• Published 9th Jul 2014
  • 6,735 Views, 213 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: Tiberium Wars - Jack of Tales

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GDI-Tokyo Trouble 2/3

Tokyo, Japan
GDI territory (currently under seige by PER forces)
Green Zone

"Is this portal thing ready yet?" Shining Armor asked as he inspected the small crystal ball along with several crystal shards surrounding it. He had to admit, it was pretty impressive on how much his nation had advanced after King Sombra died at the hands of both of them. In all honesty, he didn't even know such a device existed until several months ago, when Celestia contacted them about making a research facility right in the heart of the Crystal Empire. It was a little weird at first, but it made sense seeing as if the Crystal Empire was attacked, it could just shield itself off for some time.

Back then, the only enemy they would have to worry about was the Griffins and the Zebras.

"We are not quite sure, to be honest." One of the scientists, A bright yellow unicorn by the name of Dr. Mango, said as he closely examines the piece with the other four unicorn scientists. He could hear the battle in "Toyko" in the background, the human defenders desperately trying to hold on to the city. They were outside of the Kodiak trying to make this stupid portal work so that Alexander's men could come through. He had seen Celestia's troops use it from time to time, but for the life of him, he and his scientist couldn't get the damn thing working. If they didn't get it working, then they might as well pack it up. "This is a strange piece of crystal magic that we haven't even explored yet. Even if we managed to get a concept of the idea, we don't even know if it would even reach the one in the Crystal Empire. It might not be powerful enough even if it's the five of us."

"What's this about a conduit?" Princess Cadence trotted towards them. "Alexander asked me to come down and ask what is the delay."

"They are having trouble with the portal." Shining greeted Cadence. "They say that they couldn't get it working even with five powerful unicorns on our side."

"The power that is surging from this small magic piece is mind-blowing at best." Dr. Mango pointed at the crystals. "The amount of magic it uses could drain at least five unicorns for a while, and it still won't be operational."

"Meaning that there is no way for it to work?"


Shining Armor cursed under his breath. The commander was counting on them to bring in reinforcements for the coming fight. He had managed to trust them this far despite what some of his higher-ups say. He'd be damned if he couldn't do something about the fighting. "At least tell me you have some sort of solution to this problem?"

Dr. Mango shook his head. "Not a chance. Not unless we have some sort of large conduit of sorts that powerful than both of us. We don't even have enough mages to power up the portal."

"What about an alicorn's power?" Candence interjected as she inspected the magical device before her. "Would it be enough to get the portal working?"

Mango hummed and he put his left forehooves on his chin. "Maybe." He said. "Alicorns do have strong magic pools that seem to replenish over a short time than most powerful unicorns. So in theory, it could work in the long run."

Shining looked on in horror at what his wife is suggesting. "Candance, you can't-"

"I need to Shining." She interrupted as she trotted over to him. "Everyone is depending on this plan to work. I won't let Celestia's goons to slaughter any more civilians." She nuzzled him. "It will be alright. I can do this."

Shining was torn between actually stopping his wife from powering up a literal sponge and saving human civilians and soldiers. His ears perked up when he heard a large explosion coming from inside the city. "Shining." Alexander said through the small earpiece he received. The humans called it a "communication earpiece." It was almost like someone was talking in his head. "The defenders can't hold any longer. The PER are making a heavy push. If we don't get these reinforcements now, there wouldn't be anyone left to save." Shining bit his lip as he started to think really hard. He didn't want his wife to be hurt by this strange device before them. At the same time, he wanted to prove to the commander that there were still some ponies who don't support Celestia's decision to go to war with humanity.

After some mental back and forth, he took a deep breath and turned to his wife. "Alright. Maybe it might work."

"Of course it will, my love." She once again nuzzled her stallion before trotting over to the crystal device. The rest of the mages, after seeing her coming over, manage to part ways with the device and let her have a shot. Once she was near the crystal contraption, she closed her eyes and lean her head down. Her horn soon started glowing a moment later. Almost at once, the separate crystals started glowing. One by one the crystals started to levitate up into the air and around the small crystal pedestal. Once each crystal was levitated in place to form a circle, they started to move slowly around. Shining could already see the sweat coming from Cadence's forehead. The tiny crystal shards started to glow brightly with Cadence's color as they started to move faster. Her brow furled as she pours every magic stored in her body into the device. He almost thought that she would faint at any second.

