• Published 9th Jul 2014
  • 6,735 Views, 213 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: Tiberium Wars - Jack of Tales

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GDI-Crystal Conundrum 2/2

GDI ZOCOM Forward Base of Operations
10 Miles from the Crystal Empire
Green Zone

"Come in, Anderson? Can you read me? Anderson?!?!" He shouted at the microphone in front of him, trying to get through to his commando. Unfortunately, all he heard was static from the channel, nothing being transmitted. "Damn it!" He banged his fist on the controls in front of him.

"What happened?" Captain Martian questioned. He was already in in his Zone Armor with his rail gun in his hands.

"I lost contact with one of my scouts." He said, not say that it was his commando that was lost. Of course, he didn't believe that he was lost or anything. He knows him better than anyone in his battalion. "I'm betting its just interference from the storm."

"I hope so." The captain said. "We can't afford any more delays. The Barrier is growing by the minute. We have to assault it now!" It was true for what he said. The Barrier had started to expand since they have arrived. It now covered at least half a square mile of the Frozen North, nearly reaching their base.

The commander sighed. "Your right. We can't afford any more delays. We need to destroy the Barrier before it destroys us." He looked back at the controls. "I'll command my forces here while you try to flank around the Barrier." The captain saluted before he left out of the command post, barking orders to his ZOCOM troopers to get ready to move out.

Once he was out of ear shot, he had gone over to the holographic map. "I just hope that he doesn't anything stupid."

Inside the Crystal Empire

"Are you sure that you don't have a plan?" Shining Armor whispered to Anderson as they, along with Cadance, hid in an alleyway near a home. They could see the marketplace down the road crawling with troops. They probably had heard the tall tale signs of fight down below them, or someone must have escaped and told them what was happening. Ponies with the weird gun-like spears were patrolling the place, some behind makeshift barricades with them pointing at the empty streets. Tanks were also rolling around the castle as well, rumbling as they go. In the middle of the patrolling

"How needs plans anyway?" Anderson said as he grabs his fragmentation grenade from one of his poaches. He had a few remaining grenades. He hoped it would be enough for the battle that is to come. Coming out of the alley, he threw the grenade over the barricade. The ponies stationed there saw him threw a strange cylinder towards them. Before they could even investigate, it exploded, destroying the barricade with it.

Anderson started shooting his minigun at the ponies that went to investigate, shredding through their armor like it was paper. As soon as the barricade fell, thousands of imprisoned crystal ponies started charging out of the alleyways and homes, storming the ponies. Some of them were armed with home materials like rolling pins and pans. Some of the former guards raided the armory down in the prison and armed with armor and weapons, guiding the ponies and barking orders. He covered them by firing on the approaching ponies. They didn't have enough time to set up a firing line before the waves of crystal ponies crashed into them. They started beating them up with whatever they could find, even their hooves.

The Equestrian ponies in the courtyard saw what was happening and saw the rows and rows of civilians charging at them. They hesitated. They thought that the humans have broken into the Crystal Empire. They didn't expect the entire populace to rebel against them.

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING?!?!?!" An earth pony guardsmare shouted. "OPEN FIRE ON THOSE TRAITORS! THATS AN ORDER!!" They were hesitant at first, but they didn't waste a second as they aimed their staff guns at the civilians advancing towards them. The civilians saw the massive firing line and started to retreat........They soon fired on the advancing populace

...Only for a massive shield to cover them.

Shining Armor, with his horn glowing, summoned a shield to protect his citizens. Sure, he wasn't born in the Crystal Empire, but he did have a duty as a prince, as a former captain, to protect the innocent. Seeing that their prince was helping them, the charged again with renown vigor. Anderson helped out with the civilians by strafing his minigun left and right on the ponies, forcing them to look for cover. Two tanks have arrived on the scene. The first one started to fire on the massive shield, attempting to break it. Shining grunted and tried very hard to keep the shield up, but he knew he would drop it if they kept this up.

