• Published 9th Jul 2014
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The Conversion Bureau: Tiberium Wars - Jack of Tales

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Nod-Cloaked and Daggered 2/2

NOD Forward Base

Outside Foal Mountain Conversation Factory

Green Zone

Kaiden looked at one of the screens as he examined the situation that was going on in the battle.

The battle was a stalemate for both sides. His forces had captured the nearby outposts that made up the entire mountain. It was a slow and bloody battle that was going worse for Nod. While the P.E.R., having GDI vehicles and weapons at their disposal, relentlessly launched attacks on Kaiden's forces. This made it harder for his forces to push up against the traitors of mankind and the ponies that promised them a "different way". The mountain pass made it harder for his vehicles and War Mechs to pass through. Subterranean attacks were out of the question, due to the fact that the base was on the very top of the mountain. Plus, the shield was also still up, denying his forces from pushing against the enemy. While they did had somewhat of a numeric superiority over Kaiden and the loyal followers of Nod, they were working closely with ponies. This meant that they had to take orders from the ponies, ones that want to give humanity a chance to "convert their filthy human ways."

However, they weren't dealing with just any normal commander. They were dealing with the "Legendary Insurgent" himself, and that would prove to be their downfall.

"HADES, open a comlink to Natasha." Kaiden said as he looked at the giant screens that showed a bird's eye view of the battle going on. He had gotten off of the Montauk and was currently stationed at the Command Post that they already set up. Various officers and soldiers were scrambling to their posts while others were at their stations directing his forces. Two large screens were present. One large screen showed a blue outline showing blue and red dots on the map of the mountain. The blues represent his forces while the red arrows represent the enemy. The other screen showed the battle in real time.

There were also smaller screens that showed the base he was in. He could see War Factories working on ever vehicle he could think of, ranging from Scorpion Tanks to Avatar War Mechs. He had built laser fences along the perimeter of the base. The outpost he captured wasn't big in a sense, but he made some defenses in place in case some of those PER heretics tried anything. Three gates, two in the front near the mountain and one in the back, were the only entrances he put in place. Two Shredder Turrets and two Laser Cannons were being built on the other side of the wall, with the nodes connecting to the turrets being built inside his base. The nodes themselves served to power the turrets, and repair them when necessary. It was thanks to Nod technology that this happened. His Air Towers were launching Banshees, Vertigo Bombers, and Vipers into the air and traveling towards the front lines. Several air pads were located right next to the Air Towers themselves, several Black Wing and Carryall transport choppers grounded there. They were being filled with both infantry and cyborgs, ready to be transported to the frontline.

Looking over to the other screen, it showed a makeshift railroad staging area currently being operated by his troops. He found out that the underground railroad system ran from Manehattan to Vanhoover also ran under the outpost he was in. As soon as he found out about it, he ordered his engineers to utilize the railway system to their advantage. After some time, they had managed to blow a hole into the ground and use the train system to transport troops from Manehattan. Even Ajay sent in a few of his own troops to assist Kaiden. He could see troops unloading ammunition of various kinds from the train. One particular personal was carefully unloading a box full of Tarantula Drones as to not drop them. A squad of Cabal were leaving the train, their long cloaks with a symbol of the Black Hand seen on the back of his armor.

He changed his vision to the pad he had in his hands. Just like the ones on the screen, he could see the battle going on. With a tap of his fingers, he saw the see the mountain factory from the large screen, seeing its vehicles and infantry coming out. The factory looked more like a massive fortress if anything. Various turret emplacements were scattered among the mountain base, ranging from Obelisk laser towers to GDI RPG towers. There were also anti-air emplacements scattered as well among the base. Even if they managed to break through the shield, the Vertigo Bombers that Ajay will send from the Manehattan based will be shot down before the could even bomb the base itself.

'That will certainly be a problem.' He thought as he looked at the base defense. He only hoped that the pony mafia member kept his end of the bargain.

"Contact has been established. Visual on screen." The large screen changed to Natasha's face, her short black hair is the only thing he can remember of her.

"What is the situation on your end?" Kaiden said to Natasha.

"We have already captured the outpost without any problems." Natasha gave her report to the commander. "We have also acquired several PER vehicles and armor to allow us to enter the base undetected."

"Has the outpost sent an alerting signal to the main base?"

