• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 765 Views, 22 Comments

"Being the new kid ain't so bad here" - SolidFerret

Two brothers just moved in and their new school can be the least of their worries.

  • ...

Break down the walls

*Sep. 17*

"It's Friday."

"And only ten minutes left of class."

"Where we can go home."

"Be free."

"Stay the hell away from people."
"Go hang with friends."

The two brothers looked at each other.

"We obviously think differently." Hard Chord told his brother.

"Well, not entirely. I mean, we the first part we-"

"Yeah, but we're not 100%"

The two waited and waited. The last minutes being the slowest of every class before getting out for the weekend.

"Well class. Might as well pack up." The teacher, Mr. Brian announced.

"Finally!" Notes yelled a little to loud, earning him a few laughs.

The two packed up quickly.

"Hey, have you seen Pinkie today?" Hard chord asked. "She said she and Twilight needed to see me."

"Lucky you."

"They also said to bring you." Hard Chord told him.

Notes got a little excited but had a question. "Is Vinyl gonna be there?"

Hard Chord tried not to grin as he said, "Maybe?"

"Better then nothing." Notes said.

Shortly after that moment, the bell rang, setting free the students from classes.

"Well, where the hell are they?" Notes asked.

"I don't know. I say we just go to the front of school." Hard Chord suggested.

"Alright." Notes said.

The two made their way through the crowd, occasionally waving to a few friends or two. But when they got outside, both felt their phones go off at once.

"We're being targeted." Notes thought out loud. They both checked their phones to see the same message.

Hey you two, you guys just meet at my house at 7 tonight. We had some things to take care of.

Got it, we'll see you there.

Hard Chord hit send and the two walked home.

"What the hell are we gonna do now?" Notes complained as they sat in their room. He simply played random keys on his Synthesizer will Hard Chord strummed his guitar.

"Wanna go climb on the roof?"

The two noticed the opened window that had an overhang. They could easily climb to the roof from there.

"And do what?" Notes said.

"Good point."

Notes checked his phone, Vinyl hadn't texted him all day.

"She ain't responding to me either." Hard Chord said.

"Who's "She"?" Notes pretended to not know who his brother was talking about.

"Mom, the one you usually text."

"Fuck you."

"Don't worry bro. I think she likes you too." Hard chord said with a pat on the back.

"1. I don't like her in that way. 2. No girl ever has, I don't think a girl I've known for a few days would like me right away." Notes said as he slumped in his bed.

"1. Got it." Hard Chord said with heavy sarcasm and a nod of his head with a wink and an "ok" signal with his fingers. Notes rolled his eyes.

"And 2., you do the same sometimes when you meet a girl, why would they not do the same?"

Notes thought for a moment.


"I know, I'm a genius." Hard chord said as he laid down in his bed. Eventually drifting off.

Notes closed his eyes to think, until he fell asleep as well.

"I'm telling you, it's breathtaking Vinyl." Notes said, barely able to contain himself in excitement.

Vinyl shook her hair out of her eyes. "Is it worth waking me up at Seven in the morning?" She complained.

"Yeah, it is." Notes grabbed her hand, the warm feeling of her hand calming him.

"Just get out here and see it." He pleaded.

"Fine, then I'm going back to bed." She said.

Vinyl was almost pulled out of bed with how fast Notes ran while holding her hand.

The two ran outside, Vinyl started to laugh at how fast Notes ran. They ran out to the patio deck of the cabin.

There, within the mountains was the brightest, largest, rainbow the two had ever seen. It had a sparkle of stars instead of glitter.

"Kay, you were right." Vinyl said. The two staring up at the sky. "It's beautiful." She said.

"Yeah... beautiful." Notes said, looking at her.

Note's eyes snapped opened. He laid back in bed and closed his eyes.

'No brain. Take me back to that dream.' He thought. He felt so happy he thought his heart was gonna burst.

'Oh, so you like Rainbows and Vinyl. I see how things are.'

'Screw you brain. I don't have to take that crap from you.' Notes thought.

Notes couldn't go back to sleep. He sat up, his brother was missing from his bed. Notes saw the clock that read 6:07.

"I got a few minutes to kill." He said out loud. He glanced at his keyboard and thought, 'Was it because I was trying to play Rainbow Veins before falling asleep?'

Shrugging it off, Notes simply got on his PC and played games.

About a few minutes later, Hard Chord walked up stair and showed Notes his phone.

"Time to go. Got a text to meet them."

"Sweet." Notes said excitedly as he got up.

The two walked downstairs, they called out that they would be heading out to hang with friends.

"Have fun." Their mom called, clearly glad that she would have the house to herself.

"So what are we doing anyways?"