Anderson saw how he was struggling to kept the shield he made up, so he decided to help him. Using his jetpack, he flew across the courtyard. He started shooting his gun while midair, killing any ponies he saw. Once he landed on the ground, he rushes towards the tank on the other side of the courtyard. The crew must have spotted him, as one of the guns on the sides fired beams of magic against him. He dodged left and right as the beams pasted him. One of them hit his shoulder pads, making him stager a bit. He regained his moment and continued on. Using his jetpack again, he boosted up on top of the tank. He saw the hatch and landed on it. The ponies must have heard it, as the hatch opened to reveal a brown unicorn stallion with a white mane. He had a sword in his magical grip and proceeded to swing at him. He caught it in his grip and grabbed a grenade with his one free hand. He pulled the pin with his mouth and dropped it inside the hatch. He then punched the unicorn stallion in the face, making him fall down. He closed the hatch and jumped off of the tanks, before sprinting away.

The tank exploded. Any ponies close to it were blown away. Anderson admired his handy work.

However, that victory was short lived. He felt rumbling behind him. Turning around, he found himself face to face with a tank, its hole already starting to glow. 'Ah shit.' He thought.

The tank was soon surrounded by a pink aura, before it started to lift itself off the ground. The crew that was manning it opened the hatch and got out, screaming as they went. The tank went flying into a group of Equestrian ponies that were shooting at the civilians.

Anderson looked stunned for a second, his mouth hung open. He saw Cadance, a princess he saved from the prison, the so-called 'Princess of Love’, throwing the remaining tanks around like they were toys, hitting some of the Equestrian troop in a bloody mess. She had a fury in her eyes that is like anything he had seen before. NOBODY BUCKS WITH MY DOMAIN OR MY PONIES!!!! I WILL BUCK ALL OF YOU UNTIL YOU BEG FOR MERCY!!!! The surrounding Equestrian ponies were running scared of the enraged princess with tails between their legs.

Shining Armor stood next to Anderson, looking at the scene with his jaw literally hitting the floor. Princess Cadance continued to throw anything that was near her, like trash containers and weapons, and throws them at the soldiers. By this point, the soldiers retreated back to the castle courtyard, most likely to rally any troops. The crystal ponies started finishing off the soldiers by beating them with items in their hooves. They crystal ponies were no strangers to violence. Before Sombra ruled over them, they had beaten back invaders that had threatened their livelihoods. The had fought back against them.

They continued to stare at her before she landed right in front of them. She cleared her throat. "Perhaps we should continue?"

They didn't need to be asked twice.

GDI ZOCOM Forward Base of Operations
10 Miles from the Crystal Empire
Green Zone

"Sir, there’s something happening inside the city!" One of his officers reported. The commander went over to his officer and looked over his shoulders. The screen showed the thermal overview of the Crystal Empire. He could see mini red dots all over the place and smoke coming from the city itself. "It looks like there is fighting going on."

'Anderson, you crazy son of a bitch.' Andrew thought as he looked at the next screen, showing the real overview of the Crystal Empire. The blizzard that had assaulted the had died down, allowing him to actually see what is going on. He saw buildings on fire and thousands of ponies fighting each other. He could see the difference of the ponies, with ones with no armor and sparkling fighting against the golden armored ponies. If he would have to make a guess, it would seem to be an uprising of sorts, and Anderson is somewhat involving. Zooming in, he could see Anderson shooting at the golden ponies. Behind him were two ponies that were helping him. The first one had white fur and a blue man and tail. The next one had a pink fur and a mane and tail that had a mixture of pink, violet, and white.

He couldn't help but smile and shake his head. 'Nothing gets through to this guy.' "Get our units ready for battle." He said to the officer in front of him. "Tell them to make sure they don't fire on the sparkling ponies helping Anderson."

"Yes, sir” The officer replied. He pressed some buttons on his console. Turning back to the holographic map, he saw the blue dots in his base move, along with the ZOCOM troopers aiding them.

'I hope he knows what he's doing'

Inside the Crystal Empire

The entire courtyard was now locked down. Barricades were being built on the entry points to stop or slow the enemies’ advancement. The remaining tanks stood next to the Crystal Heart, ready to fire in case the crystal ponies got through. The remaining mages casted shields on the barricades and started enchanting weapons.

Shinning Armor, Cadance, and Anderson watched the Equestrian ponies from one of the high buildings that overlooked the castle courtyard. Both Shining and Cadance had a worried look on her face. "There is just so many of them." Cadance said as she observed the surrounding ponies. The civilians weren't currently engaging them, as they were back in the marketplace, licking their wounds and healing them.