After what seems like several antagonizing minutes, the crystals soon started to slow down and a large portal started to take form.

Cadence cut the connection before it could do any more damage to her body, collapsing in exhaustion. "CANDY!" Shining yelled as he ran over to her. The other scientists had managed to gather around the portal with a mix of awe and horror. Dr. Mango had managed to yell at them to get away from the portal before one of the human machines crushes them. "Cadence, are you alright?!?!" He asked in a worried tone.

"I-I'm fine, Shiny." She said as she tried to get up, but collapses at the last minute. Shining had managed to support his wife by moving his head under her barrel and lifting her. She slung her arm over his shoulder to support her weight. "Just a little exhausted."

"Shining, what is going on down there?!?" Alexander spoke over the radio. "I saw a bright light out on the bridge and then nothing. Is the portal successful?"

"Yes." He said. "The portal is now active." He answered in the comlink he had. "You can tell your men to get through now."

"Understood. I already informed Anderson about the portal. He should be coming through any-"

"I LOVE THE SMELL OF BULLET SMOKE IN THE MORNING!" From out through the portal, Anderson came through unharmed. "LET'S KICK THESE SONS OF BITCHES WHERE THEY HURT!" He soon as he activated his jet pack and flew out of the way, a line of Mammoth Tanks, followed by Wolverines, Titans, Goliath APCs, and other arsenals of GDI coming out of the portal. Moments later, GDI infantry and crystal soldiers came out of the portal to support the advance. Shining could feel a smile coming on his face. He and his wife had taken a huge risk by using Celestia's portal technology. Now he would have to see if it would pay off.

"This is Captain Belfast of the Steel Talons. We are now through the portal. I repeat, we are now through the portal."

"Understood, Belfast. Make your way up to the frontlines and support the Tokyo defenders. We have reason to believe that the PER is using the same portal technology as well. Be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary. Anderson?"

"Right here, boss."

"There are still civilians that need to be evacuated, but the Anti-Air towers are preventing them from escaping. I need you to and several teams to take out the AA defense while the rest of the Steel Talons engage the PER. Captain Belfast will assist you in this mission. I'll give you the coordinates of where the sites are at.

"Roger that." Belfast said as he stood seated in the vehicle of the Goliath. Be banged on the door that leads to the pilot seat. "You heard the commander. Head out to the marked coordinates." The pilot grunted a reply. The vehicle lurched for a second before it steadied itself.

He took his time to check over his equipment before the upcoming battle. He opened the magazine to the M16 Mk. II Pulse Rifle and checked to see if anything is amiss.

Captain Belfast had been with the Steel Talons ever since the start of the Third Tiberium War. Before that, he was stationed in Northern Europe, in a land called "Southern Germany", back when it was called Germany anyway. Nowadays, the world is identified as Blue, Yellow, or Red zones. When Nod destroyed the Philidelphia and launched an attack on the East Coast, a Nod army attacked a nearby port was stationed at. It was brutal to say the least, as they rolled over the GDI defenses like it was nothing to them. They were pushed back from the port city and almost surrounded by the hillside where they made their last stand. It would have meant the end for him if it weren't for Commander Andrew arriving with the Steel Talons. They had managed to push back the invaders. He had decided to volunteer to go with them since his last company was killed off by Nod.

After he finished checking his equipment, he looked down at his helmet to see his reflection. He had hazel brown eyes and short blonde hair that some people mistook him to be bald at times. A long scar stretched from his right eye and almost down to his nose, a gift from a Cobalt artillery strike that landed right next to him.

