• Published 9th Jul 2014
  • 6,735 Views, 213 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: Tiberium Wars - Jack of Tales

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Nod-Cloaked and Daggered 1/2

Nod Controlled Territory
Somewhere in The Pacific

"I got to hand it to them." Ajay began to say as he drank from a fancy looking cup. "These Equestrians sure know how to make some good tea. I never even liked it until now."

"I'll say." Kaiden say as he drank from a fancy cup. He never had any tea before, mostly because they were in somewhat short supply. He had heard stories that there used to be tea in India and Central America. He even heard that there was once an empire that depended on tea. Since Tiberium entered the earth and transformed it, every species of plants almost, or went extinct. Tea was one of them, but GDI had managed to preserve it for themselves. He could see why they would love tea so much.

It had been a couple of days since they captured Manehatten from the alien forces, and even days since the Barrier went down. The battle lasted for a rough few hours, but they had managed to break the last of the pony army, running away from the city. At least, they tried to run, but Venom and Harpy aircraft mowed most of them down before they could even set foot out of the city. They were running with tails between their legs. Banners of Nod hung on every corner of the street. The city was Nod's territory now. Most of the forces had captured sections of the city, and the subway system that some of the pony soldiers were using to transport troops and supplies. His troops had some help from the inmates, including the mafia member that knows his way around the city. There was some resistance in the city, most in the form of Newfoals, humans how had been turned into ponies.

He shuddered as he remembered seeing them for the first time as he observed them from the cameras in the NOD armor. The way they smiled.........it was unnatural. It was as if they were mindless...

He had confirmed that half of Nod's territories were recaptured, include half of Russia and China. The Equestrians were putting up a fight, but they couldn't fight against a righteous army scream for vengeance after what happened at Temple Prime. Already, they had established a foothold in the alien’s country with little to no resistance at all. For all he knew, he could conquer the whole nation in but a few days. However, they have specific orders to hold this place until the main force arrives, which wouldn't be here until a few days.

Until then, they just had to sit back and wait for further instructions.

Kaiden and Ajay were sitting in a ruined place that had once been a café of sorts. The once pristine tables and chairs had all but been destroyed during the invasion. The umbrellas had been burnt, nothing remained but a skeleton. Some of the chairs had disappeared or destroyed. They were luck that there were some extras in the back that hadn't been hit. The inside fared no better, as it was completely scorched. Some of the foods inside the shop had been nothing but dust. A body of an unfortunate stallion was still there, its entire body filled with shrapnel. Across the street from them, the banners of Nod hung proudly over some buildings. Even the few larger buildings had the Black Hand symbol on them. A few Scarab APC's were parked right next to him, their guns swiveled as they looked for any hostiles. A couple of Nod troopers were guarding the perimeter around them.

Kaiden took another sip from his tea, savoring the taste of the fine drink. "So what is it you sent me out here for?" He asked Ajay. While he was on the ship, he received a message from Ajay that they had to meet him inside the city. He was obligated to see him, seeing as he wanted to see the sites of the city anyway.

Ajay put his cup down and reached towards the tablet on his left side of the table. He picked it up and pasted it along to Kaiden. "Kilian has another job for us." He said as Kaiden picked it up. "In addition to guarding this place, she wants us to eliminate a thorn in Nod's side."

Kaiden powered up the tablet, which showed the Nod symbol once the screen lit up. It then changed to a video of a man standing on the pedestal. He had a large black beard and a milky white eye on the left side with a scar running down it. His right eye was hazel. He spoke with a tone like that of Kane. "Kane is dead! GDI is dead! Humanity is dead, destroyed by the wars that we have brought up for years. Those that we blindly follow promised us peace and prosperity, when it is they that are warmongers and slavers. Now it is time for a new order to rise, my children. Celestia is our one true messiah. We will cleanse this world of sin, and make a new paradise that only the faithful will make. True Peace through Conversion!" The man saluted, and the sound of applause erupted throughout the room. After a couple of seconds, the video blacks out.