She shook her head. "No, Commander. Our Saboteurs have made sure that our presence remains undetected."

Kaiden was pleased to hear that everything had gone well without a hitch. "Good." He said. "Our "friend" says that the checkpoints are entirely manned by ponies alone and that all of them have been bought off by now." He didn't trust the unicorn pony's word. Hell, he didn't trust Batter Up to keep his end of the bargain. Still, he was the only one that could help Nod infiltrate the mountain base from within. "Once your inside, do whatever is necessary to shut down the shield, and cause enough mayhem while you are at it."

"Understood, Commander." Natasha said as she saluted.

"Oh, and give take the commander of that base alive. I have some......" plans" for him." With that, the transmission between them had shut off, leaving Kaiden once again observing the battle.

He had hoped that everything he had done up to this point would come into fruition.

Inside Conversion Factory. Codename: Olympus
Somewhere in the Pacific
Green Zone

To say that the factory where the PER are stationed at the mountain would be a gross understatement. To a passing aircraft, it would look more like a tiny village than anything else around the area.

That is because they haven't seen the inside.

Nestled in a dormant Volcano, the Factory base looked more like a big city than anything. A large gate was present on the outside of the base. The building itself was several feet wide, enough room for more than one vehicle to maneuver through. On top of the huge gate was a variety of Nod and GDI defenses. On to two sides of the gate were Nod Obelisks, absent of the red glow and replaced with a purple glow. Various GDI and Nod buildings were scattered all over the place, each one making vehicles or aircraft for the war to come. Several GDI and Nod airstrips were hugging the left side of the base, various aircraft ranging from Firehawk's and Banshee's were being flown from the battlefield and back. Anti-air defenses of GDI and Nod variety dominated the circle of the volcano, each one aiming at the sky incase some unlucky bastard gets in its sights. Several buildings were embedded in the walls of the volcano itself. One of the buildings itself was a large factory at the base of the mountain. Pink clouds were coming out of the long cylinder chimneys, something that would baffle any scientist.

"Jesus, look at the size of this place." One of the Nod infiltrators said as they watched from the inside of the Goliath. There were no windows in the APC to look out of, so they had to rely on the camera mounted on the turret to see everything. "It's even bigger than Temple Prime."

"No kidding." Another Nod soldier wearing a PER uniform said. "I think it's much bigger than New York."

While the others were awestruck at the base, Natasha was currently checking her weapon for anything scratches or rusts on it. The last thing she needed was the weapon malfunctioning while in a firefight.

They had successfully infiltrated the base with no resistance. They had attacked the base they were in with no casualties, save for a few wounded troopers. After that, they had managed to find some PER uniforms laying around in the armory and decided to wear them to avoid suspicion. They soon took the vehicles out of the garage and started to move out towards the mountain base. The trip was silent for the most part, except for the occasional chatter among the troops.

When they finally got to the gate, they meet up with the mares and stallions in said gate. Batter Up's bribe came through to the stallions and mares in the station. With that being said, they allowed the gate to be open for her men, allowing the Nod infiltrators to successfully infiltrate the base.

"Soo, where do we go from here?" A Shadow Team member said as the APC kept rumbling.

"According to the map we found, there should be a parking garage somewhere in the base," Natasha said as she kept checking her rifle. "Once we are out of sight from the PER, we are to find the shields and destroy them." It was easier said than done. She had done missions like this since she was first indoctrinated into the Brotherhood. Back then, they didn't have to worry about some cute little bastards running around converting everyone into more of them.

"We are getting close to the garage." The driver said to his cohorts.

Natasha looked at the screen. She didn't see the garbage per say, but she did see several long square rectangles that are common in a parking lot. In fact, it looked more like those parking lots back in GDI territory. The garage itself was embedded to the mountain, where she could see various GDI and Nod vehicles coming in and out. There was also a small post there, where an earth pony mare was reading a newspaper while looking bored. Natasha didn' know how the mare was holding the newspaper with nothing but her bare hooves, but she ignored it.

She saw through the camera that the APC was approaching the building and soon saw only darkness.

'Looks like we're in' She thought as she felt the sharp twists and turns from inside the vehicle. Whoever had designed the place must want someone to get killed. She was lucky that she was wearing a seatbelt around her waist.

