• Published 8th Jan 2021
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Ark: Friendship is Survival - Pomp-Neigh

Equus, a world of magic and many strange yet wonderous forms of life. However, is this world truly natural? Or could it possibly be... artificial?

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Chapter 28 - Tek-Mare.


-Ponyville: Princess Twilight’s Castle-

The sounds of horrific screams and conflict echo throughout Ponyville, of which Twilight’s crystalline castle sat nearby with the School of Friendship just beside that. Members from many of Equestria’s races are still fleeing from the infection’s forces, some of which consisted of former residents that became ‘indoctrinated.’

Pony, Buffalo, Griffon, Changeling, absolutely no one is spared from this infectious pandemic—aside from specific circumstances that involved Noglins. Even the very buildings of the town withered and deteriorated, covered by purple spires that punctured multiple structures. Lavender gas forms in the air as the infection takes root, creating thick fogs.

“Do not fear my loving embrace, survivors. Become one with God, and he shall provide for you in the new era. It’s far more preferable than the alternative.”

The echoing voice of the Master Controller can be heard all around them as the AI itself and its numerous copies filled the Ark’s dome. In other words, the ‘sky’ itself—accompanied by the lavender lighting that took over ever since Edmund’s Will’s overtaking.

“I welcome any who recognize my brilliance, those who embrace my vision. Follow me, and I shall lead you to heights that even your pathetic ‘Princesses’ could never take you.”

Incidentally, and in other continents, the word ‘Princesses’ is replaced by other nations’ appropriate authoritative figure(s). The message is slightly differentiated from kingdom to kingdom, but all are roughly the same.

However, in Ponyville, and despite the uneasy direness of the situation, Twilight’s Castle shined like a beacon of hope. Those who took shelter within couldn’t fathom why this infection could not draw near. Anything which harbors the disease that approaches sizzles away by an unknown ‘light,’ albeit the luminous phenomenon seemed technical in makeup. Unbeknownst to them all, this was the foresightedness actions of Megan Williams.

This unknown shield of sorts even extended to the nearby School of Friendship, but portions of the school fell prey to the infection.

Unfortunately, this repulsion did nothing to deter the uninfected entities Noglins controlled, said critters attaching themselves to various body parts. Most dominantly, the heads of Equus’s multiple races. It was currently unknown how the infection seemingly ‘ignored’ those that the Noglins controlled, leaving them unchanged in appearance.

As the enemies rush towards the castle, a platoon of guards from different races stand ready in a multi-wall formation.

“Weapons draw!” A gray male minotaur shouts, wearing armored apparel. His words caused the gathering to ready their weapons, ranging from spears to swords, even a few war-hammers. “Aim for the tiny beings attached to them! Iron Will will show you how it’s done! And for Iron Will’s sake, do NOT let them drag you off!”

A very particular light-blue griffon stands beside him, donned in golden armor accustomed to his species.

“And do not hesitate to attack them! You’ve got weapons; use the darn thing!”

“Well put, Gallus! Iron Will is pleased with your words!” The minotaur responds, readying his battle-ax. “Now then, Iron Will is ready!”

At the very rear of the gathered force stands a collection of magic users, Unicorns, Kirin, Deer, and Changelings among them.

“Ready your spells!” Starlight Glimmer calls out. “Don’t let a single one of those things through!”

As her allies let loose agreeing exclamations and war cries, the purple unicorn states internally:

-If what we suspect is correct, then all we need to do is eliminate those tiny monsters. It sounds harsh, but it needs to be done. It should free those who are under their control.- She turns her gaze towards the infected entities in the distance, those staying away from the proximity of the castle.

Their bodies are changed drastically from the effects of the infection as ponies are missing patches of fur, replaced by a glowing-irradiated purple substance and exposed innards. Similar deformities are present on other races as well, but every single one of them shares that glowing purple substance that’s etched onto their forms, practically merging with them.

It was a sight that even made witnesses hurl in response, not to mention sadness brewing from seeing familiar friends and loved ones among the infected masses.

-As for them, I’m so sorry...-

The sounds of an encroaching force rumble the land as various individuals controlled by Noglins draw closer.