"Have no fucking clue. Just don't say or do anything stupid." Hard chord said as he read the directions from his phone.

The two rounded the corner, Hard Chord ran up the sidewalk till he saw the numbers on the house that Pinkie said was hers.

"This the place?" Notes asked.

"It better." They walked up to see a note on the door.

"Come in you two."

"Must be it, pink marker." Notes pointed out. He heard no noise coming from the house.

Notes took the paper off of the door. "Figured." He said as they walked in. Not noticing that the lights were off. "Cause if the note was left on the door, people would just walk right on in an-"


The two jumped as the lights turned on to see several kids there with Pinkie, Twilight and the rest of their gang. there were at least 30-40 other kids there as well.

"You made it!" Pinkie exclaimed as she bounced over.

"What the hell is this?" Notes asked.

"It's a party. I told you I'd throw you two one on the first day." She said with a smile.

"I didn't think you actually would." Notes said.

"Well looks like I proved you wrong. Haha." She taunted before skipping away.

Music started playing. Hard Chord and Notes walked around for a few minutes, seeing where drinks and food was before they were found by Caramel and Soarin.

"Hey dudes." Soarin called. Caramel waved them over.

"Hi guys." Notes said.

"So, enjoying yourselves?" Caramel asked.

"Yeah. Does Pinkie usually do this?" Notes asked.

"Hell yeah." Soarin nodded. "Be ready, she'll throw them for just about any occasion."

"Looking forward to it." Notes responded.

As Notes looked around, he saw a stage for performances. He quickly began to dream of performing with his keyboard, impressing Vinyl and becoming popular at school.

Notes snapped out of his trance when he saw who the DJ was.

"No way."

The lighting blue hair waved back and fourth to the beat as she spun the records. Note's jaw nearly hit the floor. Her eyes hidden behind a pair of purple shades.

"Took you long enough to figure out." Soarin said as he slugged Notes in the arm.

The song ended, Vinyl put the track on a loop and hopped down to meet Notes.

"Hey there buddy. Was hoping you'd be here." She said with a hug. Notes thought back to his dream and felt his face turn red.

"Yeah." He said, not able to get much words out.

"Well, I'm taking a break for a bit. Feel free to hang if you want." she said as she ran off.

Notes waved a little. The sound of music drowned his voice out as he yelled for.

"I'm here!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Pinkie, Do you think I could perform with my keyboard?"

"Oooooh, that'd be great!" She squealed. "I'll go tell Vin-"

"NO!" Notes yelled, a smile burnt to his face. "Let it be a surprise."

Pinkie gave him a salute as he ran out the door.

As for Hard Chord, he looked around to see Twilight hanging out with Applejack.

'Didn't think AJ was much of a party goer. For all I know, she just some girl who sings about Sunshine and Celery stalks.' He thought.

"Hey." He called. Twilight turned and smiled at him while AJ greeted him.

"So you like the get together Pinkie threw you?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, 'get together'." Hard Chord said. "It's pretty fun."

"Cool." Twilight said.

The two just stood around, Applejack had walked off, Caramel following after.

Notes climbed up and onto the overhang where he snuck in to his room. He quickly grabbed his keyboard and ran off.

"Hey Pinkie, have you seen Notes?" Vinyl asked.

"Nope." She simply said.

"Are you sure? I've been looking for him everywhere."

"Sorry Vinyl. I'm sure he'll find you eventually. He loves you."

Vinyl face turned red. "Uh... please don't say something like that again."

"Why, I mean, you two are really good friends."

"That doesn't mean we're dating!" Vinyl snapped.

"I never said dating. I meant he really cares for you." Pinkie patted vinyl on the head. "Silly Vinyl." She skipped off.

She heard several notes being played from a keyboard, the party goers started cheering. Vinyl looked to the stage to see Notes playing his keyboard.

"Wow." She said, caught off guard.

Notes was playing a simple dance beat. The synths and drums sounded nice to Vinyl's ear as she got up on stage with him. She hugged him from behind, making him jump a little.

The rest of the night showed the two performing a mix of DJ and synth notes. By the end of the night, Notes had one thing on his mind.

"Man, you were great. You and I will have to perform together again." Vinyl said as the party was getting wrapped up.

"Yeah." Notes managed to breath out.

"Well, I'll let you know if anything for that comes up." She said.

"Okay." Notes said, staring into her eyes.

"Oh, you goof." She said, pulling him into a hug.

Notes relished the moment while it lasted. Vinyl pulled away and waved off with a simple "see ya 'round." As she ran down the street.

Notes stood there, awe struck by the events of tonight. Only one thing was on his mind.

"I'm in love."

That didn't last long.