• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 3,723 Views, 179 Comments

Team Crafted's Pony Adventures! - Starkvenger

Sky and the gang return to Equestria to visit! and maybe take part in some fun stuff!

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Sky The Vampire (Vampony)

Sky, Ty, Jason, and Twilight ran through the quiet town. The moon was full and shining beautifully as their hooves hit the cobble streets. Soon, the group came to the edge of town, and to a sign covered in ivy. "The Ever-free forest." Twilight said, panting as she slowed to a walk. "Zecora's in there?" Jason asked. Twilight nodded as her horn started glowing purple. Ty did the same, his lighting up a lime green. The group walked into the forest, Twilight leading them to the zebra's home. After what felt like hours of walking, Sky started to groan. "Ouch..." he said, holding his chest with his hoof. Suddenly, Sky's coat started to change color. Starting at his back hooves, the ominous black color traveled up his hind legs, onto his torso, up his neck, and finally covered his face. Then, his mane became slick, and turned white, same with his tail.

Ty stared at his friend in horror. "Sky? You ok buddy?" he asked cautiously. "I...i'm...fine..." Sky said weakly. Sky started to wobble, and suddenly fell over. Jason and Twilight gasped as Ty ran to help his friend. Sky leaned one way on Ty, and one way on Jason. Slowly, they continued walking. Soon, the group came to a clearing, where a light could be seen coming from a swamp tree. "There!" Twilight said, rushing towards the tree. "This is where Zecora lives." she told them. Twilight knocked on the door and waited.

Soon, the door creaked open and a tall zebra with a tribal cutie mark was standing in the door way. "Hello Ms. Twilight, who are your friends? Is there some service that I can lend?" she said in rhyme. "Zecora. We need your help. Sky here is in trouble and we need-" Twilight was cut off by the zebra's hoof in her mouth. "This one's coat is black as night. It seems his teeth are ready to bite. With large bat wings and snow white hair, he will bring much despair." Zecora said, waving them inside. "So you want me to find a cure, to help this colt and make him pure?" she asked. Twilight nodded as Ty and Jason helped Sky onto a cushion. "It won't be easy, this is true. You must find me the bark that is silver and blue." the zebra told them.

Twilight sent Jason and Ty out to search for the flower, while Zecora and Twilight gathered the rest of the ingredients. Zecora whispered something in Twilight's ear, which sent a pained look to her face. Twilight looked over at Sky, breathing weakly on the cushion he was laying. "Sorry Sky." she whispered, as she lifted a rope with her magic. Twilight walked over to Sky to tie him up, when suddenly Sky's eyes closed. His breathing quickened and his ears twitched. Twilight hurried to tie him in the rope, but he lunged at her, pinning Twilight to the ground. Twilight screamed at the top of her lungs, and Zecora leaped on top of Sky, knocking him off of the alicorn. Twilight recovered quickly and shot the rope at Sky with her magic, tying him up in a few moments. Panting, the alicorn and the zebra looked at Sky, thrashing against the ropes on the ground. "His attitude has made him dark. I hope your friends soon find the bark." Zecora said, walking back over to her cauldron.

In the forest, Jason and Ty walked around the trees, looking for one that was silver and blue. "I hope we find it soon." Jason said, flying up slightly to get a better view. Ty didn't hear Jason. He was lost in his thoughts. I hope we find this bark. Sky needs it and we have to find it. We just have to. Ty was brought back by Jason pulling on his shoulders. "Ty! I found it!" Jason yelled. Jason showed him the tree, and Ty used his magic to pull off some of it's bark. "Cool. Now we gotta give it to Zecora." Ty yelled, and started running back in the direction of the house.

Soon, the two colts got back to the cottage, panting and sputtering, trying to regain their breath. "I...think...*pant* we're...out of...shape...*pant*..." Jason said, trudging up to the front door. He opened it and saw Sky tied up on the couch, strangling against the ropes, Zecora mixing her cauldron, and Twilight sitting in a chair, her mane slightly tangled, with some hairs sticking out. Twilight saw the colts and her mood did a 180 degree turn. A big smile came to her face, and she ran over to hug them. "Thank Celestia your safe. Did you get the bark?" Twilight asked, squeezing them tightly. "Yea." Ty said, levitating the bark over to her. Twilight caught it with her magic and brought it over to Zecora. "Good you got the bark. Now the magic can really start." she chanted. Twilight slipped the shimmering bark into the cauldron filled with the bubbling green goop.