"Yeah." Shining Armor said. "Our soldiers aren't even fully equipped to go against them." The former soldiers of the Crystal Empire, the ones that were directing the militia during the assault, were also arming themselves with whatever the Equestrians left behind. It wasn't enough to push them back.

"Not if you have a Mammoth Tank rolling in and kicking they're asses." Anderson replied. He pointed at the heart that is connected to some crystal-like tower. "You said that they can clone those?"

"Yes they do." Cadance said to Anderson. "I don't know where the real Crystal Heart is, but I have a feeling that its somewhere in our city."

"That's good." He said. "If we destroy that thing, then GDI will be able to roll in."

Shining looked over to him. "You really think they could help us?"

"Absolutely!" He said with a grin. "Trust me, I know my commander since I was first employed. He would help you guys out."

"If you say so." Cadance said. She looked down on the fortifications below. "But we can't go in with all those fortifications. We need a plan."

"Don't worry, I already have one." He cocked his gun. "I'll distract them with everything that I have. While they will be focused on me, sneak around and try to destroy it."

Shining nodded. "Sure, we'll do that." He glided down towards the ground with the help of Cadance holding him with her hooves. Anderson activated his jetpack and jumped of the building, flying towards the ground.

It wasn't long that he reached one of the barricades that the ponies were behind. He was currently hiding in an alleyway between two houses, where he could see the barricade and the ponies manning it. He didn't know where Cadance and Shining Armor were, but he could guess that they were somewhere around where he's at, waiting for the signal.

He looked over what he had. He had a few rounds of ammo left and only two grenades left. He would make those count. Pulling the pin, he got out from behind the alleyway and threw the grenade. The ponies saw him coming out and started to shout for others near them. The explosion went off, killing some of the ponies that were in close proximity of the blast. The barricade was in ruins. The entire courtyard was in full alert, ponies shouting orders and galloping towards the source. Anderson started to fire behind the building he was hiding in on the ponies when they come towards the ruined barricade. The first group of ponies were shot down. They soon took cover behind the buildings, hoping to avoid the gun fire. Anderson decided to do something about it. Firing a few place shots as to pin them down, he activated his jetpack and flew up towards the roof of the house. At the same time, some of the unicorns in the group started to fire on the cover, along with some earth ponies with crossbows. He hopped from roof to roof as he got closer to the ponies. They didn't seem to know about this and continued to fire on the cover he was once behind. Once he was on top of one of the groups, he fired on them from above. The ponies screamed as they were gunned down.

One of the ponies in the other group shouted something to his comrades. The saw him killing the other group and readied their weapons, but Anderson was quick to jump down and gun them down like the others.

The ponies in the plaza were staring at what they saw. To them, they saw an armored being descending upon the heavens and struck them down without remorse. "GET HIM, YOU MORONS!!!" The mare who was commanding before shouted to the fear stricken ponies. The ponies got out of there stupor and charged him. The pegusus were the fastest ones to get to him, welding swords and other weaponry.

Anderson just grinned. He started to press a few buttons on his wrist, causing his jetpack to activate. He boosted his way into the air and flew straight into the pegasi horde. They were stunned by his bravado, but they still kept coming towards him. He fired his gun at them. He had managed to hit a few of them while the rest scattered in the air.

He dropped down into the floor and heard screaming coming from all directions. Some of the ponies decided to surround him and gang up on him. He once again activated his jetpack, jumping up in the air before they even got close. The result was them colliding with each other. He landed on the ground with safety. A unicorn had a sword in his magical grasp, coming right at him. He tried to fired one shot at one of his front hooves, but he heard to gun click, meaning that it was out of ammo. He put the gun away and got ready to receive him. The unicorn jumped up at him and swung his sword. The sword broke as soon as it struck his armor. The unicorn had a shocked look on his face when Anderson grabbed him by the mane and threw him. However, he didn't take into account the power armor's strength. The unicorn flew all the way to the crystal doors, which caused them to crash down. While he wasn't looking, an earth pony mare jumped on to his backside and started using its front hooves to bash down on him. Luckily, the armor was much tougher than the mare’s hooves, which resulted in her screaming as she held her hooves. He grabbed her mane and threw her into a group of three ponies who were closing in on him. A Gatling gun on the roof started revving up before it started firing at Anderson. The magic beams hit him a couple of times before he moved to cover at a nearby abandon house.

