• Published 9th Jul 2014
  • 6,735 Views, 213 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: Tiberium Wars - Jack of Tales

  • ...

Nod-The Defence of Temple Prime 2/2

Kaiden was beyond angry.

He was outraged.

One minute the ponies are retreating from Temple Prime, their tails tucked between their leg as they ran. The next thing he knew, the reinforcements arrived, but turned out to be a splinter faction hellbent on taking Temple Prime and killing Kane. The splinter forces believe they serve 'The True Cause of Nod.'

Alarms spread all over the Command Center as the splinter forces advanced. However, they were at a stand still, as the entrances had laser gates installed when Kaiden first arrived at the temple. The gate was also guarded by a group of Shredder Turrets, as well as four Laser Turrets that were also installed behind the Laser Gate. Two Obelisk of Light also guarded the temple from behind the gates.

Ajay was on the command screen, his face bore a scold. "Commander, I don't know what the hell's going on, but it sure smells like Kilian to me. Probably one of her little power play's. Well guess what? She's in for a rude awakening, 'cause with my brains and your bombs, we're going to put her little plot six feet under."

The screen changed back to the map once again, ending the connection with Ajay. Kaiden slumped back on his chair, thinking about his predicament. Time seemed to slow down as he thought. Surely Kilian wouldn't do something this drastic. He met her when he was recruited into the newly reformed brotherhood, as well as in a few missions. Sure she questions Kane's action, but who wouldn't. Everything that Kane does is a mystery to anyone, even Kaiden questions him sometimes. But he was a solider and a soldier follows orders, regardless of what they are. Even if I means killing himself to prove his loyalty to Kane.

Regardless, if it is Kilian that is behind the attack, then she is in for a rude awakening.

Time resumed at it's normal paste as he sprung into action. He turned to his closest officer, Daniel. "Get me a read out of the bases, Daniel and make it quick." Gabriel saluted and left. Kaiden pointed to another officer. "Order our defensive units to the gates and reforce them." The officer snapped a salute and went to one of the consoles. He addressed another officer. "The rest ofour units will attack the bases, supported by our airforce." The officer nodded and went to work. Kaiden addressed the whole room. "Lets show these traitors how we deal with them."

The officers cheered as they went to work, ordering units to go to there places. Kaiden pressed a button on his console. "HADES, how are we on defenses?"

"Our defenses are taking a substantial amount of damage, but are holding up. Constant bombardment from the traitors side will destroy our turrets if we don't stop them.

"Alright, order our 8 bombers to target the left side, along with an escort of four Banshee fighters."

"Relaying message, Commander."

Kaiden sat back down on the chair and looked at the holographic screen, which now shows the battle being waged on both sides.

'Let them come.'

Temple Prime was bustling with activity as they prepare themselves for what is to come. Not a minute after the Equestrians retreated, the forces that were supposed to reinforce the temple are now attacking them. Factories are pumping out Scorpion tanks and other vehicles while every individual prepared themselves for what is to come.

Inside the Hand of Nod, The Militants are getting ready for an offensive that will take place after the traitors final offensive. They were readying themselves by checking their weapons or their armor. The room would shake once in a while due to the traitors bombers. Within the back of the room, two occupants were currently checking their equipment. Natasha came back to Temple Prime after her mission was complete upon hearing the call. The other occupant in the room is a well average man with brown hair and eyes, with a scar across his left eye as well as a. He is wearing a standard issued Black Hand armor and is checking on his flamethrower.

This is Father Gabriel, Leader of The Black Hand in Temple Prime.

The Black Hand was founded during the First Tiberium War by General Raveshaw as Kane's personal bodyguards. They are one of the most elite fighting force in the Brotherhood of Nod. They also act as a special forces group when the time comes and a religious-police to spread the word of Kane. Gabriel is a veteran of the Second Tiberium War who worked under the command of Anton Slavic. He had seen action in the African campaign and the European Theatre. Ever since the Brotherhood returned, he became the leader of The Black Hand Division in Sarajevo. He was leading a congregation in Temple Prime when the ponies launched an attack on Temple Prime. Now that the traitors are attacking, he is tasked with leading an assault into the right base.

"Looks like our work is cut out for us, нет?" Natalia said, loading an energy cell into the laser rifle.

