• Published 3rd Sep 2014
  • 7,472 Views, 591 Comments

Full Moon Fever: A MoonLight Prompt Collab - TheLastBrunnenG

Sundown and Midnight, Stars and Moon, Magic and Dark Dreams

  • ...

104 Guardian by Maexam

by Maexam

{Anthro} {Saint Seiya crossover}

Prelude: The crows were carrying Diana far into the sky. The more time passed, the farther she was. If Twilight didn’t do anything, she would lose her. According to the Crow Saint, Blueblood, The Great Master had ordered that Diana was to be taken to the Sanctuary. Whatever she had planned for Diana, could not be good. She could not allow Blueblood and his crows to take her away!

“Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Fool! There’s nothing you can do! This mare in beyond your reach!”

She heard how Blueblood taunted her. But she ignored him and kept running after the crows. She knew she couldn’t give up. Not until her queen, her goddess was safe.

“*pant, pant*”

Twilight ran after the black birds until she reached a border of the chasm.

“*They’re getting too far away* I must do something!”

She then ran and jumped on a wall of the mountain and then she jumped up while focusing her Cosmo.

“Lend me your strength, Alicorn! Alicorn Ryu Sei Ken!”, she cried.

And she launched her attack. Unleashing countless balls of light that had a trail of light behind them. The lights hit the crows, causing them to let go of the ropes and also tearing a few ones. That, in turn, made Diana begin to free fall towards the abyss along with Twilight.

“*Oh no!*”

Twilight then grabbed Diana’s waist with one arm and tried to use the other one to stop their fall. Unfortunately, they were falling too fast. Thus, when Twilight applied the necessary pressure on her arm…

“Argh!”, she cried in pain. “I broke my arm!”

Her arm was now bleeding quite a bit. But she didn’t have the time to worry about that now. For she saw that her charge was about to fall down to the valley at the bottom of the mountain.


Twilight used her left arm and quickly grabbed Diana by her left wrist.

“It’s… a Guardian’s duty… to protect Nightmare Moon!”, she reminded herself, tough she was in severe pain.

Just then, while Twilight was trying to bring Diana back up, Blueblood appeared.

“He, he. I’ll throw them both down!”, he said to himself.

Twilight then tried as hard as she could to bring Diana and herself back up. And just as Blueblood’s kick was about to connect, she managed to do it. Thus, making Blueblood miss his mark. Twilight then took the chance to trip him, making him fall into a platform a few meters below.

Twilight then held Diana close to her. Making sure that, although unconscious, she was okay. And she looked at Diana with a worry and care filled eyes.

“*She looks so beautiful…*”

Although Twilight would never admit it, she had long ago developed a crush on her beloved Queen. But she would never say anything to her. Because, even though she wanted to be so much more with Diana, her Queen was a goddess incarnated and she was a mortal. So, she chose to guard her and simply be by her side. Wanting nothing more than protecting her and being whatever her Queen needed her to be. She was then snapped out of her thoughts by Blueblood.

“Ahh! Twilight, please, help me!”

“Blueblood, we’ll continue this another time. Ask your crown to help you!”

“Hey! Twilight wait! Twilight!”

Just as Twilight was about to leave with her charge, she heard a very familiar voice.

“Twilight! Don’t think this is over!”

“Huh? Where have I heard that voice?”

The, a mare wearing the Opiucus Cloth and an Amazoness mask appeared.

“!!! Trixie! It’s you!”

“I have come for the rematch.”

“Ah. Trixie! I’m thank you for coming to help me. Please give me a hand here!”

“Blueblood, don’t think life is so easy! You can do it by yourself!”

“Damn it! You think you’re so funny!”

“Twilight. If I were you, I wouldn’t let us live. You’re such a softie! Huh. You’ll never change. You will always be the same.”

“*Damn it! I can’t use my right arm. And I always had problems with Trixie!*”

“The blame of all this is of your personality. Twilight, this time, you’re trapped!”

“Twilight! You won’t escape! He, he, he, he, he, he!”

“You have a rock solid wall behind you. And in front of you, a valley about 300 meters bellow here.”

Twilight stepped back until her Cloth’s back made contact with the mountain’s wall. She was nervous and, honestly, worried and scared. Not for herself, no. But for Diana.

“The only option you have left is to either attack me or Blueblood. It’s your choice!”

