• Published 9th Jul 2014
  • 6,735 Views, 213 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: Tiberium Wars - Jack of Tales

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GDI 2nd Fleet.
Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean

The Kodiak flew over the hundreds of warships over the ocean as they went to an unknown location. The sun was high up in the sky, despite the current Tiberium climate on Earth. Inside the cockpits of the Kodiak, Commander Andrew Coulson and his crew were seen looking over the bridge to the warships. It has been a few hours since Alex received the mission for General Jack Granger to launch an offensive in the country where the aliens reside in called 'Equestria'. He is tasked with meeting with the Colonel of the assault on the country itself.

"Commander, you have an incoming transmission from the U.S.S. Oklahoma." One of the officers notified Andrew as he sat in his command chair.

"Sent it through." He said. On his orders, the officer press some buttons on the consoles. The screen came alive as a face is presented on it.

The man on it is older that Andrew, with a black beard and black hair with light green eyes. In the background, the crew members were busy with some "Nice to see you, Commander. Colonel Mel Conrade, at your service. " He said. "I hope that this mission you were given isn't too soon?"

"Nonsense." Andrew said. "I can take another mission. No problem. Just tell me what to do."

"Alright. Hang on one second." The colonel is pressing some buttons below him. The screen shirked into a small version of him and then moved to the left hand corner of the screen. A map was presented to him of a country that almost looked like England. The words 'Equestria' was presented at the top of the map. "We found this map while we were taking back Shanghai. We believe this is the ponies country." The screen zoomed into a town labeled 'Vanhoover'. "Command wants us to establish a beachhead here. We know that it is the major port city on this side of the country, so they chose this town to launch our invasion." A picture of the town from the drone are presented. "We scouted out the town itself. It's under heavy guard, but there technology if far behind ours, so they shouldn't be a problem for us. But we need a beachhead so we can send in our troops. And that's the problem." A bubble suddenly sprouted out from the city. "A shield is keeping our forces from landing. We've tried everything to destroy it, but the damn thing is indestructible. But that's just the bad news for us." A picture of what looks like a base near some trees, a half mile from the town itself. "Our drones have picked up high radiation spikes from a base to the far north." Andrew saw the machine in the screen. It looked like a box of sorts, with wires and crystals all around the surface. "Inside the base, we found some sort of machine. If I had to take a guess, I think his machine is what is keeping us out."

The Colonel's face was once again taking the full screen. "We need you to destroy that base and the machine in it. Once that's done, we'll assault the city and take it as our own. We'll launch a diversion to keep the main forces occupied. Think you can do this?"

Andrew nodded. "Of course we can. Send me the map of Equestria for me. We'll see to it that that base is destroyed."

"Of course. One more thing. "The city as a small beach not far from there. It should make an excellent location for your base of operations. Mel out" The Colonel disappeared from the screen, leaving it with the symbol of GDI on it.

"Set up a course for Vanhoover." The Commander ordered. "Let's make them regret ever attacking humanity."

A Forest Outside Of Vanhoover
Two Hours Later

The airship landed on the beach with no problem at all. The engineers got to work on the defenses and some structures for the assault on the ponies base. Concrete walls were set up in a pentagon position, with the only access point being the small beach. War Factories were starting producing more Titan walkers and Wolverine's, as well as a couple of Mammoth Tanks and a few Tempest MLRS. Vulcan Towers were set up along the perimeter of the base. An Orbital Deployment Center was installed inside the base, granting Commander Andrew an access to a Mammoth Mk. II, an old walker from the Second Tiberium War and repurposed for GDI use once again.

Inside the ship, Commander Andrew is sitting in his command chair, giving seen giving directions to some of the troops on the consoles. Right now, he ordered two Firebirds to do a fly by of the base. He saw the Firebirds take off with a boost.

Airfield. "ATHENA, give me a visual of he base." Andrew said.

A holographic screen came to life before him, seeing the birds-eye view from the Firebirds.

The base that he saw on the screen was heavily defended. Although these ponies lack any modern day weaponry, the one with the horns can do an equal amount of damage, along with some of the cannons and, for what he could guess, gatling guns. Two enterances to the base were there. The front entrance is heavily guarded with troops and those tanks. However, the back entrance provides little resistance, with only a few of those normal ponies and a few Pegasus ponies.

"Commander, the base seems to be heavily guard. The back entrance seems less guard than the other ones. We should launch a diversion by attacking the first entrance, then flank them from the back. We would overrun the enemy."

"Good, let's------" Alarms have flared as "What's going on?!?!"

"Alert! Large force heading south to our location."

"Damn it." He murmured under his breath. "We must have been found out somehow." He looked out the window of the bridge, seeing some dust coming out of the horizon. "Order the troops to dig in. I want Wolverines and MLRS at the front of the gates in case the turrets fall."

The officers scrabbled to their positions. Andrew pressed a few buttons on his chair and brought up the view of his base. He cracked his knuckles before going to work. "Nothing ever goes our way."

