• Published 9th Jul 2014
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The Conversion Bureau: Tiberium Wars - Jack of Tales

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Act II

GDI Command Post Two Zeta Delta
Codename "Valhalla"
Somewhere in Norway
Blue Zone

Alarms flared all over the base as Commander Cayden, leader of the Outpost, was knocked off by another explosion as he closed the door to the hallway. He was the only occupant in the command room, as the rest of the staff were either killed or converted.

The whole thing started over two hours ago. He sent a scout team to investigate a phenomenon located in the valley he was assigned to, since it was close to the Ion Cannon Center in Oslo. Through the helmet camreas, they saw an entire Equestrian army marching at his outpost. The scouts were suppose to report back to Cayden's outpost, but he saw them get ambushed by a couple of pegasi, dropping those potions on them and converting them into, what humans now call, Newfoals. He watched as they screamed and begged to be killed. It ran a chill up his spine. The army was closing in fast and the commander ordered all the units to defend the outpost at all cost.

Of course, it would have been simple if those airships didn't make things more complicated.

During the defence of the outpost, radars picked up some slow moving objects heading to his position. He sent two Firehawk jets to relay what was moving in the sky. what he saw through the screen was airships coming, armed with what he assumed to be cannons. They were slow moving but were heavily armed, as they blew his Firehawks out of the sky. He soon sent several other Firehawks and a few Orca fighters to engage the airships. They were easy to blow up since the balloons require Hydrogen to float, which is highly flammable. The Firehawks and the Orca Fighters blew up twelve airships and a zeppelin before they were blasted out of the sky. They were only a few airships left after the engagement, but they reach his outpost and started firing on the base. The bombardment killed half of the defenders, as well as some vehicles that were assigned to the garrison. With them dead, the ponies came in like a tidal wave, either killing or converting any troopers in there way, as well as some of his staff.

His legs were disabled when two bolts from a crossbow disabled both of them. He was lucky that he reach the command room before his legs went out. His left arm was blown off by a laser that a unicorn was firing and his face was all battered and bloodied. "Is this what you want, you freaking four-legged freaks. Fine. We were dead men anyway." The alarms continued to blare as the commander continued to crawl to the console. "Just need to do this one last thing. Just wanted to make sure we didn't go to hell alone." The commander reached to console just as the sound of something banging on the steel door came to. "Gonna take you....and every last one of you motherfucker with us." He searched the console for something, anything to kill the ponies. His eyes soon layed on a big red button, which was labeled 'Warning: Ion Cannon Control. Do Not Use If Necessary.' He had a devilish smile on his face. "And a sudden plunge in the sullen swell. Ten fathoms deep......." He pushed the button with his last remaining strength. "On the road to hell."

The commander finally given in and died on the spot. He had a smile on him, knowing that the ponies are in for one big surprise.

Meanwhile up in orbit, The Ion Cannons, which have been deactivated for the repairs, suddenly started lighting up. In one swift motion, they aimed there cannons at the Barrier that had expanded to the American Midwest. Once the cannons were in position, the very tip of the cannon started lighting up, gathering all the energy it needs.

Then the cannons fired.

Act II

Canterlot Castle
Canterlot, Equestria
Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean

"Your Highness, the first wave of Newfoals within the territories are ready to transfer to Equestria."

Princess Celestia sat upon her throne, smiling as her Royal Advisor delivered her the news. "That is joyful to hear, Pencil Pusher. Anything else?"

Pencil Pusher, a unicorn with a brown coat and a golden mane, nodded as he levitated a scroll. "Blueblood has returned with one ship. The invasion of the 'American Coast' has failed. However, the Barrier you and your sister put up has destroyed the human settlement, Your Grace. Those technologies that the humans have in the city have also been destroyed. On another note, the Elements have returned and are awaiting for you in the Dining area."

"Thank you, Pencil Pusher. You are dismissed." With a bow, the unicorn left Celestia's throne room. Soon, Celestia stood up and exited the throne room, making her way to the dining area to meet with her student and the Elements about there recent victory over one of the human factions.

She continued to trot until she reached the dining area. Guards that were posted there saluted her as she opened the large door. Inside the dining room were Twilight, the Elements and her Sister. Blueblood was not present, but it didn't matter to her. All that mattered now was that her student was here.

Twilight stood up from her seat and ran to her mentor. "Princess Celestia!" She hugged her mentor.

"It is good to see you again, Twilight." She hugged her back. They both hugged for another minute before they parted. "So, Twilight. Tell me about your mission."

Twilight frowned. "Well, it was alright. But, the crystals reacted badly against the Elements and now everypony is dead." She and her friends got out in time before the blast hit the camp. It had taken all of Twilights energy to teleport to her library home, but they were safe, nonetheless.