It continued on for what seemed like hours until the vehicle pulled to a stop. "Alright, everyone out." She said to her cohorts. At her command, the ram slowly reeled down, allowing her and her Shadow Team to go outside.

As she had suspected, the garage was indeed inside the mountain itself. She could see granite all around her, including the floors themselves.

"Alright, here's the plan." She started to get everyone's attention. "You two" She pointed at two Nod personal in PER armor. "will find where the shield is being held at. When you find it, destroy it." She then pointed to three of the Shadow Team members. "You three will come with me." She looked back at the rest of the squad members. "The rest of you will stay and guard the vehicle, but I want you to move it somewhere close to the exit. It may be our only getaway vehicle.

"What about you." One Shadow Team member said as he checked his pistols. "What will you be doing?"

She craned her neck and smirked, her face twisting into an evil grin. "I'm going to pay a visit to someone special."

Commander Ryan Mccloden looked at the screens that showed him the battle before him. He saw that his forces were being pushed back by those whom he once called his friends and allies. While he knew he outnumbered the Brotherhood ten to one, The PER commander knew that facing off the so-called "Legendary Insurgent" was suicide. They all knew who he was, how brutal he was in the Third Tiberium War, and the tactics he used that almost brought GDI to heel. Even Nod members who have once served under him knew what was to come.

Ryan, however, was convinced that Kaiden was fighting a losing battle. As long as they were safe under this shield, nothing could stop him.

The PER commander saw his lines moving back towards the base. Kaiden was winning the battle, but it was far from over. He had heard from Canterlot that they were sending in reinforcements to aid him in battle. They told him that several battle airships and destroyers were on their way to assist him. They told him that it would be a little while before they arrive, so he and his men would have to hold them back for as long as they can. They were already safe behind the shield that covered the entire base and the conversion factory. No matter how many times Kaiden would bomb this place, the shield itself would never break.

Hell, he might as well try to use an Ion Cannon on this thing.

He marveled at the advanced shielding technology that the ponies had. Humanity had developed shielding during the two Tiberium Wars years ago, but never to as close as this. To think that this shield is impenetrable is something to behold.

This is why he chose to be with the PER

He didn't always work for the PER. In fact, he would see this as heretical to join something that didn't go along with Kane's vision. But he had seen what humanity has become, and he knew that through conversion, would their world be saved from a horrible fate.

Like many of his personal here, he was once a simple Nod commander with his own base settled in the Korean Peninsula. When the Third Tiberium War began, he was ordered to attack the GDI city of Nagasaki. The city itself is important to Nod forces stationed in the Pacific. It was a large base that held a lot of supplies, including an arsenal of nukes. Capturing this would not only greatly increase morale for Nod, but they would have an arsenal of nukes to use on GDI cities around the world.

Prior to his invasion, he landed off the coast of Niigata undetected and continued on to Nagasaki. He made sure send his scouts over to Nagasaki to see what he was dealing with. From what the scouts reported, the security was high, due to the war going on. The cities defenses, if it would be called that, were many. There were a high number of turrets and anti-air emplacements all around the city. There were even several Mammoth Tank MKII all around the city.

Going in there would be suicide. However, Nod has a few followers that could.....get the job done.

He waited for several hours until explosions were heard all around the city. He saw that loyal followers have hit some few military centers on the map. It wasn't much, he could use the distraction to sneak troops into the city.

With that in mind, he attacked Nagasaki immediately.

He attacked the city from both sides. The first forces lead an amphibious assault on a major trading port in the area. With that, he calls on his Destroyers to bombard the city. While this was happening, he leads another group near the outskirts of the city. The fighting on the front was rough, especially since it was heavily fortified. However, his forces from the amphibious assault from earlier had flanked the towers while they were pinning his forces down. They had never expected a flank from both sides.

By the time GDI had to regroup its forces, half of the city had already been overrun. Their forces were ready to rout after several of their Mammoth Tanks were destroyed, along with half of their forces from the unexpecting assault. He also captured some important Tiberium facilities inside the city itself, allow his mechanized forces to refuel and rearm.

The battle was going well. His forces have routed the city defenders, and his aircraft controlled the skies. The GDI forces were almost on the run, and the city would soon be his.

His dreams were soon crushed.

