• Published 8th Jan 2021
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Ark: Friendship is Survival - Pomp-Neigh

Equus, a world of magic and many strange yet wonderous forms of life. However, is this world truly natural? Or could it possibly be... artificial?

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Chapter 58 - Checkmate.



After telling her tale, Twilight adjusted her folded wings and waited for Grok’s coming words, hoping for a promising outcome, ready to converse for the sake of her friends and loved ones. The ape across from her has his gaze turned to Skitters, the small monkey resting on the larger ape’s right shoulder while the duo conversed.

The alicorn looked skyward, and she only now realized how much the day had progressed onward, the sun's rays now shifting into a light orange. If she were a betting mare, she’d guess it must be somewhere between 3 to 5 pm on the Ark.

The passage of time was still incredibly bizarre to her. Actually, it reminded her of when the Storm King fiddled with the Staff of Sacanas, but this was more fluid. She could even hear his annoying voice within the confines of her memories:

“Day, night, day, night, sunrise, sunset, bum bade bum bum bum!”

She brought a hoof to her head to rub off the migraine with closed eyes. But rapid movements on the table, followed by a small bit of weight resting on her left shoulder, caused Twilight to jolt to attention.

Skitters patted the alicorn on the head, and despite the revelation of the monkey’s allegiance, Twilight truthfully couldn’t be angry with him. But her trust was mildly broken, to be sure.

“Very well,” Grok’s voice starts, garnering Twilight’s full attention. “Skitters has confirmed your tale, and I’ll commend you for defending your tribe against the Titan of Blood. Although, I have a confession of my own to make.”

The ape gets up from his seat and walks over to the nearby map, looking at it with his back facing Twilight. He rests his right hand where the Red Obelisk is positioned.

“The truth is that I’ve met another one of Spike’s kind before.”

At that moment, a memory flashed within Grok’s mind; his eyes closed shut as a growl emanated from his throat, his fists closing as if he were crushing metal.

Molten lava…



Cries of conflict…

Twilight’s gaze widened. “Wh-what?” Then, it clicked. “Wait… Granny once mentioned the Red Obelisk… d-did you fight the Dragon Guardian?”

Grok’s eyes shot open, and he turned swiftly and fluently to Twilight. “So… you truly do possess knowledge that I must possess.”

Those words caused freight deep within the mare’s form, and the ape steps around the table and rest his hands on the long table's width, right next to Twilight.

“If what Skitters tells me is correct, your ally, the flying machine, is called HLN-A. Am I right?”

“Y-yes,” She answered, swallowing a small lump. She did not like where this was going, and the blood in her veins froze.

“You see, Twilight, it doesn’t take much of a genius to decipher that HLN-A is feeding you all this information. I told you before: I will do everything possible to protect my apes and the beasts we’ve brought into our fold. As such, my proposal is this:

You will leave your tribe and join my own. But your friends will not be allowed to join us, and I will not form an alliance with them until I decide otherwise.”

If Twilight’s eyes could go any more expansive, they would.

“I…” She struggles. “I can’t. I can’t just leave my friends and-”

“Despite what it looks like, I’m being fair here,” Grok interjects. “I could say that both you and HLN-A will join us, but that would leave your allies without the two most intelligent members of your tribe. I am aware of the kindness you’ve all shown to Granny, so believe me when I say I’m repaying that kindness.”

“But this isn’t necessary,” Twilight pleas. “Why do this at all? My friends and I would be more than happy to exchange information with you, and all we’d ask for in return is for your tribe not to attack us. I know you don’t trust us, but this is truly excessive.”

Grok stares at the equine for a moment, turning away and walking to the other side of the table. He takes his seat as Twilight never takes her eyes off him.

“Excessive? I disagree.” Grok crosses his arms on the table. “It’s time for the enlightenment I promised. This island?” He spins an index finger around, “It’s filled to the brim with betrayal and brutality. I have dealt with countless tribes who gave me the same song and dance you’re spewing right now.”

Twilight wanted to protest, Skitters patting her mane gently. She wanted to prove to this king how different she and her allies were and that his worries weren’t warranted. But her words died in her throat; what could she even say?

“However,” Grok continues, Twilight’s folded ears perking up. “There is a difference between your lot and those tribes. Thanks to Skitters, in addition to your actions in helping Granny, I shall allow you to prove yourselves to me.”

Twilight nods as hope grows within her. “That’s all I ask, your majesty.”

Grok nods. “Then you know what to do.”

“L-leave my tribe, correct?”

