• Published 9th Jul 2014
  • 6,735 Views, 213 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: Tiberium Wars - Jack of Tales

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Washington D.C.
GDI Territory
Blue Zone

".....And in conclusion, I would like to thank the brave men and women fighting against the alien invaders and the infested scourge that is Nod. Their sacrifices have brought us one step closer to victory and liberty for all." Redmond Boyle finished his speech as he stood at the podium overlooking the small crowd of people in the room, his smile never falltered even when he is facing the reporters from all around GDI territory. Redmond Boyle was once the Treasurer Commissioner of the GDI Treasury before the attack on the Philidelphia. Ironically, he was supposed to be on the Philidelphia before the attack, but a raid by a small Nod force withdrew his plans to make sure nothing was stolen. When the Philidelphia went down, along with all of the command staff on it, he became the current acting Director General to lead GDI to victory. Not everyone was happy with the decision at first, since there was a history of corruption surrounding him. Since all of the current command staff, including the previous Director General, were killed on the Philidelphia, he was the only survivor that was granted emergency power.

He and the reporters were currently located inside of the White House. It was a miracle that the White House, the symbol of the Free World, was undamaged during the Nod surprise attack on Washington. Of course, anyone with half a brain could figure out that Nod only captured the White House for propaganda purposes, to demoralize the GDI defenders before they rallied behind Alexander.

"Now if there are any more question I would answer, feel free to ask." With that sentence, the entire room was ablaze with shouting, each reporter wanting to ask the leader a question. Boyle scanned the room for a second before he pointed a blonde hair woman.

"There has been rumors that Commander Andrew had liberated a group of ponies in the north called the Crystal Empire from this "Equestria". What are your thoughts on this?"

"It just comes to show that there are some ponies out there who stand up against Celestia like any other human being. This liberation in the 'Crystal Empire' will be treated as such: a liberation of the grasps of an oppressive regime. After all, as the old saying goes, 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.' We will see to it that these 'crystal ponies' will receive the help they deserve. After all, GDI stands for freedom, even if that freedom extends to another race." He then pointed to another reporter, an African-American woman.

"What is GDI going to do about the terrorist organization called the P.E.R., Ponification for Earth Reborn. Is it a bigger threat next to Nod?"

"The P.E.R. are nothing more than a bunch of deserters and dissidents who gave up on the concepts of liberty and justice long ago and follow a mad ruler hellbent on destroying humanity. And I wouldn't worry about them being equal in power to that of Nod. Rest assured, this terrorist cell will be hunted down and destroy with utmost priority." He pointed to another reporter, a man with a short black hair.

"There is a rumor going around that Kane had died in Sarajevo. Is this true?"

"I am happy to report that yes: Kane. Is. Dead. His long reign of terror has finally come to an end. I think we can all agree that GDI will sleep peacefully tonight knowing that one less terrorist threating the safety and stability of GDI."

"What about the unstable Tiberium growth happening in Eastern Europe after the Temple was destroyed? Already, millions of people have died in this-"

"We are doing everything we can to help those unfortunate souls in Eastern Europe, but for the time being, our focus is to this terrible war and its swift end." The room erupted into questions but not before Redmond exited the room.

Capital of Equestria
Somewhere in the Pacific

"We have to think of a war plan!" General Ironside yelled from across the war room he was in. "The humans are gaining ground everywhere!" The grey earth pony stallion, who had years of experience on him, was currently located in the Canterlot War Room filled with other members of the Equestria Royal Military as they discussed the next move to make.

"We are thinking of a plan." General Mayflower of the Equestrian Army said as she pointed at Manehatten, which had a flag of a triangle with a scorpion tail on it. "Nod has already taken Manehatten and destroyed one of the potion factories in the east." She then pointed to Vanhoover, which had a flag of an eagle ready to swoop down on a prey. "GDI had captured Vanhoover and, if the reports are correct, taken over the Crystal Empire with the help of the Crystal ponies."

"Damn traitors!" Wing Admiral Fleetfoot of the Equestrian Royal Airforce said as she slammed her hooves on the table. "We'd freed them from King Sombra and this is how they repay us." Her yellow wings flared. "I'd say we crush this rebellious kingdom and teach these 'GDI' dogs a lesson."

"Easier said than done." High Magi Book Marker commented. The unicorn stallion wore his traditional robe of red with yellow outlines, his hood down for everyone to see his charcoal coat and a mixture of "We are already spread thin as it is. With both Nod to the south and GDI to the north, we can't spare an extra pony to fight them off on both sides."

"What about those P.E.R. fellas?" Mayflower questioned as she turned her head to Warhorn. "Aren't we supplying them with those potions you mages made?"

He scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, and what do we have to show for it? They haven't even accomplished each objective. If anything, they are a waste of time."

"They are our only hope now." General Ironsides said. "The Barrier that our Princesses created has been destroyed by hooman magic-"

"We already covered that humans cannot do magic." BookMarker interrupted with an annoying look on his face. "It's their damned technology that they used to destroy the Barrier."

