• Published 9th Jul 2014
  • 6,724 Views, 213 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: Tiberium Wars - Jack of Tales

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GDI-Tokyo Trouble 3/3

Outside of Tokyo, Japan
GDI territory (currently under seige by PER forces)
Blue Zone

".....And I want several Juggarnuts along the ridge over there." Commander John McCoy said to his assistant as he pointed to said ridge he was talking about. From their position on the hilltop overlooking the trench line, they observed his army preparing trenches and mines and barbwire outside of the city. "The basterds may have some magic shmagic shields on their sides, but let's see what happens when they face good old GDI steel." An old man in his 50's, he sported a Wild Bill mustache that was well-trimmed. His short black hair had seen better days since he didn't have time to shower before coming here. He was currently wearing the standard GDI armor but the helmet was replaced with a bright blue beret with the symbol of GDI at the top. His bright green scanned the battlefield.

"At once sir." Henery Valkov said as he pushed his glasses to adjust them. He is a young man in his mid 20's. His short blond hair was hidden under the military cap he wore. His hazel brown eyes scanning his paper to make sure everything was in order. He wrote everything down in his notepad that he keeps on him at all times, his pencil furiously scribbling down whatever the commander ordered. Already, an Orca transport flew in and slowly hovered down to the ground. Once it had touched the ground, the ramp opened up to reveal three Mammoth Tanks and several Goliath transports climbing down the ramp. A number of troopers were riding on the tanks themselves, eager to get into the fight if he is not mistaken. Meanwhile, somewhere beyond the trench line, several Disk Throwers were digging small patches of dirt and laying down the fragment disks before burying them. Several large trenches were built for the Mammoth Tanks and Titans Walkers for firing positions. From up on the ridge that overlooked the city, several Juggarnauts were already setting up, aimed at the city.

It was a pretty good defense overall, but it won't stop the Newfoals if what half of the rumors say about them was true.

The call had come as a surprise to both of them. They were in Northern China dealing with a PER conversion factory first reported by a nearby Blue Zone garrison. The PER were the newest faction that had to arise during the same time the ponies invaded Earth. While the members had mostly been a low terrorist organization, they had expanded in recent weeks by accepting both GDI and Nod members into their ranks; especially with Nod after the death of Kane. The large influx of NOD believers and military officers defected to the PER, along with several members of GDI who decided that fighting against the growing Barrier was futile at most.

At least, that was the popular opinion until the Barrier was destroyed by the Ion Cannon

After finding out that the PER have a hidden conversion factory near the mountains, John deployed as many troops as possible to destroy it. It was a tough battle against the PER, as they used a mix of Nod and GDI vehicles and defenses to delay them as long as possible. They had forgotten that John didn't know the meaning of "delay", as he would just throw in Mammoth Tanks at the defenses and hope for the best. "There is never enough Mammoth Tanks on the field." He would say. "If we had enough Mammoth Tanks, then the Martin ponies wouldn't be invading us!"

After destroying the facility (and much of the Zangu Mountain region), they have received a call from none other than Commander Andrew. The nature of the call was that Tokyo was lost and the PER were using massive waves of the Newfoals to overrun the city. He needs help with containing them as best as possible until reinforcement can be called in. Since his forces were the closest thing in the Asian theatre, he had answered him immediately and begin loading his troopers inside the transports before taking off. They soon landed several miles from the city itself, where they had received another transmission from Andrew that his troops were already falling back.

"I'm telling you, Henery," John said as he inhaled in the nicotine from the cigar he was smoking. He blew out a puff of smoke from his lip. "If we were in charge of this operation, we would be charging those four-legged basterds back to Mars where they belong." A grizzled veteran of the first two Tiberium Wars, John was as much gunhoe in his dealings with a terrorist than most. He would rather sacrifice at least ten Mammoth Tanks to destroy a heavily armed Nod base. Which was where Henery, his new assistant, came it. His mission, while overseeing the Pacific operations against Nod and the ponies, he was also supposed to keep John McCoy in line and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. In retrospective, he should have known what he would have gotten into.