"There's a new group that had arisen after the whole fiasco with the aliens." Ajay said as he explained the situation to Kaiden. "They call themselves the P.E.R.: Pontification for Earth Reborn. They think that this 'Celestia' is some sort of god and following her example of converting everyone into ponies." He scoffed. "Bunch of idiots if you ask me."

"So what does this have to do with us?" Kaiden asked.

"They started out as a small group, doing bombings in both GDI and Nod territories." Ajay explained. "After Temple Prime was destroyed, they got bigger and deadlier. They not only have Nod joining their ranks, some GDI dogs had managed to join them as well. They're attacks are becoming more and more intense, pushing some of our forces back. What's more? They are being supported by none other than Princess Celestia herself. They have ponies within their ranks. Kilian wants us to deal with them, swiftly and without mercy."

"This P.E.R. seemed to have pissed us off if she's targeting them." Kaiden said. It was no surprise, as Kilian was devoted to Kane's cause. Of course, dealing with a terrorist organization seems like something the Black Hand would do, but if what Ajay said was true, then this might be a problem for them.

"Yeah." Ajay said. Kaiden handed the screen to Ajay, how took it. "They attacked Kilian's base in the Australian Outback. Took them completely by surprised as well. They rolled up in Nod vehicles and she let them inside the base. That was when they started shooting. The whole base was in confusion. Kilian would have been a goner if it wasn't for a Nod force in the area. These guys are dangerous, and she wants them gone." He pressed a few buttons on the tablet before he set it down on the table for him to see. The screen changed to the map of Equestria, the entire continent green and bright. He had forgotten how beautiful it was. He had heard that Earth used to be a vibrant place before Tiberium changed the Earth. Was this being the world was like before Tiberium entered the Earth? The screen enhanced on a mountain range northeast of Manehatten, where a speck of something was on top of the mountain. The screen enhanced some more, revealing to be a base of sorts. "After some digging around, we found out where one of their bases is, right in the middle of Equestria." The base itself was located next to the mountain itself. He saw the base itself vibrant with life. He saw different Nod vehicles and personal go to and fro. He also saw some ponies chatting with the humans, a strange sight to see since the war started. They were not wearing the same army colors as Nod, only a mixture of white and green. He could also see some GDI personal and vehicles inside the base as well. To the left side, a row of Juggernauts was parked right outside a building. A Mammoth and a Scorpion tank were rolling into the facility. Nod and GDI defenses were powered up as the scanned the entrance for any intruders. GDI and Nod air defenses were scanning the skies for any contact. On one side of the base, a line of GDI and Nod vehicles stood. He recognized all of them, ranging from the Scorpion Tanks to the Mammoth Tanks. A couple of Orca fighters were resting on the sidelines, her piolets talking to each other. On the other side was a large industrial-like building, smoking coming from the chummy stack. Said smoke is pink and cartoony-like. A flag flew on top of said building, depicting a horse with wings on top of the Earth. The name P.E.R. written on top of the Pegasus. A shield surrounded the entire base, the same one that kept Manehatten from being bombarded for a little while. "Apparently, it’s one of those facilities that make that damn serum everyone’s talking about. Now from here, they passed it along to the ponies and then to the rest of the PER members around the world."

"The serum? The one that turns humans into ponies?" He asked.

Ajay nodded. "Yep. Unfortunately, it’s not the only facility in Equestria, but it is the largest." He pointed at the screen. "Plus, with all this extra security, this must be the most important one the P.E.R. is using. Considering that the facility is making those serums, it’s no wonder they have heavy fire power. Kilian wants us to destroy the facility and these P.E.R. scumbags."

