• Published 8th Jan 2021
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Ark: Friendship is Survival - Pomp-Neigh

Equus, a world of magic and many strange yet wonderous forms of life. However, is this world truly natural? Or could it possibly be... artificial?

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Chapter 46 - Battle For Ponyville Pt:6


“What the…?!” Lyra exclaims in shock as she makes her way through Ponyville on the back of a Stryder, notably passing Town Hall. “The entire installation… it’s moving!”

As was surmised, the entire simulation moved at a fairly steady pace. It wasn’t too fast as to cause all manner of destruction, but all life on the Ark could feel their ‘world’ in constant motion. And this is coupled with a steady flow of warm winds. In addition, those who flew in the air could see the movements far better than anyone else, and if they were to hover in place, they could see the land below them move before their very eyes.

Lyra Heartstrings ponders on this for a moment, a look of worry plastered on her features as the stompings of her Stryder sound off.

“Megan… please be safe…”

However, the magic-lime mare’s momentary solitude is interrupted as she notices several infected positioned just in front of her Stryder and at a distance of 30 feet. Notable establishments such as Sugarcube Corner can be seen in a sad state as the infection had long since taken over them.

Lyra narrows her eyes, and her Stryder gathers a series of blue pulsing energy around its muzzle area. All while the infected had begun to run savagely towards her, their glowing lavender eyes flashing and their opened maws bared. But what pulled at Lyra’s heartstrings was that she recognized several of the infected. And with a heavy heart, she muttered their names:

“Bulk, Lotus, Aloe… Vinyl… Cheerilee…”

[SHWOOOM] The Stryder’s gathered energy is moments away from firing.

“Forgive me. I-I couldn’t protect all of you,” A tear strolls down Lyra’s right cheek. She then closes her eyes with gritted teeth before roaring out:

“But I can still save you!”


A beam of blue energy fires off from the Stryder, traveling towards the collective of infected with the aforementioned individuals amongst them. The hoard becomes engulfed by the beam, several gargled roars sounding off as the Stryder’s head rotates left and right, moving the beam in the process. The infected sizzles away as their forms are reduced to nothing but ashen dust with only small threads of hair from several manes. This also includes scales and horns from other races.

The pulse of a magnetic field escapes from the Stryder, and where the former infected’s remains once stood, a large collection of diamond and cutie mark-shaped metals floats into the air before being pulled towards the equine mech.

“I swear upon your implants, and by Margret and Shawn Williams,” Lyra starts, watching as the implants are stored away within a specialized compartment on the Stryder’s right side. “We will bring you back once this nightmare has been dealt with, I swear it!”

The implant-filled compartment closes, but Lyra’s objective wasn’t complete just yet. The blue lights on her Stryder turn emerald green before several waves of green energy pulse outward and in every direction. As this wave travels and makes contact with infected surfaces or objects, the infection is wiped away as it flakes off of these surfaces. These flakes fall to the earth like snowfall before shattering upon impact.

Lyra had succeeded in purifying her local area, but Ponyville’s territory is still a reasonably large place, and she would still have much more work to do. But the magic-lime unicorn mare narrows her features, and her Stryder lumbers forth as they proceed to perform the Purification Protocol.

Infection purified. Survivor implants extracted.
Proceeding to further areas of objective.

Within the central point of the installation, Megan Williams, HLN-A, and Discord continue the fight with the Corrupted Master Controller. Lines of technical energy dance through the skies while large blocks of even smaller joint-together blocks float throughout the realm. All while an anomalous wave sends ripples through the very space itself, and floating structures of advanced makeup are seemingly connected to the arena. In contrast, others float in the distance, similarly to the Obelisks.

“Now that I have complete control of this installation’s System Root, you’d do well to bow to-”

A steady beam of transparent light-blue energy collides with the AI, cutting off its words. However, the entity doesn’t seem fazed as it simply stares down upon the one responsible for the attack.

Megan Williams grits her teeth in the effort as her arms are extended together, the beam of energy flowing outward from her palms.

“Is that all you’ve got, Megan?” Mocked the CMC. “You don’t deserve your godhood. Your attacks are nothing more than an ant trying to bite at the toes of a real god.”

“Will you just shut up about the whole god-thing already!” Megan retorts, standing firm as her beam strikes the CMC. “Seriously, it’s getting old! Besides, I may be a homo-deus, but it doesn’t make me a deity or anything else of the sort!”

“Right you are, mate!” HLN-A exclaims, positioned just beside the homo-deus. “Megan and Helena’s bodies might say otherwise, but the humanity they were both born with is still in there!”