The gun kept on firing on the house, tearing away everything that was inside. He had to go into the kitchen and use a refrigerator as cover. He reloaded his gun, emptying his empty magazine and loaded in another one. This went on for about sometime, before the firing stopped. Confused, he went over to the window and took cover on one of the sides. He wanted to see what was going on. He saw that he was surrounded by ponies. Several unicorns, three earth ponies with their crossbows, twelve pegasi hovering over his houses, and a couple of tanks aiming at him. The earth pony mare from before stood in the middle of the circle. "ATTENTION, HUMAN!" She used her voice amplification spell to him to hear her. "YOU ARE SURROUNDED! GIVE UP AND COME ON OUT! WE WILL MAKE USE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL LIFE WITH THE OTHER NEW FOALS!"

Anderson looked over her withers and saw Shining and Cadance near the Crystal Heart. Their horns were glowing as they're eyes were closed, like they were in deep concentration. Anderson smiled and looked back at the mare. "You'll never take me alive, you four legged freaks!" He flipped them the bird.

The mare looked pissed of more than anything. "KILL HIM!" The unicorns charged their spells and fire on the house. The earth ponies fired their arrows as well. The unicorns inside the tanks fired spell after spell at the house. Anderson hand to make a plan and fast. HE looked around and saw a door that lead to a backyard. Pegasus might be stationed above him, ready to ambush him, but he had no choice. With a charge, he broke through the door and into the backyard. Already, several pegasi were hovering, clutching the potion in their hooves. They were ready to dive-bomb him, but he heaved his gun up and fired away. He had managed to hit a couple of them before they ganged up on him. They released the potions hit him. However, he moved out of the way before it hit him and shot his gun. One of the pegasus was shot in his left wing, which caused him to crash next to another pegasi. They both crash to the ground.

The remaining three pegasus decided to engage him head on. They landed on the ground, glaring at him for killing their comrades. Anderson stared intensely at them, keeping his finger on the trigger. They both stared at each other for a long time, before the remaining pegasus spread their wings and decided to charge at him, screaming as they did. He lifted his gun, aimed down the sights, and fired. He had managed to hit three of the four pegasi. The last one slammed into him, pinning him down on the ground. He brought his hooves down on his face. However, he didn't really pin him down. Anderson had managed to grab him by the throat, and threw him near a swing set in the backyard. The pegasi hit his head on the metal bar the held the thing in place. He slumped into the ground and laid there, stars dancing over his head.

He jumped onto the next roof and aimed his gun at one of the groups of ponies that had come to investigate. Before he started firing, the shield turned bright pink. The saw something shining on the comer of his eyes. Looking over he saw Shining and Cadance glowing got brighter and brighter, almost blinding everyone in the courtyard. He noticed that the fake Crystal Heart was glowing as well. It got brighter and brighter until it completely shattered.

With the fake Crystal Heart destroyed, the shield went down, and the Empire was left completely exposed.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?!?" The commander was nearly almost blinded on what had happened on the screen. He saw the shield, the one that had almost reached the base, exploded into a million pieces.

He had already ordered his troops to get ready to assault the fortified city. They were hesitant at first, seeing as the Barrier was expanding by every second. Thankfully, the Barrier didn't require an Ion Cannon this time. It seems like it was just a weak version of it. The ZOCOM troopers with the railguns had hammered it to death, making it fall back a couple of inches. It wasn't enough, but it did buy them time. He told them that he had a plan and they trusted him for it. In truth, he didn't have a plan. He had to pin his hope on Anderson and what was happening in the city itself. It looks it payed off in the long run.

Before he could call a retreat and summon an Ion Cannon to break the shield, the shield began to glow brighter and brighter, almost blinding everyone in the base. Then, the shield began to crack, like before, then it cracked into a million pieces.

"Sir, it seemed that the shield is down." One of the officers reported. "ZOCOM forces are ready to assault it, as well as ours. Shall we proceed?"

