• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 3,724 Views, 179 Comments

Team Crafted's Pony Adventures! - Starkvenger

Sky and the gang return to Equestria to visit! and maybe take part in some fun stuff!

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Winter Wrap Up

Sky didn't see Seto for a couple of days after he gave him the amulet. Sky was sitting at the table eating cereal, when he heard hoof-steps coming down the stairs.Sky leaned over in his chair to see who it was. It was Seto!

Sky got out of his chair and ran to him. "Did you fix the amulet?" Sky asked him. Seto nodded and levitated it to him. Sky tucked the amulet into his pocket and went back to the table. Soon he heard more hoof-steps coming down the stairs. It was Husky, Bajan, and Jason. They were dressed in scarfs and hats. Sky snickered at their appearance. "Guys what are you wearing?!" he said, choking on his cereal. "We're dressed for the cold. It's Winter Wrap Up day." Husky told him, levitating some warm garnets over to him. "Whats Winter Wrap up?" Sky asked, putting his bowl in the sink. Husky sighed and told him. "Winter Wrap up is when the ponies of Ponyville clean up Winter to make way for spring." he said. "And We're gonna help!" said Bajan.

Husky levitated the garnets closer to Sky. Sky backed up. "Ok, but i'm not wearing those stupid looking things." he said, bumping into the corner. Husky smiled evilly and forced them onto Sky. After he was done, Sky groaned and Bajan and Jason snickered. Sky rolled his eyes and took off the hat. "I'm not gonna mess up my mane." he said. "Come on, we don't want to be late" said Husky, walking out the door. Bajan and Jason followed, with Sky walking slowly behind, grumbling under his breath.

The scene before them was magnificent. Snow littered the ground making perfectly white fluffy mounds on the ground. Up in the air, Pegasi were clearing the clouds out the sky to make way for the sun to shine. Everypony was either waking up animals, clearing snow off of things, or putting up decor around the town.

Everypony also had on a colored vest. "Ok. Sky and Jason, your going to be helping the pegasi clear the clouds, Bajan, you will be helping to clear and plow the fields, and I will be waking up animals." Husky said, handing them each a different colored vest. Sky's and Jason's were blue with a little cloud on them, Bajan's was green and had a plant on it, and Husky's was tan with a paw print on it. The colts nodded, putting on the vests, and went to do their jobs.

Up in the air, the Jason and Sky were greeted by Rainbow Dash, who was kicking clouds left and right. "Sup guys. Here to clear the air?" she asked, giving a cloud a hard kick, making it completely disappear. They nodded. "Ok, well we pegasi also guide the southern birds back up here for spring. Since you don't know your way back, you can just go clear the clouds over Sweet Apple Acres. Sky and Jason nodded, and flew off to AJ's farm.

Down on the ground, everything was hustling and bustling. Bajan went over to talk to AJ, who was over-seeing the field workers. "Hey AppleJack! Can i help with the plowing?" he asked. "Why sure sugar-cube! Just go grab a plow and start moving!" she said. So, Bajan trotted over to a plow and pushed as hard as he could. The plow started to move a little bit, but not much. Bajan started to get frustrated. He pushed harder and the plow went a little faster. He kept this up until he picked up a fair speed, grunting as he pushed. He was moving slow, but still getting the job done.

Over on the other side of Ponyville, Husky and Fluttershy, as well as some others were waking up animals out of their dens. Fluttershy gave him a bell and told him to ring it and be sweet to the animals when he woke them up. Husky walked over to a little den and rang the bell. A little ferret poked it's head out. "Hi little buddy." Husky said. The ferret stuck it's nose up high and paraded back into its den. "What?!" Husky said in disbelief.

In the sky over Sweet Apple Acres, Sky and Jason were having a fun time. They bounced from cloud to cloud, after finding out that they could stand on them. Sky would kick a cloud, causing it to disappear every once in a while. Jason would run head first into them, completely obliterating them. After about an hour, they had the entire sky above Sweet Apple Acres cleared. Sky and Jason looked around for any stray clouds, but found none. So, they decided to go check how well Bajan was doing.

Behind the plow, Bajan was sweating and panting, pushing with all his might. Suddenly, he heard a *thud* on the top of the plow, and it became much heavier. "Just my luck." he said, grumbling to himself. Sky poked his head down from the top of the plow, making Bajan jump. "Watcha doing?" he asked. Bajan rolled his eyes. "I'm TRYING to push this plow. It doesn't really help that your making it heavier." he said. Sky and Jason flew up off of the plow, and Bajan started to move a little faster. "Thank you." he said irritated. "Need any help?" Jason asked, floating beside him. "No I'm good. Why don't you go see if Husky needs any help." Bajan replied. So, Sky and Jason flew off to find Husky.

Husky was started to get pissed. He tried to be kind, but the animals didn't like him. "This is NOT how i wanted this to go..." he mumbled as he shuffled to the next den. Husky plastered a smile on his face and rang the bell. "Whatever little animal is in there, its time to wake up!" Husky said as sweetly as possible. Just then he heard a hissing noise. Husky looked into the den to find three cobras slithering out. "AAAAAHHHHHH!!!! SNAKES!!!!!" Husky yelled as he ran away from the den, shrieking. Husky ran into something and fell to the ground on his butt. "Ow." he said as he looked up to see what he had run into. Husky heard snickering and realized who it was. "Sorry Sky, didn't see you there." he said, rubbing his head. Husky got off of his butt and dusted himself off. "It's cool dude. But, what were you running from?" he asked. "Snakes." Husky said.

Sky's eyes widened and jumped into the air. "Snakes??!!?" he said. "Yeah, but they're gone now." Husky replied. "And there's no way i'm gonna wake up any more animals. Are you guys done?" he asked. Sky descended and put on a poker face. "Yeah we finished." Jason said, looking at Sky. "What about Bajan?" he asked, and if on cue, Bajan came strolling up the road, whistling. "Hey guys. Finished plowing the fields!" he said. Sky, Jason, and Husky exchanged looks. "You got somepony to finish it for you huh." Jason said. Bajan's head sunk. He nodded slowly and the colts bursted out laughing. Once they composed themselves, they started going back to the house.

However, they were stopped dead in their tracks by something strange. Something.....Creepy. Something............Evil. They were stopped by the sky suddenly turning to black, clouds forming in the air, and purple lighting cracking in the air. Suddenly, there was a flash of bright light, and Enderlox appeared. Bajan and Husky froze. Jason's eyes widened. Sky growled. "Well Well Well. What do we have here.........."

Author's Note:

Hope you like this chapter! Like if you too are ready for Spring!!! :D lol hope you like the ending! Mwahahaha! :D