Another beam of energy collides with the CMC’s form, this one taking on a large multitude of colorations.

“Nnnrgh!” Discord grunts outwardly with his lion’s paw stretched out, still donned in his orange taekwondo outfit. “THIS is for controlling me back in the throne room! I am this Ark’s Overseer! And I think it's time to purge this petty virus!”

The CMC turns its gaze to Discord, still unaffected by the conjoint efforts of the former duo. “And then there’s you -- a pitiful excuse for an Overseer,” The AI chuckles, “You wouldn’t last five minutes on Aberration. The same goes for all beings on this installation.”

-Alright, everything is going according to plan!- HLN-A exclaims internally. -I still can’t believe that Megan’s parents managed to do the impossible! Santiago would be going nuts right now! To create an Ark with programming from the Genesis Simulation, basically making a love child of the two, is absolutely fantastic!-

The two beams from Discord and Megan cease, although no damage can be seen on the CMC. Both the Overseer and homo-deus stare at the AI with looks of determination, although a small smirk starts to form on the left corner of Megan’s mouth.

“Wipe that smirk off of your face, girl,” The CMC threatens. “I fail to see what you find so amusing. Although, personally, I’m disappointed by the lack of pleads for mercy.” The lavender orbs of the helmed AI invigorate. “Let’s correct that!”

The CMC roars out as several beams of purple electrical energy are let loose from its eyes. These beams hone in on both Discord and Megan, although HLN-A is now absent from view.

Discord dives and weaves through the air, his serpentine form coiling and waving as he dodges the projectiles. He suddenly jolts upwards and floats high into the air before turning his gaze back to the CMC, raising his eagle’s talon.


A resounding snap sounds off, followed by several light-blue beams of light. Various entities are called forth as a result, and in essence: an army of Discords wearing typical camouflage military attire is now present—each one wielding a very particular rifle. But what is most notable about these Discords is that each one bore a different title on their uniform’s chest region: ‘URE’ and ‘Feds.’

“Alrighty, men!” The ‘main’ Discord shouts with a deeper tone and a raised lion’s paw, although he still wore his taekwondo outfit. “Ready your Tek Rifles! Aim!” The other Discords aim their weapons toward the CMC in unison. “Fire!”

A relentless barrage of spherical white and blue energy-based projectiles is let loose in response. The offensive bombardment makes contact with the CMC, but alas, much like before, the helmed AI simply takes the attacks with no signs of effects.

The CMC halts its attacks.

“I have learned a lot from this installation during my time here,” The AI states as it shrugs off the ever-present barrage. “The Genesis Simulation… the Colony Ship… this prototype, and its hybrid makeup. So much information is laid bare before me, and once we arrive at God’s domain, he will investigate this wonder of humanity’s ingenuity.”

“Like hell he is!” Megan roars out, her flying form en route to the CMC. “Thanks for keeping his attention at bay, Discord! HLN-A, now!”

The small form of HLN-A levitates and reveals itself from behind a metallic spire. But what is most interesting are the six glowing items that levitate all around them. A rainbow is present on the AI’s visor, and its small form continues to float higher before stopping at a preferred elevation.

“The Ark’s Artifacts?” The CMC questions in genuine confusion. “What use are they against me?” Laughter escapes from the AI. “Those are nothing but worthless pieces of metal!”

-Yeah, you keep thinking that,- Megan states internally, floating at a safe distance but in front of the CMC. All while the army of Discords continues to assault the lavender AI.

The Elements of Harmony, Equus’s Artifacts, begin to spin around HLN-A with the AI at the epicenter. A rainbow-colored aura surrounds their form, and the rainbow present on HLN-A’s visor switches into a rainbow beam.

“Now, HLN-A! The Code-Key!” Megan exclaims. “Say the activation phrase!”

“I got it, mate!” HLN-A responds. The CMC looks on while Discord orders his ‘troops’ to a ceasefire. “Oh, Edmund… activation phrase: ‘Taste the rainbow, bitch!’ Pardon my language, hehe.”

A powerful beam of multicolored energy is fired off from HLN’A’s visor, said energy beam being powered by the Artifacts.

“Wait…” The CMC comments dumbfoundedly. “W-what?”

Upon making contact with the CMC, the multicolored beam causes the AI to spin in place and flicker in and out of reality, glitching as it roars out:


“Aw, bloody hell yeah!” HLN-A exclaims, their flaps excitingly waving about while the artifacts continue to travel around them. “I need to convince Helena to outfit us with lasers or something! That felt great!”