Celestia frowned as well. "I know it must have been hard on you, Twilight." She smiled again as she draped a wing over her. "But our soldiers did not sacrifice themselves in vain. With one of the human factions eliminated, we are one step closer to final helping the humans with their plight."

"Alright, Princess." Rainbow Dash commented, floating in the air.

"Which is why I called you for this special occasion" Princess Celestia sat down in her chair. Twilight returned to her seat as well. "Today is a great day for ponykind. The leader of one of the human factions has been killed and soon the humans will see the error of their ways. It saddens me that alot of good stallions and mares died bringing harmony to the humans. But with one of the factions killed, we are one step closer to bringing joy and harmony to the humans." Her horn lit up and a glass of wine levitated towards her. "Let us toast to our success in bringing peace and harmony to all."

"TO HARMONY" Everyone say in unison. The clanked their glasses together.............

.......Only for a giant earthquake to knock the ponies out of their seats. It shook nearly the entire castle, as well as its occupants. In fact, it was felt all over Equestria, from the Crystal Mountains to the Badlands. Every house from Canterlot to Manehatten shook like a herd of buffalos coming for some stomping. Every glass was cracked, as well as some statues in towns across Equestria.

Once the earthquake subsided, Pinkie Pie was the first to recover. "That....was....AWESOME!!!!! Can we do that again?"

Twilight got up and looked at the princess. "What happened? What was that earthquake?"

Princess Celestia was just as counfuesed as Twilight. "I do not know, Twilight. But whatever it is, it's over."

A guard soon came rushing in. "Your Majesties." The guard bowed at the Royal Sisters. "You better come outside. I think you want to see this." The guard left. Princess Celestia and Luna wasted no time and followed the guard to the Balcony, along with the Elements. Through several hallways and a stair, they reached the balcony that overlooked the entire landscape of Equestria. Some say that the view was so breath taking.

It was breathtaking, but not in the sense of a tourism.

Celestia saw beams of light coming down from the sky, as if the heavens were smiting the ground. There isn't just one, there was another to the northeast and the southwest. They were banging down at the shields, as if a hammer was banging on a harden glass. 'Impossible. The humans don't use magic. How can they summoned a beam this big?' She though to herself. During the occupation of one of the cities, she read a book that tells here that magic doesn't exist and is only used to tell folk stories. They kept thundering down from the sky for at least three whole minutes until it stopped. At first, nothing happened. Celestia was so glad of that. The humans think that their 'magic' could take on her little ponies magic.

But then a crack was formed.

And another.

And another.

A web of cracks traveled from the top to the bottom of the Barrier. It continued until it stopped at the bottom.

After five minutes, it cracked.

The Barrier fell, like a glass object that fell on a hard floor. Pieces came colliding down on the land below, causing damage and some deaths in its wake. Princess Celestia was shocked beyond belief. The Barrier has withstand every assault in the other world, even magic from other pony nations who refused to join her crusade. Now it was destroyed, as if they anticipated this moment. Princess Luna was both shocked that the shield was destroyed and impressed that the humans have actually broken through.

Twilight was shocked as well, but her brain was trying to process what was happening. She looked at her teacher with concern. "Princess, how can they do this!?!?!? It's impossible! The humans don't have magic and yet they brought down the Barrier as if it was nothing."

"I do not know, Twilight. I do not know."

A pegasus guard landed on the balcony. "Your majesties, I bring news from the front."

Celestia recovered from her shock and spoke to the Pegasus. "Speak, Wind Waker."

"The Barrier is down. The humans have launched an offensive. They beaten back our forces."

Celestia look out on the horizon, knowing that her little ponies are at stake if she failed to repeal the human invasion.

'I will not fail' Celestia had a determined look on her face as she watched the shield go down. 'I will protect my little ponies, even if I must die.'

Sahara Desert
North Africa
Yellow Zone Y-2

"Commander, you have an incoming transmission from Washington."

It had been a few days since the attack on Santa Cruz, and true to his word, he let the Nod soldiers go. They said that they can drop them of at the Sahara Desert, a few clicks to the direction of a Nod outpost. Andrew was currently in the hanger bay of the Kodiak, watching as several of the Nod soldiers went out to the Sahara Desert, which is where there outpost is located.

Commander Andrew turned to his officer. "Alright. I'll be up their in a second."

The officer nodded and looked out to the retreating Nod soldiers. "Are you sure we should let them go? They could have valuable information that High Command could want."

"I know" Andrew looked at the officer in the eye. "But right now, there not our enemies. And after defending Santa Cruz for us, I think they deserve some rest." The commander turned around and left the hanger. He saw people going left and right, doing there jobs. A man was fixing a leg of a Titan while another person was cleaning some of the barrels of the Wolverines. He took an elevator back to the command room, where he sat down on the command chair and pressed a few buttons. "ATHENA?"