"....and after we kick these monkeys out, I'm going back to my mare back in Manehattan." Sugar Bomb said to Gum Drop as they marched. Behind all the armor, Sugar Bomb is a normal earth pony with a grey coat and a violet purple mane and tail. Gum Drop, a unicorn mare, has a mulberry coat with yellow and red strips.

A Pegasus from the garrison forces inside the city had come to his company's camp, informing them that they spotted the humans in a beach not far from Vanhoover. So they mobilized and started a march toward they're target, intended to drive them out of their homeland. The ponies from his battalion have bought something called a 'gatling gun' straight out of Stalliongrad. The use of it was that it would use a magical crystal inside the gun, which would unleash magical energies right at the enemy. The use of this new invention could very well change the war, and help the humans live a better life.

"I understand what your feeling." Gum Drop said in a Appaloosan accent. "I have a stallion and two fillies waiting for me back home. I hope we can get this done and over with."

"Yeah. I mean, what are those monkey's going to do. Throw bananas at us?"

She giggled. "Yeah, those ape won't know what-"

Before they knew it, they were already at the beach. They saw the human structures up ahead, as well as some walls that separate the Equestrian soldiers from the humans.

Sugar Bomb snorted. "What this? Do they think a wall is going to keep us-"

Something smashed into the ground, sand flying everywhere. Everypony covered they're eyes as sand was flown everywhere. Gum Drop and Sugar Bomb coughed as sand was everywhere, blinding them. The dust has settled moments later, letting Gum Drop and Sugar Bomb see what had caused such calamity. They saw a shadow hovering over them and the company.

It is as big as any dragon they seen, with two large tubes at its side and two miniature cannons out of its mouth. It's feet reminded them of a ducks feet, but bigger in size. They can see two windows on the head of the beast, seeing humans controlling it.

Gum Drop and Sugar Bomb both gulped and quivered in fear of this gigantic monstrosity. They weren't the only ones fear it. Half of the company was already quivering in fear after seeing this thing.

The only pony that wasn't affected was companies commander, who just glared at it. "They think that some stupid animal is going to stop us. Lets show these apes how we really do things in Equestria!" With a bellowing war cry, the sergeant galloped toward the metal beast. The entire company saw their leader going into battle, which inspired some of them to follow their leader into battle. Gum Drop and his friend followed their leaders example.

What they saw, would haunt them for the rest of their days.

Graves, the driver in the Mammoth MKII Walker, had to shift back a laugh when he saw the aliens, no more a size of a dog and armed with spears and swords, come running up to a heavily armed war machine.

It was funny, in a odd way.

"Alright, boys." He shout to the rest of his crew members inside the bridge of the Mammoth. "Lets show these aliens what happens when they mess with the big dogs."

"Sir, don't you think this is a bit......overkill?" A nearby officer by the name of Ryan said to Andrew as they saw the Mammoth Walker destroy the entire army. This wasn't the first time he had used this method. Back in Africa, when they were sent to disrupt the ports carrying the WMD's, he used the Orbital Deployment Center to deploy a Mammoth MK.II onto the battlefield. Some say it was a bit of an overkill, but the commander didn't really care.

Andrew looked at him. "I know it's a bit of an overkill, but we need something strong to punch through the lines. I know we have some heavy tanks, but after Santa Cruz, I'm not taking any chances." He looked back at the screen, which showed the Mammoth releasing all hell on the ponies. "Though, now I might have made a mistake."

Both Sugar and Gum hid behind a rock as the.....thing continued to slaughter their best friends and mates. The first to go was they're company commander, who was the first to be eviscerated when the large metal monster fired both of the tubes in his side at him. Some of the soldiers went to cover, others tried to run for their lives, while a few charged at the metal giant, thinking they could take it down. The giant had fired it's 'bullets' at the ones that are retreating, mowing them down one by one. It soon threw up some disc-shaped objects at the soldiers that were charging it. When it came in contact, the soldiers were reduced to a bloody mist. They saw one pegasus pony escape the bloody massacre and attempted to slash the window of the beast that is housing the humans, but a 'missile' came at him from somewhere and turned him into a bloody mist.

"WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!" Gum Drop shouted, interrupting his thoughts. He looked in her eyes and saw that she was afraid. Looking on top of his cover, he saw that some of his comrades were already killed in battle, a few of them were missing some limbs. He saw human soldiers exiting from the base itself and going into the narrow past, some more metal beast accompanying them. He saw some of the surviving ponies trying to fight the humans from a distance with either crossbows, magic, or those potions. While the cross bolts and magic had done little than to hider them, the potions didn't do a really good job. The potions were supposed to burn through the heaviest and enchanted armor. There was no way the humans would not be affected by it.

He turned back to her. "I think we should get going, get away from Vanhoover."

Her eyes went wide when he mentioned this. "Are you crazy?!?!?!? We could be hunted down."

"Well, I don't want to die here!" Sugar Bomb yelled over the sound of battle. "I have a wife and kids to go back to. Besides, have you seen what happened to our company. A whole lot of them were eliminated in seconds. Seconds!. By that machine!"

