• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 3,724 Views, 179 Comments

Team Crafted's Pony Adventures! - Starkvenger

Sky and the gang return to Equestria to visit! and maybe take part in some fun stuff!

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Easter Part 2

Sky opened the front door to the house and saw that everypony was finished decorating. Sky looked around to make sure everything was in order, when he realized there was nopony around. "Where is everypony?" Sky asked himself. He trotted up the stairs to check if his friends were getting ready. Sky knocked on some doors, but got no answer. "What the heck?" he asked. Sky walked back downstairs and into the kitchen. "Husky? you in here?" Sky called. No answer. Sky ran into the living room to find that the lights were off. "Where's that dumb switch?" Sky asked, fumbling around in the dark. He finally found the switch and flicked it on, filling the room with light.

Suddenly, the colts sprang up and out of various hiding places, all shouting in unison, "Happy Easter!" Sky scratched his head. "What were you guys doing in here?" he asked. Ty stepped up with a smile on his face. "We were just having a little fun." he said. Sky rolled his eyes and smiled. "Ok, ok. But really guys, surprise party on Easter?" he said. "Anyways, who's ready to get this hunt started?" Sky shouted to the group.

The colts cheered and Sky led them to the dining room. Luckily, Ty had set out a top hat. "Ok guys. You know how this works. Everypony has their name in the hat. I'll draw two names at a time, and the names will become a pair. If you are not paired with a pegasus or unicorn, we will make adjustments. Everypony good?" he asked. The colts muttered in agreement. "Ok." Sky said, reaching a hoof in the hat.

"First pair is...Jason and Husky!" Sky said, as the colts walked up to him. Sky handed them two baskets, along with two jackets. "Here are your uniforms. Team Blue!" Sky told them. The pair thanked him and walked back to the crowd. Sky pulled two more names out. "Ok the next team is...me and Ty." he said, handing a basket to Ty. Ty slipped on a golden colored jacket, as did Sky. "Budder team!" sky said, pulling out the next group.

After about ten minutes, everyone was paired up. "OK everypony, lets go over the groups. "Team blue: Jason and Husky." Sky said, looking for the colts. he spotted them, and Ty checked them off the list. "Next, Team Red: Bajan and Fluffy." the pair smiled and Ty checked them off. "Next, Team green: WeedPony and BluePony!" The pair hoof-bumped as Sky read off the next team. "Team budder: me and Ty, and the final team, Team Silver: Bashur and Jordan." Sky checked to make sure everypony was paired up. "Ok. Looks good. Meet out front and we can begin!" Sky said, grabbing his basket and running outside.

Once all the groups were outside, Ty pulled out a racing gun. "Ready...set...Go!" he yelled, pulling the trigger with his magic. There was a loud pop, and the teams raced down the road. Sky and Ty trotted behind them, chatting with one another. "Spring here is beautiful." Ty said, looking at the occasional blossoming tree, followed by a colorful flower bush. "Yeah." Sky said, looking around at the busy town. "Well, you wanna find some eggs?" Sky asked, slowing to a stop. "Wouldn't that be cheating?" Ty asked. "Nah, we just don't look for the budder egg. We can find the others." he replied. So, they started searching, Sky going high, Ty going low.

After about ten minutes of searching, they had found seventeen eggs between them. "Cool." Sky said, shaking an egg. The egg started to beep, and Sky's instincts took over. He jump kicked the egg into the air, where it exploded in a cloud of green gas. "That was close." Ty said, opening a blue egg. Inside it was some chocolate, which Ty ate happily. "Yeah." Sky said, picking up his basket. "Lets keep looking. We still have to take out the other teams." Sky whispered in Ty's ear, them flew up into the clouds. Ty's horn started glow, then he started to fade. "Invisibility is a go." he said, picking up his basket, which turned invisible when he touched it. Sky pulled his shades onto his eyes, and saw Ty run off in the direction of the Town Hall.

Sky poked his head through a cumulus cloud, which was really good for camouflage. He peered through the clouds, looking for a target. Sky spotted Jordan and Husky, running through the town, trying to be like ninjas. Sky couldn't help but snicker at their antics, watching them roll around on the ground, trying to squeeze into dark spots, and trying to be stealthy. Sky flew his cloud slowly towards the pair, getting ready to strike. Luckily there was a slight breeze, so a moving cloud wouldn't be too suspicious. Sky neared closer to his friends, watching them carefully and cautiously.

Sky pulled out a yellow egg, marked with a skull, and shook it up. He listened for a moment, and heard the beeping. Quickly, he threw the egg down, hearing it land with a thud. Sky watched his friends walk over to the egg, and before they realized what had happened, it was too late. The egg exploded in a cloud of yellow, blocking the colts from Sky's view.

When the dust cleared, the pair was painted a shiny yellow, the mark of Team Budder. Sky bursted out laughing, beating the cloud with his hoof, causing it to instantly disappear. "Oops." Sky said as he was exposed. Sky flew down to his friends, bewildered looks on their faces. "What was that?" Jason asked, blowing yellow dust out of his nose. "A new egg bomb i made. I replaced every team's stink bombs with color bombs, so we would know who got who. And, I got you! You'r out!" Sky said with glee, motioning for them to hand over their baskets.

Jason and Husky sighed and emptied their baskets into Sky's. "Thank you." Sky said, flying back into the clouds. Jason and Husky couldn't help but chuckle at each other's appearance, and, since they were out, they decided to go get some hay burgers.

Back in the clouds, Sky flew around, looking for more targets to hit. When he found none, he decided to check up on his budder egg. Sky flew towards the school house, making sure nopony was following, and checked on the egg from a far. "Good. Nopony's found it yet." he said to himself. Sky flew off towards town hall, making sure Ty was still in the game. Sky looked on the ground, and saw a unicorn sneaking up on a green pony and a blue pegasus.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter but i'm going to make a part 3 so don't worry! Also, i plan on making my chapters longer after this one, so hope you like that! :)