• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 3,723 Views, 179 Comments

Team Crafted's Pony Adventures! - Starkvenger

Sky and the gang return to Equestria to visit! and maybe take part in some fun stuff!

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Easter! Part 1

Sky woke up in the bed, snuggled up in his beloved budder covers. Sunlight streamed in through his window, filling the room with a golden light. He pulled the covers over his head, and tried to escape back into his dreams. However, the sun was relentless. Sky moaned and threw off his covers, shivering at the sudden coolness. He pulled on his fuzzy budder slippers and yawned. He then walked over to his calendar to check the date.

Sky rubbed his eyes then scanned the calendar for the correct number. "Lets see here..." he said as he ran a hoof on the waxy paper. "Aha!" he said triumphantly. "So it's sunday, but there's a message here. A smile grew on his face. "It's easter!" he said with glee. Sky rushed over to his dresser and pulled out a fresh grey shirt and slipped it over his shoulders. He grabbed some budder armor from the closet and pulled on his shades. Sky was about to step out his bedroom door when he realized something. He looked down at his hooves and saw he was still in his slippers. His face grew red, and tossed them near his bed. Sky then opened the door, letting more sunlight fill his room.

Sky flew down the stairs and saw his friends all busy getting ready. Jason and Husky were cooking pancakes, Weedpony and Blue Pony were counting eggs to hide, Ty was hanging streamers, and Bajan was out with Fluffy getting a cake. Sky loved Easter. The candy, the confetti, and the annual Team Crafted Hunt.

Every year Team Crafted, or in this case Team PonyCraft would have a massive egg hunt, but not the normal kind. Some eggs were good, filled with chocolate or snacks, while others were not so good, filled with rotten milk or disguised as a stink bomb. Whoever found the Budder egg won the hunt, and each pony was grouped by pairs. Every pony got eight trick eggs, where they could hide them or use them. If you got hit or found a trick egg and didn't get rid of it, you were out of the game. The pony who found the budder egg won a grand prize. If nopony found the budder egg before sunset, everypony was a loser. Sky won most of the time.

It was Sky's job to hide the Budder egg in a secret place. He could hunt for eggs, but not the budder one. If he told anypony where it was, he got stink-bombed. Sky flew into the kitchen to see Jason and Husky. "Hey guys." he said, watching Husky flip pancakes with his magic, while Jason made batter. "Hey Sky." They said in unison. Sky could tell they were busy, so he left them to work. Sky landed on the wooden floor with a thud and went to get his prized egg. Inside the closet under the stairs, Sky pulled out a small metal box with golden trim. On the lid was a little golden egg engraved on it. Sky pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the box. Inside the box was a golden egg, about the size of an apple, sitting in shining white silk. Sky sighed with pride at his marvelous possession.

Sky pulled the egg out with some difficulty, part of the reason being he had hooves, the other being the egg was solid gold. And it was heavy. Once he got the egg out, he closed the box and locked it with his key. Sky rolled the egg onto a handkerchief, and picked it up in his mouth.

He trotted out of the closet with the egg in the cloth, beaming with pride. Sky set the egg on the table, almost every colt stopping what they were doing to get a glimpse of it. Sky couldn't help but laugh at their antics. Sky unrolled the egg slightly, hearing murmurs and gasps as he did. Sky quickly rolled it back up and grabbed it with his mouth. "Get back to work guys." he told the colts, getting grumbles in return. Sky chuckled and carried the egg up the stairs, being careful not to drop it.

Once back in his room, Sky tossed the egg on his bed and went in his closet to grab his saddle bags. He strapped them to his sides and trotted back to his bed. Sky scooped up the egg and placed his slowly in his bag, which was filled with straw. "Perfect." he said, closing the flaps. Sky walked down the stairs to find that almost everypony was finished with their job, and were seated around the breakfast table, with some on the couch, munching on bunny shaped pancakes. Sky walked over to his budder colored seat at the end of the table, where a steaming plate of pancakes, topped with a perfect pad of butter, and drizzled in sweet sticky syrup, which made his mouth water.Sky picked up his fork with his hooves, and shoveled in pancakes. each piece was perfectly cooked, with not too mush and not too little syrup on them.

In only a few minutes, Sky had finished his entire stack, and let out a satisfying burp. Jason and Husky bursted out laughing, while others tried to top him. Ty was at the other end of the table, a smirk on his face. Sky knew what he wanted, without him having to say a word. "So that's how you wanna play it?" he said aloud, still looking at a smug Ty. "Your. On." he said as he took a big drink of milk. Sky swallowed the liquid, and wiped the mustache from his lips. He the table was silent, watching every moment that went on. Sky felt a gurgle in the back of his throat, slowly rising. He felt it build up until he let it loose. Sky let out a loud burp, making everypony's drinks ripple. "Beat that!" he yelled, pointing at Ty. Ty stood up, and took a long swig of milk. "Ok. I will." he said smugly as he wiped his mouth. The colts waited in silence until suddenly Ty let out such a loud burp, Sky had to cover his ears.

Once Ty was finished, the entire table started clapping their hooves. Both Sky and Ty bursted out laughing, thinking of how serious they took the burp battle. "Good match Ty." Sky told him, as they carried their plates to the kitchen. They slipped the plates into the sink and went to finish their work. Sky opened the front door and stepped outside to the warm spring air. It felt like Sky was in a fantasy. Which, he kinda was. The sun was shining, the birds chirping, and everypony was getting ready for the celebration. Sky flew around the town, looking for the perfect spot to hide the egg. Sky could hide it anywhere within the town, because everypony would have a pegasus on their team. Sky spotted the perfect spot at the school house. Sky pulled the egg out of his saddle bag and placed it in the soft hay inside the bell tower. Sky looked at it proudly and made sure nopony was watching him. Sky figured nopony saw him, so he flew off back towards the house to get ready for the event.

To Be Continued! :)

Author's Note:

So i thought i'd do another holiday chapter. Here it is! lol Happy early easter everypony. :)

lol the pancakes scene made me so freaking hungry. I am now angry with myself because i couldn't have pancakes. :(

Also, this is going to have either 2 or 3 parts, not sure yet. Depends completely on my schedule.

P.S. Maybe if you've read my blog or something idk but my One-Act Play team is going to Region!!!!!!!! :D