Although, in his case as much as he hated to admit it, he was right.

"For the last time, sir: They don't come from Mars," Henery said as he sighed. "They come from the land of Equestria which had shown up several weeks ago." He couldn't believe it was seven weeks since the arrival of a nation full of color ponies. The ponies have discriminately attacked both GDI and Nod bases during those seven weeks, up until the Barrier, as it was called, shattered by an Ion Cannon. With the barrier gone, GDI launched a counteroffensive before the ponies could scramble defenses. The same goes for Nod as well, though last he heard Kane had died at Sarjavo by the ponies. IT would have been a time for celebration if it wasn't for the ponies right now. Now the color horses were on the defensive and fighting a war on both sides.

"That's what they wanted us to think, Henery," John said as he took a drag from his cigar. "They might have flying saucers over Washington as we speak, but they made one crucial error." He blew out a puff of smoke from his left lip. "They forgot that I can resist their mind-control technology." Henry groaned as he mental face slap himself. The one thing he hated about John was he was so dead set in his ways of think. Once he thinks of a plan, there was no point in arguing with him about it. Henery had been lucky a few times in the past. "They tried to throw it that back in Northern China, and they got their cream-colored asses handed to them."

"They don't have mind control powers, sir," Henry explained. It wasn't technically true or false. The serum they had used during the war had transformed humans into one of those smiling monsters, which both sides refer to as a "Newfoal". Upon studying the captured Newfoals, it was revealed that there was some sort of molecules in the serum itself that allowed the transformed humans to be individually controlled. His brain already hurt just by thinking about it, as the scientists tried to explain it in extended detail.

"Again, Major. That's what they want you to think." John said as he saw his army preparing for a long siege ahead. A group of Titans were strolling across the battlefield getting into position right behind a group of trenches to the gith side of the valley they occupy. MLR's were standing on top of a ridge that separated a system of trenches dug out, its rockets ready to take off once the Newfoals breakthrough. "You got to stop being mind-controlled, son. It isn't good for the mind." Once again, Henery groaned as he facepalms. He will never get it. "That's where they made the mistake right there: The Newfoals are incredibly stupid, Major." He was not wrong. While the Newfoals could overrun a GDI defense with sheer numbers, both sides learned later on that they lack the intelligence of a sentient being. This was considered a huge advantage, as both sides would use nuclear weapons should they retreat from the battle. While he was hurt by the death of these transformed people, he had to remind himself that there was no other way to save them.

There are rumors that the big brains in the GDI science division are coming up with a countermeasure for the serum effects. He hoped to god that such a thing was possible before more die.

He pushed his glasses to the bridge of his nose. "I'm sure the ponies won't be stupid enough to just charge this defensive line." He said. "They would probably be tired and regrouping by the time Andrew and the Steel Talons retreat from the city."

"Ah, but that is what they want us to think." John interrupted. "The aliens will use their flying saucers to overcome our defenses, but we have AA guns stationed at every corner of the battlefield. They won't use their mind control minds very soon." Henery felt his blood pressure rise and a vein forming on his forehead. 'Someone please kill me now.' He thought. "And another thing, we-" John was about to say something when the ground suddenly shook beneath his feet. He wasn't the only one that felt it, as his commander was having trouble catching his footing. The GDI troopers were also feeling "What in my mother's personal hell fuck is that, major?!?!!"

"I don't know!" He yelled as he tried to not fall over. The vibrations were increasing every passing minute. Was there an earthquake going on right now? "It could be an earthquake!"

"Major! General!" A GDI soldier stumbled from all the shaking as he came up to both of them. "Something is going on near the city. You might want to see it for yourself!" Both he and John followed the trooper to the edge of the cliff that overlooked the ocean leading into Tokyo Bay. He could already see a gathering of GDI troopers as they stared out into the ocean, almost like they are seeing something out there. Was it another PER invasion fleet coming to Tokyo Bay? Or has Nod finally see the city underfire and decided to invade them as well?