He looked around at his company. About twenty-four men were being rerouted for this mission to sabotage the AA site. He had at least three companies worth of troopers being transported in several Goliaths, making there way towards the coordinates. Of course, no one knew where it was at since all communication signals were jammed for the time being. The only intel they had to rely on was the account of a defender. Anderson was accompanying them, but he was using his jetpacks to move around instead of riding in the Goliath with him.

"Damn crazy son of a bitch." He thought as he swept his eyes over to his men. While he was with some veterans who had been under Alexander's command for more than a year, he could still feel the fear and anxiety just by looking at their faces. Who could blame them? He had heard stories about what the serum does to your body after it gets in your skin. The prospect of being turned into a zombie horse that smiles all the time is creepy at best. He was there in No Man's Land when the so-called Princess Celestia declared war on humanity and what's left of it. He had heard that the eggheads down in D.C. are cooking up some kind of cure for the so-called serum. Some say that it might cure the mind control they had inside those serums. Of course, there were still just rumors.

He didn't know how long he dozed off, but he was awakened by the sound of an explosion and the Goliath he was in violating turning. It was a miracle that he still wore the seatbelt. The Goliath jerked to a stop. Once the daze wore off, he opened the comms. "Big Lion Actual, what is going on?!?"

"An AT missile just flew passed out heads!" The driver said. "We spot multiple PER hostiles towards our position."

'Looks like the intel was right then.' He thought as he unstrapped the seatbelt. "Alright, boys!" He started to shout. "The enemy is already upon us. Let's show them what Steel Talons can do."

The company responded with the words "HURRAH!" being shouted inside the vehicle. He put on his own helmet and activated it. The ram lowered and they all poured out.

They were standing outside of what remains of a large park. There were large craters everywhere from where PER artillery and air smashed anything in their path. There was a couple of twisted metal structure that might have been art at one point. A pond was empty, most likely due to leaking during the strikes. A couple of Kyo fish bodies were found right next to the empty pond, their tails and fins missing in the process.

The first thing he noticed was how fancy the building before him was. It looked like Greco-Roman than Japanese by his standers. There was a large obsidian sign next to the steps of the building with Japanese characters written on them. His helmet translated the letters "Tokyo Museum of Western History." He didn't even know they had a museum like this in Tokyo. He didn't think He immediately got into cover by diving into what remained of a car before it got blown up. Bullets and what looked like purple lights were already streaking in the air. He saw four of his men being gunned down before they could even find cover. He looked over his shoulder to see the suppressors.

The PER were taking cover behind makeshift barricades blocking the entrance. As usual, it was a mixture of human and pony troopers taking potshots whenever they can. He didn't know how many there were outside the building, but he could guess from the flashes of light that there were probably several soldiers guarding the entrance. He noted that the ones with horns were shotting of some sort of beam at the GDI troopers. He didn't know which one was part of the museum or if it was stripped down before they have taken over. Several machine gun emplacements started firing streaks of light across the battlefield. Most of his men had already taken cover, with several bodies already laying out in the open being dead. The Goliath APC opened up its quad cannons at the PER. The human and ponies who were behind cover were instantly killed and said cover destroyed in the process.

A Firehawk streaked overhead. Unless it was a trick of the light, he could see flashing lights right inside the building. Bullets were whizzing out of the roof. One of those flashes struck the win of the Firehawk, forcing it to come barreling out of the sky. A moment later, the sound of an explosion was heard, along with a trail of smoke.

"THE AA TOWER IS THERE!" He shouted to his men. "WE NEED TO GET THROUGH!" As if to prove his point, several shadowy figures shot out of the barricades and into the sky. They were using the sun to blind their approach. It did little to blind him, as he had adjusted his helmets shaders to see what it was that took off. It took him a moment to adjust, but he saw that the figures were indeed pegasus ponies. It was noted that they were wearing a modified version of the GDI armor that fitted their tiny bodies, with the exception of the wings. It would have been considered cute to him if they were already fighting of their lives. They weren't carrying weapons on their persons, but he did see a number of small purple liquid bottles on their armor. It didn't take a genius to figure out what it was. "QUICKLY, SHOT DOWN THE PEGASI! SAM, HARRIS, PROVIDE COVERING FIRE!" He ordered as he pointed up to the sky. They stopped shotting at the covering foes and aimed their weapons at the flying ponies barreling towards them. Private Sam and Harris made sure that the PER forces weren't advancing. Indeed, as he looked over form his cover, he could see some of the PER forces moving out of their cover. Sam had managed to get a couple of shots off from his cover and hit one of the PER troopers, while Harris changed his setting to full auto and begone to spray the human and ponies. He had managed to kill five soldiers before the rest got to cover.