“Pony feathers. I don’t know what to do. I can’t use my left arm. And I have to protect Diana.”

“Twilight! Leave that mare to Blueblood and fight with me once again!”

“I can’t do that! This lady is a Queen! And she represents something very precious to me!”

“Very precious?” Trixie seethed to herself. She could feel her jealousy increasing, making her blood boil and her body tremble slightly as a result.

At that moment, Twilight heard a voice from a much closer source.

“The stars are beautiful…”

Twilight then looked at Diana with slight surprise and care.

“Diana, you’re awake!”

Diana shifted a little and looked up. Relieved to hear and see her beloved Guardian.

“Ah, Twilight, is it you?”

“You shouldn’t have woken up yet. This is worse for you, than for anyone else.”

“I must be heavy Twilight.” she said, trying to relieve Twilight of some of the burden.

“But I am your Guardian!”

“*As dutiful as always.*”, Diana thought with a slight smile. “Ah. You’re right, of course.”

Both, Trixie and Blueblood looked on. Blueblood in confusion and annoyance. And Trixie in rage and jealousy.

“Trixie, don’t just stay there watching!”

“Shut up!! I know!”

Seeing that mare and Twilight so close to each other made her scream internally. She wanted nothing more than to separate them. And if Twilight couldn’t be hers, then no one would have her.

“Diana, would you mind if we risked ourselves in an all or nothing?”

Diana smiled.

“Twilight, I trust you with my life.”

“Damn it all! Die both of you!”

“Don’t move Trixie! Wait!”

Twilight then returned her look to Diana.

“Diana, hold on tight to me. And don’t you dare let go.”

Diana nodded, still smiling, and did as Twilight told her, while laying her muzzle on one of her Guardian’s breasts., Which caused Twilight to blush slightly.

Twilight then began to walk closer to the edge of the abyss.



Both villains exclaimed at what they were seeing.

Once at the edge, Twilight took one last look to her charge. Then, she jumped high in the air.


Both then fell into the darkness. And all the time, Twilight held Diana tightly in a way that Diana would be protected and she would take the brunt of the impact.

“Wha! How could she do that?! It suicide to jump from this height! They’ll surely die!”

“*sigh* Twilight. She always acts like that. But seeing her fall into the dark like that, it’s like watching a shooting star.”

“C’mon! This isn’t the time for poetry! Let’s go after them!”

Trixie looked at Blueblood with irritation.

“Do you want to jump as well?”

“Of course not! I’m not that stupid!”

“If you’re really not that stupid, then wait for the Sun in the morning! Because of you go there now, you won’t be able to find them!”

“You’ve got a point there.”

“After all, not even a Saint can escape unharmed from such a jump from this height. They’ll never be able to get out!”

“Very good Trixie! Now you’re using your brain!”

“And you look like you never use yours!”


Trixie then looked at the abyss below.

“*Twilight. You were the only one to see my face apart from my family. Before, I had two choices. But now I have no other choice but to kill you. I’ll kill Twilight. And separate her from that mare!*

In the morning

Trixie woke up first. She decided to leave Blueblood behind, so she could deal with things in her own way She begun jumping down, from platform to platform.

‘*Twilight, if you get out of this one alive, you will always remember me*”.

Our scene then changes.

Diana opened her eyes. She looked around and was confused by her surroundings. She apparently was in a small field of flowers on one the mountains platforms. Then she fully woke up. And all of last night’s events returned to her. And with them, her worry for her Guardian. She looked around desperately, trying to find her. Then, she spotted her, lying on the rocks, unconscious. She got up and ran as fast as her legs could carry her to her Guardian’s side. Once she arrived, she kneeled down and partially loomed over her Twilight. She saw slight trail of blood going down Twilight’s left cheek. And she cleaned it up with one of her fingers. It was fitting really, now that she thought about it. She was the reincarnation on Nightmare Moon, the Alicorn Goddess of the Night. And Twilight was the Alicorn Saint. The Saint of the Stars. Thus, it was fitting that Twilight was her Guardian. She wondered briefly if their destinies were always entwined. If they were crossed at some point or if they were only parallel. Always together, but never meeting each other. She then saw another trail of blood of Twilight’s cheek. And again, she cleaned it up.

“Thank you Twilight. You protected me. And now I’ll protect you.”

