• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 3,723 Views, 179 Comments

Team Crafted's Pony Adventures! - Starkvenger

Sky and the gang return to Equestria to visit! and maybe take part in some fun stuff!

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Getting To Know You

Captain_Sparklez thought she was the most beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes on. "Wait, what am i thinking? It's a horse! I'm a person! this is crazy." he thought.

And yet, he felt somewhat attracted to the white unicorn. Sparklez walked over to her while the others sat down in a circular booth. Sparklez tried to say hi but the music was too loud. He tried waving his arms around to get her attention, but she was wearing big pink glasses and he couldn't tell if she saw him.

Sparklez decided it wasn't worth making a fool of himself, so he gave up. He started walking back to the circular booth the colts were at when he heard a girlish voice. "Hey wait! Do you need something?" it said. Sparklez turned around to see the white unicorn behind him. She put her glasses over her horn and showed her pinkish eyes. Sparklez froze. "I..um..uh..i..." he muttered.

"You ok buddy?' she asked. She seemed like a punk rocker, but gentle and kind at the same time. "My name's Vinyl Scratch. What's yours?" she asked.

Over at the table, Sky started whistling and Ty hollered. Sparklez shot them a cold stare and they eventually shut up. "My name's Captain Sparklez." he finally said. "Cool name. Can i get you something?" she asked sweetly. "Um..nah i'm fine..." Sparklez said. Vinyl nodded and trotted back to her booth.

Soon, the music started up again. Sparklez sighed and walked back to the table. Sky made room for him and punched him in the arm. "Ow." Sparklez said, rubbing his arm. "Somepony's got a girlfriend..." Bajan teased. Sparklez rolled his eyes and sat down. Soon, a light green unicorn with a red mane came over to the table. "Hi! I'm CherryPop, what would you like?" she asked, levitating a pen and paper pad next to her.

"Budder Juice." Sky said. The waitress scribbled something on her notepad. "MountainMare" Ty said. "Milk!" Husky cheered. "Lemonade." Bajan said. The waitress scribbled all of them down then looked at Sparklez. "And for you?" she asked. "I..um...Dr. Pepper?" he said. She gave him a weird look. "What?" she asked. "He means Dr. Colt" Ty told her. "Oh. ok." she said, writing it down. Cherry then trotted away, levitating her notepad behind her.

"Dude. You gotta at least try to act like you belong here." Ty said, looking at Sparklez. "Sorry, i don't know pony drinks." he said. After a while, Cherry brought out their drinks. The colts slurped them down and payed them some coins which Sky told Sparklez were called bits.

The colts started wandering around the town, looking for something to do when a white with a curly purple mane came running up to them. She was panting really hard. "Sky! Ty! Darlings you have to come help me!" she said. "Rarity! Whats wrong?" Ty asked. "Its Sweetie Belle! she and her friends were trying to earn their cutie marks by renovating, but now they're trapped! Oh please come help me!" she said. Sky and Ty nodded and ran after the unicorn. Husky and Bajan followed, and Sparklez followed them.

The colts came to a big white building with a little carousel on top. "This is the carousel boutique by the way.." Rarity told them as she was running inside. Once in the living room, the colts heard some high voices. "Help! We're stuck!" one said. "I would get them out, but i cant find them!" Rarity said, looking through the broken boards, sheets, dust, plaster, buckets, boxes, tools, and broken glass scattered about. Ty's horn started to glow, as well as Rarity's and Husky's.

Soon, planks, glass and debris hovered in the air, as the unicorns searched for the fillies. Sparklez picked up boards and flipped stuff over searching as well. Sparklez ran into the other room, which seemed to be the kitchen, and heard the voices again. "Help us! Please!" one said. Sparklez flipped over a big board to show three little fillies, tucked into balls. They stared at him. He stared back.

Suddenly, the fillies cheered and pounced on him. "Thank you thank you thank you!" the little unicorn said. "You saved our skins!" the pegasus said. "Thanks mister!" the pony said. The three fillies hugged him and ran into the other room. Sparklez turned to see Sky, Ty, Rarity, Husky, and Bajan standing in the doorway. Sky smiled. Ty looked at Husky and Bajan, and they all smiled. Rarity gasped and flittered her eyes. "Oh my hero!" she said dramatically. The colts chuckled.

They went over to him and patted him on the back. Sky patted him so hard him glasses nearly came off. "Thank you so much boys. I will never be able to repay you. But thank you." she said, herding the fillies upstairs. "Now its time for you girls to get a bath." she said, and the colts heard groans as they walked out the door.

Soon the went back to the house where Sparklez had gotten sucked into the portal. The colts walked in and Sky and Ty went and sat on the couch, Bajan went upstairs, and Husky went into the kitchen.

Sparklez was left alone at the door to think. "Should i stay here? What if i cant get back? But i really want to see that pony again... Wait. No. Your a human. not a horse." Sparklez shook his head. "Sky can i see you for a sec?" he said, waving him over. Sky trotted over to him. "I'm not sure about this dude." Sparklez told him. "This place is growing on you though huh?" Sky replied. "yeah." Sparklez said, rubbing his head with his hoof. "I think ill stay for a while." Sparklez said, as he and Sky walked over to the couch.

To Be Continued! :D

Author's Note:

How'd you like this chapter? leave a thought below! :D hope you like! :D Sorry for the shortness of the chapter. :/