The two Goliath behind him exploded as it was firing its weapon. That meant that the rest of the forces were already outside with some anti-tank weaponry. The rest opened fired on the advancing troops.

Belfast aimed his weapon at the first pegasus in his sights and fire a few shots. The fire one missed but the second and third hit it right in the chest, causing it to spiral out of control. He quickly aimed his sights at the next flier and pulled the trigger. He missed, but he did manage to graze the left wing of the pegasus, making it over to the left and crash into another pegasus trooper. Both were soon spirling out of the sky. The rest of the flight group weaved and dodge bullets left and right, making it harder for his men to hit their target. One of his men must have gotten lucky and hit a pegasus mare right in the head. The two remaining ponies soon used their forehooves to reach for the potion attached to a makeshift bandolier. They soon threw the potion down upon them. "GET OUT OF THE WAY!" He yelled as he did so. The rest of his company did as well.

The cover he was once in exploded as pink liquid flew everywhere. He heard a scream and the cracking of bones next to him. He looked to see Private Sanchez spazzing out on the ground as his arms soon transformed into hooves. He had heard that the potion and the transformation only worked if the liquid hit the victims exposed skin. Sanchez must have had his armor pierced during the fight. He had almost gotten sick just by looking at the transformation. He aimed his weapon at Shacnezes head and pulled the trigger, killing him instantly. While he was sad, he had no time to mourn for his fallen comrade. The PER had destroyed the last of the transports and are currently advancing on his position. He could already see several coming over from the cover he was in, guns and those lasers from the horns of the remaining unicorns whizzing out against him. Several had missed him by luck, but he didn't want to test his luck right now. "Everyone, fall back now!" He said. "We need to try and draw them out to the park and away from their anti-tank support."

"SUPRISE, COCKFAGS!" Out from the sky, Anderson descended down and down on the ground next to him. Belfast might have mistaken him for a guardian angel at some point if said angel wasn't extremely armed. The other PER soldiers halted and, realizing what he is, tried to get back into cover. Anderson's chain gun revved and unleashed a hail of bullets at the retreating traitors. It was bloody, to say the least. One unicorn mare with a blue main and a bright yellow coat was reduced to a red mist by the time she even realized what happened. One PEr soldier wearing GDI armor had his armor pierced and his abnormal removed from his body, his upper half falling to the ground while his legs were riddled with holes.

Before he knew it, it was all over. The rest of his squad quickly moved up the ruined vehicles and started to pursue the retreating foe. He surveyed the carnage that Anderson unleashed. All of the PER soldiers were lying dead. The remaining soldiers that had gotten away were now retreating back towards the building.

He blinked while still trying to comprehend what was happening. "Come on, you lazy ass!" Anderson said as he loomed over him. "Do you want to live forever?!?" Before Belfast could answer him, Anderson turned around and ran before activating his jet pack away from him. He was already leaping away towards the building.

Belfast soon followed his squad and Anderson into the now defenseless building, trying to wonder if Anderson is some sort of crazy demi-god.

'This is an Alpha squad. First AA site is down. Repeat: First AA site is down!

'Bravo has cleared the second AA sight.'

'Hotel here. We cleared out the defenders and destroyed the third site. The air should be clear now.'

"Solid copy. Return to the frontlines when you can. Command out." He hung up on the commanding squads and soon changed the voice channel to the defender's channel. "This is Commander Andrew. The AA sites have all been cleared. You should be safe to evacuate the remaining civilians."

"Affirmative." Shinso Okamoto said. "Not a moment too soon either. We were starting to wonder if those sites would even be down."