Diana began to tear a bit.

“I’m so sorry, my dearest Twilight! All of this was my fault!”

Lost in the moment, Diana began to lower her muzzle. She was about to kiss her Guardian when, seemingly out of nowhere, Trixie appeared from a platform a little above of where Twilight and Diana were.

“Well! Isn’t this sweet. I think I’m going to cry!”

Diana the turned to face the mare that, while she didn’t hate her, she honestly couldn’t stand her. She had heard from Twilight about her previous encounters with this mare. From what she had understood, Trixie was obsessed with Twilight. She wanted to have a relationship with Twilight, but she wanted to kill her at the same time. Besides, Twilight was hers and hers alone.

“Frankly, all of this mushy stuff is making me nauseous!”

Trixie then jumped from the platform to where the pair was.

“Now, be a good little mare and hand Twilight over to me. I’ll give her the coup de grace!”

Diana looked at Twilight. Then at Trixie. And, with determination clear in her eyes and voice, she said:

“Don’t worry. I’ll protect you, my dearest Twilight!”

“How are you going to protect her?! Move out of the way!”

“I will not!”, answered Diana, while positioning herself in front of Twilight completely, so as to shield her.

“I really hate to do this, but you’ll have to go to the Tartarus with her!”

Instead of showing fear and standing aside, like Trixie expected, she placed her right hand on Twilight’s broken arm.

“Prepare yourself for the worst!”

Then, callings of crows were heard. Trixie looked up in slight surprise and in extreme annoyance as she saw Blueblood descending to where they were.

“Ha, ha, ha, ha. Trixie, I’m tired of your little soap opera. I was ordered by the Master to bring back the mare. So step aside and let me do my job!”

“I don’t believe this!”

“Thank you. I will remember your name when the Master’s praising me.”

Blueblood then went to where Diana and Twilight were.

“And now Miss Selene, let me escort you to the Sanctuary.”

“I’m sorry to reject your offer, but I’m afraid we won’t be going this time. But don’t worry. Once Twilight’s recovered, we’ll make her a visit. In the mean time, please send our regards to the Master.”, she said, while gazing at her Guardian with a care and love filled eyes.

“Wha?! We don’t have time for that looser to get better!”

The fact that Blueblood had called her Twilight a looser made Diana’s anger grow.

“Here, I’ll just finish her off right now!”

“Hold it, bird brain! Twilight in mine!”

Again, Diana’s anger grew.

“*How dare you call Twilight yours?! And when you’re attempting to kill her no less!*”

“Your mission is to take the mare back. So do it!”

“You’ve got a point there. Besides, it looks like she’s done for anyway, so you can kill her anyway you want Trixie. And now Miss, I won’t tolerate any more games.”

Diana didn’t pay any attention to those two. She was more focused on something she was feeling inside of herself, deep within her soul. It was a warm and gentle, yet fierce and protective energy. It was her Cosmo. And that Cosmo was so big, that it was flowing out of her.

“W-what is this Cosmo?!”, asked Blueblood in fear and confusion.

Diana’s azure and white colored Cosmo increased even more.

“What is this?! I’m feeling a powerful Cosmo emanating from this mare!!

“*What is this?! I had never felt something so strong before! It’s not coming from Twilight and certainly not from Blueblood. It’s something bigger. Far bigger than the Universe itself. I don’t think that anyone of the Gold Saints has such a strong Cosmo. Don’t tell me… that this mare…is...*”

“It’s not possible that I’m being so greatly overwhelmed by this mare! But this Cosmo! It’s impossible! I can’t move my body!”

Diana then stood up and, with the authority one would expect from a Queen or from a Goddess, she said:

“Return now to the Sanctuary!”, she said, tough she was clearly aware that the Crow Saint could not move, due to her own Cosmo forbidding it.

“I-I would… if I could move!”

“Return to the Sanctuary and tell the Master that if she wishes to speak to Us or to Ours, she is to come here herself. We will not run or hide. There’s no inconvenience!”

“Don’t be ridiculous! The Master will never come to see you!”

Diana released Blueblood’s body.

“Ahrg! The Mater is there to aid Nightmare Moon. But in reality, she’s the one that commands the Saints. 88 Saints are under her command! She’s the head of the Saints!”

Blueblood then whistled to call his crows.

