• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 762 Views, 22 Comments

"Being the new kid ain't so bad here" - SolidFerret

Two brothers just moved in and their new school can be the least of their worries.

  • ...

Dead and Buried

Hard Chords p.o.v.

Was I woken by the sound of birds chirping?


Was it the lovely sun shining gently in my eyes?


Wanna know what woke me up?

Well I was busy dreaming about food. Was nice and all but it was interrupted.

Wanna know why I don't give a shit?

Well Twilight barged in loudly and woke me up. I would have been mad but I remembered that it was her home, so she had a right to like be that.

But here's the factor that benefits me.

She forget to get dressed.

She was in a night gown.

So that means I was getting lectured by a girl.

In a night gown.

Oh, she was mad because of how she didn't remember going to bed.

"You don't have right to that." She exclaimed.

Overreaction was the key issue here.

"I thought I was abducted by aliens or something." She held her hand on her forehead in frustration.

I ,for one couldn't stop smiling at this.

"What's so funny?"

I've been caught.

"You're uh... not... how do I not sound like a creep but you're not dressed right now."

I informed, not said.

Well her face lit up with red so fast, Rainbow Dash couldn't top it when it came to speed.

She squeaked in embarrassment and grabbed my blanket for cover.

Twilight should have considered the factor that while I was awake, I was still in bed.

That means I wasn't dressed either. I was in boxer shorts.

Hey, she should be glad I don't sleep naked. Did that once when Notes decided to wake me up like this, was not fun. Had a real awkward few days with each other.

Luckily, I managed to cover myself in time, but not soon enough to warn her.

She ran out of there, with the blanket, after seeing me in my underwear.

It's cold right now.

Whatever, I'm getting out of here.

I got dressed and told Twilight thanks for the hospitality and walked home.

Was early so I figured I'd go back to bed when I climbed in through the window.

Still, why did Twilight look so cute lecturing me earlier? My brain is trying to fuck with me.

*Sep 20*

"How do I look on this fine day?" Notes asked he walked out of the bathroom.

"With your eyes, Notes." Hard Chord answered as he got in to brush his teeth. All while laughing inside his head.

'Fuck you, asshole.' Notes thought as he ate a poptart and waited for Hard Chord to finish getting ready.

Now, the reason being for asking how Notes looked was for an important reason.

He was hoping to ask Vinyl out. 'And this time, not through a text message' he thought.

"Lets go." Hard Chord called as he poked his head around the corner. Notes finished his food and ran out the door towards school, watching as the school bus passed by.

Inside sat a kid, male, about 15 with orange hair that only stared outside the window. He saw two, in his words, emo looking kids running down the sidewalk.

'Shouldn't call them that, not until I meet them.' He said as the bus turned.

As he looked, the boy jumped a little when what he thought was this girl wearing a lot of Pink seemed to stare right at him as if she knew who he was.

'Impossible', he thought. 'I'm knew here.'

He merely decided that it was a coincidence as the bus pulled in to the bus loop.

As he got off, he looked at the printed map of the school on a piece of paper and ran off the the office to get his schedule as the crowd cleared, leaving Pinkie standing there with a huge grin on her face.

"A new kid!" She shrieked as she ran off to find the others.

'Where is she?' Notes asked in his head. Kinda like Batman.

He ran up and down the halls in hopes of seeing Vinyl before class started.

And there she was. Smiling and giggling happily.

Except she was talking to someone else.

'Son of a BITCH!' Notes yelled in his head. 'If she had a boyfriend all this time I am gonna RAISE HELL.'

Notes began to shove his way through the crowd (with a bit of aggression) to see who she was talking to.

As it turned out, it was another girl.

'Heavens to Betsie, I still have a chance.' Notes thought. He stood around and waited for the two of them to stop talking.

'That, or I could go introduce myself.' He thought.

"Oh, there he is." Vinyl exclaimed as she walked over, Notes still lost in his thoughts.

'Who knows, maybe I can ge-'

"Notes!" Vinyl greeted, scaring the teen a little.

"Gah!" He jumped.

Vinyl giggled while grabbing his wrist and pulling him over.

'I take it back. Meeting new people sucks and I'm horrible at it.' Notes thought.

"Tavi, this was the kid I was telling you about." Vinyl pulled Notes over and shoved him forward towards her.

"Well go, don't be shy." she slugged him in the arm.

'Forget asking you out. More than anything, I just want this moment to end.'

Notes shook a little from anxiety as he did a small wave at the girl, who stood there and waited patiently. She seemed to be more sophisticated then Vinyl and seemed like the kind of girl Rarity is.

"Well uh... hi." Notes gave a small nod to her. "I'm Electronic Notes." He stuck out his hand.

The girl took it without hesitation and shook it. "Nice to meet you, I'm Octavia." She spoke with a very elegant voice.

"Pardon his awkwardness." Vinyl said as she hopped up and threw her arm around Notes shoulder, "He's been like ever since out night together."

"What!" Notes yelled out. Thankfully, the noise was drowned out by the crowd.

"Relax, I was only joking." She laughed.