"Aye" He said with a Scottish accent while checking his flamethrower and installing a fuel drum. "Looks like were now fighting traitors now. I can't wait until I burn every single one of them." The Black Hand are equipped with state-in-the-art Tiberium armor and flamethrowers. Unlike most flamethrowers that the Black Hand members use, his has a Tiberium-based carbon blend that increases the damage on any unit. It also changes color from red to light blue. "Not everyday something like this happens."

"Da, this might be good for us."

Gabriel looked at her in a questioning gaze. "And why is that?"

"I gives us good time for competition." She said with a smirk on her face. Natalia and Gabriel always like to challenge each other on different things. Their favorite challenge was 'Who would kill GDI dogs the most.' It was always a stalemate when it came to the challenges that they do. Now, with the traitors closing in on Temple Prime, they would try to out best each other.

"Alright. Ye only going to be disappointed when I beat you." He put on his helmet and adjusted it before heading out.

"We'll see." Natalia soon turned invisible before heading out as well. Gabriel arrived in the main room of the Hand, seeing his fellow brothers-in-arms readying themselves for an assault. Some were checking their ammo while others were chatting along with their comrades.

Gabriel looked at the troops assembled in the room. "ALRIGHT, LADS!!! LISTEN UP!!!!" All attention was on him as they looked at him. "We're heading into the traitors camp to the south. Make sure your all loaded up and ready to go and remember, they maybe our brothers but they betray everything we stand for. Leave no one alive." The troopers cheered as Gabriel walked out of the Hand of Nod, along with his company of soldiers. They loaded on to the Scarab APC that was parked outside. They were part of a task force that would secure the south side of the entrance to Temple Prime. Gabriel was the last person to be loaded in the vehicle before the ramp closed itself.

The last thing he saw was a silhouette of someone before the ramp closed and darkness took over.

High above the cliffs overlooking Temple Prime, a silhouette of a creature was, if one were to see it with there own eyes, laying on a Persian-type couch, munching on some popcorn. The creature looked like a dragon from Chinese culture, except it had a hoove of a horse, a leg of a lizard, a claw of an eagle, a paw of a lion, a head of a horse, and a tail of a dragon. His body was dark brown, with two horns sprouting from his head, one a unicorns and an antler. His red eyes surveyed the battle that was under way, all the while wearing a grin on his face. "So," It begin to said. "She stage is set and the players take their new roles." He watched as two Verdigo Bombers, bearing the color of the traitors, flew past the creature.

"Such a wonderful day for chaos."

"Shite!!!" Gabriel said as he barely dodged another bullet coming out of the makeshift bunker. Not five minutes after he got on the Scarab, it was destroyed by a Vertigo Bomber. Right now he was dodging bullets left and right out of the Reckoner, an APC that can transform into a makeshift bunker if necessary.

The small convey of vehicles, which consisted of 5 Scorpion Tanks, 2 Spectre Artillery units, 5 Avatar Warmechs and 5 Scarab APCs. The small conveys mission was simple: While the main force is assaulting the southwestern base, Gabriel is tasked with a small force to flank the enemy from behind the base. The traitors forces would have no time to react, seeing as they are struck from both sides.

Of course, it would have succeeded if they were ambushed in the first place. The base was lightly guarded from behind, with two Reckoner APC's with missile launchers and machine guns in them and an Obelisk of Light. He barely made it out of the APC alive when the laser struck, but he did. His men, however, were not so luck, as they were destroyed along with the vehicle.

He came across a large boulder in the middle of the battlefield and slid behind it. He was safe, for now at least. He watched as an Avatar Warmech from his side got struck in the gut by a Basilisk Beam Cannon and came tumbling down. Damn. If we stay here for long, we'll get slaughtered. He thought. He needed to get past the bunkers somehow. It was bad enough that they lost two mechs, but if they keep this up, there won't be a force left to attack the base.

That was when he got an idea. Reaching into his belt, he pulled out an hallucinogenic grenade, indented to be used on one of the bunkers. Hallucinogenic Grenades are chemical grenades utilizing an unknown compound. When unleashed at the enemy, they can make any enemy soldier panic and hallucinate that his allies are his enemies, and they will in turn attack their former allies, or even on occasion, themselves. Confessors carry this special grenade with them in battle, as nobody else would be trusted with it.

Gabriel looked to his left and saw a group of Militants taking cover behind a wrecked Scorpion Tank, with a helmetless Sergeant barking orders. The Sergeant had brown hair and hazel blue eyes. Taking a deep breath, he got out of his cover and proceeded to the wrecked vehicle, all the while getting fired upon. He dove behind the vehicle and let out a breath, thanking Kane that he is alive. The militants and the Confessor now noticed him in their cover. The Sergeant turned his head to Gabriel. "Thank Kane your still alive, Confessor. We almost thought we lost you in the ambush." He said in a Texan accent.