As the CMC tries to correct itself, and during HLN-A’s celebration, Discord’s jaw drops in response, as does his entire army’s. All while Megan wears a large grin on her face.

“Wh-what in the name of your father did you do?!” Discord shouts inquisitively. “WHAT just happened?!”

Megan turns her gaze towards the Overseer. “Well, let’s just say that I’ve made some adjustments to HLN-A, and here’s hoping Helena doesn’t mind.”

“Adjustments?” Discord inquires.

Megan nods. “Right now, the CMC has control of the Codebreaker Terminal, which controls every aspect of the Genesis Simulation that’s been integrated into this Ark. However, just as Helena can make her own imitations of the Alpha Terminal on Earth, which controls the Arks, I’ve effectively turned HLN-A into a pseudo-Codebreaker Terminal.”

Discord’s eyes widen in realization. “And you’ve also combined aspects of Genesis’s Code-Keys into the Ark’s Artifacts!”

“Bingo!” Megan responds with a wink. “Mom and dad really knew their stuff when they designed this installation, along with the assistance of Aunty Uma. And I was able to pick up a trick or two from all of them. But the most important fact is this: the CMC will now be vulnerable to attack.”

Megan shifts her gaze back to the CMC, who seemed to stop spinning and glitching while their cries started to die down. The homo-deus narrows their eyes before stating:

“Ready your weapons, Discord! I’ll give you the order to unleash everything on that damned AI!”

HLN-A zips towards Megan, leaving a trail of multicolored lines in their wake. “Eureka! The first stage of the plan is working! And now for the next part: containment!”

The CMC finally comes to a recollected state, although its form seems to have been reduced considerably in size. In addition, the helm of the armored AI now has several pieces broken off as its face is now exposed.

“H… how dare you!” The CMC roars out. “I will not lose to you! Any of you!” The AI starts to concentrate with closed eyes before many lavender pillars of light beam down throughout the metallic arena.

As a result, familiar forms began to manifest from these pillars: digitalized imitations of several individuals. These entities are composed of light-blue and white energy with various fragments of metal that imitate the bodies of these particular beings.

“Helena! Megan! I will not give you that satisfaction, you wretched thorns in my side!”

From what they could see, an imitation of King Sombra, Storm King, Pony of Shadows, Vinyl Scratch, Bulk Biceps, and many more individuals are now gathering before the AI. But what stood out most is one glaring fact, to which Megan comments:

“Oh my god… he’s managed to integrate himself that deeply into the installation.”

“All of those avatars, t-those are…” HLN-A says in shock, a caution symbol present on their visor.

Discord narrows his eyes, his army of copies taking on expressions of caution, realization, and mild confusion.

“The Ark’s dome, movements, and weather systems aren’t the only vital things he’s managed to compromise,” Discord assesses. “Those are the very consciousness of survivors who’ve died during our current struggle and those already stored within the Ark’s database.”

Megan grits her teeth with a sense of frustration, “Dammit! He’s gotten to the Respawn System!”

The gathered force of imitations prepares to attack; the CMC’s frame is positioned just behind them. Suddenly, a purple mass of smoke appears, and a blue-furred figure starts to manifest in front of the CMC and its forces, much to the shock of Discord and HLN-A. But when it comes to Megan, her eyes widen in horror as absolute terror grows within her form.

“N-no…” She stuttered. “No… I-it’s…”

Both Discord and HLN-A exchange looks before looking back to the homo-deus.

“Megan?” HLN-A inquires. “Are you alright, love?”

Discord looks back to the newly arrived figure, whose two curved horns had just formed along with the rest of their body, before turning to Megan. “Now, why is Grogar causing you to get all fearful?” He inquires with his eagle’s talon pointed towards the conjured form of Grogar. “Honestly, between you and me, he really wasn’t much of a-”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about!” Megan interjects, causing shock between Discord and HLN-A. “That’s NOT Grogar!”

The fully manifested Grogar stands with closed eyes and faces toward the CMC and its forces. Megan’s right hand slowly rises before it covers her mouth. Her eyes remained widened, and the homo-deus was utterly lost for words. This naturally caused both HLN-A and Discord to look at their ally inquisitively. But then, at that very moment, Grogar’s eyes open up -- eyes filled with lavender energy.

An echoing chuckle escapes from Grogar’s maw, his gaze rising to meet that of the CMCs’.

