• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 3,723 Views, 179 Comments

Team Crafted's Pony Adventures! - Starkvenger

Sky and the gang return to Equestria to visit! and maybe take part in some fun stuff!

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Sky was bored out of his mind. He stared at the passing landscape out the train window. Sky, Ty, Jason, Husky, Jordan, and Bajan were invited to join Twilight on her trip to Canterlot. "Are we there yet?" Sky whined, looking at Twilight. "We still have about a two hour ride, so calm down." she said, looking up from her book. Sky groaned and beat his head on the window.

He then got up out of his seat and stretched. He looked around and saw Ty and Husky....horn wrestling? Yea, they were pushing against each other's horn, almost like hoof wrestling. Sky rolled his eyes and glanced over at Jordan, who was humming a tune and scribbling on some paper every once in a while. "Musicians." Sky mumbled and he rolled his eyes and smiled. Sky walked over to Jason, who was staring out the window. "Hey Jason." Sky said, sitting in the seat across from him. "Sup." Jason said, still looking out the window. "Excited to see Canterlot?" Sky asked. "I guess. But what Twilight makes it out to be, it seems like the ponies there are really stuck up." Jason said with a sigh. "Well, at least we'll finally get to meet this Princess Celestia character." Sky said with a happy tone.

After about two hours of waiting in the train, the group finally arrived at Canterlot. The colts scrambled out of the train, and Sky flew up into the clouds. He came back down two minutes later, cloud mixed in his mane. "Whew. Feels good to be out of that stuffy train." he said, shaking the clouds out of his mane. "Ok boys, first we are going to make a stop by the castle and meet the Princesses. Then we can explore Canterlot more." Twilight said, putting her book in her saddle bag. Twilight led the colts up to a giant marble castle. It had tons of half yellow, half dark blue flags with a half sun, half moon image in the middle. "Wow." Husky said, staring at the giant structure. "This is where the princesses live?" he asked. Twilight nodded and opened the giant doors.

They swung open and 2 ponies dressed in golden armor greeted the group. "Hello Ms. Sparkle. Here to see the Princess?" One asked. He was a big dark grey colt with a pink mane sticking out between his helmet. The other colt was white with a golden mane. "Yes. Theses are my friends. They are also here to see the Princess." she said, giving them a smile. The two guards moved out of the group's way and shut the doors behind them. Twilight lead the group down a long hallway, with tapestries and statues on the walls. There was silence while they walked, the only sound coming from the clopping of hoofs on the marble floor. Soon the group came up to a big wooden door with two crowns on the front. "Ok. Here we go. Best behavior guys." she warned as she knocked on the doors. Suddenly, the doores became enveloped in a golden aura and slowly opened. Twilight and the colts walked in the doorway to find two more guards, dressed in golden armor, standing in front of them.

The colts looked oddly familiar to Sky. One was a light brown with lots of fur. His mane was really big and hung over his eyes slightly, and his tail was really long and fluffy. Under his armor he had a black suit on, but only covering his top half. His cutie mark was what troubled Sky the most. It looked like a golden axe. Sky took a double take and saw that it was indeed a golden axe. That could only mean one thing.

Sky sprinted up the front of the group to get a closer look. "Fluffy!!!" he yelled, tackling the pony. The other guard's expression went from shock, to alert, confusion, then back to shock. The guard Sky had tackled chuckled. "About time you guys found me." he said with a cheerful tone. The rest of the colts recognized their friend and pounced on him. "Dude! How did you get here?" Husky asked, looking at him intently. "Fluffy! We missed you!" Sky said, rubbing on the fluffy colt. "How the Hay did you get here?" asked Bajan.

"Well, it happened like this. I was walking in Minecraftia, well, in the Team Crafted base to be specific. Anyways, i was inspecting the base boundaries when i heard Jordan yelling. I ran outside to see him getting sucked into some kind of nether portal, but it was made of obsidian and marshmallows. Anyways, i ran to grab his feet, but i got sucked in too. I stabbed Betty into the ground and grabbed onto it, hoping it would keep me from going in any further. Suddenly, i heard a ripping sound. I looked into the portal to see an unconscious Jordan, and his jacket ripping. I started freaking out, and when i freak out, my hands get sweaty. Well, the sweat made the jacket slippery, and i kinda lost my grip. Jordan flew into the portal, and i saw his body change. It was the weirdest thing. He turned a light blue, then got on all fours. His arms and legs shrunk and his fingers were replaced by hooves. His ears moved to the top of his head and he grew a muzzle. a horn came out of his forehead and a hairy tail sprouted from his butt. It was so weird, i started freaking out. Again. I lost my grip on Betty, and was sent right into Jordan. He kicked me in the chest, sending me flying into a different part of the portal. Next thing i knew, i was in the middle of a throne room filled with colorful talking ponies. After chatting with Princess Celestia, she told me about where i was and that i wasn't alone. She told me you guys were here, but she couldn't pin-point where. So, she gave me a job as a royal guard and thats where i've stayed. Until you guys came that is."

