• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 762 Views, 22 Comments

"Being the new kid ain't so bad here" - SolidFerret

Two brothers just moved in and their new school can be the least of their worries.

  • ...

All Birds

New morning for us, Hard Chord and I woke up with an alarm this time. We quickly got dressed and ran down stair for breakfast.

"Alright bro." He called as he got out cereal. "Better day then yesterday."

I stopped eating and looked at him. "What are you talking about? Yesterday was great." I declared as I finished my bowl.

"Notes, it may have been. I'm referring to you texting Vinyl all damn night." He said, rather annoyed as I tried not to laugh.

"She was relaying Pinkie's texts to you cause you wouldn't pick up your phone." I stated.

"Why didn't Pinkie just text you?" He asked.

"I guess she had more fun that way? I'm not to sure." I said as we walked to the front door.

"Whatever. Come on, lets go." He said as he unlocked the door. We quickly ran off to school.

*September 14*

It wasn't all that great. Get bitched at by Ms. Greene for doing nothing, go here, got there. I'm bored already and it's my second day.

Hard Chord was already being bombarded with girls who wanted to meet him. Point a few my way you ass. Whatever, for some reason, the thought of them overshadowing Vinyl made me a little sad.

I can't have a crush on her. Second day, remember. Sure I texted her all night and we both like Electronic music. I guess we're a good match-

Nope nope nope nope nope. Not gonna happen. Not fallin for that shit again.

I'm gonna try to forget I said that. What's a good story to tell...

Oh! So I was walking down the hall when I saw a kid, little guy probably 13, getting picked on. Naturally, being the awesome kid I am, I stepped in. Needless to say, I made some new enemies, I met Spike. He was actually kinda cool. He skipped a grade, almost didn't believe him until he told me he's Twilight's adoptive young brother.

I know, right.

Whatever, need to stop using that. Unless I haven't said it already then... whatever.

Nothing particular today, if you were expecting some crazy adventure, sorry to disappoint.

Can I say I think Hard Chord was flirting with Twilight during lunch. I'll say it anyways. He tired to win her over by bragging about how good he is on guitar. I think he was making jokes off the top of his head just to make her laugh.

I think Notes was trying to score with Vinyl during lunch. Can't blame him, it's rare a girl talks to him for once. He usually awkwardly approaches them and tries his best to not fuck up. Sadly, those girls kindly told him off.

Okay, they didn't. Notes was to awkward to hold a conversation with-

Okay, you're probably sick of hearing how much he was a loser so i'm gonna stop.

Though if I can say, Vinyl is a different story. She actually likes to talk to Notes. I guess she introduced him to a really good friend of hers. Kinda makes me think my brother is growing up until I realize he's only a year younger than me.

Well, today was boring as hell. School, right? But after school, we were given a tour of the town by Pinkie.

There is a bakery that, shit you not, is like a heaven for people with a big sweet tooth. Sugar Cube Corner, of course Pinkie works there. Still, cupcakes, donuts, and cinnamon roles, oh my!

I'm going there for breakfast on the weekends. It has to be so great there, the people who run it, husband and preggers wife, are also very nice.

Also, I hear it's twins.

Our next stop was Sweet Apple's Acres, where Applejack lived. Seemed like a good family-ran business. Her grandma, while a bit confusing, was real nice. Her big brother looked like someone who could easily kill me. Dude was huge.

Her little sister was nice. Though, I can only wonder as to why she was leaving in such a hurry. School had ended half an hour ago.

Friends I guess. Though she seemed to be running deeper into the orchard. Is there something back there?

Oh, it's a clubhouse for her and her friends. Cool. Not much back here though besides it.

Next stop was the library. Home of Twilight Sparkle. Man, was her face red when I walked in. Why though, I'll never know.

Spike seemed to recognize Notes. Guess the two met earlier.

Though I had to smack my brother upside the head when he ask "is there wi-fi?"

Yeah buddy, now you can have a place to spend your lonely Friday nights.

We left, wasn't much to it except it was also the place where Twilight lived. She seemed happy there.

Next was Fluttershy's place. Tons of animals. That's all I gotta say. She had her shyness as usual but that's normal for her. But dude, I mean, bunnies, beavers and birds, snakes even. You're telling me she'll handle snakes but won't even shake my hand.

Am I that scary looking?

Rainbow Dash lived on the top of a hill. Was a simple house. Outside, she was doing a bunch of flips and what not.

But the worst was to come. We were dragged to Rarity's. Spike was there, and he wasn't even mad. As for us, we hated it. I'm not a fashion nut like Rarity. So it was boring as hell.

As for our place, two story house. That simple.

What have we been missing from not living here?