"Then how do you explain the light that struck down the Barrier?!?!" Fleetfoot demanded, already glaring at the High Magi. Indeed, the "Light from the Sky" had been the subject of controversy ever since it happened. The Circle of Magi thought that this was the work of human magic that they have heard about from the frontlines. These included rolling metal beasts that they ride and powerful artifacts that could make entire cities into nothing but craters. The Magi assured everyone that these rumors are false and that the humans are incapable of such feat. Ever since the Light came down and destroyed the Barrier, the pony population demanded answers. Everyone tried as best they could to smooth things over, but it isn't that easy.

"My informants tell me that they have a technology in space called "the Ion Cannon"." A voice spoke out. Everyone turned to the voice in the room. Director Face Mask of the Equestrian Intelligence Agency smirked as his hindlegs were on the table. The head of the Agency had a Brown coat with white spots in some area. His black mane and tail were combed perfically, like he was getting ready for the Grand Galloping Gala. "They had it for sometime ever since the Second Tiberium War. I'm surprised Nod didn't destroy it first when they attacked GDI. There must be some strategy behind it."

"Speaking on the topic of Tiberium," Bookmarker made sure to turn the attention back to him. "we should discuss how best to deal with this substance once the war is over."

"If we can win that is." Mayflower commented. "With GDI and Nod baring down on us from both sides, it's going to be hard to win, especially with the technological advantage they have."

"Our Princesses will think of something." Fleetfoot said triumphantly as if it was a matter of fact. "She got us away from the Council's wrath. Dealing with some monkeys with wrenches is nothing to her. She'll pull something."

The all nodded in agreement on that. Some the topic of Tiberium started, with the High Magi saying something of the magic properties inside. Deep down, Fleetfoot was being to think that this war was a mistake. If the humans can summon light from the sky, then what hope is there to win?

Knock. Knock.

"Come in." Princess Celestia said as she heard the door open. She was behind her desk going over the notes of the purification serum when she heard the knock on her door. She saw Princess Luna walked into her room. "Ah, dear sister. What brings you here?"

Princess Luna looks worse for wear. Her once regal midnight mane and tail are no longer flowing while several hairs were popping out of them. She had several scorch marks on her fur, while there are some dirt and grime in her fur as well. There were bags under her eyes for not sleeping well for the last six days. "Tia, we need to talk. About this war and what we are doing."

"Why, whatever do you mean?" Princess Celestia said, a look of concern on her face at the state of her sister. "And did you succeed in your campaign against Italy?"

"Twas a failure." Luna said with her eyes now looking at the ground. "GDI had managed to smash our beachhead once we landed. We had managed to get out with only three ships left and dozens of ponies. The others were left behind to cover our escape. Many pony lives were lost."

"Don't worry, Lulu." Celestia said as she nuzzled her neck. "They will be remembered for their bravery."

"Well," Luna was chowing on her lips. "That's just it. I just don't think we can win this war anymore. With the Crystal Empire captured, and out biggest serum factory obliterated, we can't seem to stand up against the humans when they come. Our ponies aren't used to fighting something they don't understand. These humans are resourceful, and they have technologies that are beyond what we have."

"We are already researching magic-powered guns and tanks for this war." Celestia said with a smile. "The humans will be eradicated from our lands and we can show them the error of their ways."

"That's the thing, sister. We can't." Luna was already looking at her with tears. "When the Light came down on the shield, many of our subjects think that we can't win this war. There is also talk of ponies that want us gone for good. I'm scared, sister." She soon started to cry as she started to hug Celestia. "I don't want to die like this, knowing that our subjects hate us for what we are doing."

"Shush, my little moon." Celestia soon joined in on the hug, her sad smile directed at her. For some time, the two sisters sat there, embraced in each other's outstretched hooves. Luna kept hickuping on Celestia's fur, her tears matting her fur. "Everything is going to be all right. I will make the pain go away." Confused on what she said, Luna looked up to Celestia to see her horn glowing a sickly green. Luna panicked at what she saw, staring at it with a wide-eyed terrified expression. Before she could react, Celestia's horn touched her forehead. Luna's eyes started to glow the same green before it quickly disappears, her eyes now in a drug-like state. "Now, I need you to select a group of ponies to investigate these claims and arrest them immediately." Celestia said in her commanding voice. "If they resist, then kill them. If our subject will rebel against us, then we will be ready for it."

"Of course, Tia." Luna said with a big smile on her face, her iris glowing a sickly green. Inside her mind, Luna tried to fight back against this unknown force assaulting her mind and taking over her body. The Princess of Dreams has finally succumbed to this unknown force, her screams of agony finally fading from her mind. "It will be done." She bowed her head at her older sister. With that said, she turned around and trotted out of the room, forgetting what just happened moments ago.

Celestia watched her walk out, her smile slowly turned predatory. Unbeknownst to all, her eyes suddenly changed from her beautiful manga colored-like eyes to a sickly green with a slit in the center. She blinked and it was gone.

Author's Note:

Can't believe it has been a year since I updated this story. Time goes by fast sometimes when you're busy in life. Anyways, next chapter continues the adventures of Commander Andrew before we get into Act III, and the Scrin invasion.