”

“This morning, you finally told us about…Force Taming. I… I’m sorry for forcefully making you submit to...me.” She sighed again, searching for the appropriate words. “I was just so angry with Spike at the time, and I took it out on you. But please believe me, darling, when I say that I’d never-”

Rudey suddenly pulls his attention away from Rarity, sniffing the air as his instincts go wild. “Wait…something’s not right…”

“Rudey, please, I’m trying to patch things up-”

“Shhhh!” The dinosaur interjects with a raised claw, Rarity taken aback. “Quiet… I need to focus.”

Realization dawned on the white unicorn as her eyes shot wide open, looking around their general vicinity. “I-is s-something…out t-there…?” She dared to ask in fear.

Rudey glares back at her, “Don’t you have a literal armory in your ass? Pull something out of it.” He looked forward and lowered himself to a crawling posture. “Something’s watching us…”

“Ah-ack!” The unicorn gasped, insulted. “I’ll have you know that it’s called an inventory, not my ‘ass,’ as you so rudely put it.”

“Yeah, but you have to look at your ass to-”

A bipedal and ravenous presence suddenly roars out from the nearby treeline, shattering some branches and flattening bushels in the process as it charges at the duo with flickers of drool falling from its opened maw.

“Fucking—shit!” Rudey shouts. “It’s an allosaurus!”

“W-what do we do?!” Rarity screamed in a panic as the allosaurid careened toward them like the Ponyville Express. All aboard for its stomach region, one could say. So sudden was the predator’s presence that she didn’t even bother to look at its identification.

“What do you think?!” With excellent timing, Rudey pushes Rarity aside as he lept in the opposite direction. “DODGE!”

The allosaurus slides across the sand as it tries to slow itself to turn and resume its pursuit. Rarity and Rudey take the opportunity to flee during this time, although they can feel the vibrating sensations of the allosaurus’ approach moments after.

Unfortunately, the duo could not run back toward the direction of Sanctuary. Instead, they found themselves running down the beach toward the Demon King’s mountain.

“What are you waiting for?!” The dilophosaurus roars at his equine ally. “Get your weapons out and kill this thing!”

“I-I can’t!” Rarity cried out with her held up high.

“What the fuck do you mean by ’I can’t’?!”

“I gave my weapons to Rainbow Dash before she left for the merchants!”

What?!” The dilo grunts in frustration. “Why in the prehistoric fuck would you—?! Ah, screw this!” He turns around and faces the allosaurus with dilated, slitted eyes, “I’m not dying today because of you. Now watch,” he unfurls his frill, accompanied by a constant hissing noise, “and learn.”

“R-Rudey?!” Rarity shouts while looking back, coming to a sudden stop. “What are you doing?! We need to run!”

The dilo ignores the unicorn’s cries as he waits for the right moment. “Looks like you’re one of the dumbass variety, eh, big guy?” He mocked in a whispered tone. “How very fortunate for me.”

Rumors say that dilophosaurus are naturally skittish and only attack smaller prey or scavenging from carcasses. How adorable, he challenged.

The allosaurus’ earth-shaking steps drew closer as it opened its jaws to scoop up the considerably smaller predator in one pass. But Rudey remained calm and collected, and Rarity looked on with a quivering muzzle—hating her oversight of not crafting more weapons before leaving the safety of Sanctuary.

The larger predator was now within two ponies’ length in front of Rudey. But the dilo has been gathering venom in his maw, and he takes aim.


The world practically slows down as he spits out a black volatile before leaping to the right. The projectile makes its mark on the larger carnivore’s left eye, causing it to screech before falling onto its stomach region and sliding past Rudey, who proceeds to run around it.

“Move your ass!” He called out to Rarity while running back toward the direction of Sanctuary. “I’ve got a plan!”

“O-ok!” Rarity managed as she lunged forward and maneuvered around the thrashing allosaur. She catches up to her scaly ally, “That was incredible!” She compliments.

“It’ll only distract that fucker for a time,” Rudey responds as he leads Rarity over to the remains of shattered trees and logs where the allosaurus had emerged. “Silver lining is that it can kiss that eye goodbye.”

Reaching the wood remains, Rudey begins to look over several logs that were laid bare before them. “That one!” He said with a gesture, Rarity looking over to the chosen log before glancing back at the allosaurus.