"Yes, Commander?"

"Patch me through to Washington."

"Connecting...................Connetion established." The screen changed to the GDI Command Center in Washington. Jack Granger’s face was the first thing that he saw.

"General." He saluted.

"At ease, Commander. Just five hours ago, there was an attack on a GDI outpost in Norway, close to the Ion Cannon Control Center in Oslo. The commander of the outpost was killed, but he pressing the fire button for the Ion Cannon. They're only entrusted to loyal GDI commanders like you. The Ion Cannons activated and bombarded on the shield that these aliens put up."

"Did it work?" The Commander questioned the general.

"Surprisely, it did work." The general continued. "With there shield down, the ponies don't have anything to defend themselves with. We are preparing to take back the territories that we lost. But I have a special mission for you, Commander. Our pacific forces stationed in Taiwan are preparing a landing invasion of the alien's continent. I want you to lead this invasion, Commander. In-Ops is unavailable at this moment, but the Colonel in charge of the forces can give you more detail. Good luck, Commander. We're all counting on you." The general finished his briefing as the screen went black.

The Commander was surprised that the Ion Cannon worked in the first place. Now that the shields are down, GDI is launching an offensive to take back the territories that were lost to the Barrier. He is given a special mission, to lead a GDI force to establishing a beachhead on the ponies land. He lead GDI forces before, especially during the Defense of Washington. Since then, he has lead the 5th Division, also known as the 'Steel Eagles', against Nod and anything that threaten the safety of the people. He didn't praise himself as a hero of GDI. Hell, he didn't want the position in the first place. But when the Philadelphia went down, he did what was necessary for Mankind's survival of a Terraformed Earth.

Now Andrew was thrust into another mission, with the faith of humanity in his hands.

Andrew began relaying his orders to his officers. "Set up a course to Taiwan. We're going to show these ponies what happens when they miss with GDI." The VTOL aircraft slowly began to rise up from the sand, began floating for a few seconds and shot of towards the horizon.

The fate of the world and the human race now rest on GDI and they will succeed, no matter what.

Command Center
Ayers Rock, Australia
Yellow Zone Y-4

"Children of Nod, I bring grave news. As many of you know, we were building a Liquid Tiberium weapon at our Temple Prime in hopes of ending this awful war. Those hopes were killed, along with our leader, Kane, when Equestria destroyed our most holy site. I do not have all the details yet, but it appears the strange beam set off a Liquid Tiberium explosion beneath the temple. The damage to our Yellow Zone is unspeakable, our casualties in the millions. No one can replace Kane, but it is now my duty, my blood oath, to lead our Brotherhood through these trying times. And I say there is no time for mourning. We must turn our grief into anger and leave the past behind us. We must put all talk of ascension aside. Our only goal should be to take back this planet, one continent at a time, starting with Equestria. Tiberium is our divine birth right. Those of you who embrace it shall inherit the Earth. Those of you who defile it will feel our fury. Follow me, my children, and I will lead us to victory against GDI and the ponies."

Field Command Post
King's Canyon, Australia
Yellow Zone Y-4

The second command post in Australia was a little more than busy, either gathering the wounded or managing cargo from Temple Prime. Once an old GDI outpost, it's been refurbished to be used for Nod. It was more of a base than a command post, with a slope hillside separating by three levels of flat land. A ramp went all the way down to the ground. The vehicles occupied the lower levels of the base, the aircraft occupied the second level while the main base was one the top. Scorpian Tanks were parked outside the munitions dump. Aircraft, from Banshee's to Blackwings landed in Air towers that were set up. Military personal were running left and right, doing their duties or going to their destinations.

In other words, things were hectic.

It had been days since Temple Prime was destroyed. With the death of their leader, Kane, moral was an issue as people tried to coop with the fallout. Since then, Kilian had started a broadcast across all Nod networks, telling the sad news of Kane's death. She wasn't fit to be a leader, but she had a heart of a leader. With determination and coordination, she would change the Brotherhood from a religious organization into a military superpower.

However, not everyone liked the news.

Inside the Command Post, Ajay was sitting in a chair while Kaiden was leaning against a wall. Both were reported to this outpost "I don't believe this. I grew up near here." Ajay looked at the commander. "And I don't care what Kilian says. Kane is not dead. He's too smart, he wouldn't let that happen. No way he would bail us like that, there's no way."