Grok clasped his hands together and cracked his fingers. “And join my own. Of course, you can deny my request, and I promise to let you fly away without any issue. But that will only seal your fates, and I will instruct my tribe to be cautious around you all, and we will attack you should you get in our way of collecting resources and fetching those drops.”

Twilight was simply at a loss. Granny had warned the alicorn about Grok’s methods, but to see it- no, to fall victim to it, was entirely different. She thought about what would happen if Grok was ever born on Equus… and how effectively he could overthrow or even protect Equestria.

If this were a game of chess, of which Twilight certainly felt it was, then Grok was at the point where all he needed to do was move one more piece before declaring the dreaded ‘Checkmate.’

But Twilight took notice of Grok’s expression faltering slightly, almost as if, deep down, he didn’t enjoy doing this to the Tribe of Harmony. Then, his lips moved:

“I know my actions seem unfair to you - all of you. But I’m trying to drill into your head just how harsh this island can be. And if I, someone showing you at least a modicum of generosity, am doing this to you, just imagine what your enemies will do. And trust me, there will be enemies you and your allies will have to face.”

The purple mare nodded hesitantly, but a lingering thought urged her to speak:

“Why me…?”

“Pardon?” Grok inquires with a raised eyebrow.

“You know about HLN-A, who’s leagues beyond any knowledge I could offer, so why did you choose me?”

Grok chuckles amusingly, followed by him resting his chin on his joined hands. “It’s rather straightforward: Spike.”


“Mhmm. I told you, I know about the ferocity and flames of a dragon. Very. Well. As such, I cannot, in good faith, let my guard down, knowing another dragon is strolling about this island without any shackles to hold him back.” Grok grins, looking at Twilight expectantly. “Then again, that’s the perk to having you in my tribe: Insurance.

And there it was, the dreaded ‘Checkmate.’ Twilight was now even more hopeless than before as only one thought occurred within her psyche: Grok had done it; he had won.

Her eyes went downcast, and her entire body felt like a paste as she slumped deeper into the chair she sat on. Skitters continued to try and comfort the mare with a sympathetic expression, patting her head, shoulders, and mane. Finally, Twilight spoke after moments of silence:

“I accept your conditions, your Majesty…”

In Sanctuary, Spike, HLN-A, and Rarity prepared for the coming nightfall. In addition, the AI had formulated a plan to retrieve drops in the morning, and she chose Spike to do so. As for Rarity, the fashionista became interested in the nearby Snow Biome.

Heading out to harvest Metal was also brought up, but HLN-A suggested they need a pack mount to haul loads for them. The remaining tribe members in Sanctuary will need to keep their eyes out for a promising companion.


To the eastern swamps, which also happened to be where most of the tribe were once killed off, both Rainbow Dash and Vanellope are in the process of making a temporary shelter.

The pegasus was still amazed by how their implants even played a role during construction. A green outline of her Thatch Foundation appeared before her eyes, yet invisible to anyone else. And once she was satisfied with the foundation’s positioning, the Ark itself built it for her.

Granted, she wasn’t a lazy mare and could’ve built the structure by hoof. But she figured: why not indulge in the convenience of humanity’s advancements?


Fluttershy’s wings are bound in handcuffs, although the name would more appropriately be wingcuffs, given the situation.

The yellow pegasus had awoken within a cell of stone with metal bars keeping her within, and she had no idea where she was. Her captures were ‘decent’ enough as to give her a bucket for ‘relieving’ purposes. But that was about the extent of their kindness.

There wasn’t a single bed or furniture within the containment, just an empty stone block. However, it did come with a small window -- also barred off -- which gave Fluttershy a fine view of the giant floating metal mass near whatever structure she was in:

The Red Obelisk.


Pinkie Pie had long since fallen asleep on her raft, having forged a small wooden home upon the floatation, taking on a cubical shape.

The single wooden door to the home was locked, and the pink mare slumbered on a Hide Bed she'd placed within with a small storage box set nearby.

HLN-A told her that sailing the sea was quite dangerous, but today defied that warning. In fact, she considered it to be incredibly easy!

This was going to be a piece of Veggie Cake!

Mmmmm… Veggie Cake…

She dreamed of eating the delicious treat, vowing to make it one day.


On the island's western side, Applejack had been doing quite well for herself, all things considered. The mare had made a wooden home deep within the dense jungle; her senses were on full alert as she prepared for the coming nightfall.

The orange earth pony had just flared her campfire to life, feeding the flames with several logs of wood. She takes a moment to inspect her inventory, but before a single word could leave her muzzle, two messages appeared before her very eyes.

These messages manifested to the entire tribe as a whole:

Spike has been promoted to Tribeleader!

Twilight Sparkle was removed from the Tribe!

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