“My beloved children! Attack her! Attack her! Kill the insolent witch!”

All of Blueblood’s crows launched themselves towards Diana, ready to fulfill their master’s orders. However, when they were about to reach Diana, she merely raised her arms a bit. Then, as if commanded by an unseen force, all of the crows calmed down and gathered around Diana’s feet.

“What in the Tartarus?!”, said Blueblood, astonished at what he had just seen.

He tried to call them with a whistle again but, instead of obeying, they attacked Blueblood.

“What?! What are you doing?! Stop! Stop! STOP!!!”

The crowns then dispersed. Barely able to move, Blueblood tried to make sense of what was happening.

“Why?! Why would the crows I raised from hatchlings turn against me?!”

Then, Trixie finally understood.

“*She’s Nightmare Moon!*”

“Damn it! You’re a demon! Raaaaaahhh!!!”, screamed an enraged Blueblood, as he launched himself against Diana, ready to try and kill her.

But, before Blueblood could reach Diana, a great, powerful and familiar Cosmo emerged from behind Diana.

“*Could it be?!*”, thought Diana, with hope.

And her hopes were proven true when she turned around and saw Twilight, standing there, fully healed and ready for battle, despite her Cloth still being mostly destroyed. But what surprised not only Diana, but Blueblood and Trixie as well, was the powerful Cosmo emanating from Twilight. Diana had never before seen or felt Twilight release such a powerful and intense Cosmo.

Twilight then opened her eyes. And they were completely white. Ablaze with power. She positioned herself to attack and, behind her, her Cosmo condensed and took on a form. The form of a great and majestic Alicorn. Her constellation. Next, her Cloth began to glow. It grew and expanded. Once the light vanished, Twilight’s new Cloth shocked everyone. The destroyed Cloth had disappeared. And in its place was a new one that looked, in Diana’s opinion, majestic. The new Cloth was purple colored and had a few black borders in some pieces. The Cloth’s purple color was a couple of shades darker than Twilight’s coat. It consisted in a pair of Sabatons that had one small wing on the back of each one and that reached a bit above her ankles, followed by a pair of Greaves with black borders that reached just past her knees and Cuisses that reached her tights. Then came a Tasset that also had black borders and a Belt that had and emblem that had a small Alicorn engraved in it in silver. Next was the Breastplate. One that, Diana thought, highlights her features nicely. It covered almost all of her torso, except for a very small part on her belly. The Gauntlets were lacking the upper parts of the fingers and had silver colored knots on each of the fingers. They looked ready to beat something. Her Vambraces covered from her wrist to her shoulders. Twilight’s new helmet began a little above her neck’s base, allowing her purple with a pink streak mane to flow freely and went all the way to the top of her head on the back. The upper part of the helmet cover almost all of her head, except here her horn was and her eyes. The helmet left exposed the front of her neck, lower muzzle and about half of her upper muzzle. It had the perfect shape of an Alicorn’s head. Completing the ensemble, were a pair of angel like wings on the Cloth’s back that had their outer part purple colored and their inner part colored a light pink.

All were astonished by her new looks and by her power. However, Blueblood recovered and was about to attempt to continue his assault on Diana. But, before he could, Twilight quickly went in between them and delivered an upward kick to Blueblood’s muzzle, breaking part of his cloth and a few teeth, which in turn made him spit some blood and also knocking him unconscious.

“Don’t you dare try to attack Diana.”, said Twilight protectively with a power and anger charged voice.

Twilight’s gaze softened and returned to their normal selves, tough her power didn’t decreased at all. Nor did her aura. She turned around to face her Queen. Her secret love.

“Diana, are you alright?”

“Y-yes. But, how?”

“I’m not sure. All I knew is that, while I was unconscious, I could feel a Cosmo that could only be yours. And I also heard you saying my names a few times.”

Diana blushed slightly at this, tough she quickly hided it. Wha neither of them knew, was that, while Diana was busy dealing with Blueblood and Trixie, the Cosmo that was emanating from her healed all of Twilight’s injuries. As well as it had reconstructed Twilight’s Cloth. And it was all due to their bond.


Trixie then took the chance that Twilight was distracted and charged towards her. Diana placed herself in front of Twilight.

“I won’t let you lay a single finger on her.”

