• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 765 Views, 22 Comments

"Being the new kid ain't so bad here" - SolidFerret

Two brothers just moved in and their new school can be the least of their worries.

  • ...

Stick Stickly.

Hard Chords P.O.V.

As I walked over, I could see why the two were instant friends. They both had a love for electronic music. It was a simple formula like mixing coffee and sugar.

But man, he was starting to break a sweat. My brother was a very shy boy growing up. I've seen him ask girls out. When they said yes, he would walk away as if he just got a weight off of his chest.

To bad they played the "i'm busy" card or just rarely text him. Poor bastard, he used to cry himself to sleep while listening to sad music. Was afraid he'd turn out like me, the emo lookin kid. He got close, it was scary.

"Hey Notes." I said with an arm around his shoulder. I'm only gonna get this one chance to embarrass the crap out of him.

"Please go away." He said in a fake but kind voice.

"Who's this?" Vinyl asked.

"He's my brother." Notes said blandly.

"I could tell." She said. See, it brings joy to my heart when people see the pain in his face and know it's a brother thing.

"Hard Chord, a word darling." Notes said as he dragged me away.

"Please. Please. Please." He said.

"I only introduced myself."

"I do not get much, so please don't take this away from me." He said.

"Fine, but you're responsible for this friendship." I mocked.

"Shut up, you treat mine like they're pets or something." He said.

"Well, you suck at keeping both alive so I feel the need to." I responded.

"Chill man, I got this." Notes said as he walked back to her.

"Do not fuck this up." I said with a pat on his back.

Ah, lunch hour. I was quiet surprised by the selections. Today, they had cheeseburgers, bout the only thing I like. Notes went with nachos that I assumed were gonna suck. Turns out, they were so-so. As for the cheeseburger, was pretty good. Eating it wasn't the main highlight of lunch.

"Where the hell do we sit?" I thought out loud.

"Hey, you two! Over here!"

Looking over, I could see Pinkie Pie waving at us. She was sitting near the corner of the cafeteria with a group of friends.

"Over there, bro." I pointed to them as I walked over.

We sat down and began eating. We weren't used to sitting with a large a group.

"So hows your first day been?" Pinkie asked.

"Better than expected." Notes said.

"Oooh, goody." Pinkie said. "Wait, you need to meet the others." she quickly got up. No use in ignoring her, we're clearly gonna be seeing this group again.

She stopped at a girl with really, clean, stylish hair. Her makeup work was a tad overdone but could have been worse.

"This here is Rarity."

Rarity waved at us. "Hello darling." She said in a fake British accent.

Well...maybe fake. Can't call total bullshit.

Pinkie bounced over to a girl with blond hair in a plaid shirt and short cut jeans. (if that's what you call them.)

"She's Applejack. she run the Apple orchard near here."

"Howdy yall."

Southern accent, hell yeah! And it wasn't one so thick you would start making fun of it behind her back.

"This right here is-"

"Twilight." I said.

She looked up from her book and saw me. "Oh, hey." She said.

"You know each other?" Pinkie and Notes asked.

"Yeah, we met in English class today."

"Yay! Now for..." Pinkie looked over and put her arm around a girls shoulders.

"This is Fluttershy." She said. The girl only waved and sunk back in her seat. I recognized her as the girl who Notes talked to earlier. Pinkie zipped over and across the table.

"Say hello to Rainbow Dash."

"Sup." She just said that, not even noticing it was us.

"Hi." I said back. She was busy looking over at some dude.

Oh, that's Soarin. Still gonna call him "some dude" though.

"Rainbow Dash, it's me." I said. she looked and laughed to herself.

"Oh hey." She commented. "Didn't know it was you and you're brother."

I decided to be a bit of a uh... what's the word. I want to say troll, but that just seems immature.

Dick, that's what i'm looking for.

"Maybe if you had quit chekin out Soarin, you would have seen it was us." I said, causing her face to go red. Notes and I high fived from the act.

"Oooooh, he got you, Dashie." Pinkie said as she sat back down.

I looked over to my right to see a kid sitting with us. Since Pinkie put me in a rather friendlier mood, I decided to introduce myself. And avoid the greeting 'sup' while doing so.

"Hey there." I think it's going pretty well.

He looked over, his brown hair and freckles gave him the appearance of a shy kid. Surprisingly, he was actually quiet friendly. His name is Caramel.

Whatever, the rest of the day was a blur. Although Notes did an inner-success dance when Vinyl remembered to give him her number.

I gotta admit, i'm kinda happy for him. Up until now, most people knew him as my brother. But the attention was a little to much which made him a bit shy and paranoid. It was a cold day in hell for him when I would have a bunch of friends while he sat in the corner alone.

But now, he has people who actually want to talk to him. So I guess this move ain't all that bad for him.

Whatever, the day was over. We rushed on home along with some other kids who lived in our neighborhood. Didn't know them so they just ran to their houses.

Most of our shit wasn't even unpacked yet from moving, so it was just a bunch of boxes. Can't wait to build a kickass fort when we're done.

But, we had our traditional 'after first day' nap. Yep, back into bed.

"Wow Notes, no one ever told me you were so good at making music." Vinyl said as she wrapped her hands around Notes body.

"Well, I just save it for people who want to hear it. Like you." He said as he starred into her violet eyes.

"Oh, so you're saying I'm a lucky girl?" She asked.

"And I'm lucky or being with you." Notes said.

The two began to close the gap between their faces with the setting sun's light slowly shrinking as they got closer. the two met for a highly passionate kiss that only lasted until-

"Boys, wake up."

Notes gasped awake.

Note's P.O.V.

Some dream, not really gonna think about it.

Whatever, I need a soda to wake up. Hard Chord and I walked down stairs to find mom in the living room.

"So, how was your first day?" She asked, in her 'i'm a mother so I have to be curious' tone of voice.

"The morning was rough. It started like this." I went over to the phone and pretended to talk to someone.

"Doc, did you say it's 8:25? I gotta get to school in five minutes!" I then got off.

"I grabbed my skateboard..." Though I stopped my story, my mom got it.

"It went better then expected. Only ONE teacher hates us." Hard Chord said.

Mom could only role her eyes. "Hooray." She said.

"See bro," I said, "she's proud for once."

"Did you make new friends?"

"Yes. You'd be quiet surprised." Hard Chord said. "We haven't even made enemies yet. Except for Ms. Greene." I added.

"Well good, now I can have Friday nights to myself."

"What could you possibly do?" Hard Chord asked.

"Have peace and quiet for once." She said.

She has a point. I'm usually here because i'm never invited to anything.

"Well, first day and it wasn't so bad from what I hear. Good luck for the rest of the year." She said as she walked away.

I thought back to that dream, I'm sure I didn't feel that way about Vinyl. I just met her.

Plus, the last time I asked a girl out, I sat all alone on Valentines Day. I still wonder if she even opened the card I gave her.

Okay, enough of the sob story, i'm not gonna date Vinyl and fuck up a great friendhsip. No matter how hot she-