Both John and Henery pushed through the crowd of troopers until the could finally see the ocean. What he had saw would definitely haunt his nightmares.

The sea right next to the harbor bubbled as if something was starting was rising up from the water. At first, he thought it was some sort of submarine that was either theirs or the enemy. However, his earlier suspicions were dashed when he saw what looks like a head slowly emerging from the water. It looked like one of those samurai mask helmets he once saw at the Smithsonian back in DC. It's scary faces looking directly at them, almost like it sees the small ants gathered at the cliff as prey. The rest of the body slowly rises up from the water.

Well, bodies was the correct term.

Another three heads were seen on each side of the walker, along with another three bodies stationed at the tripedal base. Although he was far away, he could see that the giant mech was bigger than the whole city. The walker's upper body pivots on the tripedal base, spinning each of the bodies around. Each of its hands were carrying a samurai sword with the bade itself glowing an eerie blue. The outside of the base had the colors of the iconic red sun that are the symbol of Japan.

His jaw literal hit as the mech finished rising.

"Now that......is something else." John murmured as he looked at the mech as he did. He couldn't agree with him on that. This mech was huge; huge enough to crush the city with one passing. How did they not notice something like this sooner?!?! Did the enemy control it?!? How long have the Japanese withheld this information?!?!

The mech started to move, its tripedal legs making it seem like it would fall over at any second. At first, it seemed to be heading towards them. Some of the GDI troopers, seeing the mech approach, dropped their weapons and ran away. He couldn't blame them for running away. Commander John was busy staring at the thing to notice his men running away. He wanted to tell him to get out of the way as well, until he saw the mech slowly turning away

And started to make its way to the harbor.

While it was lumbering, its tripedal base started moving a little, with each of the bodies moving their swords around for the show. Once the got close to the harbor, one of its bodies slashed its sword down on the container ship, slicing it in half before said ship exploded. He could hear yelling from the docks even from his location. The giant continued to lumber on, the bodies continuing to swing its swords as more explosions came directly from the harbor.


"Yes, sir?"

".......I want one of those."

Andrew's jaw literally hit the floor. The same goes for both Princess Candace and Shining Armor. In fact, he would go so far as to say that everyone in the bridge had their jaws hit the floor. He couldn't really blame them.

Especially if they saw a three hundred-foot freaking mech running rampant on the PER harbor.

As he had predicted, the PER were using Newfoals to rush every position on the front and overrun his troops. The good news was that the Newfoals don't even use weapons, so his troops didn't have to worry about being fired upon. However, the Newfoals were numerous when it came to rushing positions that are already fortified. They don't even fear death. It shook him to the core. How can Princess Celesia, with her message of peace through conversion, be willing to sacrifice her subjects?

With the release of the Newfoals, the Steel Talons had to fall back one block a time, trying to keep the horde in distance. Sometimes, some of the troopers would take potshots at the ponies. This did not stop them nor do they care that their comrades die one by one. A tactic was used during this skirmish in which several Wolverines would strafe run the front of the Newfoal horde left and right, almost forming a wall of bullets. This kept the horde out of the soldiers' distance while killing a good number of them.

Just as his troops reached the outside of the city, ATHENA alerted Andrew about a possible radiation surge in the water. At first, he thought that the PER had a hold of some submarine armed with nuclear missiles. There were a good number of them even after the First Tiberium War. They were mostly banned and scrapped for parts. One idea was harvesting nuclear power for a more sustainable energy alternative. After the arrival of Tiberium and the qualities it has, it was mostly scrapped to make way for Tiberium energy. He was worried that the PER had a hold of some WMD's to drop upon the city. He switched to the drone's perspective over the harbor to see if it was true or not.