"Do it." Commander Andrew said. From his position, he could see his officers scurrying around the base, going to their posts. He went back to his position on the holographic map. Already, he saw his forces and ZOCOM moving out, heading into the city itself. His assault force consisted of a main body of infantry, a few Wolverines and Titans, and some Goliath APC's. He kept some of his heavier forces in reserve, including the Mammoth MK II in reserve in case something happened that was completely out of control.

He just hoped it wouldn't come to that.

From his position on the roof, Anderson hear what sounded like jets coming towards him. Looking over head, he almost let out a cheer when he saw a group of five Firehawks in a V-formation coming towards the courtyard. Once they were in range of the Remaining Equestrian forces, the dropped bomb upon bombs upon them. Anyone caught within the blast was immediately destroyed. One unfortunate pony was close to the blast zone, scorching his face. Another one had a metal fragment lounged in his neck, blood seeping out of the wound. He soon heard gunfire and explosions coming from the city itself. He could see an outline of a Titan in the distance taking on a group of ponies how weren't at the courtyard to stop it. With one blast out of its side cannon, the group was eliminated.

He heard battle cries coming out of the ruined barricades. He looked over and saw the crystal ponies charging into the soldiers. They must have saw and heard the shooting going on around them and came over to help. It wasn't part of the plan, but he did appreciate the help. The rest of the ponies were taken by surprised by this, but quickly regained from their initial shock and charged at the populace. He decided to join in on the fun. He boosted up on the roof of another house with his jetpack and saw the force that was occupied with the populace. A group of Equestrian ponies were clumped up together, hiding inside that house and shooting at anyone that was in range as they were rushing in. He decided to stop it before anyone else got hurt. Before he could rush over and shoot at them, something came over his head. An Orca Fighter had flew overhead and, surprised fired its missiles at the Equestrian ponies inside the house. The house came tumbling down.

From behind him, he heard Shining Armor whistle. "Man, I hate to admit it, but that was pretty awesome!"

"Yep. It does seem like that." He turned around to see them. They were unharmed, only a few visible scratched on their coats. "It seems like we won this fight."

"It's not over yet." Cadance explained. "We need to find the Crystal Heart and try to restore it. If we don't, then the blizzard would cover this entire place!"

"What are we waiting for?!?" He emptied his magazine and reloaded another one in. "Let's get this shit done!" With that in mind, the trio went through the blasted crystal doors and into the castle.

Inside the Crystal Castle

"Report, anypony?" An old grizzled earth pony mare, Peach Cobbler, asked to her subordinates, and some of the officers of various companies. She had a peach white coat with a black mane and tail, with a little bit of gray in it. Her cutie mark was a pair of peaches that were sliced. They were inside an old war room that had seen better days, but they had cleaned it up since they occupied the Crystal Empire. The table from which they were using had a spell that allowed the table to show the holographic model of the Crystal Empire, and Equestria. Perhaps The blue dots in the city represented Her Majesties Forces while the red dots represented the humans that have entered into the city. The yellow dots were the civilians that have rebelled against the Equestrians. Right now, the situation wasn't looking good. With the shield gone, the humans have entered into the city with those mechanical beasts that they enslaved for their use. What made it even worse was that the civilians they have suppressed were helping the humans.

Another residing 'boom' echoed in the castle, which resulted in the castle shaking. "Our shields are gone! What the buck do you-?!?!" One of the stallions on the hologram said before being cut off completely.

"Look, we can't keep keep this up." One of the stallions, an earth pony with a red coat and a black mane, said. "If we stay here, then we would be slaughtered. These humans are far more advanced than what our princesses said. We need to fall back!"

"Fall back to what??!!?" A pegasus mare said. "The humans have the only exit in this entire Celestia damned wasteland! If we go out, we'll be slaughtered!"

"What if we fought through them?" A young earth pony mare asked.

"If we do that, we might as well paint targets on our backs and yell at them where we are." A unicorn stallion stated. The humans metal monsters will surely find us no matter where we go, and the human’s magic will surely kill is from a mile away. Not to mention that the crystal ponies are helping them. They could be on us the second we step out of the castle." The whole group started yelling each other at this point. Some were arguing to try to hold their ground against the humans and their abominations, while others just wanted to get the hell out of here and far away from them. Some of the ponies who argued knew of the humans might, as they have previous engagements with them that ended in a bloody slaughter for the ponies.

