• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 765 Views, 22 Comments

"Being the new kid ain't so bad here" - SolidFerret

Two brothers just moved in and their new school can be the least of their worries.

  • ...

Peppermint Winter

Dec. 23

Notes sat alone at a table, a cup of barely touched hot cocoa on the table. Sugarcube corner had closed ten minutes ago, yet he only sat there.

Pinkie Pie came and put another mug on the table, she was dressed in a Santa-like outfit, as the shop just had it's annual Christmas party. She gave him a pat on the shoulder, seeing his somber look on his face.

She pulled him into a hug, his head leaned on her stomach as he finally began to cry.

It had only been two months...

The day after the dance, Vinyl and Notes spent their Saturday together to celebrate becoming a couple.

They sat at a table, sharing a milkshake with two straws, Vinyl giggled as Notes blushed, not use to romantic and playful gestures such as this.

Pinkie popped up in front of the two, pulling the string to a popper to celebrate their new relationship.

"GAH! Pinkie!" Notes yelled, clutching his chest in fright.

"Tee hee. Sorry, but a lot of were for sure you two would be together by the end of the night. Hey! Wanna throw a party to commemorate your first relationship?"

"Oh... P-P-Pinkie... I'm not ready to be open about it that much..."

"Okey dokey lokey. Just try not to have a kid by the end of the year-"

"PINKIE!" Notes yelled, turning completely red as Vinyl laughed.

The two walked hand in hand to school.

"Notes, can you chill out. I know it's your first relationship and all, but it isn't like everyone is going to point and laugh at us for holding hands." She reasoned.

"I know... just I'm not that huge on public display of affection." He said nervously.

"Okay then." She immediately let go of his hand.

"W-wait... I still want to hold your... hand..." Notes said, a little flustered.

Vinyl smiled and took his hand once more as the two walked into the school...

...and were seen by Octavia and the rest of the group.

"See, I told you all!" Pinkie cheered.

"Oh come on." Notes groaned under his breath.

Octavia gasped happily and ran over to the two. "I knew it would happen." She squealed

"Okay... them, I understand." Notes said, pointing to Octavia "but you?"

"I'm sorry... it's just that I had a feeling it would happen, and I was right."

"Aren't you two best friends, wouldn't you have told her?" Notes asked Vinyl.

"Well we were together all weekend, and you didn't want me going around telling everyone."

"Yeah... when I hadn't heard from Vinyl all weekend.... I thought you two... made a kid-"


Now everyone in the hallway was staring at them.

"You're not good at this, are you?" Vinyl whispered.


Notes frowned at the most recent memory. That was the day it started.

Turns out a talent agent was at the school. They saw them perform, and only wanted Vinyl to try and make her the net big name in EDM.

And that meant she was going to be away from six months, missing the holidays and several events.

But he couldn't have pressured her to stay. It was her dream to go big, perform at the biggest festivals and remix some of the biggest artists.

But the last memory was of them at her departure at the airport.

Vinyl and Notes were silent in limo that the was taking the two to the airport. They only held hands as they watched the passing street lamps. For what felt like the longest car ride in his life, it only took ten seconds to remember all of it for Notes. They just sat together in silence. Even the cab driver, who seemed like the most badass butler ever, was quiet also.

But pulling up, taking out her luggage and helping her to the front gate was the one of the hardest things ever.

"Hey Vinyl....?" Notes broke the silence during luggage check.


"Text me the address. I'll send you letters." He said.

"Of course..." she said, trying to hold back tears.

Those were the last things they said to each other. Not even a kiss, just a wave good bye.

Notes watched as she walked onto the plane.

"Mr. Electronic."

"Huh...? What?" He snapped out of his thoughts.

"Would you like me to take you home now?" The driver asked.

Trying to swallow the lump in his throat, he nodded.

Vinyl sat for an extra thirty minutes on the plane before it took off, the heavy snow delaying their flight.

She herself was thinking back to all the things she and Notes had done over the past two months. Watching the clouds on a hill at Sweet Apple Acres, the promise to watch the Hearth Warming lights at Ponyville square, give holiday gifts.

Vinyl was also gonna miss her family. They took all a liking to him, and he got along great with her brother.

It was gonna be the longest sex months of her life... and she didn't even want to go. Notes told her to pursue her dream. she knew he didn't want to keep her from that.

But she was just a teenager. She still had so much ahead.

She couldn't just get up and off the plane...

Actually she could.

Grabbing her suitcase, Vinyl got up and left the plane and was greeted by her cab driver.

"I knew you'd get off." He told her with a smile.

"Please... I don't wan-"

"I know, music company's just want the next young star." He told her as they left the airport.

"I assume you'll want to go to your house, Miss Scratch."

"Yes, I really want to see them right now." She told the driver.

Notes walked out of Sugarcube corner and into the cold night. His breath visible within the light snow.

Pinkie walked past him in a coat, off to watch the lighting of the Hearth Warming lights with the others. Notes waved to her as he walked off.

Ten minutes away, the limo sped through traffic as the driver made haste to Ponyville.

Notes was amongst the crowd at Ponyville square, watching some of his friends and other couples and sighing.

But as that's when he saw it.

Less than a minute before all the lights would be lit, a limo pulled up with a frantic passenger.

The door flew open, out stepped Vinyl. She pulled her bag out and closed the door before tapping the roof. the limo drove off as the two stared at each other.

"I couldn't... go." she told him.

"I know... I just wanted you to-"

She broke off into a sprint at him, arms open as the two tightly embraced.

"I couldn't... my family... you... the others...."

Notes wiped a tear from her eye as she looked at him.

Even though the scene was straight out of a romantic movie filed with cliches, but the two shared a passionate kiss as all the lights in town were lit.

After announcing her return to their friends, Notes and Vinyl knocked on the door of her house.

Long Play answered, and yelled for his parents.

"Mom! Dad!" Vinyl squealed happily as she ran over and hugged them tightly.

"Vinyl!" They both said happily, hugging their daughter.

Thinking his job was done, Notes turned to leave but was stopped by the whole family.

"Notes, stay for dinner." Her mom said.

"Yeah dude, after we eat, we're gonna watch ton of Hearth Warming specials."


"Come on, don't make me beg." Vinyl said, giving a cute puppy dog look.

"Alright alright!" He said as he walked back over.

"Come on... come on." Vinyls mom motioned her son.

"Okay mom, what's the big thing that I have to see?" He asked.

"Just look on the couch." She said.

Long Play peeked over, and chuckled at what he saw.

Both Notes and Vinyl were fast asleep on the couch, her head leaning against his shoulder while the two had snuggled up under a blanket.

"Okay mom, you keep obsessing with your daughters love life. I'm going to bed." He said as he walked off.

She only giggled and watched them for a while before turning in herself.

In her sleep, Vinyl snuggled closer to Notes, who leaned his head on the top of hers.

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