"The Steel Talons always get the job down, no matter how bad the situation is." Andrew said with pride in his voice. He may have served in little time due to the fact that Nod's surprise attack on the East Coast crippled the command structure, but the men believe in him.

He heard the metal doors slid open. Turning around, he smiled when Cadence and Shining Armor entered the bridge of his ship. Like before, they marveled at the site of GDI's advanced technology all around them. Well, technically, the Klondike wasn't advanced per se. It was a relic of the Second Tiberium War once piloted by the most esteemed commander of that time. After he had acquired it, he had managed to install the latest software that GDI had on hand. It was limited at first, seeing as all effort was focused on driving Nod out of the East Coast. After he had recaptured D.C. from the enemy, he had managed to upgrade the ship to serve his needs.

He addressed the two leaders of the Crystal Empire. "Thanks to whatever magic thing you did, we can now summon reinforcements from even a half a mile away. If this mission succeeds, then that means GDI will have an edge in the war."

"It was no biggie." Shining Armor said with a wave of his hooves. "It was the least we can do after everything you guys have been through."

"Indeed." Cadence chimed in. "It was the least we can do if it comes to defying my aunt."

"I know." Shining pitched in. "To think that Princess Celestia would ever support a terrorist organization like the PER is just wrong. It isn't like her."

"You know this 'Celestia' personally?" Anderson questioned. When the ponies declared war on humanity, everyone in the GDI territory called the so-called Princess Celestia the 'Solar Tyrant'. Of course, it was probably used from propaganda reasons to get some recruits, but after the destruction of Temple Prime in Sarajevo, it started to spread like wildfire across both territories.

"Yeah." Shining answered. "I used to be part of her guard when we were still in our world. When the Crystal Empire appeared and Twilight and her friends saved it, she appointed me and Cadence to rule over it since there were no legitimate heirs besides Sombra."

"I'm also kind of related to them as well." She looked over her wither to her wings.

"I can see that." He commented. "But besides that, why would you want to go against your aunts like that?"

"When Equestria was transported due to a spell that we both did, the Crystal Empire was taken with it. After we arrived in the new world, Princess Celestia started acting......strange. Like she wasn't herself." She sighed. "At first, I thought she was being a bit paranoid after the Canterlot Wedding. When Princess Celestia told us about this world and the need to conquer it for 'her little ponies', I knew something was wrong."

"And then she made my sister make the serum." Shining Armor added with a hint of anger. "She was so casual about making it. She said that "Those savages need to be like us" and that we need to make this world our own. My Twilight would never say something like that, nor would she agree to help make some mind controlling serum."

"So what did you do when you find out that something was wrong with Celestia?"

"I confronted her about it. I told her about what we are doing was wrong and that we need to establish some sort of diplomatic relations. She then called me a traitor and ordered me and my husband arrested and thrown into the secret dungeons inside the Crystal Empire. I think you might know the rest."

"It's not like this at all." Shining Armor said. "I've known Celestia for a pretty long time, and she would never do something like this. Not even to someone who is a close relative to her."

"Something is wrong with her, and I'm hoping that you can help us with that. That is the main reason why we have this alliance."

"You still want to save her even after everything she has done?" Andrew questioned. After everything that Candace and Shing Armor had been through, one would think that revenge would be on their minds. Being betrayed by a leader of a nation, especially if said leader is a close relative of yours, could drive someone to get back at them.

"I still believe that my aunt can be redeemed somehow." She said with a fierce determination in her eyes. "I don't what has gotten my aunt into this madness, but I'm determined to find out why and stop this madness!"

"I'm with her on that one." Shining Armor said. "I want my innocent sister back, not this monster they created."

Andrew was admired by their strong dedication to something that may seem impossible to some. "Alright, I'll do whatever I can to make sure we can capture Celestia and this "mane six" they keep talking about." He looked at the screen in front of him. "But right now, we go bigger problems."

