• Published 8th Jan 2021
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Ark: Friendship is Survival - Pomp-Neigh

Equus, a world of magic and many strange yet wonderous forms of life. However, is this world truly natural? Or could it possibly be... artificial?

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Chapter 31 - Skitters.



The rainbow pegasus looks over the structure once more as she makes her way down a small hill, HLN-A floating alongside her. The hill brings the duo closer to the large pond that sat in the epicenter of Sanctuary—Rainbow stopping to observe the pond. Several life forms move about the waters with grace as fish entities, Coelacanth, poke at the surface and forage the water's depths.

The most prominent attractions of the watering hole are the two giant turtles that float at the water's surface, or as HLN-A called them: Carbonemys.

"Those guys are massive," Rainbow comments, her mind starting to wonder about a specific pet tortoise of her own. "I hope Tank's doing alright back home."

HLN-A chuckles, "The Carbonemys are absolute units in their own right. Those shells of theirs? It's not just for show, love. Those beauties can and have been used to tank bullets from a rival tribe's turrets and even a few Tyrannosaurus bites."

"Heh, sounds about right," Rainbow responds before cocking her head in curiosity, "Wait, turrets? Rival tribes? Are there going to be others on this island aside from us?"

The AI momentarily goes silent in response, looking skyward before returning its' gaze to the pegasus.

"I have some… revelations that I need to get off my chest, Rainbow. But I'd like to do it with you and your friends present."

Rainbow raises an eyebrow, "Hiding things from us, huh? Not cool."

"No, but also yes, love. Look, I want you all to know that I have very good intentions for doing this, but as I said, we should wait until we're all together. I need you to trust me on this one, and I promise it's not as bad as you might suspect."

The pegasus stares at the AI for a moment, sighing afterward, "Well, you're the reason we got this far, so I'll play along. Just don't make me and my friends regret this, ok? Don't make us regret trusting you. Seriously."

"I completely understand, mate," The AI responds with a thumbs-up emoji on its' visor. "I trust you all just as much as I'd like you to trust me. I hope you can all understand that everything I do, I do it to prepare you for the Arks. Now then, let's go see how the others are doing with that Pteranodon!"

"Wait, what?! Pteranodon?!" The pegasus roars out in shock.

"Yup! See, your comment during my challenge really got your tribemates thinking outside the box. I kind of wish you guys did that earlier, but better late than never, mate!" The HLN-A unit takes notice of Rainbow's stunned state. "You do remember what you said, right? When you stated that you guys could've tamed some Pteras and flown to this location?"

"Y-yeah, I remember that," Rainbow responds after regaining her composure. "Did they really take my advice and go out to get one of those things?"

"They sure did, and considering you and Vanellope are why your tribe succeeded, they really took your words to heart. In a sense, you proved yourself worthy, Rainbow Dash, and everyone was so proud of you when they respawned here."

A warm sensation festers in the pegasus's chest region, causing her to pose in place with all her pride on full display.

"Well, duh! I'm Rainbow Dash! The most awesome pegasus in Equestria and the fastest flyer of all the Arks!"

"Then again, Vanellope did do most of the work, remember?"

The pegasus frowns, her posture slumping in defeat, "Ugh, why do you have to steal my thunder like that?"

HLN-A laughs lightly, "I'm truly sorry, love. On a side note, you'd better give Vanellope her dues when we see her in just a bit. I know you don't like her, but you could at least say thank you."

Rainbow groans, wiping a forehoof across her face, "You sound just like Fluttershy… fine! Fine, I'll tell her 'ThAnK yOu,' when I see her. You happy?"

"Very much so. Now come along, survivor. We've got tribemates to rendezvous with! Excelsior!

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes with a chuckle, and with HLN-A floating by her side, the duo makes their way towards the exit/entrance to Sanctuary. A dirt trail leads up a small hill that cuts through a pair of rock formations. Trees and greenery decorated the area all around them as a stone-comprised wall acted as a gateway, its large double wooden doors closed shut.

With a nod from the HLN-A unit, Rainbow Dash trots forth and places a forehoof onto the right door. The pegasus grunts as she forces the door open before using her other forelimb to grab onto the other door, prying both open as she takes in the jungle before her very eyes. Albeit, the dirt trail offers a traversal through the foliage.

The sounds of smaller creatures fill Rainbow's ears, and caution kisses her senses. So much so that she instinctively conjures forth her spear as if ready for battle.

"It's ok, love, although you are very wise to be wary," The AI comments proudly. "Always remember: Trouble can be waiting for you even outside of your base. Never let your guard down for a second, even in places you don't expect danger to bear its' fangs. And I mean that both metaphorically and literally."

Rainbow nods in response, swallowing spit as her gaze is locked towards the jungle before her. She takes a few steps into the unknown, and with her hind legs, she kicks the doors closed via a grunt-filled buck.

"Excellent!" The AI exclaims with another clapping emoji. "Always close off any and all entrances to your home. Never allow a chance for someone or something to creep inside, only to pounce onto you later."