"Regardless of the fact," The Commander spoke. "Kane is not leading the Brotherhood. We have to make do with what we got, even if Kilian tried to betray us

"Yeah, your right." Ajay admitted. "You hear about Kilian's new plan? She wants to steal GDI's nukes, level the playing field. She calls Kane to aggressive. What a joke." He grabbed a folder and presented it to the commander. "And look at this. Kilian just put out her first High Directive. She wants all military personal in Australia, say's to preparing an invasion of the alien country since there shield are down." Guest we got no choose, an orders and order. Man, she sure takes the fun out of being Nod."

"Yeah, I guess. But now we can take the fight to the ones that killed our Messiah."

"Damn right we can. Although, don't think our boys are up for this challenge." After the destruction of Temple Prime, some of Kaiden's and Ajay's troops went into a deep depression. Some even committed suicide. Kane was a great leader, maybe the best they ever had when the Brotherhood first emerged. A lot of troopers looked up to him, like a natural born leader.

"Don't worry, I've lead my men through hell and back. I'll give them a reason to fight." The commander went to the console that was plugged into the front of the room and pressed a button. In response, the bases speakers came to life. A snake-like microphone came up from the console. Clearing his throat, he began to speak. "Attention Soldiers of Nod, as many of you know, Kane is dead. Killed by those ponies who wanted to convert or kill us. It is a sad day for us all. But I implore you to look past this ordeal and fight for the Brotherhood. I know that some of you have lost the will to fight. But fret not, for I have something to tell you. A secret to share with you." He was silence for a second before continuing.

"It's been said that I like war. That's right, I like war. No.................I love war. I love Holocaust, I love Blitzkriegs, I love defensive lines. I love sieges, charges, I love mop-up operations and retreats. Wars across prairies, in streets, in trenches, in grasslands, in frozen tundra's through deserts and in the air. I love very act of war that can occur upon this earth. I love blasting the enemy to smotherings with artillery salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a soldier is toss high in the air and cut to pieces by well placed sniper rounds. And there is nothing like a tank operator using a Laser upgrade on his tank to destroy enemy tanks, and the feeling that comes when a soldier runs screaming from his blazing tank, only to be mowed down by heavy machine gun fire is such an exquisite feeling, like the ranks of infantry brandishing their bayonets, rushing into the enemies line."

"It moves me deep within my heart to watch a fresh recruit stabbing over and over into the bloated chest of a long dead enemy. The site of deserters being strung up from a street lamp is an resistible pleasure. And there is nothing more arousing than the sounds made by prisoners of war dropping like flies, screaming in agony as they're mowed down by ear-piercing rifle rounds. When a band of pitiful resistance fighters make their final stand with nothing but small arms, only for their city smashed into atoms, block by block by 4.8 ton bomb shells, I'm in ecstasy. I love it when my forces are ravaged by a GDI armored division. It's so sad to see towns and villages that were supposed to be defended by all cost being layed to waste, their women and children being raped and killed. I love to be squashed under the heel of those GDI dogs. The humiliation as my men crawl around like vermin, ducking under the bombers flying overhead."

"Gentlemen," he continued. "all I ask for is war. War so grand, it would make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms, what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further war as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody war? A war whose fury is build by with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for war to sweep in like a Tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth?!?!?!"

The sound of cheering can be heard from all sides as they answered. Kaiden smiled as he continued. "Very well. Then war is what you shall have."

"We are a clenched fist ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But after enduring half a century wallowing in the dark, a simple ordinary war will no longer be sufficient. We need a massive war. A war beyond anything in man's history has ever known. We are but a single battalion, the remnants of a defeated army numbering less than a thousand strong. However, I believe that each of you Nod warriors is equal to a thousand of their sickles, soft children. We represent a force that could easily defeat a million of one ponies. It is time to awake the ones that sent us screaming into oblivion and now lay sleeping. Lets drag them by the hair and remind them what we are. We will remind them of what it feels like to live in fear. We will remind them of the sound our knife make against their throats. We will remind them that there are more things between Heaven and Hell in their philosophy. Our army of one thousand men screaming for vengeance is going to burn their land down to ash. Yes, my friends. Soon Equestria's charred remains will illuminate the night sky.

"I have brought us together, just as I promised I would. Back to a new battlefield with an enemy that will cry at night after what we will do. Back to our beloved war."

"Attention, Soldiers of Nod. This is a message from you commander." Kaiden had a savage grin on him. The holy site and their leader may be destroyed, but the spirit of Nod shall prevail and would scream for bloody vengeance against those who dare oppose them.

He will lead his battalion through there lands. And when they are done, none will survive.

"Let's bring them hell."

Author's Note:

Act II has begun. Don't worry, the Scrin will come late in the story.

I'm putting this piece of art on hiatus since I got a ton of story ideas I want to try out. Don't' worry, I'll get back to it soon enough.