• Published 9th Jul 2014
  • 6,735 Views, 213 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: Tiberium Wars - Jack of Tales

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Prolouge: The Begining of the End

Your Shepherd has returned. The time has come for the Brotherhood of Nod to take it's rightful place in the world. We will transform ourselves and the planet, and usher in the Tiberium Age. One vison. One purpose.

Peace through Power.

- Kane

"..... And in global news today, the annual GDI Energy Sumit is still under way aboard the space station Philadelpia. Our own Cassandra Blair reports on the landmark goals set for this year's sumit."

The camera cuts to a young women with blonde hair standing outside the Northeastern GDI Administration Center. "Quantum Administrators returned to work here tomorrow, there hoping for a new Fiscal Agenda. According to Director Kingsberg, one of the key talking points for this years Sumit is shifting resources allocation from Defence to Ecology, where the eradication of Tiberium is now veiwed as a more pressing concern than the containment of-----"

A long beep, followed by a large text that says 'Breaking News'. The camera switches back to the anchorman. "Excu...excuse the interuption, but......... we're getting breaking news on the Philadelpia." The camera cuts to footage of the space station, in which an unidentified object crashes into the station, exploding it into a million pieces. "Apparently, just moments ago, there was an accident." Camera cuts to civilians watching the skies. Burning wreckage of the station falls from the atmosphere. "It's obvious that something has gone terribly wrong." Camera cuts back to the anchorman. "We're going to do our best to confirm what we're all seeing but this time we have no idea what possibly could have caused a tragedy of this magniude. We're going to go back live to Cassandra Blair back outside the Northeastern Admin Building. Cassandra."

Camera cuts back to Cassandra, where wreckage of the Philadelpia is falling into the city. "William? William?!?!? I don't know if you can hear me but its incredible. There's so much smoke you can't see more than ten meters and there's debris falling all over the----" An explosion is see in the backround and the camera falls silent.

Camera cuts back to William, who has a disappointed look on his face. He shakes his head. "Unbelievable-----"

The screen goes static for a second. The camera changes to a man who has a short black beard and sports a black robe. The man soon spoke

"The destruction of the Philadelphia was not an accident. It was a merciful bullet to the head of a malignant idealogy. It was the death of fear and the birth of hope. Rejoice, Children of Nod. The blood of your oppressors will flow and fifty years of tyranny will finally end. The tranformation is coming. A new day will dawn. The future is ours."

The camera sizzles for a second before cutting back to William once again. "-------Unbelievable. Hold on. We're getting breaking news now from our Northwestern Affiliate."

Camera cuts to a city under seige. Vertigo bomders and Banshee fighters fly left and right. Flak covers the sky over the city. Camera tilts down to another women of African-American descent, explosions can be heard in the backround. "...........And they just came out of nowhere, no warning, nothing. Bombs started dropping......" An explosion messes with the camera for a second. "....and from what we can tell, there is no sign of GDI retaliation. It is a massacre------" The explosion cuts the camera off.

All across the Eastern Seaboard, Nod troops attack every GDI installation in every region.

This is the start of the Third Tiberium War.

Author's Note:

Handsome Jack here,

This is my first fanfic story,
so crticism is adviced for future storys.