"Nah, I'm still kicking, lassy." He chuckled. "What's your name?"

"Sergeant James Norman, leader of this here band of merry men." He pointed his thumb to the back. "We can ourselves the Sundance Company, in honor of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid." He said it with pride. Gabriel did remember him and his company a while back when they were assaulting Anderson Airforce Base to cut off GDI air reinforcements. He was the one that shot a GDI pilot and stole his Orca, shooting any GDI troops in his way. To this day, Militants called James Norman the next 'Billy the Kid.'

Gabriel focused on the task at hand. "What's the stats of your company, Sergeant?"

"We got a few casualties, but were still willing and able, sir."

"Good." he pointed at the left bunker. "Cover me while I destroy the bunkers."

"You got it, sir." James signals his remaining troops to open fire. When the firefight began, Gabriel vaulted over the vehicle and ran to the first bunker. A few bullets grazed his armor, but that didn't stop him from coming. Once he was a few feet from the first bunker, he pulled the pen of the grenade and threw it at one of the bunkers. The result was instantaneous as the fire stopped and the Militants inside are shooting each other out of desperation. The rest of Sundance Company fire on the remaining Militants as Gabriel moved to his next target. He kicked open the steel door to the bunker, aimed his flamethrower and fired away. The traitors didn't have enough time to react as fire consumed them. Gabriel smiled as the screaming of the traitors reached his ears.

The Obelisk of Light was taken down by a group of Saboteurs, allowing the surviving group to go forward. Two mechs were destroyed in the skirmish, along with three Scorpion Tanks and two Spector Artillery units.

The base was on full alert as the Flanking group made their entrance. Most of the defenders focused on the new attack, which gave the main assault force a push. It was chaos at the base as the traitors tried to repel attacks from both sides. An Avatar from the traitors side shot up in flames as the Scorpion Tank hit a power generator inside the mech. A missile trooper was shot in the gut, hitting his trigger and launching a missile at a group of traitors coming out of the Hand of Nod. A Cabal who lead a group of Militants throws an incendiary grenade at a team of Black Hand traitors.

Gabriel burned another group of infantry that stood in his way, their screams were like music to his ears. He was currently inside the Command Post, burning room after room of traitors. The fighting has gotten fierce in terms of fire power. Half of the traitors base was destroyed, including the defenses. That left the Command Post left to be destroyed, along with the War Factory, The Hand of Nod and the Tiberium Refinery. He hadn't heard from Natasha in a while. While he did enjoy the silence of her not making fun of him, she was still a comrade-in-arms. But he dismissed the notion. 'She could take care of herself.' He thought. This was true. If she was in trouble, then she would radio him for help, which would boost his ego.

Gabriel continued to walk down the corridor until he reach what he believed to be the Command Room. A console was right next to the metal door with numbers on it. Doing what any soldier would do, Gabriel punched the console with his fist, which resulted in the door sliding open. Gabriel peeked inside the command center, expecting some guards or soldiers to come. What he saw surprised him.

A lone officer was sitting in his command chair, his head hung low. Blood was all over the screens and the console below. The officer was holding an old German Luger in his left hand while his right hand held his head. He was a young lad, possibly in his late 20's, with dark brown hair and hazel nut eyes. The dead body of what Gabriel assumed to be the commander was right next to him. Gabriel approached the man, taking cautious steps in case if its a trap.

The officer slowly lift his head up, he had a sad expression on his face. "I can't believe I did it. I though of what I was doing was right, but now I don't know what I did is right." He chuckled. "You know, it's funny. I was just two days to my retirement, you know? I was thinking of going to one of the Hawaiian Islands that wasn't affected by Tiberium. Now I can kiss that retirement goodbye."

Gabriel looked into his eyes. "This doesn't have to end like this, you know."

"Really? Everyone knows what happens when you betray Kane, like what happen with Seth years ago. I was an idiot to lead my forces against him and his favorite commander."

"Everyone makes mistakes, but you still have to answer for what you did."

"I know." he raised the German Luger to his head. "But I won't give you the pleasure of doing it." He pulled the trigger and the bullet went through his head. Gabriel watched as the now dead commander slumped in his chair before falling to the ground. Gabriel felt respect for the man, willing to shoot his comrades before taking his own life. He crouched down and moved his hand to his eye lids, which he now closed. 'Rest in Peace, you magnificent bastard. He thought before heading out of the structure and into the outside world.

