• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 765 Views, 22 Comments

"Being the new kid ain't so bad here" - SolidFerret

Two brothers just moved in and their new school can be the least of their worries.

  • ...

The District sleeps alone tonight

[Hard Chords P.O.V.

Ya know, I actually liked the makeup look on me, so I did it again the following Tuesday at school!

*Sep. 27

Pissed Ms. Greene off, and the kids who were assigned to my group for the project that day, including Electronic and Twilight.

"Uh... really?" Twilight asked.

"He's done this before, whenever our parents came to our school." Notes told her.

He's right. I did, also hooked up with a girl who was also pissing off her parents. Then I met her boyfriend that following weekend.

He's actually a nice guy. Still beat the shit out of me. I had to get make-up to cover the bruises. My dad didn't find the irony funny.

That being said, Twilight didn't like it. We were working on a bit of a group history project in class today.

"Dude, you know kids are gonna make fun of you for that." Notes told me.

"Wow Notes, welcome to the 21st century." I said as I wrote down some notes (no pun intended), and looking over to see Twilight had wrote down every single one of them.

"Woah... you wrote down-"

"all the notes. Yes, it was easy." Twilight told me.

I've never had someone finish my sentence outside my family. Good for Twilight.

"So...what now?" Notes asked.

I would have answered, but Ms. Greene said the one name of someone that not even wild horses could drag Notes from.

"Ms. Vinyl Scratch, you better have an explanation for being late."

She probably, like the rest us, didn't want to go to your class.

"Sorry, I accidentally slept in." She said while trying to laugh off the situation.

"Sit down over...." Ms. Greene pointed, "since you're late, you can sit with Hard Chords group."

What the fuck teacher? I heard some kids laugh. Laugh all you want, I will make sure to point out all of you as enemies in my graduation speech.

"Is that a punishment?" I asked out loud.

"Yes." she told me flatly and went back to whatever her papers were on her desk.


As for Vinyl, she walked over-


Uhm... she is showing some skin today... not doing well on hiding her bra strap...

It's making me awkward, wonder what Notes is thinking.

[Notes P.O.V.


[Hard Chord''s P.O.V.

I'm sure he's fine... maybe. He is prone to getting the shakes when talking to girls.

"Hey guys." She said as she sat down.

"Hi." Notes said quickly.

I figure today is the day he finally gets a girl friend or he gets turned down and commits homicide.

"So what are we doing-"

"Done. Did all the notes." Twilight said.

Vinyl shrugged and put her headphones on.

"By the way, Applejack said she needed help with some delivery tonight. She said she'd pay." Vinyl said as she bobbed her head to music.

Notes, I see where your eyes are. Quit staring.

But I might have to take that job.

That was when Ms. Greene spoke up.

"Class, I should inform you that my husband is sick, so I will not be here for two days." she announced.

"Oh god, someone married you?"

Shit! I said that out-loud.

"Office. Now." She pointed.

I could see Vinyl and Notes trying not to burst out laughing while Nova and Twilight face palmed.

I love High School sometimes.

I walked through the halls, trying to ignore the voices of what sounded like a fight.

"Give it back!" A small, childish voice yelled.

Wait a sec, that was Spike.

I took off and rounded the corner to see Spike trying to reach for a notebook of sorts.

Three kids, one really goth, one looked like a trouble making teen with saggy pants, another was someone with a similar style to Spike but with red and orange clothing and hair respectively.

"Give it back Garble." Spike yelled as he jumped up and tried to catch the notebook as it was tossed around.

"Hey Discord! Think fast!" The Goth killed yelled.

"Nice one Sombra." Discord yelled.

The notebook got tossed back to Garble.

"Give it!" Spike said as he shoved the kid really hard.

Suddenly, the kid punched Spike in the stomach, making him fall to the ground and clutch his stomach. I had already began to take steps to the kids and kick their asses when I saw something that made my heart race.

Spike held a fist to his mouth to force it close as his cheeks inflated.

His acid reflex disease, he's gonna puke!

"Spike!" I yelled as I ran over and knelled down by him. "Are you alright?!" I yelled, making sure to get attention.

I heard a gulp as he nodded his head and got up, shaking a little. I looked over to the trio.

"What the HELL is wrong with you!?" I yelled at them.

"Pfft, lets beat it guys." Discord said as they walked away.

"Nice make-up!" Garble yelled, despite the fact that Sombra looked like Mariyln Manson.

Black lip-stick looks ugly on everyone.

"Hey get back here assholes!" I shouted, almost ready to run at them.

"Leave em." Spike told me as he grabbed his notebook from the ground.

"Where were you going?"

"The office." He said.

"Sweet, walk with me." I told him, throwing an arm around his shoulder.

"Can I tell you something?" He asked.

"Sure." I said.

"I think Twilight likes you."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Really now?" I said, my tone said 'I'm curious. Do continue.'

"Yeah, she talks about you a lot. Most of them not positive."

"Ha! Figures."

"Don't tell her I said that. It might not be true."

For some reason, I wouldn't mind if it was true.

"Sure, but I might have to tell her about this."

"Fine." He groaned.

"But hey, if they give you trouble, let me know. I used to knock some heads around back when my brother was bullied."

Spike looked at me and gave me a hug. I could even hear him sobbing a little. I only hugged him back. I've been through this with my brother.

"Thank you." He whispered.

For reporting and defending Spike, I didn't have to stay in the detention room. Score one for me!

I pranced into that classroom with pride. Ms. Greene asked.

"Why are you back?"

"Good deed." I proclaimed and strutted to my seat.

That's when serious mood came in. I looked at Twilight.

"Hey, you might want to talk to Spike later." I told her, all serious like.


"Let me ask you, does he get bullied often?"

Twilight gasped. "It happened again?"

I nodded.

She looked distraught, having to catch her breath for a moment. I gave her a pat on the back.

"Okay, thank you." She said.

The night air was cool as I unloaded crates of various apple-related food and drinks into the cafeteria.

It's to damn late for this. I better get my twenty dollars.

"Thanks for helpin me you two." Applejack said as she carried a crate inside and back out.

Caramel and I helped in the last of the crates before stopping outside for a rest.

"They'll take inventory, then we can leave." Applejack told us for the umpteenth time.

"Sweet." I said.

"But can I ask yah? What in tarnation is going on with Vinyl and your brother? I've never seen two be so madly in love with each other and not be in a relationship."

This one hits home.

"Well you see, Notes sucks at girls. My grandpa always said "it's in the breed' when it came to them. Sadly, he has the desire to be in a relationship, and Vinyl seems like the perfect match."

"Funny, Vinyl seems to be handling her last break-up well then."

"Do tell." I said, interested.

"She dated a singer last year. But he treated her poorly, only wanting the psychical part of the relationship more than the emotional. Vinyl wanted the emotional part."

That also hits home for me.

"So lets see, we have the boy who wants to be in a relationship just so he can feel what it's like. Then the girl who wants to have what she wants that she never got from the previous relationship."

"Pretty much." She said with a shrug.

"Well, this is a case of 'pressure love'."

"What does that mean?" Caramel asked.

"It's simple, much like a pressure valve, the two are so in love, that they have to show it. But overtime, pressure will build up, and kissing and such will let that off. Except they're not doing any of that. So when they finally do, I imagine it will be them making out non-stop, or more."

"You know a lot about this." Caramel told me.

"I learn."

"You're all good!" A worker called to us.

"Finally." We all sighed with relief. We all got in the truck and left the god forsaken place known as school.

Author's Note:

I should write this more.