"ENOUGH!" Peach Cobbler yelled. The entire room went silent when she spoke. Her bright blue eyes scanned the entire room before setting on one of the stallions who spoke earlier. "Is there no other way to get out of the Crystal Empire?"

The stallion shook his head. "There is no other way we know."

She sighed, bowing her head. "I see." The explosions gotten closer, indicating the battle cries of thousands of crystal ponies that demand the blood of the Equestrians. She raised her head. "The we would have to surrender."

The room exploded in a furry of yelling and accusations, some calling her a coward while others were calling her insane. "QUIET!!!!" She once again yelled. The yelling had died down. "I know that it isn't something that any of us would do. I don't want to surrender to these stinking apes, but we have no choice. We have no way of get out, nor do we have the numbers to fight back. Even if we try to hold this castle with the Crystal Heart, they would still find a way to get through it. Let's not forget what happened the first time we used it."

They all shivered as they remembered what had happened when they first entered on this world. When the Princesses announced that they were going to save humanity from themselves, and from behind the shield, everypony was swelling with pride. At first, there was fear that they would invade somehow, but those fears were quelled when the Princesses said that they have made copies of the so-called 'Crystal Heart', which made the giant pink shield that cover the entire land of Equestria. Those that didn't accept Celestia's potion would be incinerated. It was so strong that not even human technology and its metal beasts would puncture it.

That is, until now.

She remembered the day the shield went down, a day of chaos and ruin. She was stationed at Las Pegasus when this happened. She was there to oversee the recruitment. May stallions and mares wanted to do their duty to Equestria and started to sign up for the army, happy to do something. Of course, some of the ponies weren't very happy with the whole war thing. Some of the ponies right next to the recruitment station protested about it, saying things like the war is a bad idea. There was even one old stallion who was preaching in town, saying that humanity are gods, and they need to bow before them instead of the princesses. His voice fell over deaf ears as they ignored him, thinking that he is crazy. There was even a funny moment when a young pegasus colt walked up and wanted to sign up. Fortunately, his mother arrived and dragged him home, fussing over him all the while. That moment put a smile and a laugh on anyponies faces.

That was short lived, however.

Some time had passed since she got there. She was inside one of the many restaurants in the marketplace when she heard something from above her. She couldn't describe what it was, but the entire sky brightened up blue for some reason, even though it said that it would be a sunny day. Then she saw it, a beam of blue light pierced the heaven above and come down on the shield. Everyone started to panic, running around while some shut their doors and windows. She had to admit, she was scared beyond belief at first. It's not everyday a beam of blue light came crashing down on the shield like something had fallen out of the sky. She couldn't believe that the humans had possessed this powerful magic. However, when the beam of light stop, the shield was fine, no scratch on it whatsoever. She let out a sigh of relief, but not before she hears a cracking sound. She saw cracks appearing on the shield itself, as if it was actually made of glass and someone dropped it. The cracks grew and grew, until the shield collapsed. The shards suddenly rained down on the city. The ponies soon started running around, scream as the shards landed. The old stallion that was preaching before started...well, preaching, say that it’s the end of the world.

Peach Cobbler quickly got up from her seat and started to take command of the situation, trying to help the civilians by directing them to emergency bunkers. However, she was clubbed over the head by something, which made her fall to the ground and slip into darkness.

She woke up on the outside of Las Pegasus in an emergency camp. She got carried out by an armored pegasus mare and transported here. The doctor who treated her told her that a small piece of metal had fallen off of a roof and hit her in the head. Once she thanks the doctor, she went on her way to help the ponies as best she can. She pasted a lot of injured ponies along the way, some of them where waiting outside the medical tents due to the number of patients they have. They had injuries of all sorts, some of them were missing some limbs.

It didn't take her long to find the one in charge, a middle-aged buck in a royal guard armor, standing in the middle of the camp. He shouted orders to various ponies, how obeyed them with the upmost certainty. She approached him and asked if she would join the search. He said no, saying that they need all the help he could get. He didn't matter if she was in charge of the civilians, they had a job to do. They argued for what seemed like hours, before the stallion snorted and told her to get on an emergency chariot to the city. She did as she was told and jumped on to an emergency chariot located at the end of the camp. They were carrying wounded ponies off of them and recuse teams on and off. She got on one of the chariots that was ready to take off and flew with them. She was miles outside the city, which meant that it took a while to get to the city.