He was both relieved, surprised, and scared at what came out of the water.

It looked like one of those giant mechs from those Japanese cartoons he used to watch as a little kid. In fact, he always dreamed that he would ride one of those mechs someday; defeat some evildoer from outer space. Now that he was seeing the monstrosity rising out from the water, he wasn't sure about those savings he had to enter mech fighting after the war is over.

It towered over both the city and the harbor like a menacing cloud of thunder ready to crash down. Its body kept rotating in different directions, with its sword swinging wildly. Once the mech got close to one of the boats the PER were using, one of its swords slashed down, cutting it in half. The boat exploded a second later. He could see gunfire and lasers shotting at the mech, but it proved to be futile as it was not affected. It soon lumbered into the harbor itself, one of its bodies to the side slicing at one of the cranes. The gigantic swords waved in different directions as it attacked the PER base. An Avatar that was painted pink got crushed in one of its gigantic feet. A Titan was sliced downward as one of the mechs swords cut through it like butter.

Silence reigned as they stared at the screen, looking at the rampaging robot giving the PER a run for its money. Cadance snapped out of her trance. "So um......Is this one of your toys?" She asked.

"Definitely not," Andrew said as he kept his eyes on the screen.

"Well, whatever it is it's giving those PER terrorists a pounding." Shining Armor commented as he saw the screen showing the rampaging robot. Several GDI Defense Towers exploded in one strike as the mech aimed his sword vertically and swung it. "Did you know something like this would happen?"

"I don't think GDI had any weapons of that caliber," Andrew said as he turned and put his right hand on his chin. "Now that I think about it, we should have known we had this sort of weapon beforehand. All technologies from other nations and Zones have to be reported through GDI headquarters. All part of the international treaties after the First Tiberium War." When GDI was first formed, there were a number of treaties that let the organization oversee any technological advancement from any surviving nations and Blue Zones. To see a giant mech in action without any GDI personal knowledge about it is worrying at most.

"Sir, we have an incoming call from Shinso Okamoto." One of the female bridge officers said. "He sounds very ecstatic."

He nodded. "Put him on. I have a lot of questions for him." The large screen in front of him changed to Shinso's face, who had a very wide smirk on him. "Do you mind explaining to me what the hell I just saw?" He asked.

"That is one of our greatest weapons our scientists have cooked up. We call it the Shogun Executioner." the screen minimized his face and showed the Shogun rampage once again. Millions of tiny dots were advancing upon to large mech, he could even see some climbing it. He suspected that they are Newfoals trying to destroy that thing. "As you can see, this large mech is unstoppable. Plated in titanium alloy and powered by two nuclear reactors, this machine can keep fighting till the end of time itself." Each of its bodies tried to shake off the Newfoals as they assaulted it, each of its arms moving from each of their three rotating bodies. "The Executioner also feeds on high electricity technology to power itself up." Several metal tall towers with rings inside were lined outside of a warehouse building, right in the middle of the mechs path. He had heard of a PER defense mechanism that looked much like Tesla towers back in the old days. It would shoot off bolts of electricity once a unit got close to it. They can be destroyed, but they were hard to take down due to the shielding technology these ponies have. He even heard that several towers could take down a Mammoth Walker. Once the mech got close, a shoot of electricity went straight to the giant. Several others joined in soon after. Andrew expected the mech to fall over very shortly, but to his surprise, it has done little to no damage at all. "The swords themselves act as a conduit for its super attack move." The mech stopped in the path of the warehouse. Several Mammoth Walker MKII and Nod Avatars started to converge on the mechs location, their guns and lasers firing at the Shogun. The giant did nothing as the lasers and bullets hit him. He wondered why it had stopped its attack just to take the abuse, but then the mech started to move its arms in the air. All of them clasped the three power swords as they were lifted up into the air. The hands themselves gyrated as the pointy end of the swords aimed right down at the ground. He noticed that the sharp side of the large samurai swords started to emit electricity and emit a powerful blue glow. As the PER vehicles started to advance and the Tesla-like towers still shooting off bolts of electricity, the robot slammed the three swords into the ground simultaneously. This, in turn, created an electric shockwave that even he could feel the full force of it from his bridge. The wave hit the various buildings and PER vehicles in the vicinity, destroying them outright. The base that was set up as well was quickly wiped out in a heartbeat. Even the portal that brought the Newfoals in from somewhere was destroyed, along with a million or so members of the PER and the Newfoals.