While the battle was going on, he heard a report from one of his scouts that a large GDI force from Hawaii was heading to Nagasaki. At first, he dismissed it, knowing that there wasn't a chance that GDI had called for reinforcements since he had knocked out their communications early on in the battle. Just then, he heard an explosion on the other side of the harbor. A soldier reported that three of their destroyers were blown up, and he could see several unknown ships on the horizon. He shifted his birds-eye view of the battle to the harbor, where he could see the destroyed remains of the report from one of his destroyers that several GDI battleships, as well as several ships heading to the harbor. He counted four destroyers and a couple of aircraft carriers, with Firehawks and Orca Bombers already in the air and heading to the city. He could also see a lot of carriers heading towards the shore.

Filled with GDI reinforcements.

In quick succession, his forces suddenly became overwhelmed by the reinforced GDI. Between the bombardments from both the destroyers and the bombers, as well as the assaulting infantry and tanks, his forces were cut in half. He tried to send in more troops to assist him, but GDI was already gaining ground throughout the city. His remaining forces were routed and driven from the city.

With his forces defeated, he retreated back to the Korean Peninsula and set up his defenses in case they would try to attack him.

He tried to contact Temple Prime to see if he could get some reinforcements to his base. He knew that GDI would likely try to attack his base while he was weakened. The officers that tried to contact Temple Prime had been unsuccessful. They say that they couldn't contact Temple Prime, saying that the couldn't find any signal anywhere. He argued with them to keep trying. He was increasingly paranoid now, both from the fear of a GDI counterattack and Temple Prime not responding. Surely, something couldn't have happened to it.

It was not twenty minutes later that a signal was found. It was not from Temple Prime like he expected it to be. Instead, it was from Kilian. This was broadcast on all channels, including his. She had a message that would shake him to his very core, a message that would change his life forever.

Kane was dead, and Temple Prime was destroyed by the ponies.

He looked outside into the base he fortified, seeing fellow men and ponies working together to overthrow their tyrannical governments and usher in a new world order. While it was sad that he was fighting against his people he had once considered his comrades, it was necessary for the future of this world.

Besides, the ponies said they might have found a way to eliminate the Tiberium from this world.

This wasn't some idle propaganda he heard from some random propaganda he found. From what he heard, the ponies had found a way to deal with the Tiberium of this world, something that has never been done since it first came to Earth. GDI had said that Tiberium was dangerous and that long exposure to it would result in the crystallization of your skin or death. Kane had said that Tiberium is a gift to humanity, that it would lead to a new age in human evolution. Whichever was true or not, it was destroying Earth like it had been for years. It was a miracle that GDI had found a way to contain it.

He was currently inside one of the command centers that overlooked the entire base. Two doors occupied the room, the main one and the one right next to him in case something happened. The rest of the room consisted of consoles detailing every part of the base, from its infrastructure to the battle going on. On the far left He was lucky that the base was built on a dormant volcano. The crater itself was huge, enough for a base to be built. Plus, there was still lava down there to be used for thermal energy. The pink shield that surrounded the base did its job as it held against artillery bombardments and bombing runs by Kaiden's forces. He knew that it would hold them off until reinforcements from Canterlot would come and save them.

All in all, it was a good day for him.

"How are the shields holding up?" Turned and asked one of his subordinates. All around him he could see humans and ponies working together in harmony, something he would stand and die for. Of course, after all was said and done, he and the rest of the humans would be transformed into ponies under the watchful gaze of Celestia.

"Shield is still holding at 100%." A unicorn mare with a pink coat and a blue mane and tail said while she was seated on the control panel. "Also, the last of our outposts have been captured by Kaiden's forces. They have us completely surround and are preparing for a siege."

"Good." He said with a sly smile on his face. "The shield will hold on while we wait for reinforcements from Canterlot to come." Now all that they have to do is sit back and relax, and not worry about anything else. The base was firmly secure, and every patrol reported that nothing had come in. Now he could just go to the break room to finish that-

An explosion rocked the entire command center, nearly knocking Ryan off his feet.

He had managed to grab onto something to prevent him from falling. Someone was saying something "What was that?!?!?!" A random human officer said. He couldn't tell what

Ryan looked outside the glass window to see the damage. He was thankful that none of the military structures were damaged, or the power generators that powered up the base with thermal energy.

However, his relief turned to horror when he saw where the explosion came from.