“Edmund, my old friend. It’s so nice of you to set me free, hmmm hmmm. Your AI doesn’t look too well,” More laughter is let loose from the ram, “How convenient for me.

The eyes of the CMC lowered and fixated upon the ram, “I don’t recall ever allying myself with you, creature. But if you came here to aid them-”

“Ohoho, I’m no friend to those specs of metal and flesh,” Grogar responds with small laughter. “You see, the thing is: this installation isn’t yours to conquer. And now that you’ve been weakened, my opportunity is finally at hand. Heh, or hooves, in my current state.”

“You’ve clearly gone senile, goat,” The CMC responds. “Do you not comprehend the power you’re up against?”

“Comprehend it?” Grogar questions before bellowing outwardly. “Ah, you think the corruption is your ally? You merely adopted the corruption. I was born in it, molded by it. I’ve never known purity since being conceived by man, but now ‘purity’ is nothing to me but pestilence.”

“Impudence!” The CMC roars out. “Very well, worm. My army shall tear you apart!” As a result, the army of corrupted survivors charges at Grogar.


Both HLN-A and Discord couldn’t believe what they saw before their very eyes during this exchange. But Megan Williams suddenly grabs onto Discord in a panicked state before saying:

“We have to leave right now!

“W-what?!” The Overseer responds. “But, what about-”

“The plan has changed!” Megan interjects, her grasp firmly held onto Discord. “We need to get everyone off of this installation right now!

“Megan!” HLN-A roars out. “What the bloody hell is going on?! We’re so close to containing Rockwell’s-”

“Rockwell’s AI is no longer the issue here!” Megan responds, floating the Elements of Harmony away from HLN-A. “Please, just listen to me, both of you!” The homo-deus grabs onto HLN-A with her remaining appendage, and in one swift motion, she wisps away the AI unit and Overseer - disappearing in a beam of light.


The forms of Megan, Discord, and HLN-A manifests before Town Hall, which became purified thanks to Lyra’s efforts, although it remains battered. As both HLN-A and Discord regain their composure, Megan falls onto her knees and stares at the ground in defeat.

“I’ve failed…”

Discord recovers before turning his gaze towards Megan with a growl, “What was that about, woman?” He seethes.

“Love, what in Helena’s name is going on?!” HLN-A inquires with an exclamation mark present on their visor. “What did you mean by ‘Rockwell’s AI is no longer the issue here?!’ Is there something that you’re not telling us?!”

Megan remains silent.

Due to built-up frustration, Discord lunges forth and grabs the homo-deus by her neck region before lifting her into the air with his lion’s paw.

“Discord!” HLN-A shouted in concern. “Don’t be so-”

“Shut up, HLN-A!” The Overseer interjects, HLN-A adheres. “Listen to me, Megan,” His eyes flash red, “I don’t care that you’re a homo-deus, nor a child of those who created me and this installation. My protocol dictates that, should I perceive it necessary, I can override your authority and enforce my own to preserve the Ark’s well-being! After all, you unlocked those memories for me, remember?!”

Due to her body’s state, Megan did not need oxygen intake as she was held by the throat, her body dangling without resistance. But a mixture of sorrow and fear is etched onto her features, and transparent rivers of tears begin to travel down her cheeks.

Discord grunts in anguish before releasing his grasp on Megan, her form falling to the ground and landing on her stomach as he crosses his arms.

“You’d best start speaking right now,” The Overseer said.

HLN-A floats closer to Megan, who rises herself onto her knees, but her gaze stays downcast. “Megan,” The AI starts as they place their right flap onto the homo-deus’s left shoulder. “Talk to us. What happened? And how is Grogar involved in any of this?”

Megan’s gaze stays lowered, but she manages to recollect herself just enough to form a proper response:

“It’s n… n-not, Grogar.”

“If it’s not Grogar, then who?” HLN-A presses while Discord listens attentively. “Come on, Meg. You’ve got to pull it together.”

Megan’s transparent body starts to shake, and voices from a distant memory flashes in her mind.

“Megan!” A feminine voice cries out. “You have to get into the pod, now!”

“Honey, listen to your mother!” A male voice comments. “The Equus Installation is ready to disembark, now get-”

A terrifying and deafening roar cuts off their words.

“The King!” The female voice shouts. “It’s coming!”

“Lyra, get my daughter into that pod right now! That includes you!”

“Sir!” Lyra Heartstrings responds. “I won’t let you down!”

Several gargantuan stomps can be heard approaching, followed by another thunderous roar from the encroaching being of unparalleled proportions.

“The King.”

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