After the shockwave had faded, what was left of the PER base was nothing more than a jungle of twisted metal and burning structures. Where people had once stood were now nothing but smoldering skeletons. The mech itself was not damaged due to the shockwave. It lifted its swords up and resumed to walk away, finding more targets to destroy.

"Well," Shinso said as his face popped back into view, his face hardly suppressing a wide grin. "What do you think? Magnificent, isn't it?"

"More like a monster in the making." Andrew looked at the moving giant with horror. "How long did you have this kind of technology? And why didn't you tell me this before?" He would like to know why such a giant robot wasn't in the hands of GDI already.

"A while now. We originally planned to reveal it during the GDI Weapons Expo next month, but as you can see desperate times call for desperate measures." He explained. "As to why I didn't tell you, I didn't think we would need such a weapon when the battle first began."

"So why now?" He asked

Shinso looked at him with a serious expression "I don't want my city to fall to the PER any more than you can." He said. "Plus, it is a way to test it out before handing it over to GDI. Now you have seen what it can do."

"He's right, sir." The officer from before pointed her finger at one of the screens in front of her. "Reports are coming in. The PER are falling back. The troopers are already capturing back the territory we lost." She brought up the screen again. This time it focused on the city. The colored wave of Newfoals that had once flooded the entire city were going the opposite direction. Most likely they are heading back to the harbor to deal with the walking monstrosity. He could see flashes of artillery from the Juggernauts lighting up the area. Pieces of the color waves disappear after a bright explosion, leaving craters on the ground as it was soon swallowed up again. Shifting the view to the east of the city, he could see what remains of the GDI attack force beginning to push back the PER forces who once held the area. He could see a large number of infantry along the field, including Zone Troopers and Disk Throwers. A number of Mammoth Tanks, Goliaths, Titans, Wolverines, MLR's, and Pitbulls quickly occupying the area. The rest of the PER equipment and vehicles had either fallen back to protect what remains of the harbor or made their last stand against GDI. Those that had stayed behind were quickly overwhelmed by the GDI advancing forces.

While Andrew was disappointed that such a technology wasn't brought to his attention in the first place, he was also pleased that the PER are now being pushed back to the harbor. What's more; the Shogun Executioner is mercifully destroying the PER base with no pause.

If anything, he can call this a win.

"Alright," Andrew stared back at Shinso. "I'll let this little incident slide for now. However," He held up a finger. "the GDI Command Center will question you on the nature of this weapon. So be prepared for an inquiry."

Shinso smiled. "Trust me, Commander. I'll be happy to answer any question, but right now let us win this war." The face of Shinso disappeared as the screen was replaced with the GDI logo.

"So, we aren't doing anything at this point?" Shining Armor was the first to speak. "We just let that.....monster loose?"

"I don't like it as much as anyone." Andrew looked at the prince and princess. "Yes, it's probably unethical to even allow this weapon to go unsupervised. However, at this point, I am willing to try anything to kick the PER out of Tokyo." Shining was about to say something but Andrew held up a finger. "War is neither good or bad. It's always measured by how big the weapons both sides have. Always has been, always will be. While I can condemn Shinso and his decision to unleash such a massive weapon on the PER without permission, I can't complain that it's doing its job effectively. Besides," He pointed at the screen, which showed the Shogun Executioner destroying a second base the PER set up. "would you really want to argue against that?"