This is news to him. He didn't know that there was a third faction that had arisen from Kane's death. However, he knew something like this was going to happen. Kane was a very great leader, and a messiah to the world gone to hell. He believed Tiberium is the next step towards human evolution. To many, including GDI, they thought he was crazy. However, he had survived two Tiberium wars, so maybe he might be the real deal.

He knew Kane was alive. It was only a matter of time.

"So Kilian wants us to destroy this facility and these 'PER' guys?" He asked. It wasn't much of a challenge to him, especially since he was a legend among the ranks of Nod. They didn't call him the 'Legendary Insurgent' for nothing.

"That's right." Ajay answered. "She wants us to send a message to these traitors." He pointed at the large pink shield. "However, a shield basically covering the whole base, which means getting in would be a problem. But,” he leaned over and pressed the screen, changing it to the outline of the base. "from what our scouts and hacked satellite images, this shield is different than the one Manehatten. Its modified to bring in PER vehicle and personal only. I don't know how it works, but I suspect it’s that magic thing those ponies keep talking about. So, assaulting it would be useless."

"So we need some men to hijack some PER vehicles to go inside the base, disable the shield like before, and blow up the base." Kaiden explained as he saw the base and the shield protecting it. "There's bound to be an outpost of some type somewhere that stocks up. If I could find it, we could have infiltrated the base with just a few men, maybe even launch an attack inside the base, leave our enemy confused."

"Now that's what I'm talking about." Ajay grinned. "Go inside the base and wreck everything that you can find. Wish I could go with you. Might be one hell of a show, but someone must defend this city while your away. Don't worry, I'll send in some bombers your way once the shield is down. Would be one hell of a fire show."

"Appreciate it." Kaiden got up from his seat and went to his Scarab APC. The vehicle hissed before a ramp in the back started to lower down. "I'll call you as soon as the shield is down."

"Give them hell, Kaiden." Ajay said as Kaiden walked up to the ramp and disappeared inside. The Scarab's engines came to life and it drove away. It was followed by four Raider Buggies that protected it from either side and two Attack Bikes that stood in the sides.

Inside the vehicle, he grabbed a tablet and pressed a few buttons on it. The screen lit up with the symbol of Nod, before it changed to an image of one of his officers. "Tell Batter Up I want to see him." His officer nodded and went away from the screen. Kaiden held on to a support with his left hand as the ride turned bumpy. He couldn't see what was going on outside with no windows inside the vehicle, but he could tell that they were pasting through some debris or small holes from the battle.

It wasn't a few minutes later that he saw a unicorn stallion with a white coat and a green mane and a scar that ran down his right eye came into view on the screen. He had to admit, it was a little strange that a unicorn was here in Nod territory, especially on his ship. However, Gabriel vouched for him, claiming that he and the prisoners they released helped him with finding the shield device. If he vouched for him, then there was no reason to not trust them, even if they were in the prison for a reason. He let them live in the city, which was the prison they were once housed in. He didn't know why they would chose to still live in the prison, but he didn't question it.

The unicorn named Batter Up looked at the screen, his look of fascination. Kaiden interrupted his gaze. "I assumed that your Batter Up."

The unicorn looked surprised, but he quickly regained his composure. "Yeah, that's me. What do you want?"

"You are part of a mafia family, are you not?"

"Yeah. I'm part of the family."

"Tell me, does your family have any.....connections to any peo-ponies of authority."

Batter raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, we got connections. Our boss escaped our hideout when the royal guard came busting out the door. What about it?"

"Do you have people inside the P.E.R.?"

He put a hoove under his chin. "Yeah, I think we do. The boss was thinking of selling the serum to you humans. Why is that?"

Kaiden smiled. "I want you to tell your contacts to shut down the communication lines when we make our attack and to assist us in Natasha's infiltration."

"Uhh....sure. Let me get in contact with the boss. I'm sure he'll do it."

"Good, and tell your boss that if it isn't done, I'm coming for him next. He can try to hide, but we will find him eventually." With that, he ended the transmission and lend back. "I hope it does come to that."