"Sir, Gabriel's group destroyed the second base." An officer quickly replied to Kaiden, who was inspecting the battle and coordinating assaults.

"What about Natasha's group? Have they made any progress?"

"She destroyed the second base, sir. She sabotaged the Obelisk and led her assault group in to base." Another officer replied. "The traitors are at full retreat." With that said, the whole room cheered, know that this is their victory.

Kaiden was not amused "Good, but the traitors are the least of our problems. We're down to half a force and the ponies are regrouping to launch a second attack." The room fell silence at this statement. They may have win against the first army of ponies, but combine that with the 'Newfoals', they were in for a treat.

An officer, Nathanial, broke the silence that lasted two minutes. "Kane requires your presence in the Temple, sir."

"Alright, tell him I'll be there." Kaiden exited the Command Post and made his way to the Temple, know that his mission is far from over.

Mission Accomplished

Chaos consumed the Temple as military personal ran left and right, either taking or burning any files that would provide intelligents to the enemy. Kaiden walked into the Temple as soon as an officer passed by him with files in hand. Even though Temple Prime can defend itself from the onslaught of the Ponies, Kilian's forces who attacked them were another thing.

Kaiden looked around until he spotted Kane and approached him. He was inspecting someone putting away some files. "That goes. That goes. Destroy that and I will have your heart." Kane turned around an saw the commander approach him. "When my known army conspires against me, it is time to leave behind the insufferable race of animals who call themselves 'Man', to escape this god-forsaken rock." A mischievous smirk appeared in his face. "But now..........now is the time to celebrate. The bait is placed, the trap set, and Equestria and GDI will dig it's own grave. As you can see, preparations are already underway for Phase 3." Kane picked up a weird statue and gave it to a Brotherhood member. "We are only taking the essential icons necessary to build a great temple in the Great Beyond. By this time next week, you and I and the rest of our Inner Circle will begin our Ascension." The building was shaking when a bomb went off next to the Temple. "But our work here on Earth is not complete. Take your troops down to Australia, salvage what you can of Kilian's forces, they will be needed in the final mission. Go now my son and remember, have faith. Deliverance is at hand." he left the room.

Kaiden didn't give his voice in the matter, but he reluctantly obey his orders, seeing as no one would betray order given to them by Kane himself. He left the main room of the Temple and continued down the hall until he appeared at a tunnel entrance to the underground. He continued strolling through the tunnel until he arrived at the large tunnel that connected to other corridors. These were used to prove guerilla attacks when GDI would advance on the Temple. They would strike at any city or base, should the need arise. He found the Montauk parked right next to a tank depot. He boarded the underground transport and sat in his command chair. He opened up the communications network and gave his orders. "Attention brothers, we have been given a mission from Kane to go to Australia and take over Kilian's base. I know some of you would rather defend this holy site with your life, but we have been given orders from Kane himself. He has big plans for the Brotherhood and I intended to see it through." The sounds of cheering can be heard in the background. "Our battalion will evacuate at 0400 hours. Blackwing transports will pick you guys up and fly you to Australia. Make sure to pack light." With that, he ended the call and slumped in his chair with only one thing on his mind.

I hope Kane knows what he's doing.

Seventy-Two Hours Later

The ponies attacked Temple Prime for a second time. The second invastion force was larger than the last one and they brought something with them. The Crawler Tank is one of the first vehicles Equestria has ever invented. Used during the Battle of Athena, the Crawler Tank helped the Equestrian army achieve victory over the Griffons. The tank is operated with magic, which requires two unicorns to operate it, one acting as a driver and another as a gunner. But even with the tanks, they're still getting slaughtered like pigs. The technology that these group of humans have are deadly, especially the black giants that shoot out magic from their tube-like hands. Regardless, they would do anything to please their Princesses, even if it means rushing to death.

The camp that was outside the temple was filled with activity. Medics did their best to support the wounded, but even then, the wounds were to deep to be cured with magic. Soldiers went from tent to tent getting what they needed, like weapons or armor. The Tank depot was located in the left side of the base as two unicorns went to work on the pieces of the tanks. Soldiers in the mess hall were eating what would be their last meal.