A small C-like building was in flames. Half of the building was reduced to rubble like it was hit by artillery. He could see some of his soldiers already on the scene, some trying to put out the fire while others were running around helping whenever they can. He could already see wounded coming out of the building. All around him he could see some of his soldiers trying to put out the fire, either with buckets of water or fire hoses stashed somewhere in this base.

It was chaos down there, but it wasn't compared to what happened next.

The entire pink shield had suddenly form cracks from the continued bombardment, something that has never been done before. With one lase barrage, the shield that protected them for so long suddenly broken form the assault. It broke like glass being smashed, pieces of the shield fell upon the base. While some of them were small, a few of the pieces were large enough to do damage to the base. Luckily, the missed all the important structures, but it didn't matter.

The shield center, the one that protected them from Kaiden and his forces, was destroyed

His eyes widened as he says their one and only advantage destroyed. "No." He whispered. Someone was trying to ask him something, but he ignored them and focused on the ruined structure. Who was this possible? This base is encircled by the Barrier, and nothing can come in or out unless the user controlling the shield wanted them to. Was there a spy among them? If so, was he/she here by the beginning?

The large door that leads into the command center was suddenly blown open, killing a human official near it.

He quickly turned around, just in time to duck as a laser missed him by a long shot. He yelped as the shot missed him, only grazing his left cheek. He quickly got into cover as soon as several other shots hit the position where he was at, causing the window to shatter. A few other shots entered the room, killing a few guards in the process. The others that were still alive were quickly grabbing their own rifles or vitals. He felt pain on his cheek as he saw the intruders that almost killed him.

A woman in a PER uniform, along with three others in PER uniform, had entered the room and started shooting, killing three guards before they could retaliate. The personal in the room panicked, either trying to get out the front door or hiding under their stations. The guards, both human and pony, started to fire at her, which caused them to move to cover. A few beams came out of that one woman's rifle, hitting a few of his colleagues in the head. She continued to hit them with deadly precision meaning she was a markswoman of sorts. The first laser hit a unicorn mare holding an assault rifle in the chest, while the second one hit her in the head. The next one hit a human guard in his left arm, the guard screaming in pain as his entire arm blew off. The next two shots hit both a human and a pegasus stallion in the head, killing them instantly. An earth pony with a purple vital in its mouth charged at the human, jumping on a console before jumping into the air at the intruder. She saw it coming and aimed her rifle at the pony, a red beam hitting him squarely in the chest. He dropped the vial on another marine in the process, causing the marine to scream and spaz as the potion took effect. The women shoot the soldier a couple of times, leaving a fully gray earth pony mare lying dead on the ground.

"Sir, we have to go!" He heard a voice shouting next to him. He turned and saw a marine crouched next to him. marine said to the commander, snapping out of his daze. "We need to-" A stray beam had hit him in the chest, causing him to fall down dead before him.

He got out of cover and almost went towards the exit, right before a stray bullet hit him in the knee.

He fell to the ground, screaming as he felt pain in his knees. Blood was oozing out of his knee. His clenched his eyes and teeth shut as pain once again flare up. He had never once been shot during the war, always safely away from the frontlines. He heard from the other troopers that there would be

He heard the firefight dying down to the last few shots. He had hopes that the intruders were killed. "You three, secure the room." He heard the female say to her subordinates. He heard footsteps coming towards him. He opened his eyes and saw the women from before. "You know, for being a "secure base," it's almost too easy getting in." She said with a smirk on her face.

"You....fucking...bitch." He gritted his teeth, showing defiance even though he might die here.

He felt her foot connecting to his stomach, making him wince in pain. "That is no way to treat a lady like that." The woman said. He soon felt something pressing against his cheek. "I would love nothing more than to kill you right here and now, traitor, but we have orders from Kaiden to capture you." He saw the rifle being lowered. She then ordered one of her subordinates here, an older man with black hair and a scar on his face. "Don't worry. We'll make your trip much more...comfortable." The subordinate lifted his feet and brought it down on his face.

The last thing he felt once again was pain.

NOD Forward Base
Foal Mountain
Green Zone

Kaiden watched with glee as the shield that had become a nuisance for so long was finally being broken in front of him. Literally in this case.

