• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 3,724 Views, 179 Comments

Team Crafted's Pony Adventures! - Starkvenger

Sky and the gang return to Equestria to visit! and maybe take part in some fun stuff!

  • ...

A Greater Evil

Ty lied on his friend, his sobbing wetting Sky's fur and matting it to his body. Ty lifted his head up and looked at Sky. "Buddy..." he said sadly. By now, Twilight had gathered the rest of Team Ponycraft, and they were standing at the portal. With tears in their eyes, they watched Ty morn over his best friend.

Suddenly, Ty sprang up. "Twilight! Come here!" he said, looking at the shocked mare. Twilight pushed through the portal, phasing through it. She was an alicorn after all. Ty sighed. "Twilight, i need you to heal him. You did it when angel bunny was sick, so can you heal his wounds now?" Ty asked hopefully. Twilight didn't meet his eyes. "..Ty...I can't..." she said quietly.

Tears started to gather in Ty's eyes again. He felt a mixture of anger at Twilight, and sadness for his friend. "Why not?!" he yelled. Twilight gave him an apologetic look. "Ty..." she said quietly. She put her hoof on his shoulder. Ty couldn't take it. He moved his shoulder out of her reach. "Ty...I..." Twilight didn't finish. She turned to leave, but looked at the saddened colt one last time.

Then, a brilliant idea flooded to her mind. "I got it!" she said, running out of the portal. Ty looked up at the group gathered at the portal. "I'm sorry guys..." Ty said. He looked back at Sky, his golden fur shining on his body. Suddenly, the portal started to fade, the group yelling at Ty to keep it open. "I don't know how!" He yelled. Then, it faded completely. Ty was left standing next to Sky, with no way out. Ty called out for anypony who might be able to hear him. "Anypony? Please? I need someone here with me." Ty pleaded.

The void suddenly went dark, and Ty heard a dark voice. "You wish to bring my son back?" it said. Ty knew that voice. "Herobrine." Ty said with disgust. Herobrine laughed. "Yes. How...smart." he said slyly. "If he's your son, don't you want him back?!" Ty yelled, overcome with emotion.

Herobrine appeared out of the void. His eyes glowed a mysterious white light. "I do not care for this thing. He disobeyed me, therefore I do not care what happens to him." Herobrine snarled. Ty wanted to punch Herobrine where it hurt, but he knew better. Ty sighed. "Then leave." he said. Herobrine didn't expect this. "W-what?" he asked. Herobrine quickly regained his composure. "Fine. I shall take my leave, but not before a warning. Someone you know is not what they seem. They are wicked and evil, and cannot be trusted. He is coming, using them as pawns, sneaking them into your peaceful pony society, slowly making his move. Be warned, you have a great evil to face. You Must Be Ready. Good-bye dream walker." he said, before disappearing into thin air. "What?" Ty asked, staring at the place Herobrine had been.

Suddenly, Ty heard hoof-steps, and they were getting louder. Ty sprang into action, ready to defend his friend from further harm. It turns out that the hoof-steps were actually Twilight's, as well as Luna's. Ty looked at them in surprise. "What are you guys doing here?" he asked. Twilight smiled. "I went to get help." she replied. Luna smiled as she walked closer to the pair. "Greetings young one. I am here to help." Luna said in a calming voice. Luna motioned for him to step away from Sky, and he did as instructed. Luna's horn started to glow, and a light indigo aura of magic enveloped Sky. Twilight lit up her horn, increasing the magic. "Ready Ty?" Twilight asked, Ty nodding slowly. Twilight and Luna shot their magic towards Sky, aiming right at his chest.

The amulet around Sky's neck absorbed the blast, making it glow a bright purple light. Slowly, the cracked started to mend itself, until the crack had finally disappeared. The princesses shut off their magic, and Ty freaked. Sweating and nervous, he sat on the invisible floor. "...That was...bright..." he said, rubbing his eyes. "I have never seen that much magic running through a mare before." he said, standing up. Ty walked over to Sky, hoping to find a sign of life. "Sky?..." Ty asked slowly. He shook Sky slightly, trying to get him to open his eyes. There was a moment of silence while Ty tried repeatedly to wake Sky up. "...Sky?..." Ty asked softly.

