• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 762 Views, 22 Comments

"Being the new kid ain't so bad here" - SolidFerret

Two brothers just moved in and their new school can be the least of their worries.

  • ...

On the wing

[A/N] I assume those dislikes are from the moderators. Next chapter.

Note's P.O.V.

When I walked in to Math, I honestly expected math to be a physically person, who would turn and shoot me. But, first day, I should be fine. I looked over to the girl I followed and said,

"Hey, thanks for showing me the way uh..." Expecting a name.

"Oh... i'm Fluttershy" She said it rather quietly.

"Okay, thanks." I said, not in the mood for asking her name again.

"Hey, are you Electronic Notes?" A very short, man asked me. Light voice, would thought he was an LP.

"Present." I said as I put up my hand.

"Good, i'm Mr. Rusky." He shrugged. "Simple enough. Take any empty seat." He said as he walked to his desk.

I merely sat down behind someone who fell asleep from the looks. They laid their head on the desk with a hood to hide their face.

The teacher began talking. When I say that, I mean, all I saw was his mouth moving and there were sounds. Had no damn clue what I was doing. Might as well sit here, crossing my eyes and wondering how to hold a pencil and-

Never mind, there's a girl here who's crossed eyed, and she seems to know more than me. So I guess I can do nothing more, sit here and try to learn something.

"Psst." I heard in front of me.

"Huh?" Couldn't have been for me. Hardly anyone talks to me at all.

"Hey, new kid." The girl in front of me whispered.

Or, there's that.

"What?" I whispered over the lecture.

I felt something brush against my hand from under the desk.

"It's my number, take it."

SWEET! First day and a girl gives me her number.

"Give to your brother too."

AW! It isn't just for me, damnit.

"Okay, but why?"

"I'm friends with everyone here. You don't have to keep that number if you don't want to."

"I'll keep it." Hey, a girls number is a girls number. It's as far as the socially awkward usually get. The farthest I've gotten is asking girl out, her saying yes, and then never hearing from her again.

I'm a sad person.

"Kay, names Pinkie Pie. But my friends call me Pinkie."

No shit.

"Alright, Pinkie." I said as I pocketed the number. I saw her do a small happy dance in her seat.

Hard chord's P.O.V.

Found the room. Was very easy to find. Walked in, sat at available spot. Confused the hell out of the teacher. So she had to talk.

"Wasn't really informed you would be here today." she said. "I'm Mrs. Lowin. I teach Language Arts. There's a spot over there by Twilight you could take."

I looked back. "Which one is Twilight?"

"Twilight." She called.

A girl in a lavender sweater looked up. She had a straight cut, purple hair with a pink stripe.

"Her." Mrs. Lowin said.

Yes, I know. It's the girl I bumped into the is morning. I'll play it cool.

I sat down, she glanced over to me and said "hi."

"Hey." I responded. She seemed ever so slightly nervous. Why the "ever so slightly"? 'Cause I wanted to. Duh.

"So uh..." she stuttered, clearly wanted to try to start a conversation.


Well go on, don't be shy.

"Where are you from originally?" She asked. Seemed simple enough to get an answer.

"Canterlot." I said.

"Oh, i'm from there too." she said, perking up at the topic.

"Cool, how long have you lived here?" I asked.

"For about three years." she stopped for a moment, then she asked "Did Pinkie find you and your brother?"

"Who?" I asked.

"Oh, okay. So one of my friends, named Pinkie Pie, she likes to make friends. She's friends just about everyone in the school." She stopped to take a breath. Twilight also seemed shocked that I was still listening. "Whenever there's a new student, she's usually the first one to greet them."

"Well, me and my brother were late."

"My brother and I." She corrected.

Boy, you're when of those people, huh, Twilight. I'd make a joke about how you probably don't have a boyfriend, but that just seems immature.

I only blew air out of my nose as I look over to see her trying not to laugh, so I naturally, thought of something.

"Thanks for the grammar correction, now I know who to copy off of for this year." I joked, causing her to laugh at such a boring joke in my opinion.

"Hey, can you two love birds be quiet." Ms, Lowin said.

Twilight's face went a small shade of pink. I spoke up. That's not good.

"Yeah, babe. We better keep it down." Causing the teacher to giggle.

As for Twilight, she hid her face. Even then, I could still see how red it was. Whoops, my bad... not really.

She turned around, giggling madly, almost, and smacked my chest weakly.

"I assume that was supposed to hurt so I'll play along." I quickly clutched my chest while saying very calm and quietly "Ow."

She only started laughing again.

3rd Person Perspective

Twilight and Hard Chord walked out of class, the two happily chatting away.

"Hey, what's your next class."

"It's break but I have math next" She said.

"And I have..." He stopped.

"What, what is it?" She asked, concerned a little.

Hard chord looked at her, a very sad expression on his face. "No, don't worry, okay." He said looking away.

He turned back and said "I'll miss you."

Twilight grabbed his schedule to see. She nearly facepalmed at what she saw.

"You have P.E. next." She scolded.

"Well, it will be the death of me." Hard chord said blandly.



"Well thanks for your number, I'll make sure I'll give it to my brother." Notes said to Pinkie as they walked out of math.

"Okie doki loki. What's your next class?" She asked.

"Let me check." Notes fished the schedule out of his pocket.

As for Pinkie, she saw a boy passing. She took off the black hoody she had on and gave it to him.

"Thanks for letting me borrow your jacket, Blaze."

"You're welcome." He said as he walked off.

"I have P.E." Notes said in sorrow.

"Darn, I was gonna throw you and your brother a party." Pinkie said.

"Really?" Notes said.

"Yep." Pinkie chirped.

Notes looked at her and said. "I'll make it to that party."

"Oh, good." Pinkie patted Notes head.

"Gotta head out." She said as she skipped off.