'Oh HAAAhahahahaAAAAhaaAAAA. I'm not laughing.' Notes thought.

"Vinyl, you may not be giving a good first impression if that's the joke you first use." Octavia pointed out.

"And here I thought my awkwardness was going to ruin it." Notes thought out loud.

"Nah." Vinyl said as the bell rang.

"Well, we need to head off." Vinyl said as she gave Notes a quick hug before running off. Notes stared back.

"I know you like here." Octavia said.

"Seriously. It's like I have a damn thought bubble over my head." Notes said in frustration.

"Hey relax, I knew it before I even talked to you." She said.

"So you won't tell?"

Octavia shook her head.

"Good. Because I'll be honest, she must never know." Notes said.


Notes thought for a moment.

"It's personal." He said as he walked off, leaving a rather curious Octavia standing there.

"So you're Nova Burst?" Celestia asked.

"Yes ma'am." He said nervously. The Principal nodded and went over and grabbed a slip of paper.

"I'm gonna assume you'll get lost, so I have a student here who will help you find your way." She said as she walked to the back of the office.

"Hard Chord, how would you like to get out of detention early?"

The black haired teen looked up, "Oh boy, would I!" He faked, sounding like an excited kid.

Celestia grinned. "Well then, go show the new student around to his classes."

He shrugged, "Easy enough." Hard Chord got up and walked out of the room.


Nova looked to him. "Oh... uh... Nova Burst." He said nervously.

"Schedule?" Hard Chord held out his hand.

Nova looked at which hand it was in before giving it to Hard Chord, who studied it for a moment.

"Oh shit, I was just there." He said. "Ms. Greene for Homeroom."

Celestia quickly chimed in. "Do not say anything." Causing the rebellious teen to start grinning.

"My lips are sealed. Hers weren't."

"Just show him the way." She snapped.

Seeing the hint of anger, Hard Chord wore a smug grin on his face. "Ohhhhhhh." He said as he walked out of the office.

"Thank god you came, I would have shot myself if I was in there any longer." The teen said as he walked through the hall.

"Name's Hard Chord. Nice to meet you, Nova."

The boy only remained quiet.

"Don't talk much?"

Nova shook his head. "No."

"Have a brother who's almost like that."

"Does he go here?"

"Yeah, you two will get along just fine. But he's mostly been drooling over this girl lately so odds are, it won't be easy to get his attention for a while."

The halls were empty as the students were in class. But besides the two, a blur of pink hid in the shadows.

"And... here it is." Hard Chord said as he arrived at the room. "Now don't be shy, but be warned the teacher is a total bitch."

The door swung open to show a rather stern teacher standing in the door way. Several students leaned forward to see, including Twilight, he put her hand on her forehead when she saw Hard Chord.

"Don't mumble under your breath, she hears everything. Hard Chord told Nova, pretending that the teacher wasn't there.

"Perhaps you should let the new student decide how my teaching skills are." She told him.

Hard Chord continued to ignore her. "She says she's married, I believe her and think her husband is living a life worse than death."

A sound of laughter came from the class room.

"Back to the office." She pointed.

"You know what, it's actually better than being in your class." Hard Chord said as he walked off.

Nova walked in and Ms. Greene closed the door, just for Pinkie to slam into it.

"Darn, to late." She said as she walked off.

Notes walked to the table with his lunch and sat down.

"You're a damn fool, bro." He said.

"Nope." Hard Chord said to him.

"In the middle of class. Twice!"

Hard Chord nodded. "I was there for that part."

Notes pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm not even gonna bother."

"Hell yeah you shouldn't. Now Notes, before you drool over Vinyl like you usually do."

Both of them blushed.

"I'd like you to meet our new friend, Nova Burst."

A kid with a green sweater and orange hair waved. "Hi." He said nervously.

He jumped when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. Pinkie squeezed him in a tight hug.

"I like him!" She squealed in excitement.

Hard Chord could see the anxiety in the poor kid.

"Go easy on him Pinkie." He said.

"Oh.... sorry." She said as she let him go. the pink girl hopped onto the seat next to his.

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie, very nice to meet you." She said with excitement.

"Uh... hi." He waved a little. Pinkie only giggled at his nervousness and proceeded to get to know him better...

Notes sat down with his hands on his head.

"Fuck." He said to himself as he realized he had completely missed his chance to ask Vinyl out.

Yet, he told himself that it was a good thing.

So hey, r we gonna make it to the movie tonight?

I'm sorry, I'm busy again tonight.

Oh, again? Well maybe tomorrow night.

Notes put his phone down, he was getting sick of having that same text conversation for the past few night.

"Hey... Rose?" Notes walked up to the girl.

"What?" She said as she kept walking.

"So do you think that we can hang out some time?" Notes asked quickly.

"I'm busy." She said fast as she kept walking.

Notes stopped for a moment, took a breath and turned around to go home.

Odds are, what was gonna be different than last time. He laid down only to hear his phone buzz.

"Hey, was there something you wanted to ask me today?"

- V Scratch.

Notes quickly replied with "No." and turned his phone off.