Gum Drop bit her lip as she thought about what he said. He was right. Almost all of their company was destroyed by that beast, especially since they couldn't get a single hit on it. In a blink of an eye, she saw her comrades in arms reduced to bloody messes or lost a precious limb. She wanted to charge out of her cover so she could give the humans her piece of mind, but she knows that she would be killed if she set foot out of cover.

She sighed. "Your right. Lets get out of here."

He look over his cover again. Apparently, the remains of the 24th were getting the same idea. The were going out of their covers and ran far from the beach. He nodded to Gum Drop, and they both got out of cover and ran, the bullets flew past them like a horde of flies.

Later, after the war, they would tell their foals stories of the horrors of the metal beasts.

"Sir, the ponies are retreating. Should we pursue them?" Ryan informed the commander. The commander watched as the ponies ran for the hills from his troops.

"Let them go. I think they learned they're lesson." Andrew said. "Right now, lets focus our efforts on the base." From the holographic screen in front of him, he saw his forces awaiting his orders. He raised his hand at the screen and traced it to his objective, creating a line.

"Lets finish this."

Shield Blast, a unicorn stallion with a blue coat and grey mane and tail, stood outside the base, guarding the entrance with a bored expression on his face as he leaned against his spear. Out of all the jobs in the army, he was ordered to stand guard outside. It was boring. He wanted to join his other friends in the conversion of the humans. But no! He was stuck here guarding the base.

'Dear Celestia, I wish something would happen.'

His ears perked up when the ground shook for a second. He stood full at attention, spear in his fetlock as the rumbling continued. The ground shook every few seconds. He was both a little exited and scared at the same time. Something big was heading this way, and from the rumbling, it was really big. But at the same time, he could help but be relived that something was happening.

'Maybe if I take it down, they might give me a promotion.' He smiled at the thought.

After a few seconds of shaking and rumbling, something came out from the trees. A metal beast the likes of which he never seen before. His eyes widened at the sight before him. His legs felt like jelly, his spear almost fell out of his grip. The thing in front of him could easily crush him in one go.

He shook his head. This was no time to dwell on this. If he put it down, he would be a hero, and every mare would want him.

He levitated the spear from his hooves and aimed for his head. He waited until the thing got close, it's slow step shook the very earth itself. With a might pull, he threw the spear at the beasts head........

......and it bounced off.

The metal beast stopped for a second, then aimed its tubes at him.


His entire world turned red.

Andrew watched from his holographic screen as his forces reached the base and started attacking it.

Lifting his hands, he dragged the holographic screen down and miniaturized it to a size of a table. He could still see his forces engaging the enemy. Using his own fingers, he directed the forces to their respectable positions.

Three Juggernauts launched their volley against the camp. The ponies were caught off guard at the artillery, most were already dead or running for cover. He pointed his finger to the multiple troops hidden in the forest, as well as the Mammoth walker, and dragged there path to the base. They charged at the base while proving cover fire for some slower vehicles. The Wolverines were mowing down any ponies that got in the way, reducing them to nothing more than red rain. A Titan aimed its cannon at an unfortunate pony and fired, leaving nothing left but a scorched helmet on the ground. A company of GDI troopers had fired its rifles at the ponies coming out of the barracks they were in. A couple of the ponies tanks started firing magic at some of the troopers. A Mammoth tank fired its twin cannons at one of the tanks, reducing it to rubble. The other tanks tried to turn toward the Mammoth tank, but they were quickly destroyed by the Mammoth walker.

His eyes darted around the screen as he saw something out of the corner of his eye. The machine was crudely made, with wires sticking out of it and a beam of light that shoot through the sky.

"There you are" He mumbled as he spotted the thing that looks like the machine that he is sent to destroy. With a flick of his fingers, he ordered his demolitions team to right it with explosives. He saw two GDI engineers rush to the machine and started placing C4 on it. He moved his hand to the outside, ordering his troops to evacuate. The forces starting moving out of the base, some dragging wounded troops as well.

After everyone was evacuated, he pressed a button on the chair that connected to the C4.

The base exploded, a massive mushroom cloud was seen from the bridge. A massive shock wave shook the earth, trees flown in the wind. He looked over to the city and saw the shield shimmered for a second before it died out. The crew on the bridge cheered in victory as the shield that covered the city was destroyed.

He could see the GDI fleet on the horizon as they assaulted the city. From the carriers, landing ships were launched toward the city. The cannons from the battleships pounded the Equestrian forces. The carriers launched Firebirds and Orca Bombers for bombing runs and strategic strikes. The ponies themselves were overwhelmed and running, while some of them stayed behind to fend off the invaders. He could see some landing craft heading toward the city, filled with GDI troops and equipment necessary for this landing. Andrew ordered the rest of his troops to assist in the assault of the city. In a matter of hours, the city will fall to GDI.

Today, humanity had struck a strategic blow against the ponies.

Mission Accomplished

Author's Note:

Guess who's back with a brand new rap?

I might be a little out of it, but that doesn't mean I won't give up on this story.