“Charge!” Iron Will shouts as the melee-based fighters of the force run towards their opposition. Yaks, and Buffalo, quaking the earth with their girth. Deer are lowering their antlers for combat with Saddle Arabian 'horses' and Abyssinian cat-folk alongside them.

Several kirin charged forth, and with an echoing-enraged shout, their bodies became engulfed in flames of various colorations—their fur now black as Luna’s night having transformed into niriks. Earth ponies and unicorns rush forth with their hooves pounding into the earth as pegasi prepared to swoop down upon their enemies, accompanied by other flying races: Griffons, Hippogriffs, Changelings, and Dragons.

In tandem, flying individuals who fell prey to Noglins also converged upon the force’s flyers as the conflict rages on land and air. The sounds of fighting and painful grunts echoed across the forefront of the crystalline castle.

Within the epicenter of Ponyville, and just before Town Hall, a familiar family runs away from a small group of infected entities. These comprise three ponies of each type, a yak and a dragon. The Yak’s fur had changed into pitch black with patches of brown still present, showing their former coloration. Their dead-like eyes are lavender in color but lack any pupils. And, of course, its’ body possessed that sickly irradiated substances, which was consistent for all of the infected.

The dragon’s wings had long since fallen off; two exposed ‘holes’ now present where the wings should’ve been as bone and tissue could be viewed within their blackened body. Some of their scales had fallen off as well, replaced by the infection as their green tongue constantly dangled out of their maw. Like the yak, the dragon’s eyes are absent of life, but pupils fill them as lavender. These two are the slower hulking behemoths of the group, while the trio of ponies pursued the family with greater speeds.

Batted breaths leave the two adult ponies of the fleeing family, a mare and stallion earth pony—each carrying a unicorn and pegasus foal.

“Keep going, sweetie!” Mr. Cake shouts in a slight lead, wearing a brown bag around his neck designed to hold foals with Pound Cake contained within.

“Why is this happening?!” Mrs. Cake shouts tearfully, Pumpkin Cake held with her orange bag. Despite her plumpy appearance, one couldn’t help but be impressed by her running capability. “This can’t be happening; it’s just not right!”

“I don’t know, but I swear to Celestia, I won’t let anything happen to you and our foals!”

Suddenly, the Cakes skid to a halt as the infected pegasus of their pursuers lands in front of them, roaring out in a predatory fashion. Mr. Cake shields his family by standing before them, even handing Pound Cake over to Mrs. Cake in one swift motion.

The Cakes take a step back as the infected pegasus slowly advances towards them.

“Dear, behind us!” Mrs. Cake exclaims as she looks over her shoulder; the other two infected ponies catch up. However, the dragon and yak seem to have fallen behind.

The family backs away from the infected ponies before feeling their backs pressed up against a wall of Town Hall. They’re trapped, unable to run in any direction as the three infected ponies block off any escape routes.

Mr. Cake maintains his shield and stands before his family protectively. Mrs. Cake, in the rear, shields their foals within her grasp, said younglings beginning to cry as she tries to soothe them with her motherly yet shaky voice.

“Shhhh, i-it’s o-ok, my babies. Mommy w-won’t let them hurt you.”

Hearing his wife’s words and the cries of their children, looking back over his right shoulder, Mr. Cake shoots his gaze forward once more with determination. Meeting the eyes of the trio of foes that surrounds them. The stallion knew that he alone could never fight them, and with a pleading tone, he says:

“I… I don’t know if any of you can understand me. But, please, do whatever you want with me,” He points a forehoof towards his family, “Just SPARE them! Let my wife and our foals go!”

Mrs. Cake gently places the two foals onto the ground, standing behind her husband, “If not, then at least take my husband and me. But spare our foals, please; they’re just babies!”

The trio before them stops.

“So?” The infected unicorn stallion responded harshly, an echo present in his tone. However, it was hard to tell their gender physically. “What exactly is your point?”

“This can all be so much easier if you just give in,” Said the infected earth pony mare. “I brought my foal into the infection, too, but you don’t hear me whining about it.”

The Cakes stare shockingly towards the infected trio, “H-how could you all be so heartless…?” Questions Mrs. Cake, tears flowing down her damped cheeks.