Shining opened his mouth and closed it several times, seemly torn between calling out the monster and agreeing with Andrew. "You make a valid point." Shining finally said.

"I feel sorry for the PER." Princess Cadance said. "I know that they are our enemies, but I couldn't help but feel that they were tricked by my aunt into doing such terrible deeds."

Andrew shrugged. "They have made their choice," He looked once again at the rampaging Shogun. "now they are paying the price."

"GET THE REST OF THE SUPPLIES ON THE SHIP QUICKLY!" An earth pony mare with a black coat and a pink mane and tail shouted at the ponies and humans of the PER loading whatever equipment they could fit in the last cargo ship they have. They used to have many during the assault on the human GDI city, but they were all destroyed by the arrival of that.......thing "AND SOMEONE SEND SOME JUGGARNAUTS TO SHOOT THAT THING DOWN!" She pointed a hoove at the large metal monster currently on the other side of the harbor. Already she could see smoking coming from the ruins of the harbor, the giants' swords slashing in the air and ground.

"But we can't." One of the pegasi said as he was carrying a box of ammo on his fetlock spoke from above her. "Nothing can hurt it. We tried everything!"

"Then try to slow it down!" She shouted and glared at the pegasi with her pink iris. "The more shots that hit him the better. We need to leave this city now!" At this point, trying to destroy it will be futile at most. The best she could hope for was that the forces left behind would buy them more time.

"Corporal Heartbreaker!" A posh voice rose up from all the confusion. She cringed as she turned around to see two high ranking stallions coming towards her. One is a unicorn stallion with a brown coat and a black mane and tail. He sported a silly mustache on his face that ended in curls. He was wearing a generals uniform with a froth of metals on his chest. Another is a pegasi stallion with an orange coat and light brown mane and tall. "Just what in the blazes are you doing?"

"Leaving, General Melchett." She explained. "We can't hold the city for long, not with that thing running rampant."

"That's because you aren't trying to hit the enemy enough with your hooves." Melchett explained. "War was never won by just by superior weapons alone. A good hoove strike will send that monster knocking down!"

"....." Heartbreaker was speechless at Mellchet's rant. How can that thick-headed noble think its a good idea to knock down a 15,000 foot monster with nothing but hooves?!?! Who in they're right mind would even consider doing that?!?!

"And another thing." Melchett waved a hoove at the city. "The enemy is quickly approaching. I want your soldiers to prepare to confront the enemy when they arrive. We'll send them packing back to their monkey hovels soon enough."

"With all due respect, sir," Heartbreaker said through her teeth. "perhaps you have forgotten about the GIANT CELESTIA-DAMNED CREATURE REEKING HAVOC UPON OUR BASE!!!" She shouted those last words out. The general seemed unphased by her shouting. "That thing came out of the ocean and started to cut our harbor down to size. We threw everything we have at it. Tanks, aircraft, Tesla Towers, GDI, and Nod weaponry. NOTHING WORKS! WE. CAN'T. DEFEAT. THEM! IT'S OVER!" She glared at the general with as much fury in her heart as she could muster. She then closed her eyes and breathed in a

"Not with that kind of attitude, soldier," Melchett said. He turned his head to his subordinate. "Darling, I want to report Miss Heartbreaker for insubordination. Then I want the next pony to be placed in the rank of Corporal."

"Sir," Darling started to say as he used his wingtips to hold the pen and paper to write down his order. "I don't want to sound like a coward and all, but perhaps she is right. Maybe its time to-"

"What is with everyone in a sour mood today?!!?" Mellchet's hat nearly flew off of the top of his head as he yelled. "We are Her Majesties Royal Army! Not some polly-cocking bush foals that cried home to mommy every time they get a bruise." He turned to Heartbreaker. "Now tell drop whatever supplies your troops are carrying and charge the enemy. I want this city taken before Old Nancy calls for tea time."