Rainbow turns her gaze to the AI with a deadpan expression, "You know, you sure talk incredibly loud… isn't one of your teachings NOT to draw attention to myself? You're pretty much broadcasting to everyone that we're here."

The AI's 'eye' widens, followed by sheepish laughter, "G-good point, love. Sorry." Their tone lowers itself to a whisper. "It's just that I'm so proud to see you learning and-"

[ooh ooh aha]

A familiar sound, a chortle, cuts off the HLN-A unit's words. Both Rainbow and the AI look upwards and spot a mammalian entity sitting on a tree branch looking down upon them. A small gray monkey with patches of brown fur.

"Awwww," The AI coos as Rainbow stares on. "It's a Mesopithecus, cute little buggers."

The Mesopithecus gives into its' curiosity as it scales down the tree effortlessly. Finally reaching ground level, the monkey slowly walks closer to Rainbow Dash on its' fours while cautiously gazing upon the HLN-A unit. Not wanting to intimidate the monkey accidentally, Rainbow Dash sends her spear away to her inventory.

"My, my, this is a first," The AI comments with interest.

"What?" Rainbow responds, all while the Mesopithecus sits down on its' backside. Just a few feet away from the duo.

"Mesopithecus are often very skittish and don't usually approach survivors. In fact, it should be running away from us, not approaching us. This is truly peculiar."

"You think it could be because of me being a pony?" Rainbow questions as she looks to the monkey and back to the AI.

"I doubt that, mate. These little guys run away from practically everything. It really shouldn't matter- oh!"

The AI shouts in shock as the Mesopithecus closes the distance and hops onto Rainbow Dash's right shoulder.

[Ohoha ooh ooh haha]

The monkey hops happily on the pegasus's shoulder, much to the confusion of the duo, although a taming alert never pops up. This indicates that despite the monkey enjoying Rainbow Dash's presence, it isn't tamed by the pegasus nor the tribe by extension.

"Uh, Rainbow… have you met this Meso before?" The AI questions as Rainbow Dash is currently trying to grab the monkey, although the monkey happily dodges the attempts. "It certainly looks like it knows you."

"I-I don't know, maybe? It sure likes to jump all over me," She starts to laugh, "H-hey, stop it, that tickles, hahaha."

Suddenly, the small monkey hops onto a nearby tree, causing Rainbow to stop her laughing from its' ticklish actions. Then, the Mesopithecus does something that shocks and awes them: It waves its' hands as if saying goodbye to an old friend, especially when it comes to Rainbow Dash.

The monkey climbs to the top portion of the tree and leaps onto a nearby cliffside. It disappears and leaves behind a stupified pegasus and HLN-A unit.

"T-that was… strange," Rainbow comments.

"Are you sure you've never run into that little guy before? I don't think I've ever seen a Meso do that in all the time I've been here."

"I'm sure I'd remember a monkey being friendly to me," The pegasus responds, scratching her temple.

"I'll probably look into it a little later," The AI comments. "Come on, love. The others are further ahead, just a little south on the beach. We've got some catching up to do."

Rainbow Dash nods in response and calls forth her spear once more as the duo treks along the dirt road.

The small grey Mesopithecus dashes through the foliage, their breath batted as it lets loose sounds akin to its' kind. It finally bursts into a clearing; a field of grass and flowers is splayed out before the monkey's eyes.

The Mesopithecus runs on all fours towards the rock formation within the fields' epicenter. All while numerous herbivorous entities foraged on the clearing. The small mammalian enters the rock formation, and within a series of ruins inspired by Roman architecture, a marvel awaited the mammalian's arrival—a white unicorn.

"Ah. Skitters, there you are," Comments the unicorn with a deep male voice, its tone soaked with authority. "I trust the rainbow pegasus and her Raptor reached Sanctuary safely? The Survivor would've been happy to know his former residence is being put to good use."

The Mesopithecus hops onto the stallion, and much like Rainbow Dash, places itself on the unicorn's right shoulder.

[Hoohoo haha]

"I could never understand your words, my friend," The unicorn chuckles. "But I'll take that as a yes. And, fortunately, we were right to aid the Raptor when we did. Vanellope, I believe her name was. Megan has told me a lot about these equines recently, although I wonder if that AI of Helena knows of Equus's current state. It would seem that I may have to introduce myself a lot sooner than expected."

[Oohooh ahaooh]

The monkey hops in place on the unicorn's broad shoulders before pointing towards the local ruins inquisitively.

"Are you by chance wondering why I come here often?"


The Meso nods.

The unicorn sighs, "These ancient ruins were built by the monster who took my herd from me. It's been a long time since then, but the wounds on my heart still feel… fresh." The equine takes a deep breath to alleviate the anger that momentarily began to fester.

“My only regret was that I wasn’t the one to finish you… Gaius Nerva.”

Author's Note:

According to the Meso's Dossier, this is more or less how big it would be compared to a pony. Give or take a pony might be a bit taller than portrayed here.

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