• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 3,723 Views, 179 Comments

Team Crafted's Pony Adventures! - Starkvenger

Sky and the gang return to Equestria to visit! and maybe take part in some fun stuff!

  • ...

The Dream Void

Sky opened his eyes and saw faint blue light around of him. "What the heck..." Sky said, staring at the light blue. He sat up and rubbed his head, taking a look around him. Sky tried standing up, only to feel a sharp pain in his leg, and fall back onto his butt. "Ouch." he said, holding his upper leg. Sky instantly noticed he had on his regular blue jeans, as well as his normal armor. He looked at his hooves, and they were hands. "What!?" Sky said, turning his hands over.

He looked around him, seeing nothing but white. "Where am I..." Sky asked himself, making sure of where he was at. Sky slowly stood up, wobbling a little, not being used to his legs, and looked around. He stepped forward, trying to find a way out. Each step he took made his leg burn, but he had to find his way out. "How did I end up here from falling?" he asked himself, pulling out his amulet. Sky stopped dead in his tracks at what he saw.

His amulet had a giant crack in it, going right through the middle. "Oh No." he said, turning it in his hand. Sky tapped the amulet, seeing if the portal would open. It started to spark and buzz, and a dark purple portal opened up. "Thank Celestia!" he said, looking inside it. Sky saw Equestria, with Ty running towards him. "Sky! Dude are you ok?!" Ty said, running towards the portal. Sky tried to jump into it to greet his friend, but as soon as he touched it, a wave of purple electricity shot from it, shocking him. "Ouch ouch ouch!!" he said, jumping up and down.

Ty stopped at the portal and stared at Sky. "Dude, what's wrong? can't you come in here..." Ty said as he reached for the portal. Sky screamed at him. "Don't touch it!" he yelled, making Ty jump. "Ok. but how do we get you out of there?" he asked, pondering for a moment. "By the way, you know your human." Ty told him, looking at Sky with curiosity. Sky rolled his eyes. "Yea, I know." he dead-panned. "Could magic get you out?" Ty asked, his horn starting to glow. "Worth a shot." Sky replied.

Ty's horn started to glow, as he focused the magic on the portal. Sky crossed his fingers, something he hadn't been able to do in a while. Ty shot a beam of green magic at the portal, sending it through it, straight at Sky. Sky was thrown to the ground as the beam of energy shot him, absorbing into his skin. Sky felt his muscles burning, and his body started to ache.

There was a flash of light, and Sky was a pegasus again. "Well that was unproductive." Sky said, standing up on all fours. "Wait! Maybe you can get through the portal now that your a pony." Ty suggested. Sky nodded and took a few steps back. He scraped his hoof against the non-existent floor, almost like a bull. Then, he charged.

Sky ran at the portal, full speed, his best friend waiting for him on the other side. Ty started cheering him on, as Sky ran faster. Sky closed his eyes as he made contact with the portal, and Poof! he was in Equestria. "I did it!" Sky cheered, look ing at Ty. Ty's eyes were as big as boulders. "S-S-Sky..." he stammered. Sky stopped cheering for a moment and trotted over to his friend. "What's wrong buddy?" he asked. Ty gulped. "Ty? What's wrong dude." Sky said, feeling the fear in Ty's eyes.

Finally, Ty spoke. "Sky...your a ghost." Sky stared at the colt, not sure whether to believe him, or send him to a mental hospital with that crazy dog pony. Sky looked down at his hooves and saw that he was almost transparent. "What the..." Sky said as he looked at his body. Ty walked closer to him and ran his hoof through his chest. "Yea. A ghost." he said. "But i'm here, so maybe nopony will notice?" Sky asked hopefully. Ty shook his head. "Dude, they're definitely going to notice." he said.

Sky sighed. Suddenly, he got an idea. "I got it!" he said. "I got an idea so brilliant, the likes of equestria has never seen!" he said triumphantly. "Whats the idea?" Ty asked hopefully. Sky gave him a bewildered look. "Two words my friend. Alicorn. Magic." Ty thought for a moment, but finally nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and if they can't help, you can always ask you know who." he said. Sky stopped walking. He turned around with a look of pure disgust on his face. "I will NOT be asking him for help." he said coldly. Ty realized his mistake and kept quiet. The pair walked in silence towards the library, their fastest source of alicorn magic.

Once Ty and Sky had gotten to the library, Sky tried knocking on the door, only to fall through it. He landed on the ground, half-way through the door. Sky stood up and shook off the dust, walking inside completely. Ty rolled his eyes and knocked on the door, opening it without waiting for an answer. "Twilight? You here?" Ty called.

The pair heard hoof-steps upstairs, along with some pencils dropping and paper crumbling. a paper ball bounced down the stairs, and the colts watched it slowly roll to their hooves. "What the-" Sky asked as he started up the stairs, only to have a hoof go through his chest. "Wait Sky, we don't know how Twilight will react to you being a ghost. Let me go upstairs and break it to her." Ty said, motioning for him to come down.

Reluctantly, Sky walked down the staircase, grumbling to himself. "Good ghost." Ty joked. Sky shot him a sour look, and sat on his haunches on the wooden floor, crossing his arms over his chest. Ty rolled his eyes and continued up the stairs. "Twi? You here?" he asked. Once Ty had reached the top of the stairs, he called out again. "Twilight? Anypony home?" he called. Ty sighed and headed for the stairs when he was caught in a magical field. A purple magical field.