Foal Mountain
Southeast of Fillydelphia and Northwest of Canterlot
Green Zone.

The early morning sun rose on Foal Mountain, indicating another day in Equestria. At the base of the mountain, the PER facilities were hard at work, working on the serum that they would spread to the entire world.

One base stood at the entrance of the mountain, guarding against any humans that dare to step foot. It was a small base, with barely any These humans and pony fanatics are ready to die for their new cause if needed be.

As both pony and human guards woke up for another day guarding the base, a rumbling was felt where they stood. At first, they dismissed it as some sort of earthquake that erupted in another city, but then they realized that the rumbling grew and grew until the entire base was shaking. Equipment fell to the ground and both Pony and human PER guards scrambled to get everything together.

The ground erupted as the Montauk sprang up from the ground, lasers and machine guns erupted from inside the machine. Nod infantry started to charge out of the hole, guns blazing as they hit any PER member they could see. The PER guards were unprepared as they were massacred outside. The ponies and humans that were inside the buildings during the commotion were coming out, ready to beat the enemy. Some were armed with human tech, while a few others had the serum inside a bottle. They started shooting at the Nod infantry, killing some of them. Another hole erupted next to them, a Scorpion Tank shooting its laser cannon and a couple of Fanatics charging them. They tried to kill them, but they soon realized that Kane's presence is strong in these fanatics. A few even tried to convert them by tossing the serum at them. It worked, but as the serum hit the fanatics, the explosives detonated. They soon realized that these Fanatics can't be slowed down or stopped. Once the survivors got close enough, they started to detonated the explosive strapped to their chest, causing an explosion that killed everyone within vicinity.

In less than a few minutes of fighting, the PER forces were obliterated, broken from the sudden assault. Some tried to retreat into the mountain, but Natasha sniped them all with her laser rifle. A unicorn summoned a shield to protect its comrades, only for it to be destroyed by a Scorpion Tank with a laser add-on. Only a few had managed to escape the attack, but were cut down by Venoms doing strafing runs on the survivors. Some of the shots missed, but Tiberium snipers started picking them off. By the time the PER would be alerted of Nod's presence, it would be too late.

"Commander, our forces have successfully capture the base." HADES voice rang inside the Montauk as the Commander looked at the screen in front of him, which showed an overview map of the mountain. He could see the big base nestled in the mountains. He could see the pink smoke coming from the factory where the ponies were making the serum. "I have hacked their communication lines while you made the attack. So far, no one is alerted of our presence."

"Excellent." Commander Kaiden said as he surveyed the base he captured. "Are the vehicles still intact?"

"Negative." HADES said. "Some of the PER's vehicles were destroyed during the assault."

He cursed under his breath. So much for infiltrating that base. However, if anything, he always found a way. "Is there any bases near us?"

"Scanning." HADES said. The screen showed the bases scattered around each other. "there is a base in which a good number of vehicles are stored. Security level is low."

He smiled. "Tell Natasha she is to assemble a strike force for the facility. Tell them to shut down the shields and make for the factory. If someone is leading them, kill them."

"Sending the message now." HADES said. Kaiden looked at the map showing the position of his troops and the enemies base. Several smaller bases were scattered around the area, most likely to protect the entrances. From the aerial view, he could make out some bases that are already on high alert, if the indication of the personal running around and vehicles starting is anything to go by.

'So much for stealth.' He sighed. He was never really good at any stealth operations; he was more of a 'hit and run' type of commander. He always left the operations to Natasha, who is good at stealth than he is. Hell, she was the one that capture Hampton Roads during the attack on the White House, which was a distraction for GDI.

He still remembers that one. It would be a day he would cherish. The White House itself wasn't anything special, since command doesn't run ops there anymore, but it was an important monument to GDI, and had cause a decrease in moral. He had read somewhere that the president ruled from that place, and that America was bigger before Tiberium entered the world. It was hardly a fight to begin with. The defenses GDI had were little to no threat to him. It would had been a little harder if they had air support from Andrews, but he had destroyed that base hours ago. In a matter of hours, he had Nod banners flowing on the White House.

