• Published 8th Jan 2021
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Ark: Friendship is Survival - Pomp-Neigh

Equus, a world of magic and many strange yet wonderous forms of life. However, is this world truly natural? Or could it possibly be... artificial?

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Chapter 54 - Felines and Kings.


“You’ll find our most distinguished members of the tribe residing here,” A male Parasaurolophus comments with a french accent - at least by Twilight’s interpretation, and looks down at the alicorn while adjusting his glasses.

“Now, are there any questions before we begin la tour, dame?”

Twilight shakes her head, a sense of amazement plastered on her features.

“In that case, commençons!” The dinosaur emphasizes as he raises the forefront of his body and lifts his head high with closed eyes while a single forelimb is extended into the air with a flourish.

The Parasaur gracefully turns around and beckons Twilight to follow, all while Granny Pithecus tails them at the rear.

As they traversed and earned curious and shocked expressions from several other dinosaurs, ancient mammals, and Gigantopithecus - courtesy of Twilight’s presence, the leading Parasaur stopped before one of the large apes. The latter is standing beside a primitive wooden contraption, but Twilight instantly recognizes it as an elevator.

“Bonjour, monsieur Brok,” The herbivore greets with a sagely nod. “I figured since we’d be passing by, I could deliver today’s reports from the quarry to your brother for you, If you’d so desire. Plus, It would make a great stop for the tour.”

“A tour, Phillip?” Brok inquires. The ape’s gaze is then appointed towards Twilight with a gesture from Phillip.

Brok briefly stares at the equine before him and exhales sternly from his nostrils.

“So… you’re Twilight Sparkle, leader of the Tribe of Harmony. I’ve heard all about you from my older brother.”

Those words instantly stun Granny Pithecus, Phillip, and the lavender mare mentioned.

-They already know about us?!- Twilight screams internally. -How?!-

-The fuck?- Granny inquires within. -Not even ah knew ‘bout Mejo until ah met ‘er and the others. Ah know how Grok can be, but when in the hell did he learn of them?-

“Phillip, cut your tour short,” Brok starts as he shifts his gaze to the herbivore. “Take her directly to my brother. He’s been expecting her.”

Phillip nods. “Ça sera fait.” He turns to Twilight. “Venez avec moi, madame.”

Twilight proceeds to follow the dinosaur, and as Granny takes a single step to join them, Brok lifts an arm to stop her.

“No,” He said. “Only she will stand before my brother.”

Granny stares at him, mildly stunned, before looking towards Twilight’s departing form - the alicorn utterly unaware of being left alone.

“You’d better be ready, Mejoberry,” Granny mutters. “It’s all up to you now.”


“And here we are, mademoiselle. Bienvenue au domaine de monsieur Grok!” Phillip announces with a flourish.

The eyes of several bystanders are fixated upon Twilight. But the alicorn paid them no mind, keeping her gaze on the structure located at the incline's precipice, guarded by two great behemoths on the upper level and two armored Gigantopithecus on the lower portions.

-Finally… I’m going to meet him,- Twilight states internally and confidently. -Steel yourself, Twilight. It’s now or never!-

“Mesdames et messieurs, voici Twilight Sparkle,” The parasaur tells the Giganto guards. “King Grok has been expecting her, so please, give her access with due haste.”

The guards nod in understanding, and one of them turns back to one of the gargantuans sitting down on the upper levels.

“Chock, Lock, prepare to open the gates.”

The two titan mammalians grunt and rotate sideways before extending their powerful arms to either side of the dark-brown/orange double door.

“Continuez quand vous êtes prêt, dame Twilight.”

With Phillip’s encouragement, Twilight takes a deep breath and dons a mask of neutral expression. She proceeds upward, her hooves clopping against the stone-paved foundation as she passes by the armored guards and nearly approaches the doors being handled by the two titans.

However, there was a noticeable change in her stride, and the words of Twilight’s sun-oriented mentor play out in her mind:

First impressions are vital but often underestimated and underutilized, Twilight. For instance: leaders can speak volumes just by how they move, walk, and carry themselves - even before they utter a single word. As an excellent fallback, always proceed with grace and confidence.