Once Jerome had finished his story, silence filled the room. Sky, Ty, and Husky's jaw had dropped to the ground. Bajan was sprawled on the ground laughing, and Jordan blushed at the fact that Jerome had seem him change into a pony. "Wow." Sky said, patting Jerome on the back. "Anyways, you guys here to see Celestia?" Jerome asked, putting his helmet back on, which had fallen off when Sky tackled him. "Yep! We haven't gotten to meet her, so here we are!" Sky said happily, as if meeting royalty was no big deal. "Ok, well behave guys." Jerome said, returning to his guard position. The colts chuckled as they walked into the giant throne room with two golden thrones at the end.

In one, there was a huge white alicorn with a long, flowing rainbow mane and tail, and on her flank was a picture of the sun. Sky felt that he knew her from somewhere, he just couldn't name where. In the other throne was a dark blue alicorn with a black chest-plate on her. She she was big, but not as big as Celestia. Her mane and tail were captivating. they looked like they were made of stars, and each one almost shimmered. On her flank was a picture of the moon. Sky was captivated. The two alicorns radiated with beauty. Twilight bowed and motioned for the colts to do the same. Each one of them bowed. "Greetings my friends. What brings you to Canterlot?" Celestia asked. Twilight stepped up. "Hello Princess. I have come to see if i may look in the royal library. I have a subject i want to research." she said. Celestia nodded and stood up. "Come with me and I will take you there myself. I haven't been in the library in quite some time." she said, standing up. Sky noticed that when she stood, she was even taller. He only came up to the top of her leg, and he was quite a tall colt. Princess Celestia hopped off of her throne and lead the group down a long hall way.

After about ten minutes of walking, the group came up to a large wooden door with golden trim around it. In front of the door, two white pegasus wearing golden armor had swords with their mouths. The two pegasi opened the door for the princess and bowed as she walked by. The library was pitch black. Princess Celestia's horn lit up, covering the area in a shimmering golden light. Twilight and Ty followed, adding magenta and lime green light to the mix. Husky did the same, adding blue light. The area looked like a rainbow. The group walked, (or flied, in Sky's case) over marble floors. Soon the group came to a small area with a purple rug and some couches. Sky looked around and saw a lantern sitting on the coffee table. He ran over to it and opened it. The wicker was cold, and Sky frowned. Twilight walked over to him and shot a small beam of magic at the lantern, making the wicker burst into a small flame. Sky smiled and held up the lantern with his hoof. "So, what are we looking for Twi?" he asked. Twilight was busy staring at a bookshelf, but realizing she was being talked to, snapped out of her trance. "Oh. We're looking for books about Earth." she said. Celestia nearly had a heart attack. "What did you just say?" she said, holding her hoof to her chest. Everypony gave her a nervous look. "Oh right..." Twilight said, her cheeks turning pink.

Jason and Ty helped the princess over to a chair. "You see princess...." Twilight began. She was interrupted by Sky walking over to the princess. He had just noticed she looked oddly familiar. "You....I know you......" he said, looking at her intently. "I...uh...don't know what your talking about..." Celestia stammered. This earned a confused look from Twilight. The Princess never got nervous, so why now? Sky tilted hi head. "I'm sure of it. I know you. I just don't know where." he said. Just then, Ty gasped. The group looked at him as he ran over to Sky. Ty cupped his hoof up to his mouth and whispered something in Sky's ear. Suddenly, Sky's eyes grew wide. His mouth hung open, and he froze. Ty waved a hoof in front of his best friend. No reaction. "What's wrong with him?" Twilight asked. Ty sighed. "He's in shock." he said, reaching into his saddle bag. Twilight hadn't even noticed he had it on.

Ty pulled out a golden ingot and waved it in front of Sky's face. Sky blinked and pounced on the gold. "...Budder..." he mumbled. Jason and Husky snickered. Ty looked back at Celestia. "It's been a long time Tia." he said. Jason, Husky, and Jordan gave him a confused look. "How do you know the Princess's nickname?" Twilight asked him. Ty gave her an amused look. he was about to speak when Sky stood up. "Because we knew her when she was only a filly." Sky said, looking at Celestia. The princess blushed. Twilight looked at her mentor. Celestia smiled. "This is true." she said.

To Be Continued.....

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoy this chapter guys! Sorry i haven't been very active, but high school is really taking up a lot of my spare time. Hope this makes up for it! :)