This was the distraction that Nod needed. While the GDI Commander Andrew was busy retaking Washington D.C., she sent her best commando to secure the Hampton Roads for GDI. It was the largest port for GDI, and the most important. Securing it would mean Nod troops from North Africa could send in reinforcements and supplies for the entire eastern sea board. After she had destroyed the carrier, Kaiden sent in some reinforcements to help her out. By reinforcements, he sent in a dozen or so Fanatics. They were itching to serve Kane, and he couldn't deny them that. It was a cake walk for her. After some time, he had received a transmission from her that the port was secured, and the GDI aircraft carriers and ships were destroyed. Nod troops started to take over the base and moved supplies and personal in the area.

He shook his head, forgetting the memory and focusing on the task at hand. The bases were on high alert now, and would attempt to take him out. However, there is a plus side to all of this. The base he occupied is located next to a mountain pass, which meant that the enemy would have to go through it instead of around it. "Set up defensive positions around the base. I want four Reckoning vehicles at the north and south entrances, and a team of rocket troopers in the vehicles." He started giving orders to his subordinates. "Start make every turret we have in our arsenal and tell every squad member to hunker down. And tell our command center in Manehatten to send reinforcements."

"Message already sent, sir." An officer with an Australian accent said to Kaiden. "Also, we received an unknown transmission from an unidentified source. Patching it through now."

Kaiden's screen changed from the Nod logo to a man. It was no doubt the same man he had seen in the propaganda video Ajay had shown him. He was in a spacious office that was white and pink, an ungodly mixture to him. Behind him was the PER flag, hung in full view for him to see. The man smirked at Kaiden. "So, the Nod cowards sent their very best commander to stop me. Heh, such a waste. Looks like Kilian doesn't really have the man power to come after me."

"Obviously, you haven't heard of me and my exploits." Kaiden said as he looked in annoyance at the interloper.

"I have heard of you, Kaiden." He said. "They call you the Legendary Insurgent because you fought with Kane during the Rio Insurrection. Your famous, but your fame is about to come to an end." He stood up from his chair and looked him dead in the eye. "Let’s make one thing clear: Kane is dead, and Nod is now run by a manic with a dead dream. Tiberium is a poison upon the planet. No longer will I be a pawn for the tyrannical and the oppressed. Celestia is our one true god, and conversion is the only way to survive this dead world. Even now, I have millions of troops under my command, and marching towards Washington as we speak. After I bring it down, I will come after Kilian next. I will show GDI and Nod that resistance is futile, and you will be the start." He smirked. "Don't worry, I won't kill you. I'll just convert you. It will be quick and painless." The screen returned to normal.

"We'll see about that." He murmured as he looked at the map presented on the other screen. He could see red triangles, which are the enemy, closing in on him. He was lucky that there was a mountain pass that was wedged between him and the enemy, which meant that they would have to go through it. It was perfect for him. Plus, with the new underground network he had created, he could call in reinforcements whenever he liked.

He started by pressing a few buttons on his chair, making the map change from the screen to a holographic view that showed up in front of him. With a shift hand, he moved his hands all around the map, guiding his troops. Shredder turrets and Laser turrets were made, guarding the front entrance. He ordered his engineers to start repairing the PER turrets that were damaged during the assault. He even ordered a couple of Saboteurs to occupy some of the GDI buildings that were under PER control. There was no doubt in his mind that GDI vehicles were a challenge to destroy, as he witnesses during his campaigns in Africa and North America. With GDI vehicles under his control, he would very well hold this position for a long time. A couple of Scorpion tanks started to dig themselves into the entrance. A couple of Wolverines, bipedal monstrosities that shred infantry into nothing, stood at the entrance. His infantry started to occupy some of the abandoned building and the Reckonings that have transformed into immobile bunkers. The Tarantula Drones, a landmine robot, hovered over the outside of the base and dug into the ground, clocking themselves in invisible when they started to land on the ground. Four units of Cobra Artillery started to position themselves in the middle of the entrance. Once they were there, they started to transform into the artillery themselves, their long ranged plasma cannons aimed at the mountain pass. Stinger turrets were set up right next to the RPG launchers. He was confident that he would hold them at the mountain pass, but he knew they would find another way to him.

