• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 764 Views, 22 Comments

"Being the new kid ain't so bad here" - SolidFerret

Two brothers just moved in and their new school can be the least of their worries.

  • ...

Megawacko 2.1

*Sep. 24*

"Ugh, someone kill me." Twilight moaned as she put her head in the book she was reading.

"And I here I thought that was my saying" Hard Chord said, putting an arm around Twilight's shoulders.

"Tell ole' me what the matter is?"

She only threw his arm off of her.

"My parents are visiting." She groaned, muffled by the paper from the book.

"Again, something I would complain about. At least you don't live with them." Hard Chord said as he leaned in close to her.

"Now tell me, are there issues between you and your parents?" He whispered, imitating a therapist.

"No, just that we got invited over for dinner to some family's house." She groaned and hit her head a little on the desk.

"Man, you hate life right now don't you?" Hard Chord asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah." She muttered.

"Don't worry sweet heart, I'm sure whoever invited your family are good people."

"Did you just call me Sweet heart?" Twilight asked, raising her head off the desk.

"I see where your priorities are." He said.

Total silence for the rest of the period.

Notes paced back and fourth nervously ever since the teacher told them to pack up.

'Ask her. You will be kicking yourself for no do-'

"Hey Notes?" Vinyl approached him.

'God help me.'

"Yes?" He responded.

"Wanna come over and try some tricks for when we perform?" She asked, a little nervous edge in her tone.

'A girl wants to hang out with me? My has time has come!'

"Sure... I guess." He said nervously.

'Nailed it.'

"Great!" She exclaimed, quickly giving him a hug as the bell rang.

"We'll go to you house and get your synthesizer, then we'll go to my place. Now lets go." She said excitedly.


"Yes, haven't you hung out with friends after school?" She asked, laughing.

"No." He said, still confused.

Vinyl sighed and shook her head. "Poor thing." She said as she squeezed the life out of him.

On the other side of the room, Hard Chord watched the two.

'This is a good chance for me. I can make things really fucking awkward for my brother right now.' He thought with a serious look on his face.

"You don't look to happy." Rainbow Dash pointed out as she walked over. "You okay?"

"I'm fine, just always like this." He told her.

"Well, don't come crying to me when you become such a grouch." She said as she ran off.

Hard Chord looked around and saw the two gone, along with the rest of the students leaving.

"Well, I guess I'll take my leave." He said as he went home.

Hard Chord's p.o.v.

God damn, I was on the verge of killing someone today. Mostly myself, but still, killing someone.

Had to deal with a bunch of idiots in my math class. Why does the kid next to me feel the compulsive need to drum with his fingers on the desk and his notebooks. Tried giving his desk a kick to tell him to stop, but he kept going to I kicked it so hard I stubbed my toe.

Besides the usual day at school, I got home to find out we're having guests over for dinner.

I usually leave, but my parents won't let me cause they have to have a son over when guests are here to represent them.

Did they not now they were asking me?

You know what, I never want to see whoever is coming over here again. Best part, I know a way to make sure they stay away.

I walked to the bathroom with a bag of "things".

I used to be bullied a lot in Canterlot, but that was because of something I used to do.

Zipped it open, and pulled out....

Eyeliner and mascara.

Yep, I was emo looking then, now I'm about to level up in emo looks.

And now... put some on and.....

Boom! I look awesome!

When they see that they have an emo son with makeup on, they better never come back.

My parents were also pissed. Big news there, though my dad found it a bit funny. Still mad though.

But found it funny.

We set up the table, as if we rarely eat as a family anymore. A table cloth? What is this, Thanksgiving?

That's when the door bell rang. Show time!

In a band t-shirt, tight black pants with a metal studded belt and chains, hot damn. I am fashionable.

I opened the door and

Holy shit.

Twilight was there.

Oh yeahhhhhhhh, she said her parents were invited over to some peoples house.

Small, cliche world I guess.

"Oh my goodness," I say in one of those voices that fakes excitement, but still being happy. "Twilight! What a pleasant surprise for me."

Yah, for me. Her face ran pale when she saw that I answered my front door.

As for her parents.

"I guess you two know each other." Her mom suggested.

I think she's happy that Twilight has made a man friend. Even if he wears eyeliner and mascara with black finger nail polish, but still a man friend. Ahahahahahaaaaaaa.

I hope this night never ends.

"Come on in, Mister and Misses Sparkle." I said as I stepped aside and watched them enter our home. "Welcome to our Humble Abode."

Wow, a moment ago, I was hoping whoever was at our door never came back, but seeing Twilight makes me rethink all of it.

Now, she will have to try to convince her parents to not come to my house.

Time to be charismatic mother fucker.

"Hi." My mother greeted as she set the plates. My dad went over and shook Mr. Sparkles hand.

"So," I walked over to Twilight. "What's going on in this neck of the woods?"

Her face lit red. "I...I... wasn't.... a..aware we were going to your house."

"Really? Not even a hint?"

"They told me there was someone around my age." She gritted. "That was it. I was afraid they would try to hook me up with the-"

I stopped her there. "I understand, and now you're hoping they hook you up with the kid, who is me." I teased as she smacked me lightly and tried to hide her blush.

"Why are you wearing makeup by the way?"

"Oh yeah, I was hoping the family would be creeped out by it and not want to come back to our house. But now, I hope you all return." I said as I walked over to the table.

"... turns out, you can't put the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song in your poem." I concluded, causing everyone except for my parents to laugh.

"That made you fail English that year, making you miss the End of the Year activities."

"Yeah, I got the same talk from the Vice Principal, who wanted to 'help me' that year."

"He said you just barely managed to fail." My mom told me.

"I know, he tried talking to me about it, but I said 'I'm sorry, but just barely caught my attention when you started talking'."

Crash and buuuuuurrrrrrrnnnnnnnnn.

"Well, we need to get going now." Mr. Sparkle announced.

"Alright, see again some time." My mom called to them.

"See ya around." I called back, hearing one last goodbye before the door closed.

Then, I trudged up the stair and into the bathroom where I took off the makeup. That's when I heard my window open and close.

Notes was laying in bed, looking a little down.

"What's wrong?"

"Was gonna ask her out, words got caught in my throat, stuttered like a total idiot."

Not like that's new.

"That's just a sign to have a better try next time, little brother." I said as I got into bed.

I feel as though I missed on asking something tonight.