“Enough of this,” Comments the pegasus mare lost to the infection. “God said that any who resist would become one with him. One way or another… regardless of age range.”

The trio draws in once more, Mr. Cake shaking horribly in fear—although still standing protectively before his family—as Mrs. Cake returned to comforting their foals, even singing a lullaby.

“Hush, little baby, don’t s-say a word,” She sniffles, “M-momma’s gonna buy you a mockingbird…” As his wife continues her lullaby, Mr. Cake closes his eyes and waits for the end to come. Saying internally:

-Forgive us, Pinkie Pie… we won’t be there to watch you save Earth, the planet you told us about. We were so looking forward to it, too.-





An equine figure donned in unknown armor crashes down in front of the Cakes, the arrival’s back facing the entities as the ground cracked where the new arrival’s forehoof had planted itself—dust thrown into the air from the collision.

Mr. Cake opens his eyes, Mrs. Cake staring dumbfoundedly towards the newly arrived equine as even the Cake twins stop their crying.

“I’m sorry for being late, everypony. Still trying to get the hang of this suit.”

“B-Bon Bon?” Mr. cake questions in disbelief.

The armored mare nods in response, “The one and only.” The earth pony looks back to the enemies behind her, “And as for you, Edmund... you have a disgusting sense of humor. Playing games through these unfortunate ponies whose bodies you've defiled. Disgusting.”

The infected pegasus narrows their features, “So... you know, do you?”

“That’s right; I know the truth about your ‘puppets’ and how you manipulate the infected! Lyra told me everything in her message! And as for your little creatures, it's obvious that all we have to do to free those controlled by them is to destroy them.” Bon Bon turns around to face her foes, rage all too apparent on her expression.

The infected unicorn smirks, "Go ahead. Kill my precious Noglins, just try to set your fellow survivors free. See where that gets you."

“You just love to act all high and mighty, huh? Your horrible god complex. Well, guess what?! You’re NOT a god!” She defiantly points her forehoof towards them. “You’re just another monster who thinks he’s better than anyone else!”

Her futuristic armor pulsates as the lights present on it flashes vibrantly, “Let me bring you down a peg or two.”

Bon Bon’s helmet closes in a hexagonal-mechanical blanket, concealing her features. A display pops up before the mare as three green crosshairs surround her enemies. She pulls her right forehoof backward as energy gathers all around it and adjusts her stance, readying to thrust her entire form forth. A mysterious force gathers all around her as she charges up in place, dust particles floating into the air from the phenomenon.

The eyes of her enemies shoot wide open, even backing away in caution. All while the Cakes look on in shock and awe.

Well done. You have ensured that the shockwave doesn’t affect your fellow survivors located behind you by adjusting your stance. You are clear to perform a Devastating Punch. Would you like to proceed, Bon Bon?

“You bet I do!” Bon Bon responds to the mechanical voice of her longtime friend, Lyra, within her helmet.

The armored mare punches her forelimb forth as her body is sent hurling towards her foes by a sudden force push—a boom surrounding her as if she had just broken the sound barrier. Her hoof goes straight towards the infected pegasus, and upon making contact, Bon Bon sends her opponent flying away and crashing right through a nearby home.

“One down,” She said, turning towards the infected unicorn and earth pony, “Two more to- no, wait.”

Attention: Element power source now at 70%
Caution: Detecting two large entities of the infection approaching from the west.

A rumbling ensues nearby as the armored mare takes notice of the infected yak and dragon, both of whom draw closer to the conflict. Their large frames shake the earth as they lumber towards her.

Taking advantage of the moment, the two remaining infected try to attack Bon Bon as the earth pony charges forth, the unicorn firing up their horn. Acting quickly, the armored mare jumps into the air and spins in place, her left foreleg making contact with the infected earth pony, sending them flying away before zooming towards the unicorn in one swift motion. Her forehooves are sticking outward like a superhero, releasing another boom as if she had performed something akin to Rainbow Dash’s most remarkable feat.

Bon Bon carries off the infected unicorn and plows right through the rooftop of a nearby building. With a dramatic commotion, she re-emerges from the rooftop once more as her armor’s rocket propulsion, or jetpack, keeps her aloft.

“Not so fast, you two,” She comments, looking towards the yak and dragon’s forms that rushed towards the Cakes.

The armored earth pony lands just outside the house she had emerged from and lines herself up with the infected duo. With a grunt, she kicks off and runs towards them with all her might, but then, her armor seemed to react to this as she began to run incredibly fast so suddenly.

Superspeed mode activated.

Her hooves moved with remarkable speed as she began to build up momentum, wielding the force of a freight train.


Mr. and Mrs. Cake look on in horror as the infected yak and dragon are several feet away from them. But another rumble could be felt nearby, followed by the rapid form of Bon Bon, who crashes into both entities in one unstoppable force. The bodies of both behemoths burst apart as their remains were sent away and flew up into the air.

The armored mare stopped in place as a slight rainfall of gore fell all around her. She returns to a neutral stance and lowers her head.

“I’m so sorry… but you two left me no choice,” She said remorsefully.

As the Cakes drew near their savior, they took notice of Bon Bon rummaging amongst the gore which fell in place.

“B-Bon Bon… why are you doing that?” Mrs. Cake inquires.

“There’s still hope for the infected,” She answers. “Provided one thing stays intact.”

The Cakes were about to question her once more, but an exclamation from their savior cuts them off.

“There it is!” She picks up a diamond-shaped metallic object with her right forehoof. “So long as we can retrieve these, those we’ve lost have a chance to be saved.”

“C-come back?” Mr. Cake questioned. “Wait, what exactly are you carrying?”

“It’s called a Specimen Implant. Every living thing in our world has one, including us.” She looks back to her covered cutie mark as a blue light emanates from it, causing the implant she retrieved to vanish in response. “That one belonged to the dragon. I’ll need to recover the implants from the other individuals I’ve just beaten.”

As Bon Bon seemingly looks for something within her inventory, her cutie mark, Mrs. Cake swallows a lump as she holds both of her foals within two separate bags. One of which formerly was worn by Mr. Cake.

“What’s going on here? Pinkie Pie never told us about any of that.”

“She likely only told you two about what she knew, her and the Element Bearers leaving to save Earth, not to mention Spike.” Bon Bon responds, still looking through her inventory. “What’s happening here is something else entirely, and yet, it’s also still connected. Unfortunately, now is not the time to explain all of that. Ah! Here we go.” She finishes as a scroll is brought into existence via her inventory.

The armored mare offers the scroll towards the Cakes with a forehoof, “What’s that, dearie?” Mrs. Cake questions.

“It’s a teleportation scroll created by Starlight Glimmer. It will transport anyone within its radius to Princess Twilight’s Castle.” The Cakes nod in response; Mr. Cake is taking the scroll into his hooves. “Simply unravel it, and it will take you all away.”

“But what about you?!” Mrs. Cake shouts in concern. “I know you have that incredible armor, not to mention how you saved us, but, please, come with us.”

Bon Bon looks away with a determined gaze, although they couldn’t see this through her helmet. “No. My work isn’t done, and I made a promise to Lyra, even if it was a projection.” She takes a few steps back, “I will defend Ponyville for as long as I can, collect implants, and save as many as I’m able to via those scrolls.”

Sudden propulsion from her boots sends Bon Bon soaring into the air, her armor’s jetpack kicking into effect to keep her hovering in place.

“Go, now! Everypony else is at the castle!”

The armored mare flies off as the Cakes adhere to her request, vanishing in a light-purple magic rune that wisps them away.

“Lyra… thank you for giving me this Tek Armor; I believe that’s what you called it. But if we make it out of this, you owe me the biggest ‘sorry’ of your life. And this time, no holographs… I want to actually hit you.”

Within Twilight Sparkle’s Castle, several of Ponyville’s residents tend to those who are injured within the Cutie Map room. Nurse Redheart led these pursuits along with the assistance of other species’ medical heads. Among these aides is a cream-colored kirin with a fiery mane as she tends to a very particular member of the Apple family.

“Hey, hey, hey, wake up, little one. Please, say something...”

“Autumn Blaze,” A large red stallion with wrappings over his wounds comments, approaching the kirin. “Did mah’ sister wake up yet?”

Autumn sighs, “No. Nothing yet, Big Mac. Thank goodness Octavia, Mayor Mare, and Bulk Biceps carried her and those other ponies here, not to mention the zebra.”

As it so happened, Octavia could be seen weeping in the corner of the room, holding a picture of Vinyl Scratch close to her chest. It wasn’t just her who had suffered, however, as other notable and familiar faces throughout Ponyville held their loved ones or items that reminded them of lost friends and family. In addition, the unconscious forms of Zecora, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Trixie, and the other two members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders lay alongside Apple Bloom.

“Ah’m grateful fer ‘em, and fer you,” Big Mac said with the gratitude present in his voice. “Ah don’t know how ah’ could ev’r repay y’all.”

The kirin waves a forehoof dismissively, “Don’t worry about it. Hey! You’re in a chatty mood today.” She finishes with a beaming smile and a wink, although Big Mac raises an eyebrow which causes her to laugh sheepishly. “Sorry, sorry, trying to lighten up the mood, you know, end of the world happening outside and all that. Seriously though, I owe your sister big time for helping me rid my village of the River of Silence’s effects. Keeping an eye out for your baby sister is no problem at all.”

“Thank you, Autumn. Apple Bloom and Sugar Belle is ah’ll ah’ got left ever since... s-since...” The red stallion’s words die in his throat as his head slumps down, “Oh, Granny... why did ya’s ‘ave to do that... why did Applejack ‘ave to leave...”

“Big Mac!” A feminine voice calls out. “You’re supposed to be in bed recovering!” A purple unicorn mare hurriedly makes her way towards them, “Big Mac, please, you have to lay back down.”

“Ah’ know, Sugar Belle, but ah’ just wanted to see her again. Make sure she’s safe...”

Sugar Belle nuzzles into the stallion’s neck region, “I know, and I’m so sorry about your grandmare.” She lowers her gaze, “She’s the reason I’m even still here.”

“Ah’ should’ve been the one to fall to that stuff outside, not Granny.”

“W-what...?” The unicorn questions, looking into his eyes after pulling away from his neck region. “How can you say that?”

“It should’ah been mah’ duty to sacrifice mah’self so that y’all could live, not hers.”

As this goes on, Autumn Blaze stared at the couple with wide eyes, feeling like she should probably remove herself before managing to chime in, “I’m, uh, just gonna go this way. Oh, and, sorry about your grandmare.”

As the kirin departs, Big Mac and Sugar Belle’s conversation became a little more heated.

“You don’t understand, Mac!”

“What’s there to un’erstand?! Look, ah’ get it. She wanted to go so that you could live. But ah’ should-”

“No!” She interjects. “You DON’T understand; that’s not entirely why she did it!”

“W-what do ya’ mean?”

“Mac, there’s something I need to tell you...” She grabs onto his forehoof, leading it towards her stomach region. “Granny Smith didn’t just save me, she saved us.”

The red stallion’s eyes widened in response, “S-Sugar Belle... is t-this...”

“Yes, Big Mac... I’m pregnant.”

In response to the news, nearby residents are cheering for the couple, although others couldn’t help but be envious of their happiness as they suffered from the lack of their own due to recent events.

“Woahoho! Congratulations there, Mac!” Autumn Blaze comments. “Hey, wouldn’t it be awesome if you named it after your grandmare?! You know, if it’s a filly.”

Everyone stops their celebration, staring at the kirin with wide eyes and awkward expressions.

“Oh, shoot! Sorry, was that a too-soon thing?” She questions regretfully. “Uh, just ignore me, hehe.”

“Actually,” Sugar Belle comments with a forehoof to her chin in thought. “I’d like that.”

A batch of new survivors enters the room at that moment as the Cakes manage to make it to the castle successfully. Their armored savior’s actions bear fruit as attendants immediately check on their well-being. Despite the battle raging on outside, the inner portions of Twilight’s Castle possibly contained the last few semblances of Ponyville’s once happy atmosphere.

However, disaster is always in the air, and unbeknownst to them all, Apple Bloom did indeed open her eyes.

Eyes filled with lavender energy.

Author's Note:

My apologies for the incredibly delayed chapter. Work has been chaos this month. :raritydespair:

Image created by: https://www.deviantart.com/asimos

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