• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 3,724 Views, 179 Comments

Team Crafted's Pony Adventures! - Starkvenger

Sky and the gang return to Equestria to visit! and maybe take part in some fun stuff!

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The Enderlox Battle

Sky gritted his teeth. Enderlox saw this and laughed maniacally. "Whats the matter Adam? Afraid to fight your best friend...." Enderlox said with a devilish smile. This made Sky even angrier. Sky looked in his shirt pocket to make sure Ty's amulet was still in there, and sure enough, it was. Sky breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he would be able to change his friend back to normal.

Enderlox noticed this sigh and got suspicious. "You seem relieved that I'm going to kill you." he said. Sky smiled. "No. I'm relieved that i'm going to beat you." Sky pulled out a small budder dagger out of his shirt. Enderlox cackled with delight at the thought of a fight, and flew up into the air. Sky followed him up into the clouds. Jason was about to burst into the air when he felt a hoof on his shoulder. "No. Jason, this is Sky's fight." said Husky, looking up at the clouds. "He has to do this himself." Jason lowered his wings and eyed the sky, looking for signs of trouble.

Up in the air, Sky had his dagger in his mouth, and was looking for the dragon menace. "Come out and fight me coward!" Sky yelled, putting the dagger in his hoof. Suddenly, Sky felt a sharp pain in his back, and turned to see Enderlox had shot a poisonous barb into his back. Sky's back swelled up in pain, as he threw his dagger at Enderlox. The dagger clipped his wing, causing him to fall onto a cloud. Enderlox looked at his wing, and it started to ooze purple blood. He growled and pounced onto Sky, sending them spiraling out of the air. Jason saw them falling and leaped into action.

He flew up to Sky and bucked Enderlox, allowing Sky to catch himself before hitting the ground. "Thanks man." Sky said, and flew up back into the clouds. Sky looked around, the night air cooling his skin. It was quiet. Too quiet. It made Sky uneasy, and he started to panic. Suddenly, a purple fireball shot through the clouds, missing Sky by just inches. Sky looked up at the hole in the clouds that the fireball made, and saw Enderlox cackling before flying off. Sky shot up through the hole and above the clouds. He strained his eyes looking in the darkness for Enderlox. Sky heard the soft beating of wings, but he didn't see anything. "Figures." he mumbled, starting to descend. He was stopped by a deep voice.

"Leaving so soon?" it said. Sky growled. "What do you want with Ty?" he said, clutching his dagger in his hoof. Enderlox laughed. "Oh your friend? I just want to control him. After that amulet fell off, I was just biding my time until i could escape." Sky's eyes widened. "Oh, sure, he tried to fight it. But without that amulet, he has no power against me." Sky felt his heart sink. Was Deadlox really gone?

Enderlox laughed. "Of coarse, he's still in my head." he said, knocking on his head. "I mean, I couldn't survive without his body, so i have to keep him alive." Suddenly, Enderlox started twitching and straining against himself. He spoke, but Deadlox's voice came out. "I'm ok Sky! But hurry! He's getting stronger!" he said, then his voice faded. Enderlox was back, and looked like he had a sour taste in his mouth. "Keep Quiet you." he snarled. Sky filled up with rage. He wanted his friend back, and he was going to do whatever it takes. Sky dove down into the clouds below them. Enderlox followed, laughing evilly. Sky flapped his wings as fast as he could, trying to put space between them. He darted left and right, trying to lose Enderlox, with no luck. Finally, Sky decided to do something risky. He flew to the ground as fast as he could, and told the guys to follow him.

They ran to the house, and into Seto's room. "Seto! hurry i need you to do the thing!" Sky said, waking up from his sleep. "What?" Seto said, rubbing his eyes. "I need you to do the thing." Sky said, looking at him seriously. Seto's eyes widened and nodded. He got out of bed and waved them over to a container. Seto opened it, pulling out some vials. He then handed each of the colts a vial. They looked at them in confusion, and then at Sky. "What are these?" Husky asked. Sky rolled his eyes and popped the cork off of his golden vial. He then chugged it, getting every last drop. "Just drink it." he said, wiping his mouth.

So, each of the colts did, getting every drop. "Ok. Now lets go." Sky said, running out. Sky ran out of the house, his friends following him. He looked in the air, and saw Enderlox's shadow in the clouds. "Ok. They should kick in any seco-" Sky was cut off by the glowing coming from his hooves. He was then enveloped in a magical aura, and with a flash of light, it disappeared. His friends looked at him in confusion. Sky then took off his glasses to show them what had happened. They gasped.

Sky's eyes were no longer blue, and they no longer had a pupil or iris. The were pure white. "Sky?" Bajan asked, looking at him. "Its ok guys. Its a spell to turn me into Skybrine." he said, the colts flinching at the name. "Its not permanent." he said, seeing their fear. Sky then sat on a bench, and waited for each spell to take its course. A few minutes later, the group had transformed into WitherMu, EnderSparklez, BajanPigman and Creeperkipz. Sky' friends checked themselves out, and Sky chuckled. He teleported between them, scaring each one of them. "Good. Ok, we only have until morning until the spell wears off. So we need to beat Enderlox Tonight." Sky said, setting his watch.