Heartbreaker's eyes twitched as she heard the general ignore the BUCKING MONSTER RIGHT BEHIND HIM! How can such a general ignore the situation around him? GDI troops are advancing on their location as he speaks, and a giant freakin robot is destroying everything in its path, including two PER bases. Now he wants her to charge the enemy?!?!

How he was put in command of this army was a mystery to her.

Another explosion rocked the port as the monster finished off the third base, smoke rising in front of the monster like ti came from Tartarus. One of its heads turned.....

Towards the direction of her.

One of its legs began to move, then another. Soon it was stalking towards them, its swords lighting up. She heard the sound of jet engines in the distance as well. Looking up, she saw a mixture of Firehawks and Banshees and pegasi ready to engage the giant monster. They hit them with everything they had in their arsenal, but she knew that such weapons would not work on this creature.

It was then that she finally made her decision. "You know what? Screw you and screw your war! We are retreating back to Equestria to assist in the defense." She turned her back on Melchett. "If you want to fight it, then go ahead. It's not like it would be much effective anyhow." She trotted away to her ship, which had already been filled with enough supplies and ammunition to make the journey to Equestria. That was where she has to be, defending her home from the human invaders. Not dying on some Celestia forsaken rock with no value. She could hear Melchett screaming at her to come back. She couldn't help but smirk.

"Now you get back here this instant! I mean it! Don't make me bring out the Princesses Special!" Melchett yelled at her as she still walked away. "Running away is punishable by death you know." He cursed under his breath as she boarded the ramp and left out of his sight. Several seconds later, the last remaining cargo ship slowly sailed away into the horizon, going back to Equestria to assist in the defense. "Fine, go run away. See if I care. I'll just win this war myself." He turned his head to Darling. "Well Darling, it looks like it's just us against that giant."

"Yes, sir." Darling gulped as he saw the giant moving close to them. The fighters that had been hitting the thing were all destroyed by its swords long ago. He didn't think that the humans would have mages on their side to summon such a terrible monster to this world. "Actually sir, I think I need to relieve myself."

"And miss out on the chance of glory?!?" Melchett violently turned to Darling with a maddening expression on his face. "Not a chance, Darling. I'll be damned if we didn't take that thing down with our own bare hooves. Now chin up, raise your head, and let us charge into the breach once more." He turned around and gave a roaring battle cry. "TALLY HOOOOOO!" Melchett started to charge at the big machine creature, which was already halfway towards them. All around him, he could see PER vehicles blown to smithereens or melted by the creature's swords. Various flyers, including pegasi, were now laying on the ground, dead or dying.

He soon made up his mind. Darling opened his wings up, giving it a might flap. He was soon in the air.

He then turned the other way and flew, hoping to get as much distance against the creature as possible.

He had to remind himself that he wasn't retreating. He was just advance towards future victories.

"Wha?" He stopped for a moment as he looked up. It soon occurred to him that Darling wasn't in the air next to him. He turned around to see him fly off in the opposite direction. "DARLING, GET BACK HERE! I SWEAR I'LL BRING OUT THE PRINCESS'S SPECIAL!" He didn't notice the sky getting darker all of a sudden.

While he was ranting at the shrinking form of Darling, the Shogun Executioner was closing in on the general. After dealing with the fliers, it searched for the next target to destroy. There wasn't much of anything left at this point. The PER base was destroyed beyond repair, most of the stolen vehicles were nothing but smoky hulks of metal, and the rest of the PER forces were either killed or surrendered. The Shogun would shut down after clearing the harbor, when its sensors detected a lifeform charging him. The machine decided through its advanced algorithm and multiple simulations to meet the enemy head-on.

".......AND YOUR MOTHER WAS A HAMSTER TO THAT END!" The general continued his rant. "But that is fine. I'll win this war by my" He turned around to see a red metal wall standing before. He looked up to see the giant machine staring down at him.