Everything was so chaotic that now one noticed a golden chariot carried by two Pegasus stallions with six mares in it. The chariot landed in the courtyard of the base and the six mares walked off (or in one's case, bounced off). They preceded to the Equestrian general's tent while engaging in small talk.

"I just don't understand. I've read and checked every book on every species, but I've found nothing about the 'ho-mans', including those crystals they call 'Tiberium'. It was frustrating to say the least. Twilight Sparkle was the prize pupil of Princess Celestia, and saved Equestria from countless threats, but now she can't even find information on a species that doesn't exist.

"Twilight, darling, don't worry. We know those ruffians don't use magic, so it's safe to assume that they can't hurt us when were in 'The Barrier' as these 'ho-mans' keep calling it. Not to mention that their clothes are horrifying. I mean, black over red, there should be a crime for such a dreadful mixture."

"She's right, sugarcube. There's nothing to fret over, ya hear."

"Yeah, and if they ever set foot in Equestria, we'll kick them in the flank and crying home to their mommies." Rainbow Dash punched the air as to make a point.

Twilight smiled a bit. "Thanks girls, I don't know what I'll do without you."

"Don't worry Twili-Wally, we'll get through this. Besides, we're the main characters of a Command and Conquer fan-ficion written by some guy who is totally cool and not-totally-a-brony, so the odds of us getting killed is zero to one."

They all stared at Pinkie Pie for a second before waving it of as 'Pinkie being Pinkie.'

They arrived at the generals tent as they finished talking. They entered the tent and found an Earth Pony stallion with a blue coat and a yellow mane wearing golden armor with a blue tint to it. General Brawl, leader of the 7th Equestrian Expansionary Force, was too busy even notice them as he was assessing the situation with is captains. "Alright, status report."

"Our troops are getting constantly bombarded by their artillery and those metal birds that drop fire from the sky. If we don't do anything soon, we could lose more troops by the day."

"Umm, excuse me, but......"

"Our tanks are taking a pounding from those metal titans that they control. We could have no tanks left to defend our camp if they make a push."

Can I have your attent-------"

"We believe their leader is somewhere in that Temple, but alot of human soldiers are defending that position. They maybe a small force, but they are heavily armed and extremely dangerous."

The general sighed. "Alright, here's what we'll do. First we'll get------


The captains and the general himself were literally knocked out of their seats when the yellow pegasus, Fluttershy, shouted to get there attention. They all looked at her while she blushed under her coat and hid behind her pink mane. "That is....if you don't mind."

The general retained his composter. "What are civilians doing in our camp? This isn't a tourist trip, you know."

"Hey." Rainbow Dash floated at the general's eye level and glared at him. "We're not civilians. We came here to kick some serious flank, and for your information, we're the Elements, so you better suck it up, pal."

The general snorted. "I doubt Celestia herself would allow a mare who doesn't know what 'two pulse two equals' to be an Element. It's like putting a Diamond Dog on a train and expect it to operate."

She was fuming at the comment. "OH, YEAH. WELL I AOUGHTA--------" Rainbow Dash was caught by Applejack's mouth before she could zip across the room and nail the general in the head. "Let me at him. Let me at him."

"Look." Twilight began. "We defeated Discord and Queen Chrysalis before, so some humans won't be a problem to us."

The general raised an eyebrow. "And what are you planning to do."

"Simple. We're going to fire the Elements at the crystal monolith outside the temple."

The captains gasped while the general stare at her with a wide-eye expression. "Are you nuts?!?!?!?!"

Twilight soon got into lecture mode. "Look, the crystals called Tiberium is similar to the ones in the Crystal Empire. They both can absorb magic. So if we fire the Elements at the monolith behind the Temple, then it will create a build up of the energy and would release it."

The general was still confused as ever. "But wouldn't that backlash also affect us as well?"

Twilight shook her head. "Not if you get your best unicorns can cast a big shield around the camp."

Brawl put his hoof in his chin in thought. On the one hoof, he could let the Elements do there thing and blast the humans to a rubble. But something in his gut tells him that something might go wrong, he couldn't put his hoof on it. The general looked at Twilight. "We need something that could give us an edge against these humans. If you think that the Elements can damage them, then by all means, you have my permission."

Twilight had a huge grin on her. "Thank you, general. You won't regret this." The six mares exited the tent and proceeded to where they planned to fire the Elements. The general put a hoof to the side of his head and sighed.

"Just two days to retirement and I get this crap."