Suddenly, there was a huge puff of pink smoke, as Zecora shooed it away with her hooves. The colts and Twilight were sent into a coughing fit, as Jason ran to open a window. Smoke poured out the windows and into the forest. After a few minutes, the smoke cleared out. Jason and Ty looked around, and heard Twilight scream. The colts spun around and saw the ropes Sky was tied up in had been ripped up and that he was gone. Twilight was sitting on her haunches next to the ropes, tears forming in her eyes. "I should have kept an eye on him. The smoke was his chance for escape, and he took it." she said, tears rolling down her face. "I'm sorry guys. I'm so sorry..." Twilight buried her face in her hooves. Jason and Ty walked over to her and sat beside her. "It's ok. It's ok. We'll find him. He may be a vampire, but he's still Sky. He couldn't have gotten very far." Ty told her. Twilight sniffled and wiped her eyes. "Ok." she said, standing up.

The colts turned to Zecora, and saw her pinned to the ground by Sky, him snarling at her, saliva dripping off his fangs, her hooves locked straight in an attempt to keep him off of her. Twilight gasped and ran to the zebra, using her magic to pry Sky off of her. Ty levitated the ropes back onto Sky, sending him into a snarling fit. "Here." Ty said, his horn glowing brighter. Suddenly, a chain appeared out of nowhere, wrapping itself around Sky's body. "For extra measure." Ty said. Zecora stood up, with the help of Twilight. "Are you ok Zecora?" Twilight asked. "I am fine my pony friend. But this vampire curse needs to come to an end." she said in rhyme. the group nodded and Zecora walked back over to her cauldron. "This young colt, cursed with the vampire's bite, let him bathe in this, and he'll be alright." she said.

Twilight and Ty's horns lit up, and Sky hovered in the air. They brought him over to the cauldron and set him in the mixture. Ty and Twilight's magic faded and Zecora pushed Sky's head under. The colts gasped and ran toward the cauldron, only to be stopped by Twilight. "He's fine. Zecora knows what she's doing." Twilight told them. The group watched as bubbles rose from inside the cauldron. The room was silent, as the ponies watched in agony.

Suddenly, Sky's golden colored head popped up out of the liquid. Everypony cheered at the sight. Sky slowly came to his senses and looked around him. "Where am I?" he asked. "Sky your cured!" Ty said with glee. "Cured?" Sky asked. A smile slowly spread across his face. "Cured! No more vampire! Budder fur! Chestnut brown mane! Yes!" he shouted with glee. Sky's smiled quickly faded as he realized what he was in. "Ew. Gross. This stuff is sticky." he said. The colts bursted out laughing. Sky rolled his eyes. "Twi? Can you help me out here?" he asked her. Twilight smiled as her horn lit up.

Sky was teleported out of the goop, nice and clean. "Thanks." he said. "Well, now that that mess is over with...what do you say we go out for hay burgers?" Jason asked, trying to catch his breath. "That sounds good." Sky and Ty said in unison. The pair bursted out laughing and followed Jason out the door. Sky ran back in two seconds later. "Thanks by the way. I don't remember all of what happened after we got in the forest, but whatever you did worked. Thank you as well Zecora." he said. And with that, Sky and Twilight ran to catch up with the speeding colts, eager to get back to Ponyville.

To Be Continued!

Author's Note:

Enjoy this chapter!

BTW, So i've been thinking about things, and i've decided that i'm going to start taking requests.* The story needs to involve Sky and/or his friends, and be at a CANNON setting in the MLP universe. (ex. Canterlot, Manehatten, Ponyville, etc.) Hope to see what creative stuff you guys come up with! :D

*these requests must be appropriate, have none of your OC's, have nopony DIE, no (ahem) crude or sexual behavior. KIDS READ THIS STUFF GUYS!*