• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 3,723 Views, 179 Comments

Team Crafted's Pony Adventures! - Starkvenger

Sky and the gang return to Equestria to visit! and maybe take part in some fun stuff!

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Sky was sitting in his base one day, when Ty came in. "Hey man." he said, throwing his budder axe on the crafting table. "Sup." Sky said.
"Ty. I'm bored." he said staring at the ceiling.

"Hmm.." Ty said, rubbing his necklace. Ty smiled. "I have an idea." he said.
Sky looked at him. "What is it?" he said.

"You'll see. But first we need to go get Bajan and Husky."
Sky and Ty ran out of the base to the Hunger games arena. "Bajan? Where are you bro?" Ty yelled.
Bajan jumped out of the bushes. Ty and Sky both jumped. "Hey guys!" he said.

"Hey Bajan! Come with us dude." Sky said.
"Why? I'm in the middle of Hunger Games!" Bajan whined.
"But this is an awesome surprise!" Ty said cheerfully. Bajan rolled his eyes and followed them with Betty in his hand.

Husky was sitting in a pond relaxing. "Hey fish." Sky said as they walked up.
"I'm Not a fish!!!" Husky said.

"Then why you swimming fishy?" Bajan joked.

They laughed and Husky jumped out of the pond. "Watcha need?" he asked.
"Come with us." Ty said. Ty led them to an open field. "Sky you know what the surprise is?" he asked. Sky shook his head.

We're going......To Equestria!" he said happily. They all perked up.

"Yeah! we haven't been there in a while!" Husky said. In fact, they hadn't been to Equestria in almost three months.
"Sky? You ready?" Ty asked as he pointed his necklace at Sky. Husky and Bajan did the same.
"Yes." Sky replied. Sky then tapped his amulet and it began to glow. The other necklaces shot a beam of light at his amulet. Then, a glowing dark purple portal appeared.

"It worked!" Ty said. "To Equestria!" Sky and his friends then jumped into the portal leading to Equestria. When he opened his eyes, Sky found himself a budder colored pony again, and his friends were ponies again too.

"Alright!" he said as he flexed his wings. "These bad boys are for sure one thing I missed about this place." he said. Ty nodded and his horn began to glow. A cookie appeared out of nowhere and he munched on it.

"Hey! Let's go say hi to Twilight and the Ponycraft gang!" Husky said. The others nodded in agreement. So, Sky, Ty, Husky and Bajan walked to the library. Once they got there, Ty knocked on the door and waited.

After a minute, Twilight opened the door. "Hello?" she said. She gasped at the sight of them. "Guys! Your back!" she said.Twilight then grabbed the colts and squeezed them. "Come in! Come in!" she said waving them inside. "Where have you been guys? I haven't seen you for months!" she said smiling.

"Yea, we've been really busy lately." Sky replied.
"I never got a chance to see your element necklaces. Can i check them out?" Twilight asked eagerly. One by one, the colts pulled their necklaces off and showed them to Twilight.

"We also got cutie marks from going on that adventure." Bajan said, looking at the picture of betty on his hip. "Ah. Betty." he mumbled.

Ty and Husky snickered. Twilight giggled. "Well, these sure are something." she said, admiring the charms. Twilight levitated them back to the colts. "Be careful with those. You never know who may try to steal them." she warned. The colts nodded. "So what have you guys been up to?" Twilight asked, motioning for them to sit down.

"Well, its summer vacation now, so we might stay for a while." Sky said happily.
"Cool!" Twilight said eagerly. "If you do decide to stay, i can have the pony construction workers build you a house." Sky smiled.

"Thats awesome, but we'll probably just stay with Jason and Seto." he said.
"Ok! well have fun, I have to get back to my studies!" Twilight said, climbing the stairs. The colts let themselves out of the house and headed in the direction of Team Ponycraft's house.

"Sure is nice to be back in Ponyville" Ty said as they walked.
"Yea i missed all the bright colors, and the cheery faces." Husky replied. Suddenly, a small orange pegasus with a bright purple man came riding towards them on a little wooden scooter.

"LOOK OUT!! SCOOTER OUTTA CONTROL!!!" she yelled as she headed straight for the guys.

Sky flew up, but the others weren't so lucky. The little orange pegasus ran right into Ty, knocking him over onto Husky, which knocked him over onto Bajan.

Sky laughed. "HAHAHAHAHAHA! Pony dominoes!!!" he said.
The little pegasus got up and shook the dust out of her mane. "Whoa. Sorry about that." she said as the colts scrambled to get up. Then, two more little ponies, a white unicorn with a pink and purple mane, and a yellow earth pony with a red mane that was tied up at the bottom like Applejack's ran over.

"Scootaloo! you ok?" the white unicorn asked. the orange pegasus nodded.
"Wow! you were going mighty fast back there!" said the little earth pony. She had a cute southern accent.

"Sorry about that sirs. Scootaloo here lost control of her scooter when she started going too fast." said the little unicorn. "My name is Sweetie Belle, and this is Apple Bloom." she pointed to herself then to the yellow filly.

"Nice to meet you." Ty said, dusting himself off.
"Well, we gotta go." Scootaloo said, picking up her scooter. "Cutie Mark Crusaders! Away!" the three fillies yelled in unison, then ran away.

Sky landed and helped Bajan up. "Those kids were crazy." Sky said jokingly. Ty and Husky nodded. The colts continued walking to the Team Ponycraft house, looking at the shops along the way.

"I wonder how Jason and Seto have been." Bajan said, looking at the clouds as he walked. Soon, they got to the house. Sky knocked on the door and was answered by a lime green pony with 3-D glasses on. On his hip, there was a picture of a watermelon, and his mane was lime green and dark green stripes.
"Sup." the colt said, looking at the room behind him.
"Hi!" Sky said, looking at him. He seemed familiar, but Sky couldn't put his hoof on it.

"Sky? Is that you?" the colt asked. Sky knew that voice.
"Bashur?" Sky asked.

"Sky! Ty! Husky and Bajan! Wassup guys!" Bashur said, waving them inside.

"Hey Bashur, we're here on vacation. Mind if we stay here?" Ty asked.
"Dude! you guys are always welcome here!" Bashur replied.

The Adventure Continues with Sky and the gang! Join them for many adventures in Equestria!
To Be Continued!

Author's Note:

Hope you like the pilot story for Team Crafted's Pony Adventures! Stay tuned for more and slap that like button if you enjoyed! :D Wub You! :D Sorry about the weird format guys :(