He was ready for the PER, but he knew that it would be impossible to hold on for long. He had to rely on Natasha and her Shadow Team.

Natasha looked through her scope, scouting out the enemy base that was right in her sights. For her advantage from high up next to the small outpost, she could see what was going on. Already, she could see human and pony personal scrambling to their posts, the outside looking hectic than ever before. She could see Nod and GDI vehicles entering and exiting the base. Some of the vehicles were already parked right next to a GDI Command Post, the PER symbols being shown at the sides. The base was not heavily defended, but it did have a couple of Vulcan towers and only a few armed guards. Right next to said command post was a couple of Nod power plants. She already knew that the plants were giving power to the turrets.

"What's our approach?" A Shadow Team member said next to Natasha. She looked over her shoulder to find one of her teammates over her. The rest of them were inspecting their equipment. "Should we start moving in?"

"Yes." Natasha said, pointing to the base. "Wait here until I drop their defenses, then make our move." She lifted her right arm and pressed a button on her wrist. The tall tale signs of the invisibility device activating were heard, cloaking her. She ran down the small mountain she was on, making sure that no one was seeing her while she moved.

Once she was on the ground, she went towards the base. She was surprised that there wasn't a barbed wire or something to separate the base, but she dismissed it as those PER fools being incompetent.

As she passed through the base with ease, she came upon a building. As she passed said building, she heard footsteps coming towards her. Quickly, she hid behind one of the barrels as a couple of PER troopers, a human and a unicorn pony, passed her. They were talking about what they would do after the war is over and when everyone is converted. She ignored their conversation and proceeded to the plants.

It was hard as she sneaked over towards her objective. She had kept running into a couple of patrols and a vehicle almost crushing her. She knew she was invisible, but she couldn't be too careful. She knew that the unicorns have magic, and can detect her unlike the humans. Still, she proceeded to the generators.

After a couple of minutes, she finally made it to the post. She spotted a couple of guards outside the power generators. She brought her rifle up towards her shoulder and aimed at one of the guards. She pulled the trigger and fired, a bright blue beam coming out of the gun. The shot hit the guard and surprised the other one, which she quickly aimed and fired. The last guard went down with ease.

With that out of the way, she moved towards the plant. She looped over the fence and towards the plant. She then proceeded to plant the C4 at the base of the structure.

"Hey guys." Someone said from behind her. She turned around and aimed her gun at the unsuspecting person, which happened to be an earth pony mare wearing a modified version of the GDI armor. "I just saw a flashing light, so I-HOLY CELESTIA! ITS AN INTRUDER!" She shot the mare dead, but the damage had already been done.

It didn't matter anymore as the alarms ran throughout the base, pony and human PER soldiers starting to file out of the bases and towards Natasha. She fired she weapon at the advancing horde, her laser rifle flashing as it shot down the troopers. She had managed to kill at least several PER soldiers before the rest went to cover behind whatever they could find.

The PER soldiers started to fire on Natasha, which prompted her to take cover behind a couple of barrels. They kept on firing in short bursts at her. She cured under her breath when a stray bullet almost hit her. She pressed a button on her wrist and once again turned invisible. She decided to turn the way she came in from, sneaking away from the PER soldiers as they continued to fire on the cover she was at.

Once she far away from the plants, she pressed the button on her wrist and watched.