Then, to everypony's surprise, Sky moaned. He struggled to move, but remained on the floor. "Sky?...Sky!" Ty said with joy. "Where...where am I?" he asked, opening his eyes slowly. Ty smiled at his friend, relieved that he was ok. "Your in the dream void Sky. You got hit with a blast of magic...I thought...I thought I'd lost you..." Ty told him, helping him sit up.

Sky rubbed his head with his hoof, his body aching all over. "That magic really did a number on me." he said. Ty chuckled. Sky looked at his friend and had to do a double take. "What the-" Sky asked as he gave Ty a confused look. "What?" Ty asked, seeing Sky's confusion. Sky sat there for a moment, his mouth wide open before he found the words. "Dude. Your inside the dream void. And Your human!" Ty hadn't even realized he had turned human when he entered the portal, he was too worried about Sky. "I guess I am." he said cooly.

Sky rolled his eyes. "What?" Ty asked. "Go ahead." Sky replied. couldn't help himself, and Sky saw right through his act anyways. Ty jumped up and did a cartwheel, flexed his fingers and popped his back. Luna cleared her throat. "Oh yeah." Ty said, his face turning red. He sat back down next to Sky, who was now sitting up on his haunches. "Sorry about that." Ty said. Luna smiled. "It is fine. We would be rejoicing too if we had been turned into a creature for some time, then changed back to normal.....oh." Luna blushed and rubbed the back of her head with her hoof. Ty had almost forgotten that Luna was once Nightmare Moon.

"Anyways..." Twilight interrupted. "We still need to figure out how to get you guys out of here. Ty can easily just walk out, seeing how he's obviously the dream walker, but I don't know about-" Ty put his hand over Twilight's muzzle. "Whoa whoa whoa. Dream walker?" Ty asked. Twilight sighed and removed Ty's hand with her magic. "Yea. Dream walker. Remember the story I told you guys about Queen Themis creating the Dream void and only a descendent of Flintlock and Luna can pass freely through here?" Twilight asked, tapping her hoof.

Ty and Sky exchanged nervous glances. "Yes?" they said in unison. Twilight smiled and gave them a "what am I going to do with you" look. Sky put his hoof up to his chin, and started thinking. "Aha!" he said, his eyes lighting up. "My amulet is fixed now, so that's always worth a shot." he said cheerfully. Sky tapped the amulet and a dark purple portal appeared. "Yes!" he said, gazing into it to see colorful talking ponies.

"Well that fixes that." Ty said. "But Sky, i need to talk to you for a moment. Alone." he said, gesturing for the girls to leave. Thankfully they took the hint and left, leaving the colts alone in the vast space. "Sky, something happened while you were knocked out." Ty said, rubbing his head. "What?" Sky asked, looking up at him. "Well, it's concerning your father." Ty replied. Sky snarled. "...And what did he have to say..." Sky asked, gritting his teeth.

"Well, it was something about someone we know being evil and how some guy was using ponies in ponyville as pawns, and that we needed to be ready." Ty replied, thinking if he remembered everything. He looked at Sky, who had a look of pure fear on his face. "Sky? What's wrong..." Ty asked. Sky swallowed and eventually spoke. "Herobrine may be a crappy dad by all means, but he is always truthful in his warnings. We need to be careful." he replied, standing up.

Sky shook himself out of his fear and smiled slightly. "Let's not worry about this now. We have an Easter party to enjoy." Sky tapped his amulet, and a dark purple portal appeared, showing the iconic colorful landscape full of magical talking horses that they had come to love. The friends stepped through, Ty transforming into a colt again, and smiled at the beautiful day in Ponyville.

To Be Continued!

Author's Note:

...YOU WANTED DRAMA, SUSPENSE, WOW FACTORS, ROMANCE AND ACTION. You got none of that. XD But, You did get more plot, a new villain, and a continuing story line. Here. Take it. No returns. YOUR GOING TO TAKE THIS STORY AND LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flutterrage: :flutterrage: :flutterrage: :flutterrage:

To be continued! Stay tuned for more! :)