The words of Princess Luna follow afterward:

It is essential to balance respect for the kingdom thou art visiting and its rulers while showing that thou hail from a domain that can rival their own. Of course, it is not thy wish to start trouble, but thou also don’t want them to adopt the mindset of thy being easy to trample upon.

Upon standing at the precipice, Twilight adjusts her stance, sways her mane, and spreads her wings apart.

“I believe your names are Chock and Lock, correct?” She inquires before lowering herself to a respectful bow and rising up again. “Thank you for letting me pass. Although I must say: you two are quite impressive,” She smirks, “Makes me want to tame a few of you, myself.”

The two titans grunted in response, although it looked as if the equine’s words amused them. The titan duo parts the doors, and Twilight strides inside while maintaining an aura of confidence and determination.

“Thank you, gentlecreatures,” She says while looking over her shoulder with half-lidded eyes. The doors shut behind her, and the alicorn looks forth - only to see a feline entity with razor-sharp fangs and two elongated teeth lunging towards her in the middle of a pounce.

Twilight is tackled onto her back and floor with a grunt, looking up into the growling gaze of one of the island's most ferocious predators: the Sabertooth Tiger.

The feline roars in Twilight’s face, causing the alicorn to cringe and retreat further to the floor—if possible—while trying to push off the Sabertooth. All while the equine’s heartrate skyrocketed to the point that it threatened to burst out of her chest.

“Mmmm~” The saber moans with feminine seduction. “Your heart is playing my favorite song: fear,” The feline licks Twilight’s left cheek, “Exquisite. Fear always has a beautiful way of salting the meat.”

“G-get off me!” Twilight exclaims strugglingly. “I-I don’t mean you any harm!”

“Ohoho~” The saber lifts her head in amusement. “Does that imply that you could harm me?”

“Nnng! Let me onto m-my hooves, and I’ll show yo- gah!”

Twilight suddenly cries out as the feline presses its right claw into her neck, but being careful as to not puncture it.

“I love prey with fire. It adds a little spice to the meal. Speaking of which, I haven’t eaten yet, so…” The saber licks her lips. “I think salt and spicy Equus is on the menu. Hmmph, even if you are a funny-looking one.”

“Sheva,” A deep and authoritative voice beckons from above. “That’s enough. Twilight is my guest, so try to show at least a modicum of hospitality.”

Sheva looks up and away from Twilight, offering the alicorn a fine view of the ape she had wanted to speak with. Twilight can see Grok himself at an elevated level with their arms resting on a wooden railing, looking down at them. She makes out his silver and black fur hidden under metallic armor, a cape drenched over his neck and shoulders that matched his fur’s coloration.

But unlike his brother, Twilight notes above all that Grok is one of the slimmer and shorter variation of these apes, although his physique was still intimidating.

“Awww, you’re no fun, Groky,” Sheva responds in disappointment, looking back down to Twilight. “Let’s reconvene this lovely dance of ours again sometime, yes?”

Before twilight could answer, Sheva swiftly dismounts her and scales up the compound's walls with incredible agility and ease before looking back down at Twilight.

“Oh, and, by the way, if you're the leader of your sad excuse of a tribe,” She chuckles, “I don’t even have to meet them to know that they aren’t even worth my time.”

Sheva leaps over the wall, and Twilight growls with inner anger as she slowly gets back onto her hooves.

-I. Hate. Sabertooths.-

“I’d like to apologize for Sheva,” Grock starts, garnering Twilight’s immediate attention. “She has her ways when dealing with newcomers, but she can be quite pleasant to be around once you’ve earned her respects.”

-I highly doubt that…- Twilight says inertly with a near deadpan expression.

“Regardless, she antagonized you despite knowing you’d be coming here. I take full responsibility for that, and you will be compensated once we’re done here.”

Grok throws himself over the railing and jumps down to the lower level, landing in front of Twilight as his cape falls in place and around his shoulders once more. Rising to his full stature, the king places his hands behind his back and nods.

“I welcome you to our capital, Twilight Sparkle.”

The alicorn regains her bearings and prepares to respond in kind, but upon noticing a small figure that sat on Grok's left shoulder, her eyes widens in shock.


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