The plants exploded. She could hear several cries of pain and agony as they were in said explosion. She could see all the defenses going offline, if the light on the guns mean anything.

She turned her head to see her Shadow Team members gliding towards the ground and killing off the defenders. At the same time, several Black Scarab APC's burst from the ground, the drills helping them out. Several Nod soldiers came running out of the APC and started firing at the PER defenders. The human and pony soldiers tried to stand their ground, some unicorns even erecting shields to protect them. However, the mass bombardment of bullets was too much for the unicorns, which lead to the small shields being destroyed. Several other members of the PER ran to the vehicles to get them powered up, but were ultimate cut down by Tiberium Snipers.

She cursed under her breath when bullets whizzed past her. She turned invisible and started to make towards a building in her line of sight. It was under fire from the Nod troopers as they pinned the PER soldiers inside. The unicorns inside fired lasers on Nod, which killed one and wounded a couple.

She got behind the building, just as a soldier was coming out of a doorway. Without missing a beat, she raised her rifle and fired at him, killing him at the spot. A few more rounded the corner, a pegasus mare and two humans, and almost started to fire at her, the pegasus standing on her hind legs while aim her rifle. She fired at them in quick succession. Two of her shots hit both the humans in the chest. The pegasus mare was horrified that her comrades were slay with ease from the Nod Commando. She dropped her weapon to the ground and tried to fly away, but Natasha had managed to zero in on her before she had a chance to flap her wings. She was killed before she could take flight.

She went inside the building. On the first site, she killed an earth pony mare and a human soldier, the laser penetrating their armor. Two more soldiers fell to Natasha's rifle. An earth pony stallion charged at her with a sword in his mouth. She thought it was cute, until she shot him straight in the head. Another PER soldier behind her aimed his rifle, but he knew he was behind her. She spun around and fired at him, killing him.

Natasha wasted no time and continued. She could hear foot, and hoove steps, coming down the stairs. She aimed her rifle on the steps. A couple of seconds later, three soldiers come running down the stairs, two unicorn stallions and a human. She couldn't help but smile as she fired, killing them on the spot. Three more came running down the starts, but Natasha's rifle sang lasers of death at the attackers.

She turned around when she heard a screaming coming from behind her. She spun around and saw a human with a bottle of serum in his hand running towards her like a Nod Fanatic. She fired her rifle and killed him before he got close. Before he went down, he threw the bottle at her.

The bottle flew towards her. She knew what it was, the serum that turns humans into ponies. She stepped out of the way before the bottle hit her. At the same time, a human PER soldier sneaked behind her with a knife in his hand, trying to take her by surprise. The bottle of serum hit the PER soldier, covering him in purple liquid. Natasha raised her rifle and kill the bottle thrower, his face full of anguished and surprise. She heard a cry of pain and the cracking of bones besides her. She looked and saw the PER soldier that tried to ambush her morphing before her, his bones bending and mending into hooves or whatever ponies possess. She wasn't sickened by this, as she had seen Nod soldiers running into Tiberium and morphed into Vicseroids, blobs that hang out in Tiberium fields. Still, it was sick of hearing his pain as he morphed, so she put him out of his misery. The once human was now nothing more than ash.

She cleared out the rest of the building, making sure to check every nock and cranny for soldiers. Once she was done, she went back outside and helped the Nod troopers clear out the rest of the base.

In but a few moments, the PER were eliminated. The last few stragglers were eliminated. Some of them made it out of the base, but were cut down by Nod troopers waiting for them outside the base. The pegasi started to fly away, but were fired upon by Missile Troopers and Nod Militants.

As soon as the battle began, it ended in but a few minutes. The Outpost was finally secured, which meant they executed the second phase of the operation.

Author's Note:

Finally started doing this after months of nothing. This chapter and the next one is going to introduce the unnecessary canon faction, the PER, and how they got their ass handed to them by Nod. Hope you all enjoy it.