Sky motioned for Jason to follow him into the clouds. Sky nodded and Jason shot a head in the air. This caught Enderlox's attention. As he flew down, Sky sent Jason to the ground. Sky slipped on his glasses and smiled. "Lets Do this." he said. Enderlox appeared out of the clouds."Looks like i found you." he said. Sky laughed. "Why do you laugh in the face of death?" Enderlox asked. Sky removed his shades. "Oh, No reason." he said, shooting him a glance. Enderlox saw his eyes and fear came over him. "No. No no no no no." Sky smiled and flew at Enderlox. Enderlox reacted and ducked, causing Sky to fly over him. He would have crashed, but Sky teleported right before he ran into the water tower.

Sky teleported right next to Enderlox, causing him to jump. "How did you teleport? Your not a unicorn." he growled, stepping back. "Three words dude. Descendent. Of. Herobrine." In a split second, Sky pulled out the amulet and shoved it onto Enderlox. Enderlox froze, expecting to be defeated. When nothing happened, they were both confused. Soon, Enderlox started to laugh. "Ha! Your stupid trinket is no match for my power!" Sky's heart sank. That was supposed to bring Ty back. It was supposed to work. While Sky was thinking, Enderlox took his chance and shot him with a beam of pure energy. It knocked Sky off his hooves and sent him falling out of the air.

Instead of falling on the ground though, he landed on something leathery. He looked to see what he landed on, and it was in fact Jason. "I gotcha buddy." he said, carrying him to the ground. Sky's friends gathered around him. "It didn't work." Sky said, lowering his head. "Ty...Ty's gone. Enderlox has taken him over completely." the colts gasped. "I..It was all my fault..." Sparklez spoke up. The colts looked at him with confused expressions. "How?" Husky asked. "I..I...was the one who fainted, and he lost his amulet trying to help me. Its my fault." The group gathered around him.

"No. Its not." Sky told him, and put a hoof on his shoulder. "Enderlox has been inside of Ty for a long time. It's my fault for not getting rid of him when i had the chance." Sky said, looking at the clouds. "I'm not gonna make that mistake again." Sky then shot up into the air with a burst of speed. Sky called out to Enderlox. "Thats it! You are not going to get rid of my friend and get away with it!" he yelled. Enderlox appeared out of the clouds. "What are you going to do." he asked mockingly. "TY!! IF YOUR IN THERE GIVE ME A SIGN!" Sky yelled. Enderlox twitched. That was enough of a sign for Sky. "Ok. Lets do this." Sky said, and flew right at Enderlox, slamming into him, causing them to plummet towards the ground. Sky noticed around him that the sun was starting to come up. "Come....on...." Sky mumbled as he pushed Enderlox closer to the ground. They slammed to the ground with a loud *CRASH*. The sun showed in the horizon, and the colts turned back into their normal selves.

Sky was on top of Enderlox, pinning his wings to the ground. Enderlox's horn began to glow, but was stopped by Sky putting his own amulet on Enderlox. He connected the amulets like a puzzle, and they started to glow. Enderlox was lifted into the air and started to spin. Sky started to feel dizzy, and his dad's words echoed in his head. "Don't let this happen again. You will not survive next time. Amulet or no Amulet, I won't have the power to keep you alive." Sky's vision must've began to fail him, because it looked like Ty was running towards him. Sky's knees buckled, his vision became spotted, and his ears numb.Then, he blacked out.

When Sky woke up, he was in a bed with white sheets, and he was hooked up of lots of monitors and machines. Then, he realized where he was. He was in the hospital. Sky's head was pounding, and he ached all over. He heard the door opening, and pretended to be asleep. Two ponies came in, one a nurse and the other Sky couldn't make out. "We're not sure if he'll wake up mr.." "Deadlox. Just call me Deadlox." Sky felt a wave of relief come over him. Ty was back to normal. "I don't know why you wanted to put that amulet on him, but it seems to be helping him. "yeah its um....his good luck charm." Ty said. "Well, i'll leave you two alone, and i'll be back in ten minutes. The nurse then walked out and shut the door behind her.

Ty pulled a chair up next to Sky's bed. "Hey buddy. I don't know if you can hear me, but i wanted to thank you. You risked your life just to save mine. I'm just sorry you had to go through that. I'll always appreciate it. I wish i could know if you've heard any of this." he said. "Why don"t you just ask?" Sky said, blinking open an eye. Ty gasped. "Sky? Dude! Your alive! Oh my god! Dude!" Ty said, jumping up and down. "Yeah. Where's everyone else?" Sky asked, looking around. "Oh! Their waiting in the hall." Ty then whistled and the colts walked in.

They gasped when they saw Sky was awake. "Your back!" Bajan said, smiling. "Yep." Sky replied. Sky looked at Ty, and Ty smiled. Why don't we get out of this hospital." Sky said, and got weird looks from the colts. He calmed them down. "My amulet heals me really quick. I'm already fit as a fiddle." he said, getting out of bed. Sky unhooked himself from the machines and walked out of the room, the cots following him, chuckling.

They walked out of the hospital as a gentle breeze blew over their coats. Sky took a deep breath and sighed. "Even with all of the stuff we've been through, this place is still more peaceful than Minecraftia." this got a chuckle out of the group. So, they decided to go mess around in Ponyville.

To Be Continued!

Author's Note:

Hope you like this extra long chapter! Like for more! :D