What she saw was something that will haunt her for the rest of her life.

As the chariot touched down, she could see the full extent of the damage that was done. What once was a bright and beautiful city, it became something of a wasteland. Buildings were destroyed by the large shards that rained down on the city. A casino building called Five Shots was split into two by a larger shard. Another large building was destroying, though it looked like somepony had poured hot lava over it, resulting in a twisted version of it. She saw some of the bodies of some ponies how were trampled on during the confusion, which resulted in some deaths. One pony was sliced by the shards into two, showing some of the entrails. She saw a body of a young pegasus mare under a large rubble, her now dead eyes widened in an expression of pain.

Peach almost vomited at the site she seen.

She helped wherever she could, moving rubble with her magic and saving some ponies that were trapped in said rubble. Ever since that day, she had been hailed as a hero to both the city of Las Pegasus and Equestria itself. She was also sad to hear that General Rock, the one in charge of the recruitment of Las Pegasus, was found dead at one of the hotels, crushed by an elevator. Being the closest to him, she was immediately promoted and sent to the Frozen North to subdue the populace there.

"But are you sure it's the only way? Maybe we can send a message to the Princesses. They could save us!" She snapped back to reality by the comment the stallion made. The room murmured in agreement, some were agreeing to this idea.

She shook her head. "They won't be here. They never even cared for us." Everypony gasped at that comment she made, some were even glaring at her.

"How......DARE YOU?!?!" A mare how commanded the sixth company said. "The Princesses will save! They always have! If we could get a fast pegasus to deliver a message, then-"

"YOU DON'T BUCKING GET IT, DO YOU!?!?!" Peach Cobbler yelled. The mare immediately silence. "WE. CAN'T. WIN!! EVEN IF WE FOUND A PEGASUS THAT IS FAST ENOUGH TO DELIVER A MESSAGE TO THE PRINCESS, IT WOULD BE TOO LATE! WE WOULD ALL BE DEAD!" She took a deep breath and sighed. "Like I said, I don't like surrendering to those damn apes, but what chose do we have? They have us outnumbered and outgunned a hundred to one. If we try to fight them, we'll just be slaughtered. It’s not worth it! These are ponies lives we are talking about. Isn’t being alive more important than pride?"

There was silence in the room as everyone was in deep thought. They weighted the options, the pros and cons, and some of the family’s that are waiting for them at home. They all knew it was cowardly, to surrender to the enemy. They all knew it, but they knew that if they didn't, they would die. Many of the ponies in the table were whispering their opinions to each other.

After sometime, one of the stallions cleared his throat. "We have.... come to an agreement." Before he could say any more words, the back wall exploded, throwing everypony on the ground. Peach Cobbler was also on the grown, hearing nothing but ringing in her hears. The guards that weren't caught in the explosion had sprung into action as they withdrew their weapons from beside them. However, the weapons were suddenly surrender by a glowing pink arura. The weapons were grasped from their owners and thrown across the room.

Once everypony was back on their hooves, including Peach Cobbler, they saw who assaulted them.

A large bipedal creature stood before them. It was unlike anything they had seen before. It was twice the size of the regular human soldiers. His armor was bulkier, stronger if the scorches and scratches mean anything. It's hooved-like feet were bigger than anything she has seen. It held a strange weapon in its hand, which looked like a gatling gun she saw when she first came here. Perhaps it’s one of those human magic things they call a 'gun'. Behind it, two ponies she thought she would never see again were standing before her. Shining Armor, former Captain of the Royal Equestrian Guard, and Princess Cadance, Alicorn of Love and former ruler of the Crystal Empire, stood before the gathering general. She says something in the princess’s eyes, something that she and everypony in the room shivered.


"Give. Me. My. Kingdom." Her horn glowed. The weapons that were thrown across the room were surrounded by the same pink arura she had on her horn. The weapons floated in midair, all of them aiming at the surrounded Equestrian's. "NOW!!!!" The fury and rage within her eyes meant that she was serious about what she said.

The Equestrians would later speak about the pink terror and her metal beast.

Mission Accomplished

Author's Note:

It's been soooooooooooooo long since I did this. I apologies for losing some of my touch.