The battle had gone the way he wanted. With the arrival of the Steel Talons, the tide was turning for the defenders. They had managed to gain some ground in the ensuing battle. The enemy had put up some stiff resistance to be expected since they used both GDI and Nod tech. However, be that as it may, the Steel Talons were the most experienced that had been with him since the start of the war.

At least, that was what he wanted to believe.

"It seems the enemy is using the same portal magic as we are." He said as he looked over the screen. The drone was able to get a birds-eye view of the battle raging before him. He had the drone do a close up at the dockyard where the PER are getting their reinforcements. As he had suspected, he was seeing a swirling light right inside the FOB of the PER. It was no doubt that they were using the same portal magic that Shining and Cadence did. A huge line existed at the beginning of the portal. He had managed to do a close-up with the drone and ordered one of the officers on the bridge to hack into the security systems of the docks. He did just that and the live footage of the dock was in a separate screen next to the drone. After another close-up, Andrew could now see the smiling ponies that were being lined up by the portals.

"They are using the Newfoals as soldiers." Shining Armor gasped. "And look at the numbers. There must be a thousand of them, and they keep growing."

"Those poor souls." Candence sympathized.

"They might overrun us if they keep bring in those Newfoals." Andrew pointed out. He had heard stories about what would happen if a human got exposed to the serum. They would turn into ponies, but their minds would be destroyed in the process. They would become nothing but empty shells of their former selves. He had also heard that the PER were using the Newfoals as meat shields for their battles, especially if they put some explosive chest on them. They were especially dangerous in large groups, and were armed with the serum that they can throw at people. "The civilians are already out of the way of danger, so its safe to say that we can fall back for now."

"You mean we are already giving up!?!?" Shining Armor gasped. "I thought we were here to save the people and the city."

"We are not retreating just yet." He changed the screen to the outlay of the city. "Before you got here, I had word with the Second Armored Battalion, the Third Mechanized Infantry Division and the Fifteenth Air Cav that they are on their way to support us." Several arrows appeared at both right and left corners of the screen. He pointed to the outside of the city. "What we can do is surround the city and force the defenders into a siege. It might take some time, but we are all out of options at the moment."

"I don't like it one bit." Candace said. "It feels like we failed somehow."

"We did all that we could. That is all that matters." The commander said to her. He had felt her pain in a way. He had never once failed a mission even when the odds were against him. It wasn't like he had failed now. He was just trying to consolidate his forces and try again. "It isn't your fault. I'll inform Shinso Okamoto about this retreat. Hopefully, he might understand the situation we are in."

Tokyo Police (converted into army headquarters)
Tokyo, Japan
Blue Zone

"What do you mean we must fall back?!?!?" Shinso Okamoto shouted to the screen where the commander was present. Anyone in close proximity to his shouting turned his way, curious as to what he was talking about. The Toyko Police Headquarters was already bustling with activity. It was converted to an HQ for the reserves that are still holding on to the city.

"I'm sorry, but the New Foals have already joined the battle with the PER. There are thousands of them on the frontlines already." The commander explained. "Already we are getting reports of our frontline collapsing to these infernal creatures." He switched the view from his ship the drone overlooking the frontlines. He could see a moving wave of color sweeping over the city and into the frontlines. It would have been a beautiful sight to behold if it wasn't already moving in to kill them or worse. The screen changed to a helmet cam of a trooper in some sort of ruined building that overlooked the battlefield.

"THIS IS SERGENT FAUST OF SECOND COMPANY! WE ARE BEING OVERWHELMED HERE!" She turned her helmet in time to see a Mammoth Tank fire a shot out of its twin cannons while moving backward in retreat. Tilting her head, he could see a sea of color ponies came el mass at the retreating tank. Several soldiers were firing at the mass right next to the tank. They might as well have been shooting at an ocean as the swarm came descending down on them. The tank and the soldiers were soon covered with the sea of color, the soldier's loud screams and cracking of bones made Shinso sick to his stomach. An explosion erupted moments later. "Fucking hell. We need some goddamn orders." She turned her head and kept firing at the swarming masses.