He wasn't there when GDI first blew up the so-called "Barrier" that had protected ponies from human retaliation and destroying any technology that it came across. He had heard stories about how nothing could destroy it, as a couple of prisoners praised. However, he did see GDI's Ion Cannon coming down from the heavens and destroying the Barrier like it was nothing

He pressed a few buttons on his console, opening up a line with Ajay. In a split second, Ajay's face appeared on the screen

"The shields are down, and the base is wide open for an attack." Kaiden said to Ajay.

Ajay grinned at the news. "Well hot damn. You actually did it." Ajay said. "A bomber is on its way as we speak. It should be there soon"

Kaiden raised an eyebrow. "One bomber?" He questioned. He had served with Ajay during the duration of the Third Tiberium War. They had worked together in important campaigns in North America, Brazil, and even Temple Prime. There was no way he would send in one bomber into the base.

Ajay smirked. "Well, it just so happens I've got a little "surprise" coming in." He said.

Kaiden was very confused about what he meant by this "surprise" until it finally clicked in him. "You don't mean..."

Ajay nodded. "Yep. I suggest you get your boys out of there before the shit storm hits." His face soon disappeared from the screen.

Kaiden soon pressed a few more buttons on his armchair, bringing up an image of Natasha inside what he assumed was a transport of sorts. "Has the....package been secured." He asked.

Natasha nodded. "Da. We have the commander with minimal casualties."

"Good. I want you and your team to get out of there as fast as you can. Ajay just sent in a bomber carrying a nuclear bomb, and it would be here within 30 minutes." Kaiden said. The last thing he wanted was his favorite commando being killed inside a traitors base.

"We will make haste then. We will see you on the other side." She said before her communicator was clicked off.

"Order all our forces to pull back, and I also want this base destroyed the moment we evacuate." Ordered Kaiden. Immediately, his officers gave the order to all is divisions to pull back.

Kaiden looked at the screen showing his forces, who were now pulling back from the frontlines. The PER would be confused by this, and some would assume that they had won the day.

'If only they knew what was coming.' Kaiden said as he smirked.

Thirty Minutes Later....

A large, bright explosion was seen from the far side of the mountain, a mushroom cloud forming on top of said mountain. Kaiden had to shield his eyes for a minute before the light died down. He and his divisions have managed to get out of harm's way before the bomb dropped. Right now, he and his forces are resting on flat land, where finally rsBlackbird transports and

'I swear, I think Ajay is a little insane.' Kaiden thought as he saw the mushroom cloud form over at the once large base. When he first met Ajay after his indoctrination into the Brotherhood, he seemed like a swell guy. He was a true loyal commander to Kane's cause.

However, sometimes he thinks he's a little too loyal to Kane's vision.

He turned around to see his forces already getting ready to leave. Already, he could see several Blackbird transports already picking up troops and vehicles all the way from Manehatten. The Montauk was also present as well, the ramp to his transport already loading some of his more elite troops. He decided it was too risky to fly with the rest of his unit back to Manehatten. He would use the Montauk to tunnel his way back to the city.

He saw Natasha coming up to him, now back in her own cloths. She gave him a firm salute. "Natasha, how is our guest doing?" He said. He was referring to Commander Ryan's capture. Natasha and her team escaped the facility via Orca Transport, safely returning them and the now captured Commander Ryan back to Kaiden's base.

"He's doing well. I had to shut him up when his preaching was causing me a headache." Natasha said.

Kaiden smirked. "Well, at least he won't be a bother for a while." His expression turned serious. "However, this presents us with another dilemma. How many of our generals and commanders have turned over to the PER?" It was a dilemma indeed. Not only did they turn traitor and decided to work with a psychopathic bitch, but now they know every military secret within the Brotherhood. He could only imagine what kind of secret they could uncover.

However, he would have to worry about that another time.

"If there are traitors within Nod, we'll stomp them out, no matter what." Natasha interrupted his train of thought.

He noded in acknowledgment. "Your right. We'll find them and crush them. In the meantime, we must regroup our forces at Manehattan. We need to get out of here before those reinforcements arrive." He said. He didn't want to be here when the reinforcements get here.

With a simple nod, she went on her merry way, climbing onto the ramp and disappearing inside.

Kaiden looked at the mountain one last time, seeing the mushroom cloud dispersing after a while. Radiation would be active in the area, but this action would send a message to the rest of the traitors that are working with the Equestrians.

With one last look at the destroyed base, we went back to the Montuak, knowing in his hear that there will be tougher battles to come.

Mission Accomplished