• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 762 Views, 22 Comments

"Being the new kid ain't so bad here" - SolidFerret

Two brothers just moved in and their new school can be the least of their worries.

  • ...

Sticks and Bricks

Hard Chord groaned as the painful realization of waking up came upon him. He tossed and turned slightly before realizing what had happened last night.

"Notes, what's the fucking time?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes.

In the bed at the other side of the room, the younger, Electronic Notes stood up.

"8:25. when does school start?" He asked his older brother.

The two looked at the door to see a note that read "School starts at 8:30."

"Fuck!" Hard Chord cursed as he shot out of bed and hurried to find clothes to put on. He opened the bag he packed to find a pair of skinny jeans, a shirt and shoes and socks. He put them in a hurry as he stumbled over to Notes bed.

"Get up!" He nearly yelled as he dragged his brother out of bed.

"Wha, it's only 8:26." He said, clearly still trying to sleep.

"What time does school start." Hard Chord said. As the question sunk in, Notes began to frantically get his clothes on and get ready.

They had found that their mother had left their backpacks by the door. The two grabbed them and ran out the door and into their new town.

Ponyville, nicknamed for the large horse migration every summer.

"Where is it!?" Notes asked, panicking on being late.

"Relax, I saw it on the way here last night. Follow me." Hard Chord said as he lead his brother down the street.

The two ran to the school. There were no kids out in front, making Notes scream out in failure.

"We're late!" He yelled. Hard Chord shoved him a little.

"Shut up. It's our first day here. Hopefully they have a tolerance level."

"Hey, you two." An older woman called. The two ran over.

"I was told you'd be here." she said, she had dark blue hair and seemed middle aged. "I'm Vice Principal Luna I'm here to give you two you're schedules."

"Thanks." Notes panted.

"Guessing you two had quiet the run this morning." She joked as she reached for two papers and handed them over.

"Good luck." She said as she walked off and back to the office.

"See, what did I tell you." Hard Chord said.

"Alright, lets see. Homeroom is F4."

"Same." Hard Chord said.

"Lets move." the two ran off.

They pushed the doors opened and were met with cool air as they rushed around.

"Probably should have asked where F4 is." Notes said.

"Well lets just look." Hard Chord said. The two ran off, passing and pointing out the order of the rooms to see if they were going the right way.

Hard Chord was running so fast that at an intersection, he bumped into someone else, knocking papers everywhere.

"Shit." He swore as he looked to help them up. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." she said rather quickly. Judging by her voice, and by the way she hid her face, she was embarrassed by the incident.

"Let me help." He said as he gathered a stack of papers and handed the last of the papers to the girl.

"Thanks." she said as she walked off.

"Wait, do you know where room F4 is?" he asked.

"Keep going where you were going. To the left." She said without turning around.

The two brothers ran off to find the room they were looking for. They opened the door to have the whole class look at them. Silence filled the room as they both stood there.

"Uh... hi." Notes said with a wave of his hand.

"You must be our two new students. I'm Ms. Greene." The teacher said. She was a rather old lady. They could see gray in her hair and her skin was wrinkled slightly.

"Hard chord."

"Electronic Notes."

"Well, you two, why don't you tell the class about yourselves."

"Oh..." he two brothers would rather not.

"Uh... yeah you see..."

"We don't do that." Notes said. Earning small laughter from the class room.

Ms. Greene gave them a firm stare. The two turned to face the class.

"Hi, I'm Hard Chord..."

"...and I'm Electronic Notes. We done?"

"No, tell them about hobbies and other stuff." The teacher ushered on.

"Yeah," Notes looked back at the class, "we like...stuff."

"Thangs." Hard Chord said. Someone quietly shouted that it was a Walking Dead reference, making a few kids chuckle.

"Like what?" Ms. Greene asked, getting agitated.

"Music. Big music fans." Hard Chord said.

"Any instruments?" Someone asked.

"Oh, I play guitar." Hard chord said.

"Synthesizer." Notes said.

At the back of the class, a girl with lightning blue hair sat up a little at the mention that Notes liked electronic music. she grinned at him, though it was unseen.

"Well, that was lovely. Anyways, if you haven't already heard this a thousand times, welcome to Ponyville high."