"Twilight?" Ty asked, trying to turn in mid-air. Twilight came out of the shadows, bags under her eyes, her mane in a tangled mess. "Yes Ty..." She said sleepily. The magical field started to fade, then Ty fell to the floor with a thud. Rubbing his rump, Ty stood up and walked over to Twilight. "Twi? You ok?" he asked. Twilight nodded and sat down at her desk. She ran her hooves through her mane, smoothing it out a bit. "I've just been really busy lately and haven't gotten much sleep." she replied.

Ty gave her an apologetic look and continued. "Well, um...Twilight, we were hoping that you could...maybe...um..." Ty struggled to get the words out. He didn't want to give her more to worry about, seeing how sleepy she already was. "Spit it out Ty." she said. Immediately she put her hoof over her mouth. "Oh i'm sorry, i didn't mean to be rude. I just..." Ty chuckled. "It's fine. I'd be the same way if i'd gotten no sleep." He replied. Twilight giggled. "Ok, so well, i guess you just need to come downstairs to really understand." Ty finally said.

Twilight followed Ty down the stairs, leading them to a transparent Sky, sitting with his hooves crossed and sitting on his haunches, pouting. Sky hear the clicking of hooves down the stairs, and his ears swiveled around towards them. He got up and turned around, seeing the shocked look on Twilight's face. "Twilight?..." Sky asked slowly.

The alicorn's eye twitched, and her mouth hung open. "You-you-you-your a-" Twilight stuttered. Ty sighed. "Twilight, we have a problem. Sky is stuck in this between dimension thing and this is the only way he's able to be in Equestria. So, we were hoping that you could use your alicorn magic to help us." Ty told her. Twilight shook her head, bringing her back to Equus. "I'm good. Ok so a between dimension sort of thing you say?" she asked. Ty and Sky nodded. "Let me check in some of my books." she said, her horn starting to glow.

Suddenly, tons of books flew off the shelves, surrounded in a purple aura, floating across Twilight's view. "No no no no no..." She said quietly, staring at the cover of each book that floated by. Ty and Sky exchanged nervous glances. "Twi? you need-" Ty was interrupted by Twilight. "A-ha! Found It!" she said triumphantly. "What did you find?" Sky asked. Twilight showed them the cover. "Magical Mysteries and Celestial Spells." she read. "So like a magic book?" Sky asked. "...Yea. A magic book." Twilight deadpanned. "Anyways, this should hold the answer to your problem." She said, flipping the page with her magic. "Here we go. Chapter 2. The Dream Void." Twilight cleared her throat then read.

"In the land of Equus, all ponies live in harmony. Unicorns, Pegasi, and earth ponies work to make their home grand. The king, Helios, and the queen, Themis, are the alicorn rulers of this peaceful society. Helios rules the day and gives sunlight for the crops to grow, while Themis rules the night, and keeps the kingdom in order. Sometimes, Queen Themis would get tired of her nightly rituals, tending to her sleeping subjects, warding off demons that try to sneak into their dreams, and keeping order during the night. So, one night when all was calm and quiet, Queen Themis created a new realm. She could travel to this realm whenever she pleased, and even travel to other dimensions using it. The queen called this new realm, The Dream Void, because a pony would occasionally come there by accident while fleeing from a nightmare. Queen Themis then granted her royal advisor, Flintlock, the ability to travel to and from the Dream void freely, and all of their descendants would be able to as well. However, there are no known descendants of Flintlock."

Twilight finished reading and set the book down on the table."Wow. So is Themis the alicorn we talked to?" Ty asked. Twilight shook her head. "No, Themis and Helios ruled Equus before Equestria was formed. They are Celestia and Luna's grandparents." she told them. "So what does that tell us about how to get me out of here?" Sky asked. "Well, from the looks of it, your stuck in the Dream Void. You said that you can't get out, but things can come in right?" she asked. "Well, not necessarily." Ty replied. "What do you mean?" Twilight asked. "Well, only magic can pass through." Ty told her. Twilight nodded in understanding. "I see. Let me try something." she said. "Sky, make the portal appear please." she said, her horn starting to glow slightly. "Ok..." Sky said, taping his cracked amulet.

Suddenly, a dark purple portal appeared out of nowhere, and Sky was sucked in. Sky sighed and put his hooves on the portal, stopped by an invisible barrier. "Great..." Sky said, obviously annoyed. Twilight rolled her eyes as her horn glowed brighter. "Stand back Sky." she warned. Sky stepped to the side as she sent a beam of purple energy into the portal. The magic was sent bouncing off the "walls" of the space, until it finally struck Sky. Sky wailed in pain, seeing how alicorn magic was mush stronger than unicorn magic. Sky fell to the ground, smoke coming from his body. Ty yelled and ran for the portal, his chest glowing.

Ty bursted through the barrier, and began to change form. His tail disappeared, as did his mane. They were replaced by clothing and short hair. His hooves turned to feet and hands, and he ran on two legs. Ty had barely noticed he had turned human while running to Sky's aid. "Sky! Sky! Speak to me bro!...please...speak to me..." Ty said, lying his head on Sky's furry chest.

The smoke started to fade, but Sky wasn't moving. Ty shook his friend, trying to get him to wake up. Nothing. "...Adam..." Ty said, tears forming in his eyes. "...Adam please don't leave me...I couldn't be here without you...please Adam...please wake up!" Ty yelled, tears streaming down his face, wetting Sky's coat. Ty laid his head on Sky's chest, felling his warm, soft golden fur against his cheeks. "Sky...please..." he whispered. "Come...back..."


Author's Note:


Hope you guys liked the long chapter >:)

Also, for those of you who don't know, Helios and Themis are actually two real gods. The are from greek mythology and are Titans, or the parents of the gods of Olympus. Helios, god of the SUN actually does control the sun. Meanwhile, Themis is the god of order and law. So, i made her also god of the moon. :)