Diana then felt a firm yet gentle hand on her left shoulder. She recognized it as her Guardian’s. She looked at Twilight and said mare gave her a reassuring nod and look.

Diana took a step back and allowed Twilight to deal with this as she saw fit.

As soon as she got close enough, Trixie launched her signature move.

“Shandã Kurou!”, she cried. Attempting to hit Twilight.

But Twilight simply grabbed her hand and stopped her attack as if it was nothing.


“Stop this already Trixie. You can’t win. Stop this and go home!”

“Shut up!”, exclaimed Trixie after Twilight let go of her and she jumped 10 meters backwards.

“I already told you! You saw my face. Now I have to kill you!”

Trixie charged once again.

“*sigh* You leave me no choice.”

Twilight then did the positions with her arms that had become so familiar to her. And when the technique was ready, she launched it.

“Alicorn Ryu Sei Ken!”

Due to her new found power, Twilight’s attack far surpassed the one she had before. Thus, when the attack made a direct hit on Trixie, said mare’s Cloth was obliterated and she was sent slamming into the wall behind her with strength big enough to create a medium sized crater and breaking several of Trixie’s bones. Also knocking her out cold.

Twilight then turned to Diana and, with kind eyes and a gentle smile, she said:

“Now that this is over, why don’t we go home?”

Diana smiled.

“That sounds great. But, what about them?”, said Diana. Pointing to their fallen enemies.

Twilight then pointed hand towards both of them and, with a simple thought and a flick of her horn, they were nowhere to be seen.

“What did you do?”

“I teleported them to the hospital. Had I done otherwise, I would have been just as bad as the ones we’re facing against.

Diana’s smile grew. Although she was more powerful than before, her beloved Guardian hadn’t changed at all.

“Now then”, said Twilight, while surprising Diana, who let an adorable squeak, and getting her into her arms. Making it look like she was carrying Diana in bridal style. This, of course, caused both mares to blush. “Shall we go?”

Diana smiled again. And, while laying her muzzle on the crook of her Twilight’s neck, she responded softly.

“Yes. We shall.”

Twilight then used her Cloth’s wings to take off and carry them home. And, during the trip, they, unknowingly, shared the same thought.

“*Someday...someday, I’ll have the courage to tell her how much I love her.*”


Author's Note:

Maexam's Notes:

-The characters in this fiction are anthros;

-This is AU and a crossover with Saint Seiya. This fiction is based on season 1 (just before the Sanctuary arc) episode 30 – The Raging Cosmo of Love (links for those who haven’t seen it:

-Dub: http://kissanime.com/Anime/Saint-Seiya-Dub/Episode-030?id=110792

-Sub: http://kissanime.com/Anime/Saint-Seiya/Episode-030?id=8424 );

-Luna and Celestia don’t exist in this fanfic. Nightmare Moon is the only goddess. But, just like Athena is Saori Kido, Nightmare Moon is Diana Selene.

-Although this is based on the above mentioned episode, I changed the dialogs. This is how I think the episode should have been.

-Although Twilight is replacing Seiya, she’s not the Pegasus saint. She’s the Alicorn saint and she’s also Diana’s personal guardian.

-Characters: Trixie as Shina, Blueblood as Jamian, Twilight as Seiya, Diana (Nightmare Moon) as Saori and Chrysalis as The Great Master (mentioned only).

Comments ( 5 )

6489742 I never heard of that song or it`s author. Hmmm... So, I`ll settle for a ''maybe''.

Not really my cup of tea these kinds of crossovers, just don't like how named attacks are shouted out in non-english in these ones, either keep everything in english or everything in japanese, mixing the two together is cringeworthy to read.

6556784 I see. Well, I can't edit it now. The only ones who CAN change the chapter(s) are the story's owners. That is, the creator(s). But I appreciate you bringing it to my attention. It's just that, the english names sounded like they kind of lost their impact. Like they weren't as awesome as the original ones. In retrospect, I could have written their translations to english besides then in (). For instance, Alicorn Ryu Sei Ken would be Alicorn's Meteor. I kind of looses it's luster, so to speak. And Trixie's (a.k.a Shina) attack would Thunder Claws. It maybe just me, but I don't think it sounds as cool. Oh well.

7778856 Good enough for me^^

Ha! I wanted something that'd be impactful and difficult for him. Didn't even think about that. :twilightoops:

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