"Sergeant, they are coming up the building." She turned to see a trooper addressing her. "We are completely surrounded! There is no way in or out!"

"Fuck!" She cursed. "We need an evac right now! We ne-" She didn't finish as the door that was barred right after they went in had suddenly exploded, catching the nearest trooper in the explosion. The sounds of hooves and the shouts of "Praise Celestia!" came moments later as the ponies streamed into the room. She turned her weapon, but a pony jumped her and the screen went blank.

Shino cursed under his breath as he saw the footage. There too many of them to count alone, and the way they just charged them with no regards for their safety is something to behold itself. He had heard that the newly converted humans were stripped of intelligent and awareness when they first take the serum. He never would have believed it until now. "What do you suggest we do now?" He asked.

"Several armor divisions are coming straight from Northern Japan to help reinforce the battle. Until they arrive, all we can do is try to hold them off." The commander informed him. "I know its not an easy decision to make, but we are out of options at this point."

Shinso wanted to argue that there was something they can do. Even if the Newfoals are advancing like a tidal wave, they can still hold them off without abandoning the city. Now that the AA sites are down, they could use Orca Bombers and Firehawks to assist in the defense. However, even if the commander was young in a way, he had won thousands of battles against Nod and the ponies. So if he said that the battle was lost, he meant it.

He sighed. "Alright. I'll order my remanding units to fall back." With that said, the screen changed back to the GDI logo. He turned to his remaining officers and said: "We will never fall back."

"They are overruning our position as we speak!" One of his officers, Myzumo Kashimata, yelled as he flailed his arms around. "We barely have anything to counter them, much less try to beat them back."

"I won't let this city fall on my watch!" Shinso argued. He walked over to the large window and looked out on the smoking city below. The capital city of Japan, which housed numerous skyscrapers, were already fallen to ruin. "My father and his father before him, all the way to the foundation of Tokyo and Japan, have always guarded this city against danger. And I'll be damned if I dishonor my fathers past got to nothing."

"I don't think you even heard me." Myzumo carefully explained. "Even with the Steel Talons and their air support paving the way, the Newfoals are coming in the millions. They are charging our lines with nothing but the serum in their hooves. Holding them will be difficult, and trying to beat them back would be suicidal at best. We don't even have any weapons to deal with this sort of thing."

"There is one weapon we haven't tried yet." He looked to his officers. "One that may either save us, or damn us."

"What do you mean?"

"I do have an idea, one that may be our downfall." He looked at his officers with intent. "I think we need to activate.......it"

The room was dead silent when he explained what he wanted to do. For the first few minutes, nobody moved a muscle, nor did anyone say anything. Myzumo broke the silence. "You don't mean-"

"I do. It's the only way."

"But we haven't even tested out the targeting parameters yet." Myzumo said in a panic. "We don't know if it might attack our forces or not. Not to mention that this is the first time we are testing it. Anything could go wrong if we try to release it."

"Don't you think I know that?!?!?" He nearly shouted, making several unofficial personal looked at the direction of the meeting. "We have no choice. If this city falls, then the Pacific forces are in danger of being overrun. I'll be damned if this city falls to them and I'll be damned if I let it happen on my watch. We must do this for the good of mankind."

He could tell that Myzumo wanted to argue about this even more. His mouth opened and closed several times, failing each time to get a word out. He couldn't blame him. What they were about to do would be considered suicidal at best, and be branded traitors if they survived. If being the big term. From what he had heard of the weapon test on the thing is true...

Myzumo then sighed. "I hope you know what you are doing."

"I do too." He stated. "Make sure to punch in the command codes." Myzumo nodded. With that silence, the meeting was over. The officers and military officials pilled out of the room one by one until only Shinso was left alone in the room. All of them were staring at their commander like he had lost his mind.

He turned once again to the ruins of the city he had once called home. He could see flashes on the horizon every now and again, and heard various explosions and gunfire in the distance.

"You think you all are hot shit." He muttered to himself. "Strolling into my city and reducing it to ruins. But let's see how you fair when you handle.......the Shogun Executioner."

Author's Note: