• Published 8th Jan 2021
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Ark: Friendship is Survival - Pomp-Neigh

Equus, a world of magic and many strange yet wonderous forms of life. However, is this world truly natural? Or could it possibly be... artificial?

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Chapter 3 - Revelations Pt: 1

A beam of light suddenly appears along with a group of individuals within a beautiful and grand bed-chamber. The walls were adorned with tapestries that bear sun symbols, while paintings and various photos decorated and filled in the rest. One image stuck out most like a sore thumb, the largest of them all, depicting this refuge's previous owner: Princess Celestia. The metaphorical cherry on top was a fireplace that was currently inactive with a large bed positioned before it.

"I must be honest, Twilight. I'm glad you haven't changed my former room yet. I always feel at peace here," Celestia said, absorbing her familiar surroundings.

"Of course!" Twilight exclaims. "To be honest with you, I don't really want to change it. Both yours and Luna's bed chambers. I guess it just doesn't feel right to me yet..."

These words cause both alicorns to form a grateful smile on their muzzles.

"We appreciate thy consideration, Twilight Sparkle," Luna comments as she and Celestia drape a wing over the lavender alicorn.

"Woah! That was incredible! I knew you could all perform magic based on your files, but to see it for myself is just mind-boggling. As a scientist, I want to shoot you with thousands of questions. However, Earth really needs us, so let's get straight to business. I'll inquire about the magic later," Helena says as she floats around the room as if she were sightseeing. She then zooms right into Discord's face, leaving a trail of light blue in the process, and continues:

"Alright, Overseer. It's time for us to talk, and I'm sure they all have questions," The AI then turns to everyone else present, "Everyone, please take a seat. Class is about to be in session."

Discord lets out an annoyed grunt in response while commenting mentally:

-Damn you, Helena. You just had to show yourself here on Equus; I wish you never arrived. My friends are one thing, but If dear Fluttershy goes mad by the end of this, I will throw you into Celestia's artificial sun! I don't care how many times you can rebuild yourself on Earth!-

Heeding the AI's request, every pony present sat on their flanks while Spike rested himself on top of the large bed. Although, it was slightly awkward considering the bed's former owner was seated upon the floor with her fellow ponies. Discord hovered a few inches over the floor while Helena remained alongside him.

"So, who's got the first question for us?" Helena inquires.

Discord could only chuckle as he knew what was going to happen next. Specifically, all of the Element Bearers, Spike, and Starlight Glimmer gave various inquiries; in different tones.

Just moments before this takes place, Celestia alights her horn with a golden aura and whispers to her sister:

"I think I should cast a silencing spell around the room."


"What's an Ark?!" Spike exclaims.

"What are ya'?" Applejack inquires. "Yall look like some kind of lightbulb."

"Who made you? You look awesome!" Rainbow Dash compliments.

"Ooh! Ooh! What's Earth like?!" Pinkie Pie questions with a forehoof raised over her head. "While we're at it, what's your favorite cake?! Wait, can you even eat cake?"

-This might sound rude, but I don't think I want to dignify that cake question with a response...- Helena says internally.

"I'd personally like to know just what in the world is a guardian? Yes, the name is straightforward, but you make it sound like something so much more. In addition, Discord, what exactly is your role as an Overseer?" Twilight inquires with a forehoof to her chin.

-I can't wait to hear how he explains that one.- Helena mocks internally.

"You were surprised by our use of magic? Also, what do you mean by 'files'?" Starlight questions.

-Ohoho, I can't wait to hear how she explains that one!- Discord mocks internally.

"I simply must ask what Earth's fashion is like, darling," Rarity wondered, which momentarily caused her friends to turn their questioning gazes towards the fashionista. "What? I'm curious!"

"Oh, um, well, I'd like to know what kind of animals there are on Earth?" Fluttershy inquired. "Are they friendly?"

-Damnit, how do I tell her about some of the infected life forms on Earth? I should've seen this coming; she's the bloody pony version of Li Mei-Yin and me combined. I miss you, Mei. Also, Friendly? Mostly the herbivores, although even certain species like the Therizinosaurus can be pretty awful.- Helena states internally.

-Oh yes, Helena, tell Fluttershy how you tame them. I'm sure she'd be delighted to hear what you do with a club and a bola. Not to mention forcing them to eat narcotics. Worst of all are those poor Kairukus and their organic polymer.- Discord said internally, wearing a condescending smirk.

Celestia and Luna continue to observe while also listening attentively, their ears perking upwards.

"Alright, I'll try to answer your questions to the best of my abilities, but you must promise me that you'll hold any further questions until the end. And you mustn't interrupt us. Finally, I ask that you please don't panic; what I have to reveal is a little-"

"Little?" Discord interjects, cutting off the AI. "How about reality crushing?! I still say that we shouldn't tell them."

"And I say they deserve to know," Helena retorts, followed by a light sigh, "Look, I'm not inconsiderate, and I understand where you're coming from, Overseer. However, try to see it from my perspective as well. These ponies are likely to be our last hope; they can save Earth and bring all of the Arks back home, including this one. Would you allow them to continue living a lie? Or will you help me get them back home so they can forge their own destinies?"

"I'm not a fool, Helena. I know what the true purpose of the Arks is. I am an Overseer, after all. But if you can understand where I'm coming from, you should know how the truth might affect them."

"Neither of you gave us a chance to show that," Celestia responds, which catches the attention of everyone present. "From what I'm hearing, Discord is afraid that the truth is too much for us to handle. On the other hoof, Helena wants to reveal the truth to us despite it all. Is this essentially what you two are debating?"

Discord and Helena look at each other before they sigh together and respond in unison:


"Then reveal thy truth to us all and let us decide for ourselves. But before that, we hath a proposition in honor of Discord's worries," Luna said. She then gets off the floor and spreads her wings, "Who here doth not wish to partake in the truth? Leave this room now and forever keep thy ignorance. Thou shalt not be judged for wishing to keep thy peace, tis understandable."

The ponies look at each other with questioning expressions, in addition to the young dragon among them. One by one, they each nod their heads and take a breath.

"Ah' might regret this, but ah' choose the truth," Applejack answers as she holds her hat against her chest region. The orange mare chuckles, "Ah' guess that's no surprise given ma' element."

"I'm too awesome to be scared by the truth; I can take it!" Rainbow Dash says confidently.

"We've faced incredible odds before, so I know we can handle this no matter how surreal it might be," Twilight said with conviction as she took on a determined expression. "I want the truth."

Spike, Starlight, Rarity, and Fluttershy all swallow lumps in their throats before nodding in response.

Discord could only sigh with a mix of sorrow before saying:

"I'm so sorry, everyone… I just wanted to protect you all. If you want the truth, then please, Helena, take it from here. I can admit that I don't dare to do it myself."

"I can do that, Over- no, Discord. I must say, you are very different than any other Overseer I've ever known. We'll have to talk about that later," Helena turns towards everyone present, "Fasten your seatbelts, loves. I'm going to give it to you straight."

The AI starts to project three holograms of Earth, each noticeably different from the other.

"These are just the more well-known versions, but what you are all looking at are various time periods of our homeworld. The many Overseers of the Arks chose different life forms who dominated the planet in the very distant past," The AI floats towards the first planetary hologram, a planet mostly dominated by ice, "This one over here is what we refer to as the Ice Age, when great mammals such as the Wooly Mammoth lived and flourished during these frozen times," The mechanical wonder floats over to the next projection, a planet with one giant supercontinent.

"This one right here is called Pangea, a time when Dinosaurs ruled over the planet," Finally, the AI hovers over to the last planet imagery, "This last one is a little closer to home for Helena, and the species of this period are her own: Humans."

"Humans?!" The ponies exclaim in unison.

"Like the ones in Sunset Shimmer's world?!" Spike questions.

"Yes, and- wait, WHAT?!" Helena shouts in shock. The AI was about to scold them for interrupting her but was genuinely surprised to hear about this 'Sunset Shimmer's world.'

"Ok, wait, wait, wait, wait! There actually are humans here?! But this Ark's terminal told me-"

Discord clears his throat to get them back on track and interjects:

"We can talk about that later. It's complicated, but I'll fill you in after we reveal everything else to them."

"R-right…" Helena responds before regaining her composure, "As I was saying, humanity was the final life form to rule over the earth for nearly countless years. Their technology became so advanced that they could do damn near anything. One could even say: It was their magic.”

This causes everyone present, aside from Discord, to drop their mouths agape. Their eyes shot wide open in shock and awe.

"However, this is where things get a bit darker. The source of this advanced technology came from a material we call Element Ore. This can be refined into the more pure and non-dangerous form that we call Element. I know, I know, they got lazy with the name.

Now then, you'll have to forgive me for even I don't truly understand the origins of this resource, and all I know are pieced together scraps from the Alpha Terminal. It might be hard to believe, but this advanced form of humanity engineered Element and changed it that the material somehow became sentient. It became a living infection, complete with a hivemind. The infection then began to consume all life on Earth, which resulted in a terrifying monstrosity: The King Titan. That hivemind I mentioned? That's the very same entity.

The advanced humans created the Arks in a desperate attempt to save Earth, and to ensure that life would go on. These are powerful machines and are capable of simulating life, environments, weather patterns, creating one giant ecosystem. Some are nothing but a barren desert, while others consist of multiple settings all stitched together, like The Island installation. In addition, they created the Overseers to govern each Ark and fill them with many life forms from different time periods. Humans, Dinosaurs, and many other forms of life, even those that never actually existed on Earth before. Case in point, you sentient and colorful ponies."

"What?! We never existed on Earth?! But you said-"

"Don't interrupt her, Twilight. Let them finish their tale," Celestia interjected, gesturing for Helena to continue.

"Earth did have ponies, but not your version of ponies. Discord, can you tell them their origins? I know you have it. After all, you designed this Ark as its Overseer."

The draconequus Overseer nods in response before saying:

"As Helena mentioned before, your respective versions of a pony never actually existed on Earth. You were… I was... inspired by a human child's cartoon. At least that was the targeted audience, but it also reached a more mature fanbase. You are all living versions of those characters, and I was based on the same being I'm named after, Discord, the Lord of Chaos. His powers and abilities were perfect for hiding my true identity. Fun fact: You, Pinkie Pie, I considered your character for the position thanks to her randomness. I even made sure to give it to you as you are now. But you're too random... so I went with Discord, who seemed more orderly than you, which was ironic."

Pinkie drops to the floor while imitating a goldfish, opening and closing her mouth. The party pony wasn't alone as her friends followed suit, minus falling to the floor. Even Celestia and Luna weren't spared from Discord's revelation's shock as they shared Pinkie Pie's expression.

"Unlike the other Overseers, I decided that friendship and cooperation would be needed most instead of just plucking strong life forms and tossing them into an Ark. You're welcome, by the way, Helena. If I hadn't done that, you'd still be on Earth, still hoping to find suitable survivors. Well, you technically still are there, but you get my meaning."

"Discord, in a trunk, off a cliff. Keep telling the story, you wanker," Helena replies angrily as the AI projects a car falling off a cliff.

"Now that's just rude. Anyway, I looked back to the early two-thousands, at least on the ancient human calendar, and came across the show I mentioned before. The same one you were born from," Discord snaps his eagle's talon as a DVD materializes itself, floating before everyone else present.

"This is it, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Season One, the beginning of your adventure."

"Now, allow me to explain something else... your specimen implants. Then, Helena can tell you about your files and how she knows all about you."

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