“We need to hurry, darling!”

“Quick. Help me lodge this thing against this boulder,” Rudey asked, biting down on the log and pulling it toward the appointed boulder. Rarity quickly jumps to his aid, using her head to push the log as mounds of sand form a trail along the way.

A distant roar from the allosaurus gains their immediate attention as the dinosaur manages to get back up, using a claw to wipe off the splurge of venom from its affected eye. But the damage has permanently set in as the eye is completely blind.

The allosaurid lifts its head and roars out in pure rage, using its remaining eye to search for its duo of prey as it shoots its head in multiple directions. It then chooses to rely on its sense of smell as its nostrils flare, and it turns towards the direction of the picked-up scents.

The allosaurus spots the equine and dilophosaur, stomps in place with a vicious growl, and lets out a booming roar before charging again.


“Shit shit shit shit!” Rudey shouts, taking note of the larger predator’s approach as he hurriedly sharpens one end of the log with his claws while the other is forced into a fracture of the boulder, courtesy of Rarity as she lifts the log on her back.

“Here it comes!” Rarity cried out. “Hurry!”

“I’m working on it! I’m working on it! Just don’t lift until I tell you to.”

“O-ok!” She responds through gritted teeth and wobbly legs.

The allo roared as it drew near.

Rudey hastens his sharpening, repeatedly looking at the approaching allo, down to the log, and back to the allo again in a panic.

“Come on, come on.”

The large carnivore opens its jaw.

“Almost there.” If he had sweat glands, Rudey is pretty sure this is when one would sweat nervously—or just simply shit themselves.

His carving skills were bearing fruit as that end of the log almost resembled the skewering barbs of a spiked wall. But the allo was now only six feet away…





“There!” The dilo screamed as he covered his eyes with his claws, Rarity grunting in strenuous effort. “Raise it! RAISE IT! FUCKING RAISE IT!


The smell of iron fills the air as something warm splashes onto Rudey. Rarity only receives droplets of it, but both have their eyes shut.

I’m dead,” mutters Rudey. “I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m dead. I died; I’m dead.

A large mass falls on earth and shakes their general vicinity, causing the two members of Harmony to peek their eyes open slowly.

Their eyes shot wide open from what they saw as the makeshift spear penetrated the back of the allo’s throat, killing the dinosaur instantly as the pike graced the upper portions of its head and brain matter.

They stare at their accomplishment in silence and slowly turn to each other.

“Yeah!” Rudey celebrates, covered in blood, as he swiftly gets up and stands tall and proud. “Who’s at the bottom of the food chain now bitch, huh?!” He mocks the deceased predator, pointing at its corpse. “Hahaha! Dilophosaur—one. Allos—zero. Woo! I’m a mother fucking rex!”

He turns back to congratulate his ally. “Hey, you didn’t do too bad af-” His words die in his throat as he spots Rarity making her way around the boulder, her attention having been stolen by something else.

And she ruined the moment,” Rudey said with a deadpan expression, sighing as he began to follow her. “You know,” he states while maneuvering around the boulder and spotting the equine, “normally when we do something like escaping with our lives—well, my life, since you can just respawn—that calls for…c-cele…”

They were both speechless as they stared at a crate in the open. “I-is that…what I think it is…?” Rarity asked as Rudey came up alongside her.

“Y-yeah…” The dinosaur responds. “It’s one of those note thingies creatures on the island rave about. It looks like this one was set down by those lights fairly recently.”

“You gonna open it…?”

Rarity looks over to Rudey and back to the chest. “Y-yes, I, uhm, suppose I should. But why don’t you come along, darling? If what I’ve heard from HLN-A is true, It’ll also give you some experience for your own enhancements.”

They both nod in understanding and approach the chest. Rarity turns sideways as a series of transparent blue lines reach out from her cutie-implant. The lines then wrap around and meld with energy now emitting from the chest, similar to what happens when she and her friends access the island’s drops.

The chest flings itself wide open, and although Rudey couldn’t see what had resulted, save for gaining a sudden surge of experience for enhancements, Rarity’s eyes widened as she had uncovered something wondrous…yet horrifying.

The Explorer Note of Sir. Edmund Rockwell.

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