• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 765 Views, 22 Comments

"Being the new kid ain't so bad here" - SolidFerret

Two brothers just moved in and their new school can be the least of their worries.

  • ...

This is the house that doubt built

*Hard Chord's P.O.V.*

Guess where we got dragged into going to?

The mall. Whoever writes this crap has no clue about having a social life. (Screw you emo kid OC, I don't have to take that crap from you.)

Notes was all on board cause Vinyl was going. Whatever gets her out of her pants I figure.

Yeah... Notes couldn't if he tried. I've never seen a girl ever interested in him at all. Though if I must say, Vinyl was the first to talk to him first.

I for one hope he hooks up just so I can quit hearing about he lonely he is. I'm the depressed one, not him.

Well anyways, we were on our way. I thin it was Twilight who we ran into with... Applejack?

Wait no, Fluttershy. Yeah, that's who it was.

When we got there, we happen to run into Rarity as well. Of course we happen to run into our friends outside of school by pure coincidence.

Sorry for my complaining. Again, the whole "depressed" thing. That, and this is just getting stupid.

Whoops, there I go again.

Anywho, we walked around and stuff. There were a few shops I was interested in. A theater and the beloved food court.

And what do kid do when there is a foodcourt, get food even though they aren't hungry.

I lied at that last part. I am fucking starving. Breakfast wasn't enough so I got burgers and fries.

I saw Vinyl and Notes get their food first and though 'Wouldn't it just be great if we all decided to not sit with them and let them have alone time'?

You know what mind, you're goddamn right it would.

I walked over to Twilight and Rarity and said "Lets find different seats."

"What about Notes and Vinyl? They'll be alone." Rarity pointed out.

"Exactly." I said. "Tell Fluttershy to do the same." I said as I found a lone spot to sit and watch as the chaos ensues cause I'm so damn evil like that.

So we gathered and watched. Notes and Vinyl were talking just fine as usual. But as time went on, Notes began to look around in a bit of a panic.

*Note's P.O.V.*

Yo I'm not sure, but I think Hard Chord is pulling a trick on me.

For starters, there is he watching me. I see you asshole. Quit laughing cause I know why he did this.

That fucker knows! I am going to-

"Notes?" Vinyl snapped me right out of my trance.

"Yes?" I responded, hoping she didn't catch on in my small panic attack.

"Why are they just staring at us?" Vinyl asked. "And why did they find a different place to sit?"

I wanna say, cause my brother caught on that I have feelings for you and he wanted to be a dick about it.

"Hard Chord thinks he's being evil. But I have no clue." I answered.

I play hard to not get when it comes to girls.

"Well I like it like this. It's nice."

I nearly choked on my soda. "By "this" are you referring to just the two of us?" She didn't mean that.

"Yeah, just the two of us. It's nice."

The Heavens above are like "Notes, it's your lucky break." In the clouds I hear them chorusing hallelujah.

I loosened up eventually and got comfortable with talking to her. We chatted about several stuff from music, school, how much of a dick my brother is, etc. I saw Rainbow Dash and some girl with hair that looked like fire walk by. Was there a hello? No. Typical.

*Hard Chord's P.O.V.*

When your brother isn't in you thoughts, nobody knows you're plotting his demise. Nobody!

Well Notes seems to be getting out of his comfort zone. Mainly cause I pulled him out of it. To add good measure, I made sure RD and Spits did not acknowledge him in order to boost his paranoia.

I'mma mindfuck him.

Well those two sat down and were forced to watch us eat cause they weren't here for food. Nope, not even one french fry.

I was so into that torture that I felt something off. I looked and.





They were gone.

Oh my god. Mom is gonna kill me. I know, I should have kept a leash on him. But I didn't think.

"Hard Chord, what's wrong?" Twilight asked.

"Notes and Vinyl are out of my vision." I told her.

This is deep shit. Notes isn't ready for the real world. What is he gets a job at a Coffee place that isn't Starbucks? Could you imagine.


"And, guys. this isn't that big of a deal but I am mildly concerned." I told them.

"He'll be fine." Spitfire assured.

"If he comes home with his tail between his legs you are to blame." I said.

"So now he's a dog?"

"You know what, yeah." I said. "He's a dog. It's now cannon."

"Whatever." Spitfire just didn't not get my sarcasm or just had enough. It looked as though something caught her eye cause she looked up.

"Is that Blaze?" She looked to see a kid with a fiery hair. What are the odds that he has identical hair colors to Spitfire.

Well she got up and ran over, tackling him into a hug. Not in the mood for yet another romance so I turned back to my food.

*5 hours later*

The two walked through the door and were greeted with none other than...

"Hey dad." Notes said as he walked happily up stairs.

"Where have you two been?"

"Out." Hard Chord answered.

"Well call next time."

"Got it." He said quickly just to get away.

"Hey!" Lighting called.

"What?" Hard Chord asked, trying to hide the annoyed tone in his voice.

"You listen to me when I talk. Got it?" Hard chord nodded his head. "Don't get smart with me."

Hard chord sat through yet another one of his fathers lectures. On how he felt like he was the unappreciated member of the family and that he feels the need for respect.

'Well if you weren't like this all the time, you'd get it.' Hard Chord thought.

Eventually, it ended. Hard Chord trudged upstairs and jumped into bed.

Notes on the other hand was smiling happily to himself for obvious reasons.