Both of them stared at each other for a good long minute. Melchett's horn soon came to light and a long object came into view. A small cylinder object with a wooden handle and a mini whip at the end. A name was carved into the hull of the object. Princess's Special.

"HAVE AT THEE, YOU UNCLOTHEN MONSTER!" The stick struck at the metal feet.

Which it had done no damage to it whatsoever.

The Shogun soon lifted one of its enormous legs and angled it on top of Melchett. He looked at the feet with wide eyes. "......Well drat."

The Shogun's metal leg dropped on top of the general. The last thing the general saw was a large metal wall bearing down on him.

Mission Accomplished

Comments ( 18 )

Equestria had nothing but imbeciles.

What the bloody bloody bloody hell was that?
Those japonease don’t play fair do they?
Yaaay updoot

All is fair in war. Bringing out a giant three sword wielding mech? Totally fair.

One word from the Sima Clan leader Sima Yi to the lack of Equestria's strategists;

I don't like being the cynical, but if there's an Executioner what's stopping Yuri to control the now weak-willed Newfoals and turn them into freaks? Or an annihilator tripod to bring it down?

The sea right next to the harbor bubbled as if something was starting was rising up from the water. At first, he thought it was some sort of submarine that was either theirs or the enemy. However, his earlier suspicions were dashed when he saw what looks like a head slowly emerging from the water. It looked like one of those samurai mask helmet she once saw at the Smithsonian back in DC. It's scary faces looking directly at them, almost like it sees the small ants gathered at the cliff as prey. The rest of the body slowly rises up from the water.

Link to appropriate song added.


That would be the Shogun Executioner.

I know
I’ve played the games
I’m quoting someone

Well I didn't know that.

Fair enough
No offense was intended
Sorry for any inconvenience
I’m not being sarcastic

(... Given what we know, I have a theory.

This is all a part of Queen Chrysalis's plot to conquer both Equestria and the human world. She's replaced Celestia and is using the ponies as an army, fully expecting them to lose. She's even placing incompetent leaders in command to stack the deck. But her conversion and mass death tactics are still putting pressure on the human armies, which she knows were already involved in a long war. The plan is to decimate Equestria's ability to put up a fight, and severely weaken the GDI and Nod's over the course of the war.

Then, when the time is right, she brings in her fresh forces that she's been building this entire time, while stealing technology and tactics from the enemy combatants... Or, as this is still Command and Conquer 3, she's in contact with the Scrin. Maybe a combination of both.)

I've got 4 questions that I would like to ask about your story...

1. What's Gilda's backstory and why does she want revenge?

2. Why were every species like Diamond Dogs, Minotaur's, Griffons, Centaurs and Changelings sent to the Manehatten Security Prison?

3. How many resistance groups are there in the Manehatten Security Prison and what are their names?

4. How will the BloodFlower Family help The Nod Brotherhood?

What did you expect from a country that uses an overly outdated military. Because of Celestia irrational distaste towards technology (be it human or not). Her entire military is technology stagnate. Fighting against enemy that has highly advance military technology in spades. At this point this whole conflict is one sided the only saving grace at the moment is using the newfoals as mindless cannon fodder and using a campaign of attrition. Which can only take you as far in a war. Since it's not always a guarantee.

It's not the technology that they have, it's the too words that you don't want to hear about your military. Government Corruption. And we basically see one of those here.

Quite right. That is another negative point. Their hubris and arrogance. Also it is about technology you cannot fight against a technological advance enemy with medieval era weaponry unless you have few competent and brilliant tacticians and strategists on your side. Who always think several steps ahead of the enemy. Which Equestria's military is sadly and pathetically lacking. If this chapter and the rest of story wasn't apparent enough of this.

Your right, your right. But there is one advantage that they have that they should've made their defeats less painful at less. Which I will not say for a few reasons.

every time i read the chanpters with nod and just finish it i watch this. helps get the feel with nod

yes i no its nod not GDI but ehh who cares heres a song for nod next chapter :moustache:😆

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