Field Command Post
Australian Outback
Yellow Zone Y-4

Kaiden and his team arrived at the Command Post withut any incident, which assumed that Kilian's troops don't know they were here yet. The Australian Outback was still unexplored, with the exception of the aboriginal people. Since the citys were located inland, GDI never explored the region. Nod managed to set up an operations center here in the Outback since the days of the First Tiberium War. They began to train troops there since it was outside of GDI's control.

It was also where Ajay, Nod's Intelligence Officer, was born and raised.

After the end of the Second Tiberium War, GDI began to build a presence in the Outback, even though the region was still under Nod control. They also managed to build a secret laboratory dedicated to researching Liquid Tiberium. When the Black Hand was integrated into Nod, Kane launched a surprise attack on the laboratory, in which it's destruction accelerated the Tiberium spread in the region. During the Third Tiberium War began, GDI's influence in the Outback was far to few. Nod continued to expand, with Ayer's Rock being it's main headquarters.

Kaiden was inside one of the main tents in the Outback, awaiting further orders from Kane. He was worried about Kane, since Temple Prime was under attack from the ponies. But he couldn't help but wonder what is his plan. The Liquid Tiberium Bomb he picked up in Brazil was practically a time bomb. One facture in the glass and the whole this could explode. Now Kaiden is wondering if what he is palning could end the war and eliminate GDI and Equestria, or destroy them in the most antagonizing death possible.

Ajay cocked back the pistol before looking at him. "After that little stunt in Sarajevo, I say Kilian ain't worth the bullets to save her. But hey, we're not going to start second-guessing Kane like she does. Nope. If there's one thing I learned from you is that a good soldier follows orders. Right?"

"Your right, thought I can't help feeling that something is going to happen. Something bad." Commander Kaiden always has this sixth sense with him. That what separated him from other Commanders.

"Well, whatever your sixth sense is, I say leave it alone. Kane's got something planned for the Brotherhood and I aim to see it through. GDI and these Equestrians can die for all I care, one less enemy to worry about."

Before Kaiden could argue, HADES interrupted them. "Commander, incoming message from Temple Prime."

"Patch it through." The monitor came to life as, showing a man overlooking the battle waging at Temple Prime. The video was a little frizzy but it showed a clear enough picture of the ruin buildings and weapon emplacements.

"Are you rolling? Ok. I'm outside Temple Prime and the news here is terrible. Kane's plan has failed. We can see Equestrian soldiers stealing our Tiberium weapon and just hours there was a raid on the Temple. We have shots fired...." An explosion was close enough and the man ducked behind the wall. "So far their is no sign of Kane. We fear that he maybe still trapped inside the Temple." The man pressed in his left ear, as if receiving a message. "Wait............I'm getting word that the Equestrians have some sort of power. Their aiming it at us." The man murmured a prayer. "May the Earth be transformed. May all those who believed in the power of Tiberium be transformed." He repeated the mantra again before the screen frizzed out for a second before blacking out altogether.

A Few Minutes Ago

"Alright. Everypony ready?" The five mares voiced their agreements. Twilight turned to the Temple, in which the Equestrian Army was pushing through. Even if they found a way into the Temple, it mattered not to them. They served there purpose in the army, now it's their turn.

Twilight's eyes flashed green for a second before fading away. "Alright girls, lets do this." The power gathered in the necklaces before one by one, their eyes changed to their respectably colors of their pelts. The rainbow energy started to transfer to Twilight's tiara, in which her eyes changed to a purple light.

The beam fired at the Temple, aiming directly at the monolith of Tiberium behind it. The beam hit the crystals, which only glowed brightly and brightly before a loud explosion was sound. The crystals shattered and the energy traveled from Temple Prime to the camps and then to the whole Eastern European continent, effectively spreading Tiberium. The unicorns in the camp put up a shield around it, but as the shockwave traveled, the shield broke and the Tiberium spread to every pony in the camp.

The general watched at the shockwave broke through the shield, effecting every unicorn within it's radius. The general sighed. "Damn, two days to my retirement." The entire camp was engulfed in Tiberium, as the shockwave effected the Eastern European Theatre.

The Temple is in ruins, all the soldiers are dead or converted, and Kane himself maybe dead or converted himself

It was truly a dark day for Nod.

Author's Note:

Just in time for Christmas. So Merry Christmas!!!! Sorry if it's a little rushed, but I had a headache and I had to continue this.

They have airships, so why can't they have tanks?

I need